The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 1021: Hit me, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

Fang Kaiwen hurriedly patted the tree trunk in front of him, then walked forward silently with his head lowered, muttering in a low voice: “I knew he was a deviant, who is such a good son?” Will wear such a slutty sachet…”

Chen Qingxuan’s blood surged. Before he roared out, Kong Wenmin hurriedly said goodbye to Fu Jiayou, then quickly called a carriage and forced him into it.


Wind and Rain Villa.

“Hit me,” Kong Wenmin knelt down in front of Chen Qingxuan with a bang, and said uneasily and timidly, “Hit me how you want, I promise not to fight back.”

“How can I give it up? Haha,” Chen Qingxuan was so angry that his face turned green. Naturally, he didn’t have a good tone. “I didn’t hesitate to wrong myself and turned into a deviant. I am willing to do this for you. I have no chance of having children in my life, and I am so devoted to you, how can I be willing to beat you?”

Kong Wenmin suddenly became half shorter. When he spoke again, his voice became even weaker: “I can’t help it. You saw the situation at that time. That Mr. Fu was so unforgiving to me. If I As long as there is any hesitation, he will definitely bring his brother to the capital. You don’t know how scary his brother is. He will eat you if he catches you. I don’t want to see him again in this life. He…”

“So, what does this have to do with me?” Chen Qingxuan said coldly.

“Yes… it’s none of your business. I, I can’t help it, right?” Kong Wenmin whispered guiltily, “Who asked you to be by my side at that time?”

“So this is still my fault?” Chen Qingxuan simply laughed back angrily, “Kong Wenmin, please stop being so careless. You obviously did it on purpose. You were afraid of being pulled into the water, so you did it backhand. You want me to be your backer, what kind of character do you have?!”

“I’m sorry,” Kong Wenmin looked up at Chen Qingxuan pitifully, “My brother did this unethically. I apologize to you. If you feel that you are not sincere, please take off your shirt and apologize. You Does it look like this?”

“Pleading for mercy? Do you think this is going to be over if I just beat you up?” Chen Qingxuan gritted his teeth and said, “Kong Wenmin, have you ever thought about how I will behave from now on? It’s nice to hold me on my back for a while. , have you thought about the future? How will I gain a foothold in the Hanlin Academy? How will I gain a foothold in the capital? If this matter reaches grandma’s ears, will she get angry? Kong Wenmin, do you really think I beat you? Dun, let this matter go?”

Chen Qingxuan was really angry, and Kong Wenmin also saw it, so he was so panicked. He was really impulsive just now, and he was afraid that he would be entangled again by that shameless young man Fu Jiaheng, so he He came up with such a bad idea in a flash, and didn’t think anything of it at the time. But now looking at Chen Qingxuan’s ferocious face, Kong Wenmin was afraid of regretting it. He waited until Chen Qingxuan finished speaking, and then he dared to speak again: “How about… I’ll make it clear to Fu Jiayou and Fang Kaiwen right away? Just say that we are innocent and tell them not to think wildly.”

“First I want to smash up someone else’s ready-made clothing store, and now I want to make someone stop thinking nonsense,” Chen Qingxuan was so angry that he almost burst into smoke. “Kong Wenmin, can you do less things that cost three hundred taels of silver here?”

“Then, what should we do?” Kong Wenmin felt guilty. While looking at Chen Qingxuan’s expression, he said cautiously, “Otherwise, I will scare them, climb over the wall into their house in the middle of the night, and warn them not to Nonsense?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Chen Qingxuan looked at Kong Wenmin and snorted coldly, “We have known each other for a long time, and I have deep love for you and paid a lot for you. Why should we move in together? Didn’t they all come out of your mouth?”

“Then, what should we do?” Kong Wenmin shrank his head and his voice became even lower.

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