Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 174: Shenwu Tianxu! Change again, the fastest update to the latest chapter of protecting our clan leader!


At dusk.

Huge whirlpools connect one after another, like a chasm between the sea and the sky.

As the vortex rotates, terrifying energy storms spread out from the vortex wave after wave, turning into hurricanes that sweep across everything and terrifying energy tides.

On the sea, storms raged, huge waves rolled, and even the sky looked dark and gloomy, with not much sunlight visible. At first glance, it looked like the end of the world.

This whirlpool is naturally the Shenwu Tianxu.

For most creatures, this place is an absolute restricted area of ​​life. Even the Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor cannot truly penetrate into it.

Fortunately, over the past 100,000 years, the situation of Shenwu Tianxu has been generally stable. Except for the occasional large energy tide, in most cases, as long as you go farther away, you can basically guarantee safety.

At this moment.

Among the clouds at the edge of Shenwu Tianxu, a blue cloud ray flying boat was flying quickly.

Compared with the huge Shenwu Tianxu, it is as small as a drop in the ocean, but it also has its own way of survival.

Its huge ray wings swing slowly, seemingly in a gentle rhythm, but in a special way it resists the crazy wind high in the sky. It shuttles through the storm, just like a ray swimming through the deep sea, with a sense of comfort like flowing clouds and flowing water.

This Yungui flying boat set off from Muyue Prefecture a while ago and was going to Xinping Town in Changningwei. In addition to being fully loaded with cargo, the airship also has a large number of passengers.

At this moment.

In the Feizhou Captain’s room.

“Captain, the Shenwu Tianxu is ahead.” The middle-aged man in the Zifu realm, who was sitting in the vice-captain’s seat, looked solemn. “The situation in the Shenwu Tianxu has been unstable in the past few years. I just confirmed it. , the energy reaction nearby is a bit large and unstable, are we sure we want to pass?”

He is the deputy captain of this Yunray flying boat, his name is [Yao Xinyi], and he is a direct descendant of the Hanyue Yao family.

He was originally the captain of other Yunray flying boats. Because he worked calmly and never had any accidents with the flying boat he drove, he was appreciated by his superiors and was transferred to this Yunray flying boat.

Although he changed from captain to deputy captain, he had no complaints. No other reason, just because this Yunray Flying Boat is going to the Wang Family in Changning.

The Wang family in Changning is a big customer of Yao family, with a huge amount of goods exchanged every year.

As for this flying boat, because it was previously managed by Mr. Cheng Chao, the manned cabin inside the boat has been modified many times. It is more comfortable, high-end and safer than the ordinary Yunray flying boat, so there are often immortals. He would ride with the important figures of the dynasty, and occasionally meet the direct descendants of the Wang family. These were all connections.

Just like this time, among the passengers on their flying boat were three big bosses: King Zhennan, King Lanxin, and True Lord Bailian. Even if you just feel familiar in front of them, it will do you a lot of good.

Moreover, the captain of this flying boat is an experienced captain, the ancestor of Baichuan. You can learn a lot by following him, and this is a rare opportunity for him.

“The energy response is not stable?” Yao Baichuai glanced sideways, and then he was relieved, “It’s okay. This instability is normal. The fluctuations in Shenwu Tianxu have been unstable the past few times, but they are not stable. Nothing happened. We can’t stop taking this route just because Shenwu Tianxu is unstable, right?”

“That’s right.” Yao Xinyi nodded.

Flying on a flying boat costs a lot of money. If they really turn around and go back, or take a long way around, not to mention the spiritual stones consumed on the way, the escorted goods will not be delivered on time. Yao will have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

However, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

I don’t know why, but he always has a bad feeling in his heart.

“Don’t be too nervous.” As if he could see his uneasiness, Yao Baichuan smiled and comforted him, “I have driven this route countless times, and the chance of an accident is less than one in ten thousand. What’s more, Even if something unexpected happens, wouldn’t I still be there?”

“Last time the energy of Shenwu Tianxu exploded, I was able to take the Yunray Flying Boat out. This time, with me here, there will definitely be no problem.”


He just finished speaking.

The Shenwu Tianxu, which was originally only slightly unstable, suddenly erupted with a terrifying energy fluctuation.

The deep black energy seemed to come from the abyss, carrying a strong aura of death.

It was like a trapped beast that had been trapped for a long time and finally escaped from its cage. It soared into the sky with unparalleled terrifying power, pushed up the clouds, and reached the sky.

In just an instant, the frantic hurricane around Shenwu Tianxu was rushed away.

Even the strong wind in the sky was violently turbulent by the terrifying energy, as if a doomsday storm was coming.

Being in the strong wind layer, the whole body of the Yunray Flying Boat suddenly began to vibrate violently.

In the flying boat, Yao Baichuan’s smile froze on his face in an instant.

Even Yao Xinyi’s expression was a bit strange, and he didn’t know whether to say it was the captain’s crow’s mouth or his back.

The probability is less than one in 10,000, and the captain actually bumps into him again. What kind of luck is this?

Fortunately, Yao Baichuan was an experienced captain after all. He adjusted his mood in just a short moment, and while trying to stabilize the Yunray Flying Boat, he ordered: “Vice Captain, report the energy detection situation.”

“Captain, the energy response has exceeded the threshold ten times!” Yao Xinyi’s face also became extremely serious, “This level of energy impact is enough to cause serious damage to the flying boat’s bat wings within half an hour. If If we cannot escape from the energy riot zone in time, our flying boat may be…”

“Okay, I know the rest.”

Yao Baichuan interrupted what he was saying, and then raised his hand to activate a magic weapon at hand.

In an instant, his calm and serious voice sounded throughout the spacecraft: “Dear passengers, I am Yao Baichuan, the captain of the Yao Airlift No. 131 spacecraft. I am reporting a situation…”

At the same time.

In the cabin of the flying boat, the king of Zhennan, Xia Yang, who was dressed in brocade and had an impressive aura, as well as King Lanxin and Zhenjun Bailian, also immediately realized the critical situation.

“Bailian, go to the cockpit and check the situation to prevent those two little guys from getting into trouble. If there is any problem with the flying boat, please help with temporary repairs.” King Lanxin is worthy of being a princess, and she was able to do it almost instantly He made a quick decision, “Xia Yang and I will go out and take a look.”

“The energy of Shenwu Tianxu exploded abnormally. The situation is still unclear now, so be careful.” Zhenjun Bailian was a little worried.

But as a strong person in the Lingxu Realm, he knew that at this critical moment, they were bound to stand up. Especially since Princess Lanxin was a former princess, she naturally represented the credibility of the imperial family of the Immortal Dynasty and would never shrink back at such a time.

So even though he was worried, he just gave a warning and flew to the cockpit to assist Yao Baichuan in protecting the Yungui Flying Boat.

At the same time, Zhennan Wang Concubine Xia Yang and King Lanxin had torn apart the space and appeared in the frenzied wind layer outside the Yun Ray Flying Boat.

The spiritual sense of the Lingxu Realm boss is indeed powerful, but using his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings is not a lot of consumption. No one would turn on his spiritual sense all the time when nothing happens. Not to mention that outside the Yungui Flying Boat, under normal circumstances, there is no need to explore except Gang Feng or Gang Feng.

At this moment, when the two of them started to investigate with their spiritual thoughts, their expressions suddenly changed.

Crazy dark black energy is raging high in the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. Even the visibility around the Yunray Flying Boat is plummeting.

That scene was like the end of the world.

“It’s demonic energy!” King Lanxin’s eyes were solemn. “It may be the remnant soul of the demon **** trapped in Shenwu Tianxu, or the magic weapon rushing out. Be careful! None of these ancient demon gods and magic weapons are easy to deal with. Yes. I will first try to dispel the demonic energy in front of the Yunray Flying Boat.”

For Yunray Flying Boat, the importance of vision is self-evident.

Flying around in the sky with no vision, if it hits something, the whole ship will be completely destroyed. Not to mention the cargo, there are hundreds of people in this spaceship including passengers and crew.

Lingxu realm bosses can lead people to escape, but the number of people they can take is limited. It would be very difficult for a Lingxu boss to lead dozens of people. There were hundreds of people, and they were too exhausted to carry them.

Therefore, the most important thing at present is to ensure that the Yunray Flying Boat can safely pass through the area where the demonic energy is raging. Everything else can be discussed later.

As he spoke, King Lanxin summoned his own spiritual plant.

It is a peony tree with a spiritual charm flowing throughout the body.

The flower tree has a huge body, green leaves, and huge white peonies blooming on the branches. At first glance, the tree is full of fragrance, graceful and luxurious, and there is a touch of purity among the bright colors, which is eye-catching at first sight. Then I felt relaxed and happy.

“Hiss! What a strong demonic energy!”

As soon as he appeared, the peony tree let out a cry of surprise, and then he understood what he should do without King Lanxin’s greeting.

It flew directly above the cloud ray flying boat, and the tree roots held on to the top of the flying boat. At the same time, pure white peonies bloomed on the flower branches immediately, and the petals scattered with the strong wind, and finally turned into In order to cleanse the surrounding demonic energy one after another.

In an instant, the view around the Yunray Flying Boat became much clearer.

The Yunray Flying Boat, which had been hesitant before, immediately changed its direction and began to fly away from the source of the evil energy under the protection of the peony tree.

Xia Yang, the king of Zhennan, took out his Taoist sword and guarded it on the other side, just in case.

What the two Lingxu bosses didn’t know was that while they were retreating while protecting the Yunray Flying Boat, not far away in the sky, where the demonic energy was most concentrated, a blurry black shadow was laughing crazily. .

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie~! I am finally free!” The black shadow was completely made of black smoke. It was probably because he was so excited that even his body was distorted and blurred, “Damn Holy Royal old dog! I have been trapped for so many years, and finally I can’t hold it anymore? Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie~! You deserve it! You actually try to perish with my lord on your own, and you don’t know whether to live or die!”

The black shadow laughed wildly for a long time, and after venting the emotions that had been trapped for countless thousands of years, he suddenly noticed the Yunlu Feizhou, which was evacuating the area where the evil energy was raging, and the two kings Lanxin and Zhennan who were protecting the Feizhou. Boss Lingxu.

“Well, I almost forgot, the most important thing now is to find a suitable body…”

“Women are not good…men are okay. Their physical strength is well trained. Although they are only at the Demon King level, they are still human beings. But in this situation, we can’t pay so much attention to it. Let’s just make do with it…”

The black shadow muttered to himself for a moment, then suddenly flashed on the spot and disappeared.

The next moment.

The space beside Xia Yang, the King of Zhennan, swayed slightly, and a cloud of black smoke flew out from it like lightning, directly hitting the head of King Zhennan.

The black smoke exuded a strong ominous aura. King Zhennan’s heart skipped a beat. He swung his Taoist sword in his hand and struck out a ray of sword light without even thinking about it.

However, the black smoke seemed to have been expected, and the sword that contained the true meaning of the sword actually cut into nothing.

In the blink of an eye, the black smoke had already rushed in front of King Zhennan, wrapped his head, and then squeezed into his eyebrows like running water, heading straight to the Zifu of Lingtai.

King Zhennan also lost consciousness in an instant, and his body fell straight down.

“Xia Yang!”

King Lanxin was right next to him, but he couldn’t even stop him in time, and he was suddenly shocked and angry.

She made a prompt decision and immediately tore apart the space and reached the sky below, trying to catch the fallen person.


That is at this moment.

The violent and raging demonic energy, the raging wind in the sky, and the space that was constantly being torn and destroyed, finally led to qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

A space vortex suddenly formed, and quickly grew from small to large, and in an instant it swallowed up Xia Yang, the king of Zhennan who was falling.

Seeing King Zhennan disappear into the whirlpool of space, King Lanxin was stunned and a little confused.

Here, why did we suddenly encounter a space vortex?

Is Xia Yang’s luck too bad?

In the Yunlu Flying Boat, Bailian Zhenjun, who sensed the vortex fluctuations in the space, also rushed out immediately. As soon as he came out, he saw this scene and was stunned and at a loss.

The two Lingxu bosses looked at each other for a long time, and finally King Lanxin sighed: “There is nothing we can do, inform your majesty and let her order a nationwide search~”

As she spoke, she took out the emergency contact jade talisman she had specially brought with her and sent a message to Xian Chao.

This space vortex is actually somewhat similar to a tornado. It will keep moving, sucking in things in the surrounding space, but after a period of time, these things will be thrown out by the space vortex.

Of course, it’s hard to say whether it will be complete when thrown out.

With the strength of King Zhennan, he can protect himself even if he is sucked into the space vortex. At most, he will be hit repeatedly in the space vortex, causing him to become disoriented and slightly injured.

The problem is that his state before being sucked into it was not normal, and it is unknown where he will be thrown into the space vortex. If you are thrown to the Mo Dynasty, it will be great fun.

“It’s useless to rush this matter. Let’s go to the Wang Family first.” Zhenjun Bailian suggested, “Now that Ning Xi and Fugui are both in the Wang Family, they have many evil ideas. Maybe they can come up with a solution. .”

“This is the only way.”

The jade talisman is broken, and the news has been sent back to the Immortal Dynasty. King Lanxin has done what he can. The rest depends on Xia Yang’s life and whether the Immortal Dynasty can act swiftly enough.

At that moment, the two bosses avoided the space whirlpool and continued to protect the Yunray flying boat as it flew out.

With the protection of the two of them, the rest of the Yunray Flying Boat’s journey was smooth sailing without any further problems.

Only Yao Baichuan suffered.

After the flying boat landed, he finally learned the news like a bolt from the blue that [King Zhennan was missing] after being on tenterhooks all the way.

He suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole body felt bad.

On a trip to the Wang family, he actually lost King Zhennan? This is much more serious than losing the goods!

What kind of luck does he have? How come he encountered the strange movement of Shenwu Tianxu twice in a very short period of time when others have not encountered it once in hundreds of years? !

UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuThe captain’s job is out of the question!

Love so and so! He can’t do it anyway!


Because of the attack and sudden disappearance of King Zhennan, when the Immortal Dynasty received the news, there was naturally some turmoil. After the Immortal Emperor received the news, he immediately used various means to search for the whereabouts of King Zhennan.

Let’s not mention these for now.

About the same time.

The north of Daqian Liaoyuan County, Qingluowei County, and Longzuo County just formed a large triangle, which circled a large area of ​​​​the sea.

This large sea area was once chaotic and backward due to the rampant “pirates”, and the trade routes were almost cut off.

As the Wang family and the Daqian government jointly developed Qingluo Guard and wiped out all the pirates, this sea area ushered in great development.

The coastal areas of Liaoyuan County and the northern part of Longzuo County have also been injected with new vitality, gradually getting rid of poverty, and forming a series of industrial chains around the ocean and shipping.

Although this large area is far less developed than [Changning County] and its surrounding areas, it is already relatively ahead when looking at the entire Daqian.

[Changning United General Directorate] is a gathering of the basic joint industries of the Changning Wang family and some in-law families, and represents the interests of each family.

After more than a hundred years of development, it has now become a behemoth. All in-law families have important clansmen and elites developing within the headquarters, including members of the Wang clan. The financial power of the United General Administration is in the hands of Wang Shouzhe’s aunt [Gongsun Hui].

Gongsun Hui took charge of the financial power of Shouda Trading Company in her early years. She has already demonstrated her business skills and abilities, and has accumulated enough reputation. In addition, she is the aunt of Wang Shouzhe, the head of the Wang family, and has a transcendent status. After she entered the Changning Joint General Directorate, she naturally gained high recognition and trust from all the in-laws and families.

Cooperation between aristocratic families, even between in-laws and aristocratic families, must ensure that brothers settle accounts openly. Therefore, this financial power is very important. If it were not for an important figure like Gongsun Hui who combines status, prestige, and ability, ordinary people would not be able to control the situation at all.

This day.

The sky is clear and the water is blue.

A transport fleet flying the flag of the United General Administration sailed through the wind and waves in the cold water outside Liaoyuan County.

In the bridge of the leader’s transport flagship, Wang Luomiao was sitting comfortably on a leather chair with a wide view, admiring the blue sky and white clouds outside the porthole window, as well as the pursuit of the small dragon whale subspecies of dragon whale on the sea in the distance. Improve your posture.

In her hand, she was holding a cup of steaming coffee.

The sun shines on her beautiful face through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and her neat outfit also glows brightly and darkly in the sun, making her look casual and peaceful.

As Wang Shouzhe’s biological sister, Wang Luomiao is now almost two hundred years old, but she still looks like an unmarried girl. Only her eyes, which are becoming increasingly stable and deep, show the ups and downs she has experienced over the years. rain.

Over the years, she has taken charge of the construction and maintenance of all offshore transport fleet networks in Liaoyuan County, Longzuo County, and Qingluowei of the Joint General Administration, and is responsible for the maintenance and development of related family business, initiating part of the family business. heavy burden.

It stands to reason that Wang Luomiao, who is now the deputy director of the Changning Joint General Department, no longer needs to personally **** bulk cargo. But this time it was different. She had to personally **** a batch of iron ore from Liaoyuan County to Yanshi in Longzuo, because this batch of iron ore was too important.

This batch of ore comes from the Fang family in Liaoyuan.

[Liaoyuan Fangshi] has always cooperated closely with the United General Directorate. Taking advantage of the development and growth of the United General Directorate, Fangshi has also entered the fast lane of upward development.

Now the second Zifu species cultivated within the Fang family has also entered the Zifu realm. If he is added to the Zifu Fang Youan from the school palace, he can barely be regarded as entering the ranks of the fourth-grade aristocratic family. Today, the Fang family is almost the only one in the entire Liaoyuan County.

Generally, whenever a fourth-grade aristocratic family appears in a county, they will find ways to squeeze the living space of other aristocratic families, and then make themselves stronger and stronger. This is because the resources in a county are limited, and the number of Zifu realms that can be supported is also limited.

This is what the Zuoqiu family of Qing’an County did.

Fortunately, because of the “big brother” Wang from Changning, the Fang from Liaoyuan learned about “getting rich together” and opened up this new development route.

As a result, the Fang family engaged in many marriages, uniting many potential families in Liaoyuan County, and everyone made money together. This made the Fang family’s prestige in Liaoyuan County greatly increase in just two hundred years.

This batch of iron ore is related to a certain in-law family of the Liaoyuan Fang family.

In the far north of Liaoyuan County, there is a remote acropolis called [Ice Lake Guard].

This place is already relatively close to the Arctic Wasteland. The climate is like winter all year round. The ice and snow melt only lasts for more than one month a year, and the pass is easily attacked by ferocious beasts migrating from the Arctic Wasteland.

This is a bitter cold and poor place, with a large area and sparsely populated area. Only the Beigong clan of the seventh grade of Ice Lake and a group of small families are struggling to support it. Without the support from time to time from distant counties and cities, the Ice Lake Guards It has already fallen.

But after the Beigong family married their legitimate daughter to a direct disciple of the Liaoyuan Fang family, things turned around. Relying on the support of the Fang clan, the Beigong clan continued to expand its territory in Ice Lake Guard.

In the past ten years, the Beigong family has been extremely lucky and discovered a giant mineral vein on the edge of the Arctic Wasteland. In addition to a large amount of high-purity iron ore, there are also sporadic cold crystal iron ores produced in the vein.

Beigong knew he couldn’t swallow it, so he immediately invited Fang to share it. The two parties explored, developed, and mined the giant mineral veins, and built ice tunnels to transport the produced minerals to the ice-free port.

What Wang Luomiao’s huge transport fleet carries is exactly the output of that giant mineral vein. This is only the first batch, and there will be a steady supply of ore in the future.

Iron ore.

This is the raw material that Wang always lacks. Although it may look ordinary, nowadays Daqian is carrying out large-scale construction everywhere, and this kind of ordinary iron is indispensable in all aspects.

The cold crystal iron is even more rare and precious. In addition to building “refrigerators” and “cold storages” in conjunction with weapon refining and formations, it is also one of the main materials for ice-based spiritual weapons, and is more expensive than black iron without attributes.

“I believe brother will be very satisfied.” Wang Luomiao took a sip of coffee and showed a small proud expression.

As the legitimate daughter of the Wang family and the half-sister of the famous Wang Shouzhe, the head of the Wang family, she is really under a lot of pressure.

Originally, she just wanted to take some of the pressure off her brother Wang Shouzhe and wait until the family’s conditions were better before getting married. But he never expected that the family would soar to great heights in a short period of time.

As her experience and skills have grown, as well as the new knowledge she has learned from time to time, her horizons have become higher and higher, so that if she wants to get married now, the situation will become more complicated. Awkward.

With her status, as long as she is willing to marry, even the Daqian royal family will flock to her, but there are no [young talents] that she likes in the royal family. As for the other Daqian families, she didn’t even want to give in. This kind of makeshift marriage will not be happy either.

“My sister is lucky. She met the right one early, and her life was full of love and affection. She even has grandchildren and great-grandchildren.” Wang Luomiao said casually with a look of helplessness and some self-pity. He muttered, “If the ancestors of the Wang family are alive in heaven, please protect me and give me a wishful husband~”


She just finished speaking.


The space in the sky was distorted.

A figure was suddenly “thrown” out of the rippling space, falling like a meteor, and hit the sea with a “bang”.

The noise was so loud that the little dragon dolphins playing in the water in the distance were frightened and ran away.

“Uh… is this true or false?”

Wang Luomiao was stunned at this scene.

After being silent for a long time, she suddenly reacted: “Here comes someone, hurry up and rescue him.”

After receiving the order, the guards immediately went into the sea to fish for people.

Wang Luomiao was still in a daze.

Is it her imagination? Isn’t it a sequelae of reading too many notebooks?

She was really just joking just now. Could it be that he really wanted to find her a “wishful husband”?

In just a moment, several Lingtai realm guards had already rescued the person on the deck.

With tens of thousands of worries and suspicions in his heart, Wang Luomiao approached, surrounded by guards, and took a look, and was surprised that he was not mad to death.

Although the visitor was wearing a luxurious-looking brocade dress, his face clearly looked like an “uncle” and he was not a handsome young man at all.

Furthermore, his face and lips were pale, and his Yintang was a little dark, making him look like he had been drunk too much.

Disappointed, so disappointed~

This is far from the male protagonist she imagined.

However, despite being disillusioned, when encountering victims, those who deserve to be saved will still be saved.

Wang Luomiao, who lacked interest, casually asked the guards to help with the treatment. She returned to the bridge and continued to drink her coffee. At the same time, she took out a hardcover notebook and read it with relish.

This is the most popular cheat sheet recently, called “The Daily Life of a Domineering Princess”.

Although the wording used in the manuscript is relatively straightforward, the writing is interesting, and it is also mixed with palace battles, wars and intrigues, which is quite interesting.

She has already read two volumes in a row, and she doesn’t know when the third volume will be released.


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