The Divine Hunter Chapter 56: Career Template

December 5, 1260.

Carbon Mountain ushered in a rare good weather. The warm sunshine broke through the ice and snow. The haze that had shrouded the entire city in recent days was cleared away. Dwarves with honest smiles could be seen everywhere on the streets.

In the square, several Carbon Mountain residents were discussing excitedly around the heads of the Scoia’tael and the Deer-headed Demon on the high wooden frame,

“I happened to be on guard duty that night, and I witnessed with my own eyes the demon hunter and his companions dragging the little monster into the valley. It died in a horrible way. The whole body was scorched and turned into a hedgehog.”

“Honor Mahakam! I have never seen such an ugly and scary guy in my life. If it were alive, I would run away at the first sight!”

“How do you deserve to be compared with the master witcher? The master is indeed a master. In less than a week, he got rid of the monsters that had been plaguing Carbon Mountain for several months, and the four “rats” in the shadows did not escape! I will definitely give him a toast at the banquet tonight!”

“Don’t forget that the master’s human assistant is only a teenager, equivalent to our 27 or 27-year-old boy. He actually participated in the hunt for the deer-headed spirit. He is a little man, so we must give him a toast. !”

“Our archery champion Reagan Dahlberg and his silly brothers also participated in the operation and will receive the award from the great elder tonight.” The dwarf’s face was full of envy, “From now on, these four bachelors will probably It will become a hot commodity in the eyes of Tanshan girls.”

I don’t know whether they forgot or didn’t understand it at all. They didn’t mention anything about Kelvin.

In the witcher’s bedroom.

The dwarf crossbowman with white bandages on his thighs and forehead was explaining the situation to the young man, occasionally glancing at the demon hunter on the other bed who was meditating with his eyes closed.

“They only have mild concussions and will not leave any sequelae… Now, they are all staying in the medical room and sleeping. I am sure they will be alive and well to attend the banquet tonight.”

“That’s good,” Roy breathed a sigh of relief and looked happy, “If something happens to them, I don’t know…”

“It’s not your fault…” Reagan was very open-minded and comforted, “If those fools failed to survive, it was the will of the Holy Mountain of Mahakam, and you can’t blame others. He died with the Scoia’tael, In the battle of monsters, it is also an honor to be buried in the Mahakam Mountains!”

“Think about how many brothers this group of **** have harmed. If they fail to stop them and the destructive actions continue, they will tear apart more happy families in Carbon Mountain. Eradicating them will undoubtedly serve the interests of the entire race and Mahakam. You have done great work. After death, your soul will enter the Holy Mountain.”

Roy’s impression of dwarves has been greatly changed. On the surface, they are greedy and dull, but in fact they have firm beliefs, bravery and loyalty.

“Did you notice when we were transporting the bodies of the Deer-headed Demon and the Scoia’tael Party back to Carbon Mountain? Hiss——” The crossbowman grinned and patted his thigh with his hairy hand excitedly. He accidentally hit the wound and grimaced in pain. , but the excitement of the conversation has not diminished at all, “The guards on the road and the group of crossbowmen at the door usually have their chins raised to the sky, and they often verbally insult our brothers, especially Bernie, who is laughed at every day.”

“Why don’t you open your eyes this time and open your mouth from ear to ear like a fool? How stupid!”

“Now everyone in Carbon Mountain knows that we four brothers cooperated with the demon hunters to eradicate the Scoia’tael and the Deer-headed Demon. We are the heroes of Carbon Mountain! At that time, you were the only one who could stand upright in front of everyone. , Master Leisuo, me. I can imagine my majestic and majestic figure, it must be extremely charming!” Reagan couldn’t help but laugh, “Several girls’ eyes shone at that time.”

“You and Master Leisuo don’t meet their aesthetic standards, they must be looking at me!”

“To put it bluntly, Roy, my spring is here! If I hadn’t gone to join Brother Poly, I would have definitely won one!”

Dwarves are so optimistic!

The young man looked at Reagan who was talking endlessly, and the heaviness and nausea in his heart slowly disappeared.

In the past two days, he kept thinking of the Scoia’tael’s hateful eyes before his death, and the beautiful but false life described to him by the deer-headed spirit. Often distracted.

“Then I would like to congratulate you in advance on your return to this beauty as soon as possible!” He grinned and asked curiously, “But Boss Reagan, are you sure you want to leave Carbon Mountain? You might as well find a girl and have ten or eight children. .”

“When I turn sixty in one year, I will go to Kaedwen to find my eldest brother!” The dwarf shook his head, his face full of determination. The battle with the Deer-headed Scoia’tael made him look forward to the outside world even more.

Trapped in Carbon Mountain, the wonderful things you can see are really limited.

“Where are the three of them?”

“The follower Bernie will definitely go together, but not Dulu and Dave.” Reagan’s hand holding the beard relaxed, and there was regret in his words, “Not all dwarves have great ambitions! They prefer comfort and stability. life.”

“Maybe I’ll see you in Kaedwen in the future!” Roy blurted out with a strong premonition in his heart.

“Haha, then we are waiting for you!”

The dwarf stretched out his furry hand and shook his hand hard, then bumped his shoulders.

“By the way, when will you take me to the medical room to visit those three guys?”

“Don’t worry. You prepare for tonight’s grand gathering first. The Great Elder will personally reward you in front of all the people of Carbon Mountain. This opportunity only comes once in ten years. Don’t miss it!” the dwarf warned. , while taking out a palm-sized, dusty notebook from his arms, with a line of words written on the cover – “Reagan Dahlberg presented to Roy.”

“Last time you mentioned that you wanted to learn crossbow shooting skills from me… This is my experience of using crossbows for decades. Take it and see.”

“I’m not polite.” Roy took the note with both hands and felt warm in his heart.

Then he watched the dwarf leave the room.

He put the notes into the space, and his mind sank into the template of drastic changes.


Age: 13 years and 11 months

Identity: Civilian, Demon Hunter Apprentice

Health: 45/55 (slight injury)


Strength: 5

Agility: 5.1

Physique: 5.5

Perception: 7

Will: 6

Charm: 5

Spirit: 6.5 points


Slaughter LV3→LV4

(Bloody breath: Hostile creatures that enter the range of one night → two nights (0.6 meters) from you have a 10% → 15% chance of being frightened by the breath of killing. If the will attribute is lower than yours, they will temporarily lose their bodies. Control is limited to 1→2 seconds at most.

Your damage to hunted creatures is permanently increased by 10% → 15%.

New active skill – Stun: Actively release the breath of killing to stun a target within two weeks, and perform a forced will test. If the target’s will is lower than yours, it will lose control for up to 2 seconds. Cooling time 5 minutes.

Note: This skill will upgrade with the type and number of creatures you kill. )

Observe LV2

Meditation LV2

Crossbow Specialization LV1


Personal level LV3 (330/1500).

Storage space: 1 cubic meter.


In the battle a few days ago, he killed the Scoia’tael, the Warlock, and the Deer-Headed Spirit, which provided him with a total of more than 300 experience points. It seems that the magical creatures are special, or it may be that the Deer-Headed Spirit is too powerful, and the killing skills are directly used. Raised one level to LV4.

It was this new active shock skill that allowed him to kill Kelvin Hogg.

But these are not his biggest gains!

Looking further down, after the skill template, there is a brand new template——

Career template:

You kill five magical creatures: the Tomb Witch, the Water Ghost, the Boy Hunter, the Elf Warlock, and the Deer-headed Spirit.

You learned the art of meditation from a witcher.

You have learned basic alchemy knowledge and monster knowledge.

You have unlocked a profession – Witcher.

(After the mutation of herbal medicine, he has survived the trial of green grass, and has speed, strength, reaction, coordination, vitality, and recovery ability far beyond ordinary people. He makes a living by accepting commissions and hunting monsters for others.)

Confirmed employment?

Note: You can only have one profession at the current level.

Currently you can only have one profession?

Roy’s mind suddenly moved, so he could have another career in the future?

He calmed down his racing thoughts and focused on the present. He had no better choice.

Confirmed employment!

Personal level is converted into professional level!

You get a career——

Witcher LV3 (330/1500)

Stage: Apprentice (next stage: pass 1 Green Grass Trial, hunt 5/10 kinds of magical creatures, and will advance to a junior demon hunter)

School: Viper (to be determined, haven’t taken the snake herbal medicine yet)

Professional characteristics:

Main attribute – Set an attribute as the main attribute. Once determined, it cannot be changed. After upgrading the level, there is no need to consume attribute points, and the main attributes will automatically increase by 0.5 (apprentice stage).

Growth Weapons – This profession can bind a steel sword, a silver sword, and a long-range weapon. The bound weapon will grow with you, and as you level up, the bound weapon will be strengthened simultaneously. No matter how far away you are, you can feel the position of the bound weapon and recall it instantly.

Comprehensive recovery – As the level increases, the character’s status will be restored to full instantly, and all injuries including residual limbs and internal organ injuries will be restored… and negative conditions including hunger, fatigue, poisoning, disease, and curses will be eliminated…

Loot Package – Get an additional 1 cubic meter of storage space (apprentice stage), you now have 2 cubic meters.

To be unlocked…


At this moment, Roy felt a surge of emotion. After being weak for so long, he finally made a breakthrough by killing the deer-headed spirit with a narrow escape.

Look at this career template, just fully restoring that feature is worth everything!

All statuses were restored instantly, which was equivalent to giving him a second life in the crisis-ridden world of the Demon Hunter.

He instantly figured out several ways to use it. He would not upgrade until he had accumulated enough experience points to reserve this life at any time.

Then when the battle was at its last possible limit, he suddenly made a sudden comeback and made a direct comeback!

It can even be used in the Green Grass Trial…

Roy couldn’t be more satisfied!

The growth weapon is also a characteristic tailor-made for him. He had originally planned to eliminate his usual hand crossbow Gabriel.

But with this ability, as long as it is bound, the hand crossbow will “progress together” with him.

Finding the best quality crossbow binding can maximize profits; but now that he has a choice, he doesn’t want to abandon the things around him easily.

“Old comrade, keep walking with me!” Roy sat on the bedside, caressing the small Gabriel with his fingers,

Bound hand crossbow Gabriel?


Type: Pocket Crossbow

Material: mulberry, tendon, hemp

Features: Weight 5 pounds, bow length 2 feet, draw weight 20 pounds. Effective range is 100 feet.

Confirm binding!

As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly felt an indescribable link, or connection, and imprint between the weapon and the weapon.

When I hold the hand crossbow again, I feel a sense of intimacy with the blending of blood and blood. It seems to have become an extension of my own limbs, and I am aware of every structure and component of it.

The hand crossbow is a coordinate, clearly suspended in the void and darkness, pointing out the direction for him no matter how far apart.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can easily find the location of the weapon with this feeling.

He playfully threw the hand crossbow to the meditating demon hunter on the bed opposite, then reached out and made a move. The hand crossbow disappeared instantly in mid-air, and returned to his hand in a mysterious way.

Roy had a hunch that this ability might come in handy in the future.

As for the bound silver and steel swords, they were currently unaccounted for. He was going to take a look at the weapons that Elder Brovar had given to Leisuo.

Thinking of the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up. Even if he secretly bound the weapon, Leisuo could still use it, right?


In the end, he was hesitant to choose the main attribute. Should he improve the perception of the strongest attribute? Or improve your physique and willpower to continue to increase your chances of passing the Green Grass Trial.

The perception attribute allows him to see further, allowing him to observe more specific information about the target, and use the hand crossbow to sneak attacks more insidiously.

Physique is health value, and its importance is unquestionable.

The will attribute is combined with the new active skill to shock, that is, the melee magic skill. As long as the will attribute is lower than his, and he is immobilized by him for two weeks, life or death is just a matter of seconds.

The remaining attributes include strength and agility, which greatly affect close combat. How can one be called a witcher without some practical swordsmanship?

The spirit is of little use at present, but it is closely related to the core ability of the demon hunter, the sigil. As long as you survive the trial of green grass and unlock the magic power, you can explode with power! It is equivalent to the late-stage attributes and is also difficult to give up.

The only thing that seems useless to him is the charm attribute.

Roy couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to touch his smooth, young and elastic face and the strong biceps on his arms. Today, he has gone from being a skinny guy with short ribs to a tall figure. A strong and heroic young man.

But what’s the use? It can allow him to survive for one second longer in combat, so that his opponent can be merciful and let him go? Maybe?

No, you can fight if your charm is raised to a certain level. The deer-headed spirit’s charismatic charm can lure wild beasts to work for him and brainwash strangers into believers.

But he has no interest in becoming a charmer.


For a while, he was unable to choose his main attribute, but he was not in a hurry. He still had more than a thousand experience points before he could upgrade. He would decide after he figured it out.

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