Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1713: Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is located in the old city of Milan, to the west of the Sforza Castle. The two are only a few hundred meters apart, so they are very close.

This famous church was built in 1460 and expanded in 1492 by the famous architect Bramante. It is a complete architectural complex and a famous world cultural heritage.

What makes this church world-famous is, firstly, its extremely well-preserved ancient architecture, which is one of the typical representatives of High Renaissance architecture.

But the main reason is the “Last Supper” painted on the wall of a restaurant inside the church, Leonardo da Vinci’s unparalleled masterpiece.

In 1495, shortly after the expansion of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie was completed, Leonardo da Vinci accepted the order from the church and began to paint “The Last Supper” on a wall in the church.

The emergence of this famous mural opened up a new century in the history of art. It also made the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie famous in history and became a holy place in the minds of countless art lovers.

Almost without exception, anyone who travels to Milan, as long as time permits and can reserve a seat, will visit this church to admire Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece.

The same goes for Ye Tian and the others. Now that they have arrived in Milan, they cannot miss “The Last Supper”.

What’s more, this famous mural also hides many secrets. Over the past five hundred years, it has been shrouded in mystery, but no one has been able to see through it and give an accurate explanation.

For Ye Tian, ​​who is a top professional treasure hunter, this is even more attractive, even far more attractive to him than the famous mural itself.

Just after 9:30 in the morning, Ye Tian and his convoy arrived at Santa Maria delle Grazie Church and stopped on the roadside in the square in front of the church.

At this time, the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie was open to visitors. The square in front was bustling with people and extremely lively. As far as the eye could see, the square was filled with black heads.

At the entrance of the church, there were already two long queues, winding in the square and stretching far out. The queues were all filled with tourists waiting to enter the church.

As the motorcade came to a stop, Cole’s voice came from the headphones.

“Steven, the guys who arrived at Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in advance reported that they carefully checked the situation here and found no threats. The scene is safe. You can get off the car with confidence!”

“Okay, Cole”

Ye Tian responded, then reached out to open the door of the bulletproof SUV, got out of the car with Betty, and stood in the square in front of the St. Mary of Thanksgiving Church.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted countless attention. Almost everyone nearby looked at them and whispered in surprise.

“Let me go! Why is this guy Steven here? Is it possible that this guy is going to ransack Santa Maria delle Grazie Church and repeat his crazy behavior at the Canal Antique Market?”

“Of course it’s impossible. This guy Steven should be here to appreciate “The Last Supper” just like us. Don’t forget, he is also a top antique art appraisal expert!

And this guy is a well-known plague god. No matter where he goes, he will almost cause a disturbance, big or small. We must be more careful and don’t suffer the same disaster.”

Amidst the heated discussion, two of Leonardo’s men and two staff members of Santa Maria delle Grazie Church quickly passed through the crowd in the square and came to Ye Tian.

After standing still, one of the middle-aged men dressed as priests immediately smiled and said:

“Good morning, Mr. Steven, welcome to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Nice to meet you. I am Camilo, the priest of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. I will be responsible for showing you around”

“Good morning, Mr. Camilo, I am Steven. It is a pleasure to meet you and I am very honored to visit the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. I have been famous here for a long time and I have wanted to visit it for a long time! ”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, shaking hands with Camilo.

Next, he introduced Betty and Anderson, and Camilo introduced another church staff member.

After everyone got to know each other, Ye Tian immediately reached out and pointed to the back, pretending to be helpless and said:

“Camilo, let’s go inside the church. This is not the place to talk. There are too many people following us, including police, media reporters, and many protestors!”

Hearing this, Camilo immediately turned his head and looked at the crowds of people and the vehicles that were still coming one after another, then turned back and said:

“Okay, Mr. Steven, please come with me and I will take you into the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie”

After saying that, the buddy turned around and led Ye Tian and his group through the crowd in the square and towards the special passage reserved for church staff.

At the same time that a large number of media reporters rushed to the square in front of the church, Ye Tian and the others had also entered the St. Mary of Thanksgiving Church and disappeared from the sight of people in the square.

This immediately caused a commotion in the square, and many people started talking angrily.

“Why doesn’t that guy Steven have to queue up? Why does he enjoy the privilege of entering Santa Maria delle Grazie Church without queuing up? It’s so unfair!”

“Did you see it? The person who led Steven’s guys into the church was a middle-aged priest, and his attitude was very friendly. Obviously, that **** Steven does have privileges.

Is it possible that he enjoys this privilege because of the two priceless works of art he gave to the Vatican? If explained this way, it seems to make sense! “

Different from the ordinary tourists in the square, the many media reporters who followed clearly had more thoughts in their minds when they saw this scene.

It seems that the rumors are correct. That guy Steven has a very good relationship with the Vatican. Their visit to Italy this time is most likely at the invitation of the Vatican.

But why the Vatican invited them to Italy is unknown. Is it possible that they have some cooperation plans?

After entering the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Ye Tian and the others, led by Camilo, passed through the central passage of the church and went straight to the famous Vinciano Restaurant, where “The Last Supper” is located.

As for the other antique artworks displayed in this ancient church, although they were also very good, they only glanced at them briefly and had no intention of appreciating them carefully.

After appreciating “The Last Supper”, it’s not too late to go back and appreciate this ancient building and other antique works of art. There is plenty of time.

During the journey, Ye Tian did not forget to secretly turn on the perspective to explore the underground, walls on both sides, and other corners of the area he passed to see if there were any secrets hidden in these places.

This is an ancient church built in the late fifteenth century. Milan is the northern gateway to the whole of Italy and a battleground for military strategists. Nine out of ten ancient buildings here will have secret passages and dark rooms!

As he expected, he found something deep underground and on the walls on both sides of the church, and it was a surprising discovery.

But it is a pity that the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie can never be sold, and those secrets and treasures hidden in the darkness can never belong to him.

Unless he is willing to be a gentleman, secretly steal those valuable antiques and art, and keep those secrets as his own, he doesn’t despise doing that kind of thing.

So, he could only look back and sigh, but he could not have those secrets and treasures.

While talking, Ye Tian and his group had already arrived at the door of Vinciano Restaurant. As long as they walked into this restaurant, they could see Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, “The Last Supper”.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly turned around and said to the people around him:

“When visiting “The Last Supper”, please do not take out your mobile phone or camera to take pictures. This mural has a history of more than 500 years, and the light from mobile phones and cameras will cause damage to it.

If you want to take a photo with this famous mural as a souvenir, after the visit, go to the church yard, where there is a same-scale replica of the original work, and you can take a photo there”

“Understood, dear”

Betty smiled and nodded in response, her eyes full of excitement and expectation.

Others also nodded in response. Everyone was full of expectations and wished they could see Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, “The Last Supper” right away.

Next, Camilo pushed open the iron door in front that was only for church staff to enter and exit, and led Ye Tian and the others into the Vinciano restaurant.

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