Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1: Fuck the American Dream, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

“Fuck the American dream! Fuck New York! I won’t serve you anymore!”

Ye Tian stood on the Brooklyn Bridge, glanced at Manhattan not far away, cursed with grief, anger and despair, and jumped into the slightly turbulent water.

Everything that happened to me in the past six months began to flash in my mind.

Unemployment, bankruptcy, breakup, house taken away by the evil bank, panic every day, countless cold rejections in the job search process, until now, almost penniless and desperate!

This is a dark half year, full of frustration and pain, without even a trace of good times worth remembering, let alone any happiness!

With only the last fifty dollars left on me, I will have to go to the aid station tomorrow to register for unemployment benefits, otherwise I will starve to death on the streets.

This is a way of life that I cannot tolerate at all and am unwilling to accept. The little self-esteem I still have in my heart will never allow myself to live on charity!

The so-called American dream has been completely shattered, and everything we have worked hard for has completely disappeared!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately showed a sad smile on his face.

“Since the world has abandoned me, I can only abandon this world!”

The water surface is getting closer and closer, and we are about to have close contact with it.

The expression of anger and despair has disappeared from Ye Tian’s face. He is now very calm, his eyes are dead, there is no tragedy or fear!

At the last moment when he fell into the East River, Ye Tian caught a glimpse of a white light flashing across the sky from the corner of his eye, heading straight towards him and disappearing into his body like lightning.

“What is this? How did it enter my body?”

But then he put all this aside completely.

“Let it go, love whoever you want!”


Ye Tian hit the water heavily, causing waves to splash.

It’s all over!



A mouthful of river water suddenly spurted out towards the sky.

The next second, Ye Tianyou opened his eyes.

Maybe I am already in the underworld!

But then the voice in his ear made him realize that he was still in the world, still in **** New York!

“Wake up! This guy finally woke up, he really didn’t drink enough water!”

English, with a strong flavor of the streets of Brooklyn.

Obviously he was rescued.

“You are so useless, you can’t even die! You can only live!”

Ye Tian smiled bitterly and muttered something in Chinese.

At this time, there was no excitement in his heart to survive the disaster, nor was there any gratitude to the rescuer, but only endless disappointment!

The people who rescued him were two middle-aged black men who cleaned up garbage on the river.

Seeing Ye Tian jump into the river, they immediately drove a garbage boat over, rescued him, and sent him to the river bank.

With his mind a little clearer, Ye Tian immediately stood up, smiled miserably at the two black men and said:

“Thank you for your help, I’m fine now”

“Young man, I don’t understand why you jumped into the river, but I know it was the stupidest choice!”

The taller black man said.

“Yes, no matter how difficult and desperate life is, it is still happier than death!”

Another black man also tried to persuade me, which was a bit like chicken soup for the soul.

“Thank you, can I leave?”

“Of course, you can leave at any time, but I don’t want to see you jumping into the river again!”

“No way! Since God won’t let me die, then I will live and see what the future will bring”

Ye Tian forced out an ugly smile, bowed to the two black brothers, then turned and walked towards the street not far away.

Death is the only way through the ages!

After experiencing this, all other difficulties seemed less terrifying and less despairing than before, the thick clouds in my heart also dispersed, and my breathing became much easier.

Ye Tian has indeed lost his will to die and is ready to face life again.

Crossing the street, he threw the cell phone that was soaked in water into the trash can and continued walking forward. It was not far from his residence, only ten minutes’ walk.

It’s time to pack your bags when you go back, as you will be sleeping on the streets from now on.


After walking for about ten minutes, we were already very close to our residence.

Ye Tian was in a very low mood and was thinking about what to do in the future as he walked.

Wall Street will definitely not be able to go back, and the financial investment banking field has completely closed the door to itself. It seems that we can only start from the bottom, doing jobs that we once despised, such as couriers, dock workers, salespersons, etc.

We must first ensure survival, and then we can look forward to a turnaround in the future.

While I was thinking, there was a sudden noise in my ears.

Looking up, I saw twenty or thirty people gathered in front of the warehousing company, laughing and chatting.

Ye Tian is very familiar with this scene. There is obviously a warehouse auction here today.

He had participated in this before when he was in college, in order to find some bargains, but every time he came back disappointed, and what he bought were basically useless things or garbage.

Many of the people gathered in front of me live nearby and are here to see if there are any bargains to be found. There are also many professional treasure diggers who are trying to make profits through the auction of abandoned warehouses.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately remembered that he still had a warehouse here.

After the house was taken away by the bank, some things that had no place to store were thrown here. Later, they were sold by themselves one after another to support their lives.

The warehouse has paid half a year’s rent, which will be due next month.

At present, it seems that it is impossible to renew the lease. If nothing else happens, it will be auctioned by the warehousing company.

But no matter who takes the photo, it will be a loss-making transaction and all they will gain is garbage.

Let’s go to the warehouse and have a look. Maybe there are things that can be sold, and you can take them to a second-hand store to exchange for some money.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately touched his jeans pocket. The keys were still in his pocket, as well as the remaining fifty dollars.

“Steven, what’s wrong with you?”

As soon as he reached the door of the warehousing company, someone came up to say hello. Steven was Ye Tian’s English name.

It’s Jason who lives in the same building, so he’s fairly familiar with him.

At this time, Ye Tian was wet all over, his clothes clung to his body, and he was very embarrassed. His face had a depressed expression, giving off the aura of a loser.

Fortunately it is summer, otherwise I would have frozen to death before I starved to death!

“I just fell into the water, that’s why I look like this”

Ye Tian smiled bitterly and replied, of course he couldn’t say that he attempted suicide by jumping into the river.

“You are so unlucky! Why don’t you go home immediately? You even came to participate in the warehouse auction!”

“I’m not here to participate in the auction. I have a warehouse here. I’ll drop in and pick up something.”

“So that’s it”

“What about you? Are you here to buy used goods or to make a fortune?”

“I’m here to buy used goods. It would be better if I could make a little money!”

Jason replied with a smile, his eyes shining.

While talking, the auctioneer came out and began to read the auction rules loudly.

“Good afternoon everyone, there are four warehouse auctions today. Transactions are in cash only. The cash in your pocket is the upper limit of the bid. You cannot go to an ATM or bank to withdraw money, you cannot enter the warehouse, and you are not allowed to touch the items. Do you understand? ? “


Everyone participating in the auction responded in unison.

“Everyone please come in, the warehouse auction begins”

After finishing speaking, the auctioneer led everyone towards the building.

There are also two warehousing company staff members and a woman is responsible for recording the auction prices. The other person is carrying hydraulic pliers and is responsible for cutting and opening the warehouse and maintaining order at the auction site.

The moment he turned around, the auctioneer saw the embarrassed Ye Tian, ​​but he didn’t pay attention. Everyone participated in the warehouse auction, even homeless people were not unusual.

Ye Tian didn’t care about other people’s opinions and followed him into the warehouse area.


The first auction is Warehouse No. 106, which is on the first floor, not far from the elevator.

Many auctioneers walked to the door of the warehouse and immediately blocked the aisle.

Ye Tian’s warehouse is on the second floor. Although his clothes are already half wet and half dry, it is a bit inappropriate to squeeze through the crowd to get to the elevator, which will definitely attract complaints from everyone.

There’s nothing going on anyway, so why not just follow along and watch the excitement.


The staff used hydraulic pliers to cut the padlock and open the abandoned warehouse.

“OK, you can visit now. Once again, you are not allowed to enter the warehouse and you are not allowed to touch the items. The total visit time is five minutes, ten seconds per person. Please don’t stay at the door for a long time. Do you understand?”

The auctioneer said loudly, then stepped back and stood by the door to supervise everyone.


Everyone responded, then stepped forward to look at the items in the warehouse, and secretly valued them.

From the way and equipment of the warehouse, you can roughly tell that those are professional treasure diggers, and those who come to join in the fun and pick up bargains.

Treasure diggers usually work in groups of two or three, holding bright lights in their hands that look like searchlights and can almost blind people!

They looked at it carefully and discussed it together in low voices to make the most accurate valuation and set a quotation limit based on the estimated selling price of the items in the warehouse.

For those items that cannot be seen, they will also make a rough prediction and evaluation based on the packaging, a little information revealed elsewhere, and the overall situation of the warehouse, and set a psychological price.

But generally speaking, they base their valuation on the items within sight. If the quotation exceeds the set quotation limit, they will stop immediately and behave very professionally.

Those ordinary Taobao hunters just check to see if there is anything they are interested in. They do not look carefully and the valuation is not accurate. They just take it for granted based on their preferences.

They don’t have any professional equipment. The best is to bring a household flashlight, but some don’t even bring a flashlight at all, just take a quick look.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

It won’t be long before the scene at the door of my warehouse will be like this!

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