The Exorcist Chapter 7: Force to break in, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 7 Breaking In

The shrill shout still penetrated into Xiaoxia’s ears through her hands, but the sound did not last long. When everything calmed down, Xiaoxia held back her heart palpitations and secretly glanced at the center of the square.

I saw that the two fountains also turned red, and in the center of the square were two charred corpses in the shape of fighting fists!

With a ‘pop’ sound, Liu Hong fainted! If Zuo De, who had been following her all the time, had not been quick with his hands and eyes, her beautiful face would have fallen directly onto the ground of the square, which was as hot as a stove, and would have been immediately disfigured!

And Xiaoxia vomited!

This killing method is too excessive!

Does it mean that when a fountain emerges from the lake, someone will die? How many water jets gushing out mean how many people are going to die, and when the water jets turn from white to red, does that mean that person is dead? !

Wang Wenge is dead, and the secret he did not tell has never been revealed. However, since he said, “No one can wipe away the mud under their feet,” then some of these people must still know about this matter that involves them all. At least Mao Fu and Zhao Jiayuan are not able to escape the relationship. Xiaoxia clearly remembers it. The way the two of them steadfastly refused to walk through the town.

But since they were so afraid of this town, why did they move the whole town here?

Xiaoxia walked to Mao Fu, who was still in a daze, and Zhao Jiayuan stood beside him without exception.

“Tell me, what happened here before!” Xiao Xia asked straight to the point.

Mao Fu and Zhao Jiayuan trembled visibly. Zhao Jiayuan was okay, but Mao Fu’s eyes were fixed on the two charred corpses in the center of the square, unable to move his body or eyes as if they were frozen.

“Speak out, and maybe repent and gain forgiveness, or we can think of a countermeasure. Even if all our efforts fail, we will die knowingly!” Xiaoxia continued.

“Retribution is coming!” Zhao Jiayuan muttered before he could say anything, but Mao Fu suddenly said, “Retribution is coming! No one can run away! Master Long lied to us, this matter will not be tolerated!”

“No!” Zhao Jiayuan shook Mao Fu hard, “Master Long never misses, we are only one month away from this disaster, as long as we go out, we will be fine!”

“I can’t run! I can’t run!” Mao Fu seemed to have not heard what Zhao Jiayuan said, muttering to himself, and then suddenly burst into laughter. Still thinking this sentence, he ran out like crazy!

“Mayor Mao!” Zhao Jiayuan shouted, almost instinctively chasing after him. Amid Mao Fu’s wild laughter, the two disappeared into the mist.

“Then who else has something to do with this matter that deserves retribution!” Xiaoxia glanced at everyone’s faces and found that except Zuo De, who looked calm, everyone’s eyes were evasive.

It turns out that these people have done bad things, and may have done some evil things together, so they were collectively drawn into the same situation. She, Zuo De, and maybe Liu Hong were just born with each other. Bad luck is the added bonus of being dragged into it and sacrificing the knife!

This made Xiaoxia feel an unknown fire in her heart. Just when she was about to say something, she found that the thick fog had retreated to the edge of the square, which meant that the ‘auditorium’ had been withdrawn. One step forward was the hot ground, where it was. If you don’t move or go in another direction, it will still be a fog!

And because she was standing alone in one place, she still had no companions and had to face the crisis alone!

“I’m innocent, it’s not fair for you to do this!” She shouted, then turned and walked into the mist.

Since I can’t get out, the next act is about to begin again! She could only keep watching and acting!

At the same time, Ruan Zhan was thinking hard about what to do!

As soon as Xiaoxia went on a business trip, he followed her quietly. He didn’t believe that Sima Nan would escape far away. In his calculation, Sima Nan’s body should have almost recovered. Although he injured his soul root, his magic power was too high, so he would definitely recover faster than others!

For an arrogant person like him, he lost the first time because of his carelessness. The second and third time he was the one who made suggestions behind the scenes, letting the Matsui family and Guan Zheng take turns to fight, allowing him to win every time. It was extremely hard, and to use Wan Li’s words – it wouldn’t be complete until I got myself tuberculosis and seven injuries!

But in any case, he has defeated Sima Nan in a row. How could Sima Nan let this situation continue! Although he didn’t know what the grudge was between Sima Nan and Abaya, he had a feeling that Sima Nan was in the dark!

Originally, it was unlikely for a girl to go alone on such a business trip to promote the law, but the aid firm arranged it in this way, which made him have to suspect that Sima Nan, who is currently a billionaire, Zhang Qun, was among them. What role did it play.

It is true that enemies know each other best!

At least that’s the case for him. Sima Nan knows him very well, or to be precise, he understands his weaknesses. Sima Nan must know how important Xiaoxia is to him, so he always sets traps and catches Xiaoxia as bait. In this case, let alone Xiaoxia, who is the person he cares about, he is just an irrelevant person. Can he let her suffer because of his grudges?

So, he has been following Xiaoxia secretly, but he didn’t dare to follow her too close. Firstly, he was afraid of being discovered by Abai, and secondly, he was afraid that he would lose control of his heart and wanted to get closer to her!

But something happened at such a short distance. He didn’t expect that something would happen if such a large group of people went out for a day!

When he sensed Xiaoxia’s danger, he immediately rented a car and drove toward the countryside. He didn’t know where she was, so he couldn’t use the time and space distortion technique, so he could only rely on his own strength.

The taxi driver refused to cross the new town because the custom here is that it is not allowed to cross the new place before moving in. And when they were about to take a detour through the winding mountain road that could pass cars, the weather, which had become gloomy for a long time, suddenly started to rain!

The mountain road was narrow and slippery, and it was more dangerous in rainy days. He spent a lot of money to hire a driver to take him to the countryside where Xiaoxia and the others were going in this weather. As a result, before they even got there, he met three drivers returning home. car. After asking around, I found out that the car was damaged for no reason when Xiaoxia and his party were returning, and soon after they decided to take the mountain road back to town, the car was inexplicably restored to health.

Ruan Zhan knew something was wrong as soon as he heard this. He hurriedly asked for directions and chased in the rain.

Due to the heavy rain, he could trace his footprints on the muddy ground, but when he turned a small mountain col, the footprints began to become messy, as if these people started to go in circles, and then all the traces disappeared. And he saw the twist silk tied high on the branch!

Something happened to Xiaoxia!

This thought made him feel cold, and the fear of losing Xiaoxia came again, but when he calmed down a little, he felt that she was still safe! This made him feel a little more at ease, and he began to observe the surrounding situation and look for the mystery of the disappearance of this large group of people!

This is a trail-like mountain road that turns sharply at the protrusion of a cliff. It is a bit like the elbow bend of the F1 track. There are trees in front and behind, and there are hills on the left and right, but the terrain on the left is relatively steep. It’s gentle, and the one on the right is steeper.

He found a discarded flashlight on the ground. With this light, he searched for various possible clues nearby. As a result, he saw traces of human climbing on the mountain on the left.

It is impossible for these people to walk smoothly and suddenly climb the mountain, unless they saw something terrifying or were seduced by hallucinations!

Ruan Zhan climbed up the hill and looked down, and immediately a town came into view. This was an ordinary sight, but Ruan Zhan’s heart trembled, and he suddenly understood !

The city is currently shrouded in a strange mist, and it has obviously been tampered with.

Ruan Zhan spotted the location, waved his hand and stepped down. He found that he was just outside the city, and did not reach the place he wanted to go – the high tower in the center of the city.

This surprised him. Although he understood that there was a problem in this town, he did not expect that it would stop him. He looked up and saw a big word “北” written on the decorative city gate.

This is impossible! Under normal circumstances, the door on this side of the hill should be the south door. Although you have to climb to the top of the mountain to see it, and there is a considerable distance, it cannot be the north door anyway!

What’s going on? Did someone distort space? ! Could it be Sima Nan?

He walked around the city gate, feeling that as soon as he got closer, there would be an invisible barrier blocking him. He felt that there was deep resentment in this town, but this strong resentment made people feel that it was ancient and had the vigor of new resentment, which was very contradictory. And since this barrier can block him, it is not something ordinary people can do.

He tried several more times, but still couldn’t get in! This situation made him frown and think for a moment, then he stretched out his hand to draw a talisman and walked to Xiaoxia’s hotel room in Old Town.

He checked inside and out and found nothing unusual, not even an unusual smell, so he sat down and called Wan Li.

“Something happened again, it was Sima Nan.”

“Are you sure?” Wan Li’s voice was a little worried, but still calm.

“I have no evidence, I don’t even know where he is hiding, but I am very sure.”

“He captured Xiaoxia again?”

“Not only.” Ruan Zhan’s heart tightened when he heard Xiao Xia’s name, “There are also a group of twelve people, except for the three drivers, who were all imprisoned in an empty town.”

“Empty city? What’s the route this time?”

“I don’t know either. I just feel that there are a lot of resentful spirits, but they seem to have been suppressed for a long time before they burst out, so their resentment is overwhelming. But they are locked up in the empty city and cannot get out, so they can only vent inside. ”

“You mean it’s very dangerous to stay in there, and Xiaoxia is in there, right?” Lian Wanli became anxious now, but then he was surprised, “You didn’t go find her?”

“Sima Nan set up a weird barrier outside. I guess he upgraded the time and space distortion technique. Not only can he fly away in the air, but he can also make the space flow. Then I don’t know what spell he used to specifically block it. Me, when I move, the space moves with me.”

“Can’t you get in?”

“I’ll get in!”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to force my way in.”

“Hey, hey, don’t mess around.” Wan Li was startled, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to calm down when you encountered Xiaoxia.”

“You don’t understand. There is something very dangerous about that city, like a killing array. So, even though Xiaoxia and Abai are together, I can’t go a step later, otherwise something may happen. I don’t have time to solve it slowly now.” We have to force our way into the formation.”

Wan Li didn’t speak for a few seconds.

“You have to help us.”

“Of course. What do you want me to do!”

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