The Favoured Medical Princess: 492 Concubine, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Sheng Chong’s Daughter-in-law: The Medical Concubine!

On the top of the willow trees in the moonlight, 10,000 Nanliang troops followed the official road and arrived a few miles away from Yongjia City.

The cavalry, which had been galloping all day and night, were already exhausted, and every soldier’s eyes were covered with thick shadows.

Of course, Ikaro knew this very well and hesitated to let the army rest for a while before continuing. In the current state of the army, even if they rushed to Yongjia City, it would probably be very detrimental to them.

At this moment, a horse galloped towards this side. The scout who was scouting the road in front came back in a hurry. He dismounted and clasped his fists to report: “General, you can faintly hear the sound of the Southern Xinjiang Army attacking the city three miles ahead. … Listening to the sound, it seems that the Southern Xinjiang Army is hitting the city gate with a battering ram!” The scout swallowed, his face serious.

Ikaro knew very well about Yongjia City. If Yongjia City had not taken the initiative to open the city gate and surrender, I am afraid it would not have been so easy to win.

So, he was convinced that even if the troops were insufficient now, Yongjia City could be defended for at least three to five days.

He was not worried that Yongjia City would be captured so quickly, but taking advantage of the Southern Xinjiang Army’s aggressive attack on the city, it was a great opportunity to conduct a sneak attack.

When the time comes to attack from both sides, the Southern Xinjiang Army will definitely be defeated!

Ikaro ordered the scouts: “You guys quickly continue to explore the way forward!”

“Yes, Commander!” The scout accepted the order with his fists clasped, then got on his horse and galloped away.

Ikaro frowned, his original fatigue swept away, and ordered: “All officers and men, quickly follow my commander to support Yongjia City!”

The Southern Xinjiang Army must be killed by surprise!

“Yes, Commander!” Ten thousand cavalry responded in unison, cheering up.

Ikaro raised his whip and whipped it hard at the black horse. The black horse neighed in pain, let go of its hooves and began to accelerate.

The 10,000 cavalry behind him were also galloping, “tap, tap, tap…” The sound of horse hooves became louder, like bursts of muffled thunder that continued to sound…

After walking forward for about three miles, I heard shouts, the sound of weapons being handed over from the direction of Yongjia City, and the loud noises of battering rams hitting the city gate…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It seems that what the scout said is true, the Southern Xinjiang Army is indeed attacking the city!

Ikaro had a proud smile on his face, and just as he was about to whip the whip again, something suddenly flashed through his mind, and he felt that something was not quite right…

That’s right! The scouts who went to explore the road never came back!

Ikaro felt a chill in his heart, and had a vague premonition of something ominous. Could it be that this is a trap! ?

The 10,000 cavalrymen I brought with me on this trip are the elite of the Nanliang army, and there must be no mistakes…

Ikaro raised his hand to signal the army to slow down, and then ordered: “Send a few more scouts to investigate…”

“Yes, Marshal.”

A dozen scouts rode towards Yongjia City, while the army stayed where they were to rest…

At this moment, time passed particularly slowly. It was obviously just a stick of incense, but it seemed that an hour had passed. Seeing that the scout had not returned for a long time, the ominous premonition in Ikaro’s heart became even stronger.

Suddenly, the soldier beside him pointed forward and shouted: “Commander, it’s the scout! The scout is back!”

Ikaro’s eyes lit up and he looked towards the direction of the horse. He saw the scout clinging to the brown horse awkwardly, precariously as if he was about to fall off at any moment.

“Commander! Commander…” the scout yelled at the top of his lungs, “It’s a trap! Commander, the scouts in front were ambushed and all were destroyed. Only the villain escaped by chance!” The scout hurriedly dismounted and shouted. He reported with dripping sweat, “Yongjia City has been captured by the Southern Xinjiang Army!”

How is that possible? ! Ikaro’s pupils shrank sharply. With the terrain of Yongjia City being easy to defend and difficult to attack, how could it be possible that it was captured in just one day and one night? What on earth did that idiot Bamintu do? !

Once Yongjia City was lost, most of the good situation they had worked so hard to create in southern Xinjiang was destroyed.

Ikaro’s chest rose and fell violently. If Bamintu had been in front of him at this moment, he would have cut him into pieces!

Ikaro clenched his fists and quickly calmed down.

At this point, it is useless to dwell on why Yongjia City fell!

At this moment, our soldiers are exhausted and it is really not suitable for a head-on confrontation with the Southern Xinjiang Army.

The only option is to retreat? !

Ikaro was really unwilling to give in. He gritted his teeth tightly and finally squeezed out two words from between his teeth: “Withdraw!”

Ikaro gave an order, and the Nanliang army turned around again and galloped away.

Tens of thousands of iron hooves are tapping the ground, the war horses are getting faster and faster, the sound of horse hooves is deafening, and the dust is flying…

There are two dark woods on both sides of the official road. The dense leaves block the moonlight. The woods are so dark that you can’t see your fingers. No one notices the pair of bright eyes hidden in the woods. eye.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded, tearing through the night sky.

The ropes originally buried under the dust were suddenly tightened by people hiding in the woods. The ropes rose up and caught the horses’ hoofs.

The nearly a thousand war horses in front let out a mournful cry, flew into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground. They even threw the cavalrymen on the horses away like sandbags. They fell all over the place, and some even He was also pressed under him by the war horse, and he could only hear the neighing of the horse, the screams of people, the crisp sound of broken bones, and the sound of impact.

What is even more frightening is the chain reaction that follows. Thousands of war horses at the rear cannot dodge in time, let alone stop, and are tripped by the fallen horses in front. One ring after another, countless war horses are like waves. The waves crashing onto the beach fell down…

People were shouting and horses were neighing, and the crowd was mixed into a pot of porridge. The scene was very heroic and shocking.

Yikaluo at the front was also thrown away by the momentum of the flying horses, but compared to most of the soldiers in the rear, he had better luck. After rolling a few times on the official road in embarrassment, he Slowed down the momentum. Although his clothes were stained with a lot of sand and there were a few small scratches on his face, his body was unharmed.

When he stood up and looked behind, he felt a chill in his heart. Thousands of horses and cavalry were knocked to the ground. Their armors were dyed bright red with blood. The injured horses were lying on their sides on the ground. It screamed horribly…

There are so many tripping ropes buried here, it is obviously a trap that has been set long ago!

How could this happen? !

Scouts… On the way to Yongjia City, the scouts went ahead of the army. But now, because this road had just been passed and the retreat was urgent, no more scouts were arranged to explore the way. Therefore, the prince of Zhennan was Will you choose to launch a sneak attack at this time?

Could it be that everything from the time when Yanding City asked for help, every step, every game… was all a conspiracy of the Prince of Zhennan, and he was so stupid that he fell into the trap? !

As if to answer the question in Ikaro’s mind, a burst of messy footsteps, mixed with shouts of death, came from the woods not far behind.

“Come on!”


Countless Southern Xinjiang troops wearing armor and wielding long swords surged out of the forest as deep as an abyss, with momentum like a rainbow. The cry of killing was like the roar of a ferocious beast, resounding throughout the earth, and the overwhelming murderous intent was overwhelming…

The two armies fought wildly, with shields colliding and swords intersecting. The official road became a battlefield where the two armies faced each other. Horses neighed and people screamed. The sound of killing was loud and endless. Hot blood splashed all over the soldiers. Head full of face.

The ground was filled with dead and wounded, and blood was flowing everywhere.

In a matter of moments, wherever he looked, blood flowed like a river.

As the commander-in-chief, Ikaro was naturally unscathed under the protection of a group of soldiers.

He clearly understood that the war situation was not good for his side. He had lost two to three thousand troops just because of falling horses. The remaining more than 7,000 troops were against the nearly 10,000 troops of the Southern Xinjiang Army. The other side was not that willing to capture them. easy.

But the problem is——

The Southern Xinjiang Army is full of energy and has had a good rest. However, after a day and night of marching, we are exhausted and almost at the end of the war. Once the battle continues for a long time, the strength of their Nanliang Army will only be exposed. Tired.

But now that the road ahead is blocked, and behind is Yongjia City occupied by the Southern Xinjiang Army, of course he cannot fall into a trap. There are wolves in front of him and tigers in the back…

No, I still have a way to survive!

The map distribution of southern Xinjiang flashed through Ikaro’s mind. He became energetic and gave an order to the soldiers beside him.

The soldier immediately waved the military flag vigorously and issued orders to the soldiers in flag language.

Nan Liang’s army quickly started to move. Both those with horses and those without horses poured into the woods on the right side of the official road like a tide. Although the woods are not good for marching, they are natural barriers and are not good for the enemy. Army pursuit.

But the woods are not Ikaro’s ultimate goal.

According to Ikaro’s memory, there is a large hilly area to the southwest of Yongjia City, densely forested and undulating. Once they occupy the hills as the commanding heights, they can be condescending to observe the enemy’s situation and suppress the enemy’s forces, thereby controlling the initiative on the battlefield, and can also find space for the army to breathe and rest…

Those hills are their life!

“Drive!” Ikaro on horseback took the lead, followed by the Nanliang army.

Soon, the lush green hills appeared in front, and the moonlight softly illuminated the road ahead…

Ikaro felt happy at first, but then he tightened the horse’s rope and stared up at the hills in disbelief.

Only a few dozen feet away, a large group of black Southern Xinjiang troops stood in front, black flags embroidered with silver characters fluttering in the night wind, showing off wantonly!

A handful of black repeating crossbows were aimed at the Nanliang army below like a dense swarm of bees.

“Those who do not surrender will be killed without mercy!”

The soldiers of the Southern Xinjiang Army waved flags and shouted, and the shouts went straight into the sky, echoing in the sky, and they stayed together…



“Puttering, fluttering…”

The sound of birds flapping their wings suddenly opened the eyes of the young man in green who was lying on the eaves. A piece of gray feathers whirled lightly and fell down. It happened to land on the tip of Xiaosi’s nose, making him almost shudder. A sneeze occurred.

While picking up the piece of gray feather, he sat up and twitched the corner of his eye.

It’s that arrogant gray eagle again!

The eagle relies on human power. It knows that it doesn’t dare to do anything to it, right? !

Xiao Si pursed her lips into a straight line, planning to teach the eagle a lesson one day while avoiding the young master.

“Puttering, fluttering…”

Another sound of birds flapping their wings came, accompanied by a loud eagle call. Xiaosi squinted slightly and looked over at the sound.

Above the bamboo forest directly in front, a gray eagle spread its wings and circled in the blue sky, but Xiaosi’s eyes fell on a white dove in front of it. The poor white pigeon flapped its wings with difficulty, trying to escape, but the gray eagle seemed to be teasing it. Sometimes it came closer and pecked the white pigeon’s wings, and sometimes it deliberately lagged behind and watched proudly as the white pigeon fled ahead. ……

Of course that gray eagle is Xiao Yi’s little gray!

Xiao Si’s entire face turned dark.

The carrier pigeons raised by the young master are all marked. Xiao Si took one look and knew that they were his own carrier pigeons.

For every owner, there must be an eagle. This stupid eagle actually bullied their homing pigeon!

Little Si walked quickly on the tiles, and then flew down towards the bamboo forest without hesitation, like a roc spreading its wings.

His light toes touched a thick bamboo pole. The bamboo pole bent a graceful arc in the other direction, and then bounced back. Xiaosi used his strength to fly towards the white pigeon, and grabbed it with his right hand. It followed him with his left hand and hugged another bamboo pole next to him. The bamboo pole shook and swayed in the air, shaking down a large piece of bamboo leaves, forming a green leaf rain…


The sound of swaying bamboo leaves was intertwined with Xiao Hui’s unwilling eagle cry. Xiao Hui turned half a circle above Xiao Si, as if complaining about why Xiao Si wanted to **** his toys.

Xiao Si glared at it angrily, not bothering to pay attention to it at all. He grabbed the white pigeon in his right hand, slid it down the bamboo pole, and landed lightly on the ground.

On weekdays, he would take off the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon’s leg and release the pigeon, but at this moment, Xiao Hui was still staring at him eagerly not far away, so Xiao Si simply carried the white pigeon into the house. .

In the study, Guan Yubai sat casually on a rosewood armchair by the window. He wore a simple lake-colored straight jacket, and his black hair was **** casually with a ribbon of the same color. Holding a pair of scissors, he was slowly pruning a pot of evergreens with green branches and leaves.

The breeze blew in through the window, blowing a strand of black hair on his cheek, and the tail of the hair brushed against the light smile at the corner of his mouth, quiet and beautiful.

“Click, click…”

In the room, the only sound was the tinny sound of scissors from time to time. It was obviously monotonous and almost boring, but somehow it exuded a sense of tranquility and leisure.

In fact, Xiaosi didn’t know what the young master was pruning at all. In his opinion, these bonsais would grow quite well even if they were not pruned. However, the young master said that flowers and trees should be divided into seven parts and three parts should be pruned. Those unnecessary stray branches and dead leaves can make the whole plant grow better…

Obviously the young master was talking about pruning potted plants, but for some reason Xiao Si felt that the young master meant something.


The carrier pigeon cooed restlessly in his hand. Xiao Si quickly took off the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon’s leg, and then said: “Sir, Prince Xiao’s carrier pigeon has arrived.”

Guan Yubai responded with a click and pruned another branch.

He looked at it for a while, and the smile at the corner of his mouth deepened, then he casually placed the scissors next to the bonsai, picked up the white towel on the side and wiped his hands, and then took the small bamboo tube. After opening the sealing wax, the tissue paper folded into strips was taken out.

Guan Yubai’s slender and white fingers unfolded the silk paper slowly and slowly.

This plan started with the discovery of the Nanliang people in Maofeng Town. Letting the nine kings go and ordering the Divine Arm Battalion to set up an ambush in the Linghua Gorge was not just to sneak attack the Nanliang army who came to respond, but just to be able to He sneaked into Yongjia City in the name of a remnant soldier.

Using the help of the Nine Kings to transfer the Nanliang coach and the army, they coordinated internally and externally, first captured Yongjia City, then ambushed the Nanliang coach who returned for reinforcements, and finally attacked from both sides with Huiling City to capture Yanding City…

Plans are plans, and the reason why they are progressing so smoothly is because of A Yi’s bravery and skill in fighting! Otherwise it is just talk on paper.

Xiaosi didn’t need to ask. Looking at the young master’s smiling eyes, he knew that this must be good news – it seemed that the battle was won!

Guan Yubai folded the silk paper back and handed it to Xiaosi: “Send it to Bixiaotang.”

Xiaosi responded and was about to turn around and leave when he heard a familiar eagle cry outside the window.

He paused in his steps and looked out the window. Sure enough, the stupid eagle stopped on the branch outside the window at some point, and its cold and sharp eagle eyes stared at this place for a moment. No, I should say It’s the carrier pigeon in his hand.

One person and one eagle stared at each other for a long time. Finally, Xiaosi moved first and locked the carrier pigeon in the cage in the study room, and then left expressionlessly.

Guan Yubai shook his head in a funny way, then picked up the scissors that he had put aside, and slowly cut them off with one cut after another.

One knife after another, so cautiously, as if what he was facing was not a small pot of evergreen, but a priceless treasure…

Not long after, the secret letter sent by Xiaosi was quickly delivered to Bixiaotang through Baihui’s hands.

Nangong Yue opened the thin piece of tissue paper almost tremblingly, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

A Yi is safe at the front, and has also recaptured Yongjia City and Yanding City one after another!

Nangong Yue stared at the few words on the silk paper, smiling so hard that her eyes were as crescent-shaped, and her dark pupils were filled with light.

Nangong Yue couldn’t help but read the letter again and again, feeling as if a sweet breeze was passing through her heart, and her eyes were bright.

“Baihui…” Nangong Yue put away the silk paper and said with a joyful smile, “The crown prince’s victory is a happy event. Go and tell the accountant that everyone in the house will be rewarded with a silver nugget!”

The maids on the side looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing. The Crown Princess was extremely happy.

Baihui was blessed and said with a smile: “Then I will thank the imperial concubine for everyone in the house.” After a pause, she joked, “But I think it’s better to wait for a few more days. Let’s talk about it after the good news comes.”

Nangong Yue was stunned, with a shy smile on her face, she cleared her throat and said, “Let’s talk about it in a few days.” She was so excited that she forgot that the official news of success had not yet arrived. Also, it’s still not advisable to be too public now.

“Yes, Crown Princess.” The three maids responded in unison and looked at each other again with smiles.

The Crown Princess has always been calm and calm, and it is probably only when the Crown Prince is involved that you will see a different side of the Crown Princess. Actually, this is not bad… after all, the Crown Princess is only fifteen years old.

Nangong Yue was still a little excited and didn’t know what to do. She folded the silk paper carefully and put it into a small rosewood box. Suddenly she had an idea in her heart and said excitedly: “Baihui, call me from the cloth shop tomorrow. I want to pick some materials to make some clothes for the prince, and two pairs of shoes…”

The weather in southern Xinjiang was so sultry that she had forgotten that it was already mid-September and it would be autumn soon. She had to make some new clothes for Ayi!

Baihui responded with a smile, and Huamei said with a smile: “Prince Princess, I will help you pick up the soles of your shoes. Although I am clumsy and not good at embroidery, I can still pick up the soles well. Sister Baihui and Sister Que’er They are all those who have praised my slaves.”

Quie’er laughed at the side and said, “It’s not that you are good at picking up shoe soles, it’s because you are strong enough.” Picking up shoe soles is a strenuous job. Huamei was used to doing farm work at home when she was a child, so she is much stronger than the average girl.

Nangong Yue and Baihui were both amused, laughter filled the room, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Nangong Yue thought of something and said again: “Quie’er, are you going to Tingyuge to see if the guests are still there?” Nangong Yue planned to quietly tell Mr. Fang about the great victory ahead before the news of the victory came. good news. Presumably his old man will be very happy to know that A Yi won the battle.

It was a bit of a coincidence today that Old Mrs. Fang happened to have a visitor – in order to celebrate the birthday of the King of Zhennan, the fourth family of the Fang family just arrived in Luoyue City yesterday, so today, the patriarch of the Fang family, Old Mrs. Fang Si, came to Bixiaotang to visit. Mr. Fang.

“Yes, Crown Princess.” Que’er took the order and went to Tingyu Pavilion.

As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the courtyard, a little maid immediately came up to us and called out affectionately: “Sister Que’er.”

Quie’er smiled and greeted the little maid, and then asked: “Are the guests still there?”

The little maid glanced back subconsciously and said, “It’s still in there.”

Quie’er frowned slightly. As far as she knew, a group of people from the fourth room of the Fang family came here more than an hour ago. After chatting for so long, it should be almost over, right? It’s not that she wants to chase away the guests, but it’s just that Mr. Fang’s physical condition is really not suitable for exertion.

Quie’er followed the little maid’s line of sight and took a distant look into the room. In addition to the old lady Fang at the head, there was an old man, a middle-aged man and a seven or eight-year-old boy in the main room.

The old man was over sixty years old, with gray hair and beard, and a very kind-hearted appearance. Judging from his age, he must be Old Master Fang Si.

From Que’er’s distance, it was impossible to hear what everyone in the room was saying, but seeing the hypocritical smiles on their faces obviously wasn’t a good thing.

Que’er stared at them for a long time, wishing he could lip-read.

“Brother,” Mr. Fang Si stroked his beard. Thinking that his eldest brother had just been vague about the adoption, Mr. Fang Si was actually a little unhappy. But thinking about it, the adoption could not be accomplished in a day or two. Next, This matter is the key to his trip today.

Thinking of this, Mr. Fang Si paused deliberately for a while, and then said hesitantly, “I still have something to discuss with my eldest brother…it is related to our Fang family.”

Mr. Fang said politely: “If you have anything to say, fourth brother, just say it.”

Mr. Fang Si collected his thoughts and lowered his voice: “Brother, the prince’s palace and our Fang family have been getting farther and farther apart over the past year, and my niece is no longer favored by the prince. I think we should find a way to improve the relationship between the two. The family’s friendship is…” The niece he mentioned was obviously Xiao Fang.

Old man Fang Si still wanted to save face. He spoke rather implicitly, but the underlying meaning was clear.

Mr. Fang was not a fool. He understood immediately and his face almost became tense. Are the Wang Mansion and Fang Mansion getting further and further apart? ! Ridiculous, really ridiculous! Aren’t Xiao Yi, Xiao Luan and Xiao Fei the best flesh-and-blood connection between the Wang Mansion and the Fang Mansion?

A sarcastic light flashed in Old Mrs. Fang’s eyes. That scandal happened in the third room that day. He sent people to invite the fourth brother to come over and straighten the family tradition, but no one came. Now they come uninvited. !

He has been paralyzed on the bed for so many years, and things have changed a lot. His brothers are no longer the same people they used to be… They have all become obsessed with profit!

Seeing that Old Mrs. Fang didn’t answer, Old Mrs. Fang Si’s face stiffened for a moment, and he thought to himself: He said it so plainly, could it be that my eldest brother has become stupid after lying in bed for so many years?

Old man Fang Si picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and finally suppressed his embarrassment and said: “Brother, you are the prince’s father-in-law and A Yi’s grandfather. You can speak well in front of the prince and A Yi. As I said…” After a pause, he said vigorously, “For the future of our Fang family, it is best to marry another girl from the Fang family into the palace and become a concubine to the prince or Ayi… Of course, it is best to marry a girl from the Fang family to the prince’s palace. Ayi.”

Mr. Fang did not speak, his heart had sunk to the bottom. His fourth brother had the nerve to say such shameless words.

Old Master Fang Si did not notice the displeasure on his face, and continued in a seductive manner: “Brother, A Yi has been in the royal capital these years, and has become completely alienated from the Fang family. The eldest concubine A Yi is from the royal family. They all come, naturally towards her natal family. The grandchildren born in the future will only become farther and farther away from the Fang family, whether it is blood or family ties. Only the girls of our Fang family are of the same mind as the Fang family, Zhennan Palace We will be close to the Fang family for generations…”

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