My Divine Diary Chapter 729: The effect is pretty good

I learned from the captain that since the last Star Destroyer cannon attack was ineffective, the Yatsura clan fleet has taken the initiative to retreat, away from the blue light, and quietly waited for other fleets to arrive.

Now, twenty-one large fleets with a total of more than 2,600 warships of various types have arrived outside the Blue Light Galaxy.

Surrounding the blue-light galaxy, watching with eager eyes!

Not only that, the twenty-one motherships have already started the Star Destroyer Cannon program, intending to fire a salvo at the blue light at the same time, completely destroying the blue light into ruins.

Su Hao exclaimed: “It’s just the right time! It seems that the Yatsura clan’s fleet has arrived. Let’s go to the command room.”

Seeing the relaxed look on Su Hao’s face, the captain couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. For some reason, he suddenly no longer felt anxious or nervous.

The captain followed behind Su Hao and said secretly: “Sure!”

After Su Hao came to the command room, he asked for various information about the Eight Hand Clan fleet, mostly distance and position.

Then he said nothing and flashed directly into space, silently calculating the position and distance of the Eight Hands warships: “According to the distribution of this fleet, I only need to make thirty Starlight Breakers to destroy all the warships. Destroy the battleship! It takes about four minutes for one…that is, about two hours to solve them all!”

He stretched out his hand and shook it, a little golden light lit up and gradually expanded…

In the human command center, one-third of the display screens were showing pictures taken by Su Hao from various angles, while the others were monitoring every move of the Eight Hand Clan warships.

Some people looked at Su Hao’s movements and were confused, so they couldn’t help but ask: “What is Xu Shiqiang doing? Attacking the Eight Hand Clan fleet?”

Looking at the previous example of firing the Star Destroyer Cannon with one hand, no one thought that Su Hao was doing useless work. Everyone stared at the screen intently, trying to see what Su Hao wanted to do.

Unfortunately, they were watching Su Hao’s movements the whole time, but they still didn’t understand the purpose of Su Hao’s actions.

“He plans to use that shuttle-like golden light to hit the Yatsura clan’s battleship… but it’s too far away, can he hit it?”

“Can a human being really reach this level? I’m really curious about how much energy Xu Shiqiang contains in his body!”

“Perhaps, he will be the pinnacle of what we humans can achieve!”

“Please don’t overestimate the pinnacle of human beings! If the pinnacle of human beings can reach his level, I already feel good!”


“He moved!”

Everyone stopped talking and stared at that figure!

I saw that handsome figure suddenly opened his eyes, pushed with his palm, and in a golden light, the huge and fat shuttle disappeared!

Then again as before, stretch out your palm and build the second shuttle again.

Everyone in the headquarters was surprised: “Huh? Why is that fat shuttle missing?”

“What is he doing now? It feels like he is repeating the last action. Could it be that the video was replayed incorrectly?”

“Wake up, how can it be replayed… I guess the last attack failed, and now I have to try it again. After all, he probably used an extremely powerful move!”

“That makes sense!”


While everyone was talking about it, the reporter suddenly reported a message: “Report! Received the latest news, the eighth fleet of the Eight Hands Clan was attacked, and all the warships were destroyed instantly. Over!”


Xia Qingjun immediately asked: “Is there any team attacking the Eighth Fleet?”

Reply: “Report, there is no attack mission!

At this time, someone added: “The Yatsura clan fleet is too far away for our attack to reach, and the opponent’s warships also deliberately avoid contact with our warships.


Everyone looked at Su Hao in the video!

A huge feeling of shock came over my heart!

Is this done by Xu Shiqiang?

It must be right?

The **** shuttle he prepared just now did not fail, but succeeded!

Destroyed the eighth fleet of the Eight Hands in one minute!

And! ! !

Half a galaxy apart!

Moreover, Xu Shiqiang is still preparing for the second one, which is basically ready now!

At this time, Xia Qingjun said: “Xu Shiqiang told me before to go back and study ways to attack the enemy’s mothership!”

Xia Qingjun confirmed that the eighth fleet of the Eight Hands Clan was killed by Xu Shiqiang, which was confirmed.

A group of senior officials: “What a great critic!”

Is it possible that the powerful gods in myths and legends only have this kind of strength?

Maybe Xu Shiqiang is even better…

They have no more words to evaluate Xu Shiqiang.

No matter how you say it, the people here are among the best, but they don’t think they understand Xu Shiqiang’s power.

There is nothing to say. From now on, you will be right to listen to Xu Shiqiang!

At this moment, Su Hao made the second Starlight Breaker and pushed it suddenly.

With a flash of golden light, Xing Guang Po quickly disappeared.

Not long after, the Fifth Fleet turned into little bits of light and spread in all directions.


The humans were rejoicing, while the Yatsura clan seemed a little flustered.

Just now, the Eighth Fleet suddenly lost contact.

Nothing unusual was found at first. It was not until the Fifth Fleet, the Tenth Fleet, and the Twelfth Fleet lost contact one after another that the fleet commander finally discovered something was wrong!

The warships that then approached these lost fleets captured footage of several warships suddenly exploding, and then shared them with all fleets!

What is shown on the screen is the sudden explosion of all battleships without warning…

In the eyes of all the Yaju Clan, it looks extremely terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is that every few minutes, a fleet loses contact!

As for why contact was lost, they all already understood – the battleship exploded!

Then the question is: When will it be your turn? Who will explode in a few minutes?

The fleet commander shouted hoarsely: “All fleets, retreat immediately!”

However, retreat takes time.

Only relying on the battleship’s thrusters, it would be impossible to escape Su Hao’s preset attack range in two hours.

As for starting the curvature engine… Even if there is no need to calculate the course and landing point, starting the curvature engine immediately will require at least two hours of preparation.

To sum up, when Su Hao decided to launch an attack, the Yatsura clan’s fleet could no longer escape.

One after another, the Eight Hand Clan fleets exploded into small cosmic fireworks inexplicably, which could not be stopped.

In the panic of the Eight Hands clan, their brains were frantically thinking about the reason for the inexplicable explosion of the spacecraft, and they checked the spacecraft over and over again.

But no matter how you search, the spacecraft shows that everything is normal!

However, reality proves that this is not normal at all.

This is the strangest situation the Eight Hands clan has ever encountered during their conquest of the Cloud Ring System.

The key is that they did not detect the human attack!

“What’s going on? Why do battleships explode one after another? What have humans done? What can we do to prevent this from happening?”

The Yatsura on the battleship have been thinking about these questions. However, until all their battleships were destroyed and they all died, they did not think about this problem clearly.

In the Eight-hand Clan command room, the commander said calmly: “This operation to eliminate blue-light humans has completely failed!”

“So, what’s going on?”

This question stumped a group of extremely smart Yatsura clan!

Seeing no one answer, the commander continued: “Not only that, I have received the latest news. Human beings have quietly launched attacks on our immigrant stars when we attacked Blue Light. Now at least thirty planets have been completely destroyed. Destroyed, the number of destroyed planets continues to increase…”

“Human beings are so powerful. I, the Eight-hand clan, must have been in contact with them for many years! So, why do rating agencies always evaluate humans as non-threatening?”

What all the eight-handed tribes here did not expect was that humans, who had always been weak, could actually master such powerful power.

The commander finally concluded the failure: “The responsibility for the failure of this attack on Blue Light does not lie with us, but with the threat rating agency!”


“Report! The Thirteenth Fleet of the Eight Hands Clan is confirmed to have been destroyed!”

“Report! The Fifteenth Fleet of the Eight Hands Clan is confirmed to have been destroyed!”


In the human command room, Xia Qingjun and others watched with wide eyes as Su Hao threw the shuttles one by one, and listened to the reporter reporting on the status of the Eight Hand Clan fleet one by one, their expressions gradually became dull!

It wasn’t until Su Hao teleported back to the command room that they woke up from a dream and looked at Su Hao with strange expressions on their faces.

Su Hao smiled lightly and said: “Don’t be too surprised! This is a new superpower I just developed called Starlight Break. It’s the first time I’ve used it in actual combat, and it seems to work pretty well!

However, there are still many limitations, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. ”

Xia Qingjun and others: “…”

As long as it’s what you Xu Shiqiang said, it’s all right!

But does this have anything to do with the word surprise? no!

A doubt arose in everyone’s mind: Does Xu Shiqiang really know what he has done?

Although I admit that Su Hao is “super god”, this is still a bit exaggerated.


The exam is here, come on, students!

Multiple books

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