My Divine Diary Chapter 284: Everything is ready

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

Five months later, Su Hao injected three genetic modification fluids into the bodies of three [Metamorphosis Kings], namely the giant moth, the flying mantis, and the black-tailed wasp.

As long as one of them successfully evolves into [Shijun], Su Hao can start his plan!

The result will be seen in four hours.

Time ticked by, and in three hours, the Flying Mantis’ body continued to change its shape, and the cells throughout its body gradually shrank and dried up.

Su Hao frowned and said secretly: “The evolution of the Flying Praying Mantis has failed!”

A large amount of energy will be consumed during the evolution process. Once the body shrinks, it will basically fail because the body’s energy is not enough to support the success of evolution.

“Sure enough, the creatures in this world are not as adaptable to such extraordinary genes as the creatures in the previous world. It is not that easy to obtain a level six [Shijun].”

Su Hao waved his hand, and with the surge of diamond armor, the flying mantis that failed to evolve was swept into the ground and disappeared.

Su Hao focused on the other two summoned beasts.

After about half an hour, the black-tailed wasp also began to shrink, and the black-tailed wasp also failed to evolve.

But Su Hao was not at all depressed, on the contrary, he looked happy. Because the big moth obviously showed no sign of decline, it showed that it had a high degree of genetic compatibility with [Shijun].

Generally, it is the end of evolution at this time. As long as you persist for ten minutes, you can basically declare the evolution to be successful.

While staring at the big moth, Su Hao analyzed secretly: “The big moth, mantis and black-tailed wasp all belong to metamorphosis species, and the body shape itself changes with different life cycles, so this kind of creatures It has a very good adaptability to the extraordinary genes of the [Mimetic Man] sequence, and the giant moth is the most adaptable. It has to go through four changes in its life before it reaches the end of its life.

On the other hand, the Flying Mantis and the Black-tailed Wasp are only species with incomplete metamorphosis. They can only evolve into the fifth-level [Metamorphosis King], but if they want to evolve into the sixth-level [First King], the success rate is not high. In the same way, if other creatures want to obtain level six or even level seven exotic beasts, they must analyze the characteristics of the creatures and evolve selectively. ”

After another ten minutes, the big moth showed no tendency to lose its life. Su Hao knew that the [Shijun] he had been waiting for for so long was finally born.

Su Hao burst into laughter, making Yashan, who was practicing ‘life perception’ with summoned beasts in the next room, stand on end.

After a while, the big moth woke up and was controlled by Su Hao with his mental tentacles.

“Then, let’s try Shijun’s ability first. ‘Transformation’!”

As soon as Su Hao had an idea, the big moth immediately turned into a flying mantis and flapped its wings to fly in the huge laboratory.

Su Hao nodded with satisfaction and controlled the big moth to transform again.

In the meantime, the cells of the big moth’s body dissolved like slime, and then it was shaped and lifted up, turning into a human shape, which looked like Ashan.

This moth version of Yashan tried to open his mouth and speak: “Hiss, hiss~”

I opened my mouth and was speechless.

Su Hao shook his head and said: “The essence is still a big moth. Other organs and tissues are fine, but the brain cannot be deformed. Next, try the most critical ‘body parasitism’.”

Su Hao closed his eyes slightly, and his mental tentacles poked out, spreading out along the veins of space, and then provided force to the space structure through the mental tentacles, constantly accelerating the rhythm. The next moment, Su Hao’s mental tentacles broke through the space and came to the deputy star.

Densely dense white dots of creatures in the secondary star space appeared in Su Hao’s perception.

Su Hao stretched out his mental tentacles in any direction, came to a white dot, and formed a large net. He suddenly grabbed the white dot, the frequency of the rhythm increased, and he pulled suddenly.

The white spot was frightened and struggled, but it was useless. Su Hao passed through the space channel and pulled him closer.

It is a small civet cat as big as a buffalo.

The civet cat struggled desperately and bared its teeth at Su Hao as soon as it came out. However, Su Hao used transformation steel to immobilize its limbs and was helpless.

Su Hao did not use mind control to tame the civet cat, but kept it in its original state and used it as a parasitic experiment for [Shi Jun].

The good thing about this world is that Su Hao never lacks experimental objects. When needed, he can just pull one over from the secondary star. After using up the ingredients, you can give them to Yashan to make barbecue, and sprinkle them with sauces to make a delicious meal.

What a worry-free life!

Su Hao controlled his scattered thoughts, focused on the [First King] big moth, and controlled the big flying goose to activate the ‘body parasitism’ ability.

When ‘Body Parasitism’ is activated, no changes are seen in the moth, but if someone can observe the microscopic world, they will know that the deadly threat is actually approaching the ferocious civet cat.

A large number of cells invisible to the naked eye gather together to form a parasitic unit, which floats towards the civet cat. When the civet cat is unaware, it attaches to its hair, or enters its respiratory tract through breathing, or falls down. In the moist corner of the eye…

In just one cup of tea, the whole body of the civet cat was covered with the cells of the big moth [Shijun].

These cells slowly invaded the civet cat’s body and immediately copied the various protein information of the civet cat, completing the disguise and easily avoiding the immune system of the civet cat’s body.

Next, a shocking scene happened inside the civet cat’s body. [Shijun]’s cells began to resemble cancer cells, absorbing nutrients from the body and proliferating in large numbers.

In just one day, [Shijun]’s cells have spread to the entire body of the civet cat. At this time, the body of the civet cat is all under the control of [Shijun]. With just one thought, the civet cat’s body will be easily transformed. host.

But the tanuki has no idea.

Su Hao carefully analyzed this process and discovered some clues: “[Shijun]’s cells will eat up some cells of the civet cat, and then use his own cells to replace the functions of the original cells to maintain the normal survival of the civet cat.”

However, Su Hao’s goal is not that.

He came to the moth’s side, put his hand on the giant moth’s body, poured blood into it, recorded the moth’s weak consciousness, and locked it in a small dark room.

At this time, everything the moth sees, hears and feels will be recorded in the pinball space. At the same time, the moth also has a special ability, which is a usage that Su Hao once developed—— The blessing of the [God of Creation].

As long as the moth uses its blood energy to saturate the item, the item information will also be recorded in the pinball space.

This feature will now play its true role.

Su Hao tried to control [Shijun]’s cells distributed in the civet cat’s body, concentrate the blood energy, and invade the civet cat’s brain.

However, after a moment, Su Hao frowned. He discovered that the blood strength of the [Shijun] cells in the civet cat’s body was far from being able to record biological consciousness information.

“The strength of the blood energy is too low and it is impossible to complete the recording of information.”

Next, Su Hao began to conduct parasitism experiments on [Shijun] and civet cats, and summoned several various summoned beasts to participate in the experiments.

One month Su Hao came to several reliable conclusions.

First: [Shijun] After the parasitic cells successfully parasitize, it will take about fifteen days to cultivate, slowly absorb energy, and enhance the strength of the blood;

Second: [Shijun]’s parasitic cells can accelerate their growth. It only takes three days for the blood strength to reach the level of recording consciousness information, but it will greatly overdraw the host’s body and is suitable for phagocytes;

Third: [Shijun] After a large number of cells invade the body, they can destroy the host’s body in a very short time and cause fatal damage;

Fourth: Every parasitic unit of [Shijun] has extremely strong corrosive power. All kinds of biochemical protective clothing cannot stop the erosion of cells, and can even penetrate a centimeter-thick steel plate;

Fifth: After the cell invasion, [Shijun] can take over control of the body at any time, but the price is the complete destruction of the original consciousness.

Sixth: The parasitized host can spread parasitic units and infect people around it.

After clarifying the conclusions, Su Hao showed a smile: “Everything is ready, the ‘all our own people’ plan can begin!”

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