Rome Must Fall Chapter 171: Sidonius’ doubts

Chapter 172 Sidonius’ doubts

Sititus ignored him.

A blacksmith next to him mocked: “Kedsos, he doesn’t dare to talk to you now. Do you remember what he said last time? He said you were lying. If Free Italy really distributed it to him, He dared to eat the sheepskin covered with wheat straw. To be honest, we really want to see him eating the sheepskin now.”

Several blacksmiths sneered, and Sititus finally couldn’t bear it any longer, and hummed in a low voice: “They are just talking about it now, and the divisible land has not yet seen a shadow!”

“You are still being stubborn!” A blacksmith pretended to stand up: “Why don’t I go and tell Mr. Capito now that you don’t want the land allocated by the tribe.”

“Stop the hell!” Sititus finally couldn’t help shouting.

Immediately came Capito’s stern voice: “What’s wrong with you?!”

Sititus was glared at by Capito, and suddenly became nervous, and stammered: “I…we were just discussing…how to improve the smelting of iron ore, and then…then there was a dispute. …Yes…I’m sorry…”

“Is that so?” Capito looked at the others suspiciously.

“Yes…that’s it…” Several blacksmiths nodded quickly. Capito was still skeptical, but he took the opportunity to say: “You guys deserve praise for being so active. I’ll wait until I finish my lecture and listen to your discussion.”

Capito’s words made the blacksmiths of Sititus dumbfounded.

The one who came to preach the new law to the recruits was Pheasalus, the commander of the first legion. He was an Illyrian and one of the main persons in charge of recruit training. He had an active and outgoing personality and loved to talk, although he was illiterate. Duo (who had only studied for a few days in the literacy class organized by Volenus under the force of Maximus) was not able to fully remember the details of the new decree, but he was still the best person to preach to the new recruits.

After looking at each other, they actually began to discuss in a low voice the issue of iron smelting.

The four thousand captive soldiers of Pannoni lived here. They were taken to build the camp every day. They worked from morning to night and were half exhausted. When they came back, the food distributed was not enough to satisfy them, so they had to eat early. Lie down and rest to avoid excessive consumption.

The amount of training every day is very large, and they have to patrol with the team officers at night. At the same time, the food supply given to them by the Knicks tribe is also relatively good. They have three meals a day, with sufficient portions, and occasionally meat. Follow them in Seger What the Stika tribe ate was completely different, making their bodies gradually stronger.

Phaesalus, especially when he preached the new law of twenty nobility, used a lot of freedom: “…I tell you, although you are just a preliminary nation now, you do not necessarily have to be in the tribe. It takes three years to be promoted to an ordinary citizen and own your own land and house.

Although the training is very hard and tiring, none of these Skordisqi recruits are lazy or slippery. They have been enslaved by the Segestica people for more than 10 years and are very hardworking. They are not inferior to those who joined the rebel army when it was first established. Those slave veterans of the team. And they knew very well that only by practicing their military skills could they go to the battlefield with the veterans of the tribes to defeat the Segestika people who had enslaved them for many years.

This place is located to the west of the camp, towards the Aldiyi tribe, between the inner camp and the outer camp, surrounded by Haogou Muzha, between the tent area of ​​the inner camp guard, the first regiment of the outer camp and Being surrounded by recruits in the rest area.

Three thousand young men of Scodis are the new force of the Nyx tribe. In order to make this force be used by the tribe faster and better, Maximus did not let them build camps or cultivate fields. , but selected the elite backbone of the team to conduct rigorous military training on them.

However, they would not realize that the people who delivered food to them were only men, not women, because Maximus was still biased. He had to first solve the marriage problems of the veterans who had been following him for more than a year. Only then will these new recruits be considered.

But there was no tent for them to rest. The rebels marked an area on the ground, and every 10 people lay in an open space, covered with dry wheat straw. When they lay down with their clothes on, it was quite soft.

The recruits originally had no grudges against themselves as they were just preparing to become members of the tribe. After all, compared with their previous lives, their lives were already much better. Now I am even more excited by what Pheasalus said. I want to finish the food in a few mouthfuls, then pick up the weapon and continue training…


I believe that as long as you obey the tribe’s arrangements and obey the leader’s command, you will be able to get your own land and live in Su’s comfortable house after a few battles. With a few more victories, you can become a baron or viscount respected by the people, lead the army yourself, and seek revenge on the Pannoni!

Our leader Maximus has said that no matter you join the tribe first or join the tribe later, everyone is the same. As long as you have the ability and are willing to work hard, you will definitely become the new member of the Nyx tribe. Nobles, let their descendants have a bright and happy future…”

Just like the last battle with the Segestika people, you all participated. In the end, we won the victory. You also made contributions. With this contribution, you could have shortened your promotion to ordinary clan. people’s time, but the new law had not been promulgated at that time, so it does not count.

When the rebel army’s decree was implemented everywhere and the entire temporary camp was filled with laughter and laughter, only one place was quiet.

Due to Maximus’ repeated warnings in advance, although these Illyrian instructors were strict during training, they were full of concern for the recruits after they came down. Moreover, if they were injured during training, the medical camp would provide timely treatment and care… …In such day-to-day interactions, the Skordisqi recruits’ sense of identification with the Knicks tribe continues to grow.

Since it is early autumn, it rarely rains here at night, and the weather is neither cold nor hot, so sleeping in the open air is not a big deal.

But it doesn’t matter. Our tribe is already enemies with the Segestica and Pannoni, and we will inevitably fight them in the future, so there is no need to worry. The first thing to do now is to train harder and harder, learn how to better protect yourself in battle, learn how to better kill enemies in battle, and learn how to better cooperate with your comrades in battle to win…

Although the camp is close to the river, the rebels have cut away and filled in the mud pits and reeds around the camp that are prone to mosquito breeding. At Emmerich’s suggestion, a kind of wild grass was burned throughout the camp every day. Although the smell was weird, it did reduce mosquito bites.

Therefore, under the surveillance of the sentries, the prisoners of Pannoni warriors who had finished their dinner early were indifferent to the cheers and cheers around them. Not long after they lay down, they fell asleep quickly…

Justiciar Sidonius approached the Chinese army’s tent and saw Maximus standing at the door of the tent to see off an Ardian man, so he stopped and waited for the other party to leave before leaving. He walked over and asked curiously: “Chief, which envoy of the Aldiyi tribe is this?”

“I don’t remember clearly, anyway, it’s not one of the Ardi tribes that once lived along the Kupa River and was finally driven away by the Segestikas.” Maximus said casually: ” They all had the same tone, saying things like, ‘They have lost their home now, and the people are living a difficult life. They hope we can help them return to their ancestral land’ and so on…”

“They are dreaming!” Sidonios said coldly: “In the covenant we signed with the Ardei tribe, it was clearly stated that we would seize from the Segestica people The land belongs to us…Do they want to break the contract?!”

“They don’t dare to break the contract now, because they know very well that even if we win a few victories, the Segestica people… no, the Pannoni people are still strong. If we don’t stop them here, they will suffer losses. The Pannonians can still hammer them down.”

Maximus smiled contemptuously: “They are just holding on to luck, hoping to take advantage of us. Of course I will not agree to them! But I told him that if their people are really living a difficult life, wait until we After they move to the east side of the village and the territory is safe, their tribesmen can be hired to farm the land to obtain enough supplies for life. At the same time, their leaders will also receive a certain share of the remuneration.”

“Chief, what you say will make these Aldi people still have certain expectations, and I’m afraid there will be trouble in the future.” Sidonios reminded seriously.

Maximus’s meaningful answer: “Our biggest trouble now is not the Pannonians or the Ardeans, but that we have too few people! Even if we acquire a large area of ​​land, there will not be enough. Human hands allow these lands to produce enough harvests. I will not give them the entire tribe land, but allow their people to work for us to get rewards. This can resolve some of the grievances of the Ardi people and maintain our alliance. .

In addition, these ordinary Ardi people came to work in our territory, understood our laws, and received real benefits. Are they still willing to go back to the mountains and forests to suffer? Don’t forget, we are now an Illyrian tribe, why can’t we accept them! ”

Sidonius suddenly understood.

“Of course, I’m just reminding them first. Before we actually start to implement it, we have to bring the matter to the political hall for discussion.” Maximus didn’t want to talk more about the matter, so he asked instead : “What’s the matter with you coming to see me at this time?”

“Chief, have you read the decree on marriage that I wrote before?” Sidonius asked.

“I read it carefully. I noticed the suggestion I made before, ‘After the couple divorces, the woman must share part of her family property.’ You also wrote this in. It seems that you have understood my intention.

I don’t want to take special care of the woman, but I want to use this law to make the man realize that divorce has to pay a certain price, so as to ensure the stability of every family’s marriage. When every family is stable, our tribe will also It’s stable——”

Sidonius interrupted Maximus and asked: “Since you think these marriage laws are feasible, chief, when are you going to allow us to announce them to everyone?”

Maximus understood Sidonius’ concern for the fruits of his labor, and was not unhappy with his rude interruption. He shook his head and said: “It will definitely not be possible in a short time. When will we announce it to everyone? It depends on the situation.”

“Why?! The system of twenty titles, the collegial system of nine ministries, the political hall meeting…these decrees were all announced today!” Sidonius asked urgently.

Maximus said seriously: “Because I just got the news that the leader of Segestica has gone to the Pannoni Tribal Alliance to ask for reinforcements. I believe that he will lead a larger army than the last time soon. The army is coming to kill us. If we announce the marriage decree at this time, the soldiers will focus on talking about marriage, which will inevitably affect the army’s combat effectiveness.

Besides, the next battle will be fierce and there will definitely be many casualties. What a blow this will be to the women who have already made an engagement! ”

Sidonius was stunned for a moment, and then said: “… Your consideration is right, so let’s not announce it yet.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back. After taking a few steps, he stopped, turned around and said, “Chief, I have one more thing to report to you.”

“You said.”

“This morning, I went to Capito to apply for papyrus. He only gave me a few pieces and told me that he didn’t have much papyrus stored there anymore and asked me to use them sparingly.

Chief, our legal department mainly deals with these legal documents. We cannot write on papyrus. Are we supposed to make judgments by drawing branches on the soil? ! ”

Maximus touched his chin: “I know about will find a way to solve it.”

Sidonius Osborne wanted to ask: “We are now in a remote area and it is difficult to buy papyrus. What can you do?”

But he didn’t say it out loud after all. In his opinion, it was enough for Maximus to pay attention to this matter. As for asking him to solve this problem, it was obviously too difficult to force him. After all, no matter how powerful Maximus is, this matter is beyond his capabilities.

After Sidonius left, Maximus fell into deep thought. Of course, he from the previous life had a way to solve this problem-that is, making paper.

This was not something he learned when illustrating games in his previous life, but came from his hometown…

Maximus’s hometown in his previous life was a small town with beautiful mountains and clear waters. When he was a child, he loved to fish in the river. But when he was in elementary school, he discovered that there were some square pools by the river, and the pools were filled with brown water. The yellow pond water, with bundles of bamboo soaked in it, exuded a pungent and unpleasant smell. Later, the river gradually turned yellow and there were fewer fish in the river… Later, he learned that a paper mill had been built in the town.

(End of this chapter)

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