I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 21: 1 foot

This is another difference between games and reality.

The game is from a God’s perspective, and the number of people participating in the battle is also known and clear at a glance.

In reality, there is no such treatment. The field of vision is only your own field of vision. How many enemies there are and where they are can only be found by yourself.

Fortunately, other display items are well preserved.

For example, health bar, identification of friend or foe.

Our health bars are in a blue frame, and the enemy’s health bars are in a red frame.

Although the enemy’s figure was not captured, a red frame health bar suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and the answer was self-evident.

There is an enemy!

Guan Junyan instinctively opened his mouth, wanting to warn, but he held it back the next moment.

Because the red box health bar is very close to Danyu Zhongbang, so close that if the enemy chooses to fight to the death and attack violently, Guan Junyan cannot guarantee that he can save the person.

Don’t forget that all the combat experience he has so far is theoretical, and he has never actually participated in a battle.

This is a matter of human life and cannot be gambled with.

The safest way is to pretend that you haven’t discovered anything and get closer first. The closer you are, the greater your chances of saving people.

It is best to persist until you successfully reunite with Niwa Nakaguni, pass the news quietly, wait until everyone is ready, and then attack in one fell swoop, hiding this until the end, it is very likely that you will be the strongest The enemy was eliminated in one fell swoop.

The matter is urgent and there is no room for Guan Junyan to wait any longer.

Act now!

After calming down, Guan Junyan walked towards Niwa Nakabuni at his usual pace, talking as he walked.

“Uncle Zhongbang, how is everyone doing?”


As soon as Niwa Nakaguni opened his mouth, his body suddenly trembled, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He grabbed the spear placed aside as quickly as possible and shouted loudly.


At the same time, Guan Junyan made a sore sound.

Holy **** – I finally couldn’t hold it back this time. Nothing could express Guan Junyan’s mood better than this uneducated word.

Although I had thought that it might not go so smoothly, I didn’t expect that it would fail at the very beginning.

Are my acting skills that bad?

Or is it that this most hidden assassin has too vicious a vision?

No matter which one it is, what Guan Junyan wants to do has not changed.

Save people, save people as quickly as possible.

Following the experience instilled into his brain, Guan Junyan immediately used the sword skill-Strike!

This is not a great skill. You can learn it at any swordsmanship dojo in the game. It is the basis of the basics. It has no points other than strong judgment.

But for Guan Junyan now, this is already his fastest and most explosive way of movement.

With a force bonus of up to 70%, Guan Junyan was like a wild buffalo, rushing towards Niwa Nakaboshi with astonishing momentum.

Compared with him, the charge between the former ghost and the latter ghost can only be regarded as insignificant.

No way, this move is a strong attack, not a thief’s sprint.

We attacked them by force, so there was no need to engage in covert maneuvers.

While rushing, he yelled.

“There are assassins, protect Uncle Zhongbang!”

This roar is also very particular, using the skill “big shout”.

The effect of the game is: eliminate the auxiliary effects on the opponent – well, in fact, no one really knows how to use it. The strongest thing is to kill the corner without a knife and grind the blood flow.

Skills that sound like nonsense actually exist.

In Japanese martial arts competitions, there are always warriors who use their voices to enhance their power, and this method is also given nice names, such as kiai and kisheng.

There are also schools that take a more eccentric approach and seek to disrupt the enemy’s mind with words, which is considered one of the sources of Japanese trash talk.

Although he is not sure what effect it will have if it is actually used, at this time, Guan Junyan does not care so much. It is good to be able to eliminate it, but it is also good to have a little impact if it cannot be eliminated.

The result is not as magical as the skill described, but it is not useless at all.

Guan Junyan could clearly see that there was a faint figure below the blood bar. Although it was very blurry, it was no longer invisible like before.

As long as traces can be caught, others can respond.

Niwa Nakagoku used his horizontal spear to protect his vital points, while his two disciples thrust their spears straight and struck from left to right.

Perhaps because the stealth was broken, the assassin’s movements were somewhat awkward. He rolled in a hurry to avoid the stabbing attack, but unexpectedly rolled right at Guan Junyan’s feet.

The latter didn’t even think about it and kicked him out.

The best thing about the game being transformed into reality is that you can customize your moves and change them however you want.

It doesn’t have to be a knife to cut, kicking is the same.

Guan Junyan is still very confident in his own strength. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be the first in the Guan family.

Coupled with the impact of the attack skill, one can imagine how powerful it is.

Guan Junyan could hear an obvious clicking sound, and he was probably kicked and fractured.

Finally, he stopped his castration and looked down.

At this moment, he has been kicked to the wall and is struggling to stand up while holding on to the wall.

Because of the kick just now, his concealment had completely disappeared, and Guan Junyan finally saw the assassin’s true face – because this man only wore night clothes, but was not masked.

Bald head.

See the bald head again.

With his fat head and big ears, it’s hard to imagine that this guy is not a human shield, but a stealth assassin – the monks frozen by the snow girl are not as strong as you!

Could he be a descendant of Master Kong who followed the Wushuang stream, writing as an assassin and reading as a berserker?

Looking at you holding your chest and bleeding from the corner of your mouth, it doesn’t look like that. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

“Guan Junyan, you, you actually——”

It was at this time that Niwa Nakakuni spoke with undisguised surprise on his face: “Hontokuji Temple Wanten? Why is it you?”

Resentful? Why don’t you call me Youren? At least it sounds nice – Japanese people don’t understand this kind of Chinese homophone, so it can only be regarded as the self-amusement of Junyan Guan, who has been translating it into Japanese.

Of course, Guan Junyan did not let this delay his business. He tensed his body and approached slowly while browsing the person’s information through the system.

Wantian of Bunde Temple is the oldest monk in Bunde Temple and Tianjing’s right-hand man.

Understood, the enemy’s Niwa Nakakuni.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king.

A group of four versus a group of six, Tianjing versus the original owner.

It is reasonable for Niwa Chukong to have such an old enemy.

“Why can’t it be me? Only Guan Junyan is allowed to kill the abbot of our Bende Temple, and we are not allowed to take revenge?”

Hontokuji Kanten did not look at Niwa Nakakuni, his eyes were fixed on the approaching Guan Junyan, wishing to eat him alive.

“Yes, of course.”

Guan Junyan looked calm, but his right hand was silently pressing against the protective sword Sakura hidden in his sleeve.

“But Tianjing died in my hands, why do you think you can succeed in revenge instead of dying?”

Hundokuji Wantian gritted his teeth and said: “It was just bad luck. It was just a little bit close. I was just a little bit close to succeeding.”

Guan Junyan nodded secretly when he heard this. He was indeed just a little short of it. If he hadn’t had the help of the system to see through his hiding, and the skill “Big Shout” to assist him.

But since they have been enemies for many years, there is no reason for Niwa China to suffer such a big loss.

There must be a reason for this that everyone doesn’t know about.

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