My Divine Diary Chapter 313: Goals

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

Su Hao has already mastered the most basic ‘space transmission technology’ and ‘space blockade technology’.

But mastery does not mean perfect application. There is still a long way to go before basic principles can be developed into mature application technologies.

For Su Hao, simply teleporting to the secondary star, or teleporting to the marked summoned beast in a short distance, is too limited and far from being able to meet Su Hao’s requirement for ‘arbitrary’ teleportation in space.

Yes, the key point is ‘arbitrary’. If the limitations are too great, the effect of this teleportation technology on Su Hao will be greatly reduced.

In his imagination, space technology must achieve the following goals:

1. Ultra-long distance transmission technology;

2. Random flashing technology at close range;

3. Portable storage space technology;

4. Space Exile Technology;

5. Space barrier technology;

6. Space cutting technology;

7. Spatial positioning technology;


Currently, Su Hao has not mastered any of them.

Teleporting to a secondary star does fall into the category of ‘ultra-long distance teleportation’, but this is a completely random teleportation with no fixed teleportation direction, which is far from the teleportation technology that Su Hao imagined.

To put it simply, this is the difference between a four-wheeled wooden cart and the car in Su Hao’s imagination. The technical difference is too big to be imagined.

Su Hao’s next goal is to develop this technology into various uses based on the principle of space transmission, so that it can be used in any combination as he wishes.

This is what Su Hao wants.

Su Hao found a seat and dialed Chen Qingsheng’s number. Before Chen Qingsheng could speak, Su Hao said directly: “Manager Chen, I am interested in materials science recently and would like some information on materials science. The more comprehensive the better, can you help me get it?”

Chen Qingsheng immediately said: “Brother, what are you talking about? Even if I don’t have what you want, I will try my best to get it for you! Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered! Give it to me I’ll definitely get it done for you in a few days!”

Chen Qingsheng didn’t even hear what Su Hao would give him in exchange, so he immediately agreed. For him, Su Hao’s willingness to call him was the best news, and he exchanged some information for Su Hao’s favor and trust. , this business is worthwhile. Many things in this world can be clearly marked with price, but the most expensive thing is favor! Favors from powerful people!

Su Hao smiled and said: “Okay, I’ll wait for your good news. The more comprehensive the better, it’s best to have some samples. Of course, if you are satisfied, I won’t let you down.”

Chen Qingsheng felt a rush of blood rush to his forehead when he heard this, and he patted his chest with excitement and said: “Brother, don’t worry! I guarantee your satisfaction!”

After hanging up the phone, Su Hao randomly sent a shipping address and continued back to his laboratory.

He needs to think carefully about the purpose of space teleportation, organize the basic runes, and try to use the runes to realize teleportation. This does not happen overnight.

As for asking Chen Qingsheng for material science information, Su Hao mainly thought that he might be able to use materials that are compatible with mental power as an anchor point for spatial positioning.

If there are suitable materials, Su Hao’s development progress will be much faster.

As for Yashan, after posting the last video, a large number of books of all kinds were brought back from nowhere and filled his study room, as if it was turned into a small library, and he did not only take care of it Apart from Su Hao’s daily life, he was bored in his library all day long, studying various books fascinatedly.

After only one month, Yashan said sheepishly: “Boss Wei…well, there is a lot of advanced mathematics that I can’t understand!”

Su Hao laughed and said: “That thing requires a strong foundation. You don’t have to be good at thinking, but you also need a good foundation! Go find a tutor! Help you catch up on the basics! If you really want to learn, You can go to college and study systematically.”

Ashan’s eyes lit up and he immediately nodded and said: “I understand, Boss Wei, why didn’t I think it could be like this?”

Then Yashan started looking for teachers to take online classes, hoping to get into a good university.


Time flies, three years fly by, and Su Hao is sixteen years old.

In a valley without human traces, the space beside the stream is twisted, and a tall figure appears here.

Wearing a simple and neat outfit, a T-shirt and trousers and a pair of big slippers, he has a youthful atmosphere. His neat short hair on his head is like a steel needle pointing straight to the sky. He has a faint smile on his face and is full of energy. If he had a big gold chain hanging around his neck, he would be a bad boy.

This person is none other than Su Hao. His casual appearance cannot hide his vigorous vitality.

Su Hao chuckled lightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, the space around him fluctuated, and disappeared in the next moment. When he reappeared, he was already on a rock ten thousand meters away.

“Short-distance teleportation is basically completed. It only takes less than one second before and after activation. According to the current situation, this time cannot be shortened in a short time!”

The so-called ‘short-distance teleportation’ means that one can teleport oneself to any location within the sensing range of Su Hao’s radar.

This is a new usage developed by Su Hao based on his own abilities.

First, name the two parts of the twin space module respectively, one is the ‘positive space module’ and the other is the ‘negative space module’.

Then the basic method is: use ‘space waves’ to cross-generate a large number of space modules, then use mental power to package the ‘negative space modules’, and directly launch them to the designated location through the core rune ‘perception’, and then you can smoothly Follow the rhythm of the ‘positive space module’ and transport yourself to the designated location.

To put it simply, it is three steps: create a space module – package the ‘negative space module’ and send it to the designated location – activate the ‘positive space module’ to realize the transfer.

The principle is not complicated, but the operation is very troublesome.

It will take at least ten seconds from preparation to transmission.

Teleporting a distance of 10,000 meters requires ten seconds of preparation time. Su Hao might as well just fly there. What’s the use of teleporting?

For this reason, Su Hao also redesigned his core runes, retaining the ‘perception’ and ‘hardness’ functions, and removed the two rune functions of ‘lightning’ and ‘barrier’, and replaced them with ‘space module generation’ Runes and ‘Negative Space Module Positioning’ runes. Directly modularizing the first and second steps saves a lot of time for short-distance transmission. Now if Su Hao wants to teleport, he only needs to activate the runes, select a location, and then teleport.

The time taken before and after is less than one second.

Su Hao spent two years on such optimization! It can be said that I have experienced a lot of sadness. However, to reach the current level, Su Hao feels that the two years of trying and exploring have been worth it!

“Although the time required for short-distance teleportation does not reach the level of teleportation, it is of little use in rapid battles, but as long as it is used well, it can also produce unimaginable effects! Then, try space storage next Material technology…”

Su Hao stretched out a hand forward and gently grabbed a bottle of solution in the laboratory. He then looked at it and found that there was no loss, then reached out and put it down. The bottle of solution disappeared and was put back into the laboratory by Su Hao.

Su Hao reached out again and grabbed With a little force on his arm, a huge sofa was pulled out by Su Hao and then put back again.

“No matter the size of the object, as long as the space module is sufficient and the mental power is strong enough, it can be easily taken out. However, the greater the mass of the object, the more difficult it is to transfer the space! It may be related to the characteristics of large-mass matter that distorts space.”

The principle of storage technology is very simple…

Su Hao directly found a mountain nook, dug out a space inside the mountain, and then used some special materials and ‘attachment’ runes to attach the blood energy containing spiritual power to the space, and then used a large number of negative space modules to Mental power is the coordinate, located here! A storage space is formed!

As for creating a portable space bag or space ring out of thin air…

Ahem! Su Hao could only say that it can’t be done yet! We can only make do with it first and use the warehouse as a portable space. However, enough is enough!

“As for space exile technology and space barrier technology…”

Su Hao showed a confident smile: “These are much simpler!”

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