Martial Cultivator Chapter 336: Disobedience to God

“Do justice for heaven?”

The Yu Chong Qi-eating general waving various Qi barbed ropes smiled contemptuously.

Secretly sending out countless mind-eating scale insects, constantly trying to break Wang An’s martial arts will, planting seeds of fear and looking at Wang An mockingly: “You are doing justice for heaven, have you ever asked heaven, are you willing to stand on Your side?”


The next moment, all the air barbs suddenly swept towards me!

The purple-red light in General Yu Chong’s air-eating general’s eyes was dancing, and he looked very excited.

All living things in the universe follow the rules of the circulation of various qi, and are affected by various qi. They live and die, and trees and grass wither and flourish. No one is immune!

Their involvement with the qi of the universe is so deep that it cannot be severed.

In this way, facing the direct attack of the qi of heaven and earth, most living creatures have almost no means of resistance, and are instantly integrated into themselves by the qi. Later, the air-eating feather insects released by the qi-eating generals also enter the qi. Will blend into the opponent’s body.

Devouring the opponent’s vitality, the opponent cannot escape the end of death and defeat!

Wang An of the Shenhua Mansion is very capable. He can kill the adopted son of the Zhenguo General and wipe out his true spirit. According to the inference of the chief manager, he also has the fighting power of a rainbow of divine souls. Even so, how can he escape from the air structures of heaven and earth? Just this big network?

You are already on the Internet!

From the perspective of General Shi Nian, Wang An should not do anything right now, and the most important thing he should not do is to face the attack of his manipulating vitality!

In this network, I am the sky!

Whose heaven and whose way do you act for? !


The qi barbed ropes swept across Wang An’s body, and the powerful essence of Wang An’s body was knocked out with ripples visible to the naked eye!

The brilliant golden essence is constantly trembling like a candle in the wind!

It seems to be in danger!

However, when the two generals of Yingbu saw such a strange phenomenon appearing on Wang An, their eyes froze.

——The Qi Eater of the Feather Insect will observe Wang An getting up with his spiritual thoughts, and find that the barbed ropes of Qi he swung out show no signs of penetrating into Wang An’s body and assimilating with the ‘true essence’ around Wang An!

Wang An’s own revealed ‘true essence’, instead of being deceived by the qi cords and luring the wolf into the house, firmly kept the qi cords away.

He even instigated a raging golden fire and launched a crazy counterattack!

How is this possible? !

All creatures in the universe rise and fall in the circulation of air, and no one is immune.

The qi of heaven and earth are the basis of their survival.

It is also their life-killing scythe!

Even though Wang An resisted in his heart to merge with this barbed rope condensed from the qi of heaven and earth, the true essence he had cultivated could not resist the merging with the qi of heaven and earth.

Unless the true essence he has cultivated has crossed the level of the middle fourth grade, it is the upper third grade true essence!

The upper three levels of true energy each have their own magical effects and have their own innate potential.

In this way, only Ying Buzun personally takes action and summons the mother energy of heaven and earth to break through the defense of the third-grade true essence and corrode the opponent!

Wang An is just a small official in the Shangguo court. How can he cultivate the upper third-grade true energy passed down from all the great forces?


“Wang An, you actually cast evil spells and disobeyed God!”

The breath-taking general’s biggest reliance had no effect on Wang An’s safety. He immediately became furious and directly yelled at Wang An for casting a magic spell.

He simply does not believe that Wang An has truly condensed the essence of Yuanpin Zhenyuan!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

While roaring angrily, General Qi kept waving the barbed rope of Qi, enveloping the vitality of heaven and earth like a tsunami, and continuously bombarded Wang An’s body!

The blood mist is like boiling, and the vitality is churning.

The sky and the earth are filled with purple that is so rich that it cannot be melted away.

This place seems to have become a sea of ​​blood!

Being in such a world, and being affected by the food-thinking scale insects released by the food-thinking general, they are constantly devouring my thoughts and planting seeds of fear in my heart. The ice dragon boy’s pretty face is all white and petite. His body couldn’t stop shaking.

She raised her head several times and looked into the middle of the purple-red sea of ​​blood.

I saw a ball of pure golden flame blazing. Being hit by the stormy waves, and going through many ups and downs, the golden fire has never been extinguished!

Seeing the blazing fire, the Ice Dragon boy suddenly felt a sense of security in his heart.

She lost all her fighting strength in the boiling rage and was unable to help Wang An. She simply sat cross-legged and circulated the true energy in her body to circulate in the sky.

The evil force of cause and effect has eroded her more and more seriously.

It even got mixed into her true essence and her spinning thoughts.

The subtle thread of cause and effect was also in the dark, quietly swallowing up the mind-eating scale insects that jumped into the ice dragon boy’s mind one after another.

General Shi Nian knew nothing about this.

“The red-armored demon with the Feather Insect Catalog tattooed on his armor can control all kinds of vitality in a radius of ten miles around. The vitality of heaven and earth circulates continuously, and he can always get replenishment from it.

If I fight against him, it is equivalent to fighting against this world!

The scale insect and red-armored monster is brewing in the dark, trying to influence and corrode my thoughts, planting a shadow in my heart, and destroying my soul.

The various mind-eating scale insects it unleashes are unable to break through the mental defense of my fist, let alone damage my soul, which is guarded by Headless Xingtian.

The scale insect eating mind demon is nothing to worry about! ”

Wang An continued to expand the male essence to resist the barbed ropes of Qi General.

His situation seems to be in danger, but also like a candle in the wind.

In fact, this is just a deliberate show of weakness to his opponents.

Wang An glanced at the crack hanging between the two generals of Yingbu, as well as the three scarlet eyes peeking out of the crack, glaring at him, thoughts racing in his mind.

“The two demons always work together and complement each other, which is why the Feather Insect Demon’s attacks are so ferocious – if I severely injure either of them, the other will also be knocked out of its original shape, and its combat power will drop drastically!

We might as well use the scale insect demon as a breakthrough…”

In a moment of thought, Wang An had made a plan.

“This beast is a tough nut to crack!”

“Goldman Sachs, don’t do any more useless work – I think you and I should work together. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoashuyuan.como to summon the magical power of the Zhenguo General and kill this beast directly!”

At this time, General Shi Nian, who had been trying to infect Wang An’s spiritual thoughts, saw that his methods were completely ineffective.

My heart moved, and suddenly Hong Sheng spoke, the voice was like thunder.

While he was speaking, he also directly informed Goldman of his intentions through the mental connection between himself and the breath-taking general ‘Gao Sach’.

Gao Sach, the general of gas breathing, glanced at him when he heard the sound.

A sudden promise: “Okay!”


As Goldman Sachs finished speaking, the purple-red light surrounding the two Taoist ghosts became denser and denser, competing to entangle them, almost entangling them into a large purple-red cocoon!

In the middle of this purple-red cocoon, cracks still exist.

An illusory cord embedded with three eyes poked out of the crack inch by inch.

Every time it reaches forward an inch, the void will tremble.

When he probed three inches, the whole world was shaking, the mountains collapsed, and the earth was full of ravines and cracks!

It’s like a natural disaster.

A feeling of impending disaster filled the hearts of Wang An and Ice Dragon Boy, as if no one could escape this catastrophe sweeping the world!


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