Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1512: Afternoon leisure time, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The news that Ye Tian returned to Paris spread like wind throughout this famous city.

The first time they heard the news, almost everyone immediately thought that this extremely lucky and greedy guy had discovered some unknown treasure in Paris?

This possibility is very high! It’s normal for anything magical to happen to this **** who is frequently visited by God!

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes were focused on Ye Tian.

Everyone wants to see why he came back to Paris and what kind of miracle he will create, shocking the whole world and everyone again!

After hearing the news of Ye Tian’s return to Paris, people in the field of French antique art collections all frowned, their eyes filled with worry and even a bit of fear!

Of course, there was also gnashing of teeth, curses and hatred, coming from those unlucky ones who had been robbed by Ye Tian.

These guys are afraid that he will once again loot the French antique art market and madly sweep away the treasures that belong to France and belong to them, just like he looted the Saint-Ouin flea market!

The weekend demonstrations that originally attracted a lot of attention were partially distracted by Ye Tian’s return to Paris, which somewhat eased the pressure on the Paris police!

Of course, at this time, the top brass of the Paris police had a splitting headache, and they were all hopping and cursing, almost going crazy!

Now they not only have to keep an eye on the demonstrations that may turn into a riot at any time, but also keep an eye on Ye Tian and the others to prevent them from turning Paris into a battlefield. How can they not be furious about it!

At this time, the heavy motorcade that Ye Tian and Betty were riding in had already passed through the Champs Elysées and arrived at the Regina Hotel where they had stayed before.

Seeing them coming again, the manager of Regina Hotel felt like crying, but he had to welcome them.

You can’t make money without turning away customers! What’s more, these customers are very generous and can attract countless attention, increasing the hotel’s popularity and influence!

So, the manager of Regina Hotel could only put on a bright smile, welcome Ye Tian and others into the hotel, and take them to the reserved presidential suite, feeling pain and happiness at the same time!

The room that Ye Tian and the others stayed in this time was still the same floor and room that they had stayed in before, and they were all very familiar.

Same as before, after checking in, Ye Tian thoroughly looked through the entire presidential suite. He didn’t miss the next few rooms, the rooms upstairs and downstairs, and the walls outside the suite!

Perhaps because he arrived so suddenly this time, he caught the French police and intelligence agencies off guard, and the French did not have time to make arrangements.

Perhaps because of the weekly routine demonstrations and the need to guard against troublemakers, the French police and intelligence agencies are too busy to take care of both.

Perhaps it’s because the French police and intelligence agencies know that they can’t monitor these **** from the United States, and they don’t want to waste their time!

In every corner of the presidential suite, Ye Tian did not find any surveillance equipment or the existence of a surveillance team.

While he was looking through these rooms, Mattis led the security personnel to search all the rooms thoroughly, and no surveillance equipment was found.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse and the others began to install surveillance equipment and anti-surveillance and listening equipment, and soon the half floor of the Regina Hotel was completely under control!

By the time I finish all this, it’s almost lunch time.

Everyone went to the restaurant downstairs in batches to enjoy a sumptuous lunch, and then returned to their respective rooms to rest and recharge for the next action!

In the blink of an eye, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon.

After lunch break, Ye Tian did not leave the Regina Hotel and went to the early Renaissance style building that belonged to him on Avenue de Chanunes in Ile de la Cité.

He and Betty were snuggled on the sofa in the living room, laughing and chatting in low voices, sipping fragrant coffee, admiring the beautiful scenery of the Tuileries Garden and the Seine outside the window, enjoying a wonderful afternoon.

“My dear, what is hidden in that building on Chanunes Street? Is it another treasure? How did you find it? I found nothing in the basement we went to together!”

Betty turned to look at Ye Tian and asked, her eyes full of curiosity and excitement.

While chatting just now, Ye Tian revealed the purpose of returning to Paris this time, which was to hunt for treasures in the ancient building on Avenue de Chanunes.

Of course, when talking about this matter, he used some Spring and Autumn writing techniques to make everything sound reasonable and reasonable, so as not to arouse any suspicion!

Ye Tian smiled softly, then smiled and whispered:

“To be honest, I don’t know exactly what is hidden deep underground in that ancient building. If it is a treasure, that would be great!

That early Renaissance-style building has a long history. From the French Revolution to the present, the owners don’t know how many times it has been replaced. There are many stories hidden behind it!

According to my observation and analysis, combined with the history of that ancient building, I can basically confirm that there must be a secret room or secret passage deep underground in that building, and it has existed for at least two hundred years!

As for how I discovered it, it includes relevant professional knowledge, a mysterious sixth sense, and my consistently good luck. I can’t tell for a while.

You don’t have to worry, tomorrow at the latest, I will reveal this secret. By then, we will know what treasures are hidden deep underground in that ancient building! “

“Well, I can only wait until tomorrow. I hope I can witness a miracle tomorrow!”

“Dear, I have a hunch that you will not be disappointed, and you will even get a huge surprise!”

Ye Tian chuckled and whispered, his eyes full of confidence.

While he was talking, Ye Tian’s cell phone suddenly rang. It was Anderson calling.

The call was connected, and Anderson’s voice came over immediately.

“Good afternoon, Steven, we have arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport and are heading to downtown Paris. In more than half an hour, we will be able to arrive at the hotel!”

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately continued:

“Good afternoon Anderson, I’ll wait for you at the hotel. Once everyone is here, we can start taking action!”

After chatting for a while, the two ended the call. They did not say anything sensitive on the phone to avoid leaking the information.

A moment later, Matisse’s voice came from the wireless earphones again.

“Steven, there are three guys from the British Ministry of Culture who want to see you and talk to you about the Galen ship and the gold and silver treasures. They are in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Do you want to see those guys? ”

Hearing this, Ye Tian gave the answer without hesitation.

“You can think of the reason for those British guys coming here. They are just coming for the treasure of the sunken ship. They want to get a share of it, or even monopolize the gold and silver treasure!

They are dreaming, there is no possibility at all. I am too lazy to see those British guys. It is a waste of time. If I have the time, I might as well enjoy the scenery!

Let French lawyer Antoine come forward to deal with those greedy British guys. Don’t forget to bring the photos taken at the bottom of the sea and relevant information about the armed privateer.

It was an armed privateer from the seventeenth century, not a British Royal Navy warship. To put it bluntly, it was a sea robber, no better than a notorious pirate.

In addition, the gold and silver treasures came from Spanish Latin American colonies, were stolen by thieves, and sank in the high seas. This series of facts is enough to make the British speechless! “

“Okay, Steven, I’ll notify Antoine right now and ask him to send away those greedy British guys!”

Mattis responded, then ended the call and took action.

When Antoine came to the coffee shop on the first floor of the hotel and placed the evidence in front of the three British guys one by one, he immediately silenced the three guys and blushed like a monkey’s butt. Extremely embarrassing!

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