The Divine Hunter Chapter 21: Cat Vulture’s Past


The candlelight flickers.

Photograph of two surprised faces.

The results of the inspection of the prisoners were beyond Leiso and Furius’ imagination.

The tightly tied “mummy” in front of him was talking to himself like a madman. His heartbeat and breathing rate were very different from those of a normal person, or even a demon hunter.

There is not a single piece of intact skin on his body. From the looks of it, he has endured at least dozens of heinous tortures, including fire, freezing, electric shock, and sexual transformation.

The pain of all kinds of torture exceeds that of the Green Grass Trial, and would have been painful to an ordinary person.

Even most demon hunters who have had their immune systems remodeled will die of severe infection and internal organ failure after going through all this.

But he survived tenaciously.

In a twisted and inhuman manner.

Wounds, muscle tissue, organs and blood vessels are sticky, scabbed and healed.

The body is as thin as a mummy, but it has an unusually abundant vitality.

“He has been imprisoned for at least twenty or thirty years…” The cat vulture stared at the prisoner’s lava-like red eyes, seeming to want to find out a little bit of humanity and reason, but unfortunately there was only a void, “There is no food, no drinking water, and How did you survive?”

The bald man was silent, but he had an answer in his heart – maybe this guy can no longer be called a demon hunter, and furthermore, he is no longer a human being!

“Everyone, look what I found!” Roy’s sudden shout made everyone excited and quickly gathered together.

The blueprints of the Cat Faction began to be circulated from Leisuo’s hands, one after another, until Cat Vulture, the Cat Faction witcher’s steady and strong hand holding the sword, rarely started to tremble.

“Four blueprints of the Cat School, so this brother is indeed from the Cat School.”

Ochs glanced at the vulture rather unbearably.

Serrit shook his head, “The possibility is very high, but we cannot rule out that other schools of thought will find the blueprints. After all, the Cat School pendant that proves the identity is still missing.”

They searched the living area and experimental area and only found some irrelevant books and expired alchemy materials.

Next, when Roy showed the silver sword “Moon Blade” and the experimental diary.

There was an eerie silence all around.

The witcher gritted his teeth and breathed heavily…

“Renius V. Steingaard, Matteo Sikura…I remember these two names!”

“Son of a bitch! They are worse than pigs and dogs! How dare you use witchers for experiments?!” Ox’s sandbag-sized fists clenched loudly, “Don’t let me catch them, otherwise I will kill them.” Scrape it all clean with one knife!”

“He was tortured and died wailing!”

“That would be too easy a death.” Seret’s voice was as cold as ice, “If it were me, I would have to repeat all the tricks on them, once, twice…”

“Based on the physique of most warlocks, they can’t last that long…” The bald man’s face was expressionless, his voice was indifferent, but the words he said were terrifying. “We must first find a helper who specializes in healing spells to maintain their lives, keep them awake, and enjoy them until the last moment.”

“Sorry, the water ghost has already killed one target. The most we can do is punish another one.”

Roy shook his head, not expecting his companion to be more ruthless than him.

As for Furius, he repeatedly rubbed the moon blade with his palm, his gray-green pupils stared at the burned cheeks of the “mummy”, and his scarlet eyes gradually became trance-like.

The memory instantly returned to those days of walking together in the wilderness decades ago.

Sorrow and remembrance quietly crawled across Maojiu’s thin cheeks, overwhelming hatred and anger for a moment.

“Did you recognize his identity?”

“The Moon Blade, the scarlet pupils, the drawings of the Cat Faction… If I remember correctly, he is an old friend of mine from a long time ago, named Kaiyan.” Cat Vulture sighed.

“Tell me more carefully?” The four Snake Sect members looked over.

The gray-green pupils of the cat vulture flashed with memories,

“I can’t remember exactly how long ago it was. About fifty years ago, I received an assassination commission in Cintra and met Kyaan on the way to Temeria to perform the mission.”

“He and I both belong to the rational faction. We feel helpless about the current situation of the Cat faction, and disdain to associate with the Cat faction in the caravan, so we wander alone and rely on commissions to make a living.”

“Because of similar backgrounds and congenial temperaments, Kiayan and I quickly became friends and traveled together for about a month… often drinking around the campfire, exchanging alchemy and combat experiences, and sharing previous adventures. ”

Yes, they spent a fulfilling and enjoyable time together with wine and stories.

I never thought that when we meet again after decades of separation, the other person will be tortured in such a miserable way.

“Wait a moment…” Roy glanced at the “mummy” whose lips were still opening and closing, “What does the rational faction mean? Are the cat faction divided into different forces?”

In fact, Roy has always been curious about the Cat School, but unfortunately he only had a rough understanding of it. He only knew about this group of moody assassins who wandered around the world with no fixed residence.

The school has also been abandoned for a long time.

“The rational school is a reluctant term. It refers to the demon hunters whose personality and emotional changes are not too drastic after the trial of green grass. There are only a few in total.” Cat Vulture said mockingly, ” He has a little bit of humanity, can control his temper, and generally does not kill innocent people indiscriminately except when entrusted with tasks.”

Two names suddenly appeared in Roy’s mind.

Eden, a close friend of Lambert, a wolf sect demon hunter, and Kaladin, who gave up the slave business, are both rationalists.

“Except for the rational faction, the remaining cat factions are unable to handle their own emotions due to character flaws and can easily lose control…”

“Why does Mao Pi’s grass decoction cause such serious sequelae?” Roy suddenly interrupted and asked. Sooner or later, he would take Mao Pi’s potion, but he didn’t want to become a madman.

The bald man immediately gave a warning look, seeming to blame him for being reckless.

“This is not a big secret.” Maojiu said frankly, “No matter which school of medicine, the herbal medicine will more or less suppress normal emotions, making the user more sluggish than ordinary people. Of course, There are unaffected optimists like the Oakes brothers, but they are extremely rare.”

Roy’s mouth twitched.

Is this a compliment or a disservice?

“The Cat’s Grass Decoction was originally created by the mage to further weaken the emotional changes of the tester and create an emotionless killing machine.”

“But the result is counterproductive. Weakening becomes strengthening, which will especially amplify the negative emotions in the heart.”

“Many cats after taking medicine, the fear, anger, sadness… and other emotions in the body are amplified to the point that they cannot control themselves… they can only vent and calm down through killing, which encourages the darkness in their hearts… their behavior becomes He became more and more brutal and had no taboos, and the entire school gradually became infamous.”

“But Kaiyan and I are relatively lucky… we don’t have any mental problems.” Cat Vulture’s voice deepened and he took a deep breath, “I didn’t expect that after decades of separation, he would suffer such a disaster. .”

“Brothers from the Snake Faction, can you help me…” His gray-green eyes swept across the four demon hunters, and the cat vulture said sincerely, “Let Kiyaan get rid of his madness and regain his sense…”

“This is exactly what we came here for…” Roy exchanged a look with his are you sure he can accept his current state? ”

If you think about it, if you put yourself in such a terrifying state, like a skinned and burned mummy, and like an evil ghost still alive, anyone would be in agony.

“He should be given a chance,” Maojiu said firmly, “to regain consciousness and decide whether to live or die.”

“If I fall into this situation, I hope someone can wake me up!”

“Then here comes the question. According to the experiment diary, Keyan is currently occupied by an evil thing summoned by a warlock.” Seret rubbed his chin, with a serious look on his face, “How should we exorcise the evil? I still have a little bit left to lift the curse. I have no experience in exorcising evil things from other planes.”

“Everyone, have you noticed the statue and the magic circle?” Roy suggested, “I have a hunch that they must be related to the evil things in Kaiyan’s body.”

“The way to drive away evil spirits is hidden in it!”

“Then take a look!”

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