Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1513: Social scum, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Following the three British guys, two more German embassy officials came to visit Ye Tian.

They came not for the sunken treasure, but for the freighter carrying Rommel’s treasure and the corpses of German soldiers in the freighter, trying to learn more and more detailed information.

Since there is no conflict of interest, Ye Tian doesn’t mind forming a good relationship.

With many friends and many paths, I might decide to go treasure hunting in Germany that day.

Based on this consideration, Ye Tian invited two German officials to meet upstairs. He made a copy of the relevant information he had and could disclose and gave it to the two German officials.

Of course, he still kept some secret information involving Rommel’s treasure secret and kept it in his own hands.

Not long after the two German embassy officials left, Anderson and his assistant lawyer rushed to the Regina Hotel. They didn’t even put their luggage and went directly to the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived.

After entering and exchanging a few words, Anderson said with some concern:

“Steven, when we entered the hotel just now, we saw a lot of people protesting in front of the hotel. The object of those people’s protests was us. To be more precise, they came for you.

It can be heard from the slogans of the protests that they strongly demand that you return the Nacui gold and jewelry diamonds salvaged from the English Channel, claiming that they are the wealth of North Africa.

I glanced at the composition of the protest crowd, and there were many North African Arab faces among them. I could tell from their French and English pronunciation that some of them seemed to have bad intentions!

In addition, there are some Spaniards holding banners and shouting slogans, demanding that you return the gold and silver treasures salvaged from the Galen ship, claiming that those gold and silver treasures belong to Spain! “

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

“I know the situation in front of the hotel. Not long after we arrived at the Regina Hotel, people came here to protest and demonstrate. Today is Saturday, which is a routine protest day for the French!

The first people who came here to protest were some college students, including French college students, some North African Arab college students, and a few Spanish students or Hispanic students.

The banners they put up and the slogans they shouted, as you just saw, strongly demanded that I return the sunken treasures, and severely condemned my bad behavior of destroying the underwater ruins!

Later on, some idle people joined the protest crowd and strengthened the momentum of the protest. You don’t have to think about it. Many of those guys came to fish in troubled waters, trying to make some bargains!

In France, especially in Paris on Saturday, there are so many of these social scum that we can’t even count them. They are all over the streets. It is these scum that are smashed, smashed, looted and burned in every street protest”

“You’re right, Steven, street protests in Paris, no matter how big or small, almost always develop into a riot, a carnival of smashing, looting and burning!

Those who create riots and use protests and demonstrations to smash, loot, and burn are just such a group of social scum. Some people even make a living from this and regard it as their career! “

Anderson nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian’s analysis.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“It’s not that I’m biased or racially biased. Many of the dregs of society who were smashed, looted, and burned were immigrants from the North African Arab region, or descendants of North African Arab immigrants!

Among them, Algerians and their descendants are the most numerous, and Libyans and Egyptians are also in the minority. These countries happened to be Rommel’s main battlefields when he fought in North Africa.

Of course, most of the gold, jewelry and diamonds in Rommel’s treasure were also looted from these countries and tribes. This is undeniable and everyone knows it.

So I’m not surprised that these North African Arab guys came to protest and demonstrate. It would be strange if they didn’t come. And the purpose of those scum is probably not only to protest and demonstrate!

Although I didn’t see any protestors, I’m sure there must be guys with daggers or guns among the crowd, and some even brought Molotov cocktails, ready to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

If they cause trouble on the streets of Paris, smash, loot, and burn, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t mind standing by and watching the excitement, but if they come to me, it can only be said that they are blind!

No matter who it is, even if I, the King of Heaven, come in person, don’t try to rob me or take advantage of my private property, otherwise they will chop my hands and stamp my feet, let alone a group of social scum.

Those social scum mixed in with the protesting crowd are just waiting for it. If they dare to attack, they will go to hell. No one can save them, not God or God!

We already know something about the situation at the hotel entrance and have formulated a response strategy. Those guys can’t afford to make any big waves. Let’s not talk about this. Let’s talk about the situation in New York! “

“Okay, Steven”

Anderson nodded in response, his expression already much more relaxed.

Next, he briefly introduced the situation in New York, which was similar to what Ye Tian learned over the phone. Everything went very smoothly.

After chatting for a while, Anderson and the others got up and left, returning to their respective rooms.

Not long after they left, several old friends in the field of French antique art collection came to visit again.

Although I know the purpose of these guys, I still have to work hard to save face.

Ye Tian invited all these old friends into the living room of the suite, served them fragrant coffee, and started laughing and chatting.

After a few words of greeting, these French guys began to ask roundaboutly whether the purpose of Ye Tian’s return to Paris this time was to come for a mysterious treasure somewhere as rumored by the outside world!

Ye Tian smiled secretly, and threw out the same rhetoric he had used to deal with Martinez before. He only said that he did have a purpose for returning to Paris, but the specific content was inconvenient to reveal.

As for whether this matter was related to a certain treasure, he neither gave a positive answer nor denied it, leaving everyone confused!

After hearing his answer, what else could those French guys do?

They could only roll their eyes angrily a few times and complain secretly, but they couldn’t do anything else, let alone Ye Tian!

After chatting for a while, these French guys could only get up and say goodbye and leave, finding nothing and being confused.

After seeing off these old friends, Ye Tian raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Before I knew it, it was already 6:40 pm.

“Matisse, tell the guys to prepare the vehicles. Let’s leave the hotel and go to the Avenue de la Cité in Chanones, and then find a better restaurant to have dinner.

Remember to remind guys that they must be fully armed. Today is Saturday. Paris will definitely be more chaotic and dangerous today than in the past. We must be prepared!

Be sure to pay attention to the crowd of protestors in front of the hotel. If nothing else, there must be many people with ulterior motives hidden in the crowd of protesters, who may take the opportunity to cause trouble! “

Ye Tian said through the wireless headset, and walked towards the bedroom, preparing to change into a set of clothes and go out, and arm himself.

“Okay, Steven, I’ll notify the guys right away so that everyone can be prepared to make sure nothing goes wrong. Don’t worry, no one can take advantage of us.

One more thing, I just received a notice from the hotel that several officials from the embassies of Egypt and Algeria have come together and want to see you. They are already in the hotel lobby!

They must also be here for the Nacui gold, jewelry and diamonds that Rommel hid. Do you want to see them? If not, I will ask the hotel to send those guys away! “

Mattis’s voice came from the earphones, reporting the situation.

Hearing this, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then replied in a deep voice:

“It doesn’t hurt to meet. After all, those guys are diplomats and represent the face of their respective countries. There is no need to make the relationship too tense. They still have to give them some face.

Let them wait in the coffee shop on the first floor of the hotel. When we go downstairs and leave the hotel, I will go over and say a few words to put an end to their unrealistic fantasies! “

While saying this, Ye Tian reached out and picked up an M9 pistol from the box in front of him, and inserted it directly into the holster under his left armpit.

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