Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1975: Exercise

Xiao Bai put on a small official’s clothes and stood in front of the mirror. His eyes did not fall on the clothes for the first time, but looked at his own face.

Having not looked in the mirror for many years, he unexpectedly found that he had grown up. He looked like he was sixteen or seventeen years old, but now he looked like he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

Twenty years makes me two years older.

He didn’t know whether to be happy or worried.

“I am an adult too!”

Smiling to himself, Xiaobai straightened the folds of his clothes, picked up the standard scimitar and walked out of the room.

Most of the handymen in Weiyang Yamen live in the Yamen. Although they have not officially joined the establishment and are still in the internship period, Xiaobai is assigned a single room.

Looking back at the fresh decoration in the room and comparing it with his previous life, he actually had the illusion of reaching the sky in one step!

“Oh, terrible, terrible!”

Close the door and Xiaobai goes to the class room where he works.

The Yamen Ward in Dongming Imperial Capital is where prisoners awaiting trial are detained. To put it bluntly, it is a detention center.

Xiao Bai is not a police officer. He is not good at writing documents, but he is good at pen and ink, so he is assigned to be a scribe in the prison cell. He records who comes to visit the prison, who comes to pick up prisoners, and who is arrested. It is very easy. A leisurely job is also a good job!

After all, if you want to visit the prison, you have to go through this hurdle. There is no benefit at all. He often refuses the other party on the ground.

But since it is a good job, how could it be his turn to be a newcomer?

Even if he joins the job, it will be difficult for him to make money. The wisdom passed down by veterans for thousands of years, how to exploit, control, and suppress newcomers, has been regarded as a classic and will be passed down forever.

In the military office, he had a taste of being a substitute.

Here, he tasted substitute again.

The difference is that day and night change, the hard night shift is gone, and it is all day shift, which makes Xiaobai a little bit dumbfounded.

I don’t know when the rules were passed down. Visiting the squad has almost become a night job. No one will visit the squad during the day. All records are recorded of the inmates coming in and out.

Obviously, this visit can only be done at night, when everyone is asleep. If you come and leave quietly, without anyone noticing, it is obviously a matter of honor and should not be treated as a shameful thing.

The strange thing is that even if a few people are forced to come to visit the class during the day, Xiaobai will not accept their money and let them in after asking about the situation. They will still not come during the day next time. As long as time permits, they will They have to wait until the middle of the night to stuff the money in. Otherwise, they don’t feel at ease. They always feel that Xiaobai has some conspiracy to harm them, so they borrow money to increase the sentence of their relatives so that they can ask for more in the future!


Xiaobai recorded this as material for a new book.

With a single room, you have a private creative space. Xiaobai quite likes this atmosphere.

In the past, what I wrote was based on what I saw, heard, and heard plus fantasy. Now, Xiaobai’s writing is full of reality.

On the way to work another day, Xiaobai, who had been sitting for a long time, had nothing to do, so he got up and performed a set of Bingya Boxing.

“It’s quite hard.” The female officer’s voice came from the side.

Xiao Bai immediately stopped and said with a smile: “I’m used to it. If I don’t move every day, my muscles and bones hurt all over.”

“Seeing that you are working so hard, it is not in vain for me to recommend you here.” The female officer glanced at the squad room plaque, then looked down at Xiaobai and said: “Don’t feel that you have great talents but are being used lightly. ”

“I don’t dare.” Xiaobai bowed and clasped his fists, performing a humble Dongming salute that looked like the etiquette of Kyushu.

This was much easier for him to accept than Nan Ming’s etiquette of stretching his arms in the air like horns and bowing his waist.

Nan Mingli seems to compare his body to a bull’s head or a deer’s head. The head of this horned animal also has a humble meaning of treating himself as a beast and lowering his head towards his master.

Dongming is more civilized, and is obviously influenced by some Kyushu culture. Holding fists, cupping hands, and bowing, this kind of etiquette between people is used by Dongming people with great proficiency.

The female officer said: “You are very smart. Here you can have more direct contact with all aspects of life. This is a good exercise for you.”

“Thank you for your cultivation, sir.” Xiaobai said respectfully.

“Okay, let’s register. I want to interrogate the prisoner.” The female officer came here on official business and would not go out of her way to catch up with Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai immediately returned to his seat and quickly wrote down the name of the female officer, Nan Long Su.

The female officer’s surname is not Nan, but Nanlong.

Most people in Netherworld have compound surnames, and they are different from the compound surnames in Kyushu.

There is also Xiaobai, called Chen Meng, Bai.

Isn’t it just that the names are reversed? Senior can be called Liu Tianzhang, Teacher Lu can be called Dengshenglu, why can’t I be called the other way around? There are no surnames here.

But there is actually something wrong with his last name!

Zhang Tianliu’s “Liu Tianzhang” is an article like flowing clouds in the sky.

Lu Zhi’s ascending deer is a deer that jumps around or climbs high mountains.

Everyone has their own meaning. As for whether they have a surname or not, it doesn’t matter. Many foreign races in remote and deserted small villages have no names, no surnames and no culture. After being exposed to humanistic society, they will give themselves a name that is close to nature, but also Interesting name.

As for Chen Meng, if written in Nether characters, it can only mean morning dream, morning dream and night, not Chen Meng, because the time, year and month here use a different set, and the word Chen Meng does not exist.

Chenmeng does have his surname in Netherworld, and it is a common surname in Ximing. Of course, there are many in Dongming. As for his status, it is hard to say, but no matter what, if Xiaobai’s reputation spreads, sooner or later they will be Come to your door!

Xiaobai doesn’t care about this.

If exposed, just blow up. If you can’t defeat, just run away.

Anyway, someone knows the truth.

After Nan Longsu left with the suspect, Xiaobai thought he could wait until he got off work. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen police officers came to the squad room with dozens of people, large and small.

“This is taking care of everyone.” Xiaobai smiled bitterly in his heart and began to record one by one.

Xiao Bai was stunned when he heard the first person’s last name.

“Dan Fei, I remember that the former household official who was assassinated seemed to have this surname. Could it be that he is a family member?” Xiaobai smelled a conspiracy, but he didn’t think much about it. He came to mess around, and I don’t really want to do this.

After registering one by one, the jailer will lead the suspects in and assign them to cells.

That night, while Xiaobai was still writing, he suddenly heard the sound of horns and the sound of people shouting and beasts hissing.

The sounds of prison robbery immediately reminded Xiaobai of Dan Fei’s family who was sent in in the afternoon.

“Probably not, otherwise it would be too unreasonable. There are old and young people in that family, how could they possibly be robbed?”

Thinking of this, Xiaobai picked up the knife and walked out.

Although he is a civil servant, he likes to join in the fun. Besides, he behaved like that last time. It would be unreasonable not to behave this time.

Outside the wing, people were running out one after another while wearing clothes.

“Knife, knife!” Xiaobai flashed his knife and reminded a clerk who ran in front of him.

“Oh! I almost forgot.” The clerk hurriedly ran back, rushed out with a knife, and ran outside the classroom with Xiaobai.

At this moment, many people have gathered outside the class room. In front of the main gate of the Book Garden, under the lights, the shadows of swords and crossbows are heard, and the swishing of crossbows above the candlelight. The music of the combination of shouts and curses is breathtaking. My heart was racing, yet my hair stood on end.

As the handymen kept joining in, Xiaobai also pulled out his knife and jumped repeatedly on the edge, seemingly looking for an opportunity, but in fact he had no intention of doing so.

He didn’t mean to be cowardly. There were so many people that he couldn’t squeeze in.

He couldn’t see anything about the prison robbers. They were just a bunch of servants with their backs to him, and inside were high-ranking officials.

After the scene lasted for half a quarter of an hour, suddenly there was a loud noise from the other end of the squad room, followed by an officer’s shock and anger: “No, the thief blew up the back cell and escaped from the other side!”

Then a group of officials and handymen poured into the squad room like a tide. When Xiaobai, who was left at the end, was about to follow, he suddenly saw a fight outside the squad room. Not to mention the corpses, not even blood was seen, and those crossbows The arrows and arrows are all flat.

“Damn, what about an exercise?” Xiaobai suddenly became bored.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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