Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 383: Roman Vase (please vote and recommend), the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!


Ye Tian secretly took a deep breath and began to calm his breathing and adjust his emotions.

The excitement was quickly suppressed by him, and he could take action.

“Good afternoon, man, can you take a look at these Portland vases? I have always wanted to buy two to decorate the apartment, but unfortunately I didn’t come across them. I didn’t expect to find them here. They are really a good one. Surprise”

Ye Tian pointed to a few vases on the stall and said, with an expression of surprise on his face, and his performance was very realistic.

The surprise is real, but if you want to buy two vases to decorate your apartment, you are just talking nonsense!

Hearing this, Betty next to me almost couldn’t help laughing!

Steven must have found the treasure! That’s why I came here to act. I just don’t know what treasures there are in this stall? It actually made him so tempted!

This is an antique stall with a variety of items, such as oil paintings, porcelain, clocks, handicrafts, and various imitation antiques, etc. There is everything, a lot of goods, and a dazzling array!

Most of the goods on the stall are of average value, not worth much at all. There are very few goods over 2,000 US dollars, just a bunch of cheap antiques.

However, among these cheap antiques, there is a priceless treasure hidden.

This treasure is lying quietly on the stall, waiting for someone to identify it! Dig it out!

And this person with a discerning eye is undoubtedly Ye Tian!

His eyes were fixed on this antique and he was unwilling to look away for a moment.

Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses at this time, otherwise the stall owner would have noticed something unusual. His eyes were so bright, they were like searchlights!

“Good afternoon, Steven, welcome to my booth, please take a look! If you have any questions, you can ask at any time! I am very happy to serve you!”

The stall owner replied with a smile, a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He is confident that he knows those Portland vases very well and knows how much they are worth!

And he also understood that not only did he know it, but everyone who had even studied European art history knew about this vase, and the New York **** in front of him was no exception.

There is absolutely nothing to be missed here, and Steven, the bastard, has no chance of taking any advantage.

Similarly, don’t even think about taking this opportunity to kill this New York bastard, there’s no chance of that!

The reason is this proverbial vase! Everyone knows it’s fake!


Ye Tian nodded in response, then reached out and picked up one of the four Portland vases, placed it on the table in front of him, and began to appreciate it carefully.

His movements seemed casual, but the vase he picked up was carefully selected and was exactly his goal!

The Portland Vase is a glass amphorae vase, the treasure of the British Museum. It comes from the Roman Empire and was owned by the Duke of Portland in the 18th century, hence the name Portland Vase.

Authentic Portland Vase was made in the early 1st century AD! It is one of only 15 ancient Roman gem glass products in existence, and it is also the most exquisite ancient Roman gem glass product in existence!

In the eyes of Westerners, ancient Rome and ancient Greek culture are their roots. The Portland vase from ancient Rome is one of the most perfect works of art. It is a priceless treasure and highly respected!

The vase is 24 cm high and has a central circumference of about 56 cm. There is an ear on each side of the bottle neck. It is very symmetrical and the vase is not large! Smooth lines, rounded and natural, elegant shape!

The Portland vase has a dark cobalt blue background, is translucent, and is covered with opaque white glass carved into seven figures. The contrasting colors are so beautiful!

Only one of the figures carved on the white glass can be identified, Cupid, the winged **** of love. The other six are unidentifiable and should also be images of Roman gods.

The sculpted figures are all naked or semi-naked, sitting, standing, or lying. Their postures are all graceful and leisurely, and their images are exactly the same as those unearthed ancient Roman sculptures!

This vase is perfect in terms of color, carving, manufacturing process, and overall shape. It is full of charming charm and is a well-deserved top-notch work of art.

All Roman gem glass products in history were basically made within less than a hundred years BC, specifically from 27 BC to AD 68.

The main works include vases, large wall reliefs, small jewelry, etc. The quantities are very rare!

With the suicide of Nero, the last emperor of the Claudius dynasty of the Roman Empire, this gem glass product disappeared in the long history.

It was not until the eighteenth century when Greek and Roman retro styles became popular in Europe that many imitations of such works reappeared in Europe.

Although gem glass products are a craft that dates back nearly 2,000 years and appear to be very ancient, they are quite difficult to imitate and the production of relief glass takes a very long time.

The most realistic imitations of Portland vases are those made by the British official kiln Wedgwood in 1790 and Northwood’s 1876 imitations.

It took three years to make the first Portland vase glass replica and went through countless failures before finally succeeding. This shows how difficult it is to imitate!

Since the success of imitation, Portland vases began to be copied in large numbers until the end of the Victorian era, when this imitation ended.

In recent decades, the British have begun to imitate a large number of them, and replicas of this vase can often be seen on the market, being sold as handicrafts!

In addition to its age, uniqueness, and superb craftsmanship, this vase also has a lot of mystery, which makes it extraordinarily valuable and attracts the attention of the world!

Since the discovery of this vase, art historians of all ages have been studying the mysterious images on the vase, trying to decipher the meaning of these relief images.

For hundreds of years, art historians have provided more than 50 explanations for these pictures, but they can never reach a consensus. They can only confirm that these pictures represent Roman myths and legends.

Now, this vase has been regarded as a puzzle of classical times, more difficult than the riddle of the Sphinx! It seems to never be solved.

Perhaps it would be better not to untie it, as that might reduce the charm of this vase!

This vase was first discovered in Rome at the end of the 16th century. Its previous history is undocumented, but since then, the records of its collection, sale, and whereabouts have been extremely clear.

In the European upper class society and in the field of art collection, this is a priceless treasure that everyone is paying close attention to and chasing after crazily!

What is in front of Ye Tian at this moment is the world-famous Portland vase.

Of course, these vases in front of you are just replicas! It’s just more beautifully made!

The authentic Portland vase is currently placed in the exhibition hall of the British Museum for people to appreciate, take photos, and experience the glory of the Roman Empire. No one is allowed to touch it!

The reason for being so careful is because this treasure of the museum was broken into pieces in 1845!

The perpetrator was an alcoholic. He used a sculpture to smash the Portland vase and its shield into pieces. It is now unknown why he specifically chose this vase.

After some rescue and repair, the vase was completely isolated and the protection was so tight that even the museum staff could not touch it!

There is only one such vase in the world. As long as you see it outside the British Museum, it must be a replica. There is no doubt at all.

That’s why the stall owner is disappointed. This vase cannot be used to deceive people, unless you are mentally ill!

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