Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1467: Dense fog, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

It’s foggy!

As soon as he got up in the morning, Ye Tian saw through the porthole window that thick fog had filled the entire sea area, and the visibility was estimated to be only a little over a hundred meters.

After walking out of the bedroom and onto the deck, Ye Tian raised his eyes and looked around.

The Brave Dauntless, anchored about a hundred meters behind ‘Beautiful Baby’, has been shrouded in thick fog. The bow of the ship can be seen clearly towards Pretty Baby, while the stern part is completely hidden in the thick fog. inside.

On the other side, the superyacht where the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team is located is also the same, only one bow can be seen!

As for the sky above your head, you can’t see it at all. When you look up, you can only see a gray sea fog and nothing else!

For today’s situation, Ye Tian had already expected it before setting off to explore the sunken treasures in the English Channel, so he was not surprised.

This is the intersection of warm and cold ocean currents. The temperature and salinity of the two ocean currents are different. Coupled with the influence of the westerly wind, the tides in the English Channel rise and fall and the exchange of cold and warm is frequent. It is foggy and windy and rough all year round!

Today, there is only thick fog, and the sea is relatively calm. It will not affect the upcoming exploration and salvage of sunken treasures, which is relatively lucky!

Standing on the deck and observing the surrounding situation, Ye Tian took out the wireless invisible earphones, turned on the matching miniature microphone, and wore it.

Immediately afterwards, he said through the wireless invisible earphone:

“Good morning, Mattis, there is heavy fog on the sea and the visibility is very poor. Remember to inform the guys and ask everyone to be more careful to prevent anyone from breaking into the sea while taking advantage of the thick fog.

In addition, everyone is reminded to avoid collisions with other ships and be prepared to dispatch rescues at any time. Don’t forget to warn nearby ships to be more honest! “

As soon as he finished speaking, Matisse’s voice came from the earphones.

“Good morning, Steven, don’t worry, I have made corresponding arrangements. The radars of all our ships have been turned to maximum power to monitor this sea area.

Although this sea area is filled with fog, no one or ship can break into it, whether on the sea or underwater, unless someone is not afraid of death and dives from the seabed dozens of meters deep.

We have warned the ships behind us and driven away three ships that tried to break into this place under the thick fog. I believe this is enough to serve as a warning to the guys on the other ships! “

“Well done, let me tell the guys to cheer up and be vigilant. At about ten o’clock this morning, we will start an operation to explore and salvage the sunken treasure.

By then, as long as the fog has not lifted, we can use the cover of this thick fog to avoid the coveted eyes of those nearby and dive deep into the seabed to explore the sunken treasures.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words full of confidence and expectation.

Next, he chatted with Mattis about today’s work schedule before ending the call.

Then he returned to the bedroom and started to wash up, and then went to the gym for morning exercises, starting what was sure to be an extremely exciting day.

Time passed quickly, and it was already nine o’clock in the morning.

Jason and Mathis, Kenny and Byrne, as well as several technical staff on the Intrepid, as well as Chandler and several staff from the live broadcast team,

Everyone gathered in the luxurious living room of ‘Beautiful Baby’, sipping fragrant coffee and talking about today’s work arrangements.

“Guys, at ten o’clock in the morning, we will start an operation to explore and salvage the sunken treasure. The target is the cargo ship filled with gold and jewelry and diamonds that has been sleeping on the seabed for more than 70 years.

Same as yesterday, before we safely reach the bottom of the sea and see the freighter, we will inevitably have to do some exploration to avoid the ubiquitous and extremely dangerous undercurrents in this sea area.

After finding a safe passage directly to the bottom of the sea, we can dive deep into the bottom of the sea to salvage sunken treasures. This time we will not only use underwater robots, but also small sightseeing submarines.

As expected, we have to wear dry diving suits and carry diving thrusters to carry out deep diving operations in the sea. This is undoubtedly more flexible, but of course, it also comes with a lot of risks.

The specific method of exploring the sea will be determined at that time, but I believe that we will definitely find something today and find the freighter filled with Nacui gold and jewelry and diamonds! “

Having said this, Ye Tian paused for a moment and quickly glanced at the people sitting in the living room, all of whom looked excited.

Then he continued:

“Next, let me talk about today’s work arrangements and personnel arrangements. As long as everyone is in their respective positions and does their job well, the results will be natural.

Kenny, Bourne, your job is still the same as yesterday, leading the technical staff on the Intrepid to remotely control the underwater robot to explore the seabed where the sunken ship is located.

In addition, you must take into account communication and monitoring work, provide communication support for all exploration fleet owners, and monitor the operating sea area to prevent anyone from fishing in troubled waters.

You also need to cooperate with the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team, share the video data returned from the seabed with them, do a good job in live broadcast, and ensure that this treasure hunt operation is open and transparent! “

“Understood, Steven, just leave these tasks to us and there will never be any problems!”

Kenny and Burn nodded in unison, both very excited and even a little impatient.

The same goes for the technical staff on the Brave Dauntless, who nodded one after another, and everyone’s eyes were full of expectation.

Before he finished speaking, Kenny said immediately:

“Steven, after the exploration operation begins, can we go to the sea to have a look? Enjoy the beautiful scenery on the seabed and experience the fun of salvaging sunken treasures. It must be very exciting!”

Ye Tian looked at this kid, and then said jokingly:

“With your kid’s physical condition, it’s definitely impossible to do a deep dive in a dry diving suit. If you were asked to dive deep, your kid’s lungs would probably burst if you didn’t reach a depth of 80 meters!

However, you can take a small sightseeing submarine into the sea to appreciate the underwater scenery. There are many opportunities for this, and not only you, but also others can take turns to go into the sea for a tour! “

“It’s great. I’m satisfied if I can ride or drive a submarine around the depths of the sea. As for wearing a diving suit for deep diving, I haven’t even dared to think about it. I still know this. Yes! “

Kenny said excitedly, almost raising his arms and cheering.

The same goes for Bourne and several other technicians sitting next to him. Everyone is extremely excited and full of expectations!

Next, Ye Tian turned to look at Jason and Anderson, and said to these two guys:

“Jason, after the exploration operation begins and we dive underwater, you will be responsible for the affairs of the ships in the exploration fleet. I believe you can do a good job.

Anderson, as usual, you will be responsible for all legal matters, and Antoine’s team of French lawyers will be led by you to deal with the British and French! “

“No problem, Steven, we will take care of everything and make sure you have nothing to worry about!”

Jason and Anderson responded in unison, answering very simply without any hesitation.

In the past few treasure hunts, they have been responsible for these aspects. They are already familiar with the road and naturally full of confidence!

Then, Ye Tian turned to Matisse and Walker and said with a smile:

“Mattis, later you will hand over the security of the exploration fleet on the sea to Walker, and be ready to go with me to the bottom of the sea to explore sunken treasures.

Even if we are going to use small sightseeing submarines and underwater robots this time, eventually someone will have to wear a dry diving suit, dive deep to the bottom of the sea, and work inside the sunken ship!

With the depth of the sunken ship, not many people in our exploration fleet can dive deep, so we have to go out and explore the seabed ourselves.

After the exploration is completed and the relevant information and value of the sunken ship on the seabed are determined, if it is worth salvaging, other divers will put on heavy diving suits and go into the sea to start the salvage operation!

In addition, we cannot let go of the Galen ship discovered yesterday. We are going to explore it. What treasures are hidden in that treasure room? I am very much looking forward to it! “

“Okay, Steven, I’m ready to go deep into the sea at any time!”

Mattis nodded and answered decisively.

At the end, Ye Tian turned to look at Chandler.

“Chandler, you have two choices. One is to stay on the Brave and Intrepid like yesterday and use the video data sent back from the bottom of the sea to conduct a live broadcast. The live broadcast effect must be good!

Another option is to send people to follow us in a small sightseeing submarine to explore the sea with us. This live broadcast will definitely have the best effect, but it will inevitably be accompanied by certain dangers! “

Without any hesitation, Chandler made his decision immediately.

“Of course we choose to go to the sea and conduct live broadcasts on the bottom of the sea. Only in this way can we obtain the best live broadcast effect. You are not afraid of danger, and we cannot be timid either!”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but nodded slightly in appreciation and agreed with Chandler’s choice.

While talking, Raymond’s voice suddenly came from the earphones.

“Steven, several British guys came by boat. They are said to be officials from the British Ministry of Culture. They asked to see you. Will you let them come?”

“Let them come over. I have roughly guessed why these British guys are here!”

Ye Tian responded in a low voice, but a disdainful sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth.

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