Mortal Prison Chapter 292: Only in the painting, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

Only in the painting? !

I had no idea such a thing existed in the world.

I looked at Ji Zi, who also had a confused face, not knowing why.

It seems that this is a new species.

Dawn has been fighting these things for thousands of years, and it seems that it has started as far back as the current history books can trace. Unfortunately, too little is known about them, and if they disagree, they will encounter completely new species. If a watcher doesn’t encounter half a new species in his life, he is not a qualified watcher!

The old woman was so mature that she guessed the truth almost instantly: “You don’t know?”

I shook my head.

“That’s right, it’s normal that you haven’t seen this kind of thing before.”

The old woman said to herself: “For Li Ming, those who are restless will be killed. The rafters that stand out will die first. This thing in the painting is peaceful in nature and rarely comes out to harm people. Basically Not within the hunting range of Dawn!”

“Bloody peace!”

The soldier muttered: “Two people have died, and yet he is still peaceful by nature. Old lady, do you have any misunderstanding about peace by nature?”

“No misunderstanding!”

The old woman’s eyes were shining, and her old teeth were all fallen out, but her ears were very good. She heard the soldier’s muttering and said in a deep voice: “It’s just that the painting you encountered is not simple. If it weren’t for the left There are some clues, and if I know them well, even I can’t believe that this kind of thing can jump out and harm people. In my opinion, there may be something not simple about this matter. There is only… in this painting… Maybe something unfair happened.”

After talking about this, the old woman probably said something about the object in the painting.

This is indeed a very interesting creature, extremely rare!

They have no father or mother, they are not born from the womb!

Actually, there is just a kind of substance in the painting, a very strange substance. The old woman doesn’t know what it is or where it comes from. In short, that kind of substance has all the characteristics of a living body and is extremely rare. It’s a pity that this kind of thing itself has no intelligence. It is colorful and like the most dazzling gems. It is very beautiful and is often taken away as decoration.

There is only one way to make this substance open up your intelligence – the influence of painting! !

For example, if some painters obtain this substance and wear it with them, or put it as an ornament at home, over time, after being influenced by this substance, spiritual intelligence will be born, and eventually it will turn into a human form.

They seem to exist just for painting. Once transformed into human form, they are all painting geniuses! !

You can imagine how rare this kind of thing is?

This kind of substance has been rare for decades. However, a painter in the vast sea of ​​​​people got this substance, and then he could make this substance give birth to intelligence and transform into a human being. The probability is almost infinitely close to zero! !

Therefore, it is difficult to find it in the painting.

They themselves are actually very powerful. Unfortunately, they are too simple, or too pure. They exist for painting all their lives and are not interested in anything except painting.

It can be said that this is ignorance, or it can be said that it is an innocent heart.

In short, every painting is pure. If it is not pure, it cannot be born.

This pure and kind nature restrains the power of the beast in the painting!

This sounds like a fantasy. How can kindness become a stumbling block? But in fact, this is really what happened! !

There are many herbivores in the world. Do you dare to say that their bite force is not strong enough? Do you dare to say that they are not powerful enough? But because they don’t know how to attack, invade, or hunt, predators that are actually weaker than them can easily kill them.

Just like what happens every day in the world, a thin man stabbed a strong man to death, a small country full of wolfish ambition invaded a big country full of benevolence and justice, and the blood flowed like a river…

It sounds ridiculous, but that’s what happens. Sometimes, kindness is indeed the biggest stumbling block to strength! !

This principle is universal, ranging from individuals to countries…

Although the country is large, it will be in danger if it forgets to fight.

Isn’t this sentence the best explanation?

Only the battle is forgotten in the painting, so its threat is almost zero!

“So you’re just guessing?”

I looked at the old woman and asked, “Have you not seen the animal in the painting?”

“No, but it’s almost the same!”

The old woman said: “At that time, my girl hurriedly ran back and said that she had found a very good job, protecting a particularly talented painter. The salary was very good, and it was also the most suitable job for her. After all, she What she likes is these things about wielding knives and guns, just like her father…

When I heard this, I felt guilty.

A painter who pays a high salary and needs others to protect him must be in great danger. I was worried that this silly girl would encounter some trouble, so I went to check the painter’s information.

There are some paintings he has painted on the Internet…

As soon as I looked at those paintings, my heart actually went cold. No matter how I looked at those paintings, they were the only ones in the paintings! ! ! ”

“Hey, can you see this?”

Ding Bing was confused: “Is the painting in the painting special?”

“It’s very special!”

The old woman said in a deep voice: “Only souls are used in the paintings. Each of their paintings is composed with their own efforts. They do not use paint at all! I have told you a long time ago that only the body of the paintings is used. , that is, that kind of substance, colorful and very beautiful. Their hard work is also the same color. Once separated, it is simply a natural palette. Tell me, can the paintings made from the hard work and soul be the same? As long as you know the color of the painting Only people can basically spot their paintings at a glance, and those paintings have the power to penetrate the soul!!”

After saying this, the old woman glanced at the soldier and saw that he had no doubts. Then she continued: “I saw the face of that painter. He is a typical mean and unkind person. How could such a person be a pure person?” Where is the painting? At that time, I was thinking that there must be something fishy between the so-called painter and the painting! It should be noted that the painting only regards his own paintings as everything, how could it be possible for others to sign it? There must be something wrong What you want!

In short, I don’t quite believe that such a mean and unkind person will satisfy the other party’s requirements after using the painting…

This is going to be a big deal! ! ”

The old woman looked ugly and said: “Everyone in the painting has given up on his own painting. Think about what this will force it to become? If this cannot be achieved, the pure painting will also change.” They are no longer pure, and their eyes will be blinded by anger. At that time, they will look at themselves and use their own power. Their own power is very scary…

I think the man named Jiang Yue will definitely die!

My girl was following him. If the painting only affected me, it would be too late for me to regret it, so I asked her to withdraw immediately! ”

All I can say is…what a smart old lady! !

Her insight opened my eyes again.

I asked: “This painting has only been shown so far. The black hands have been short-lived, swift and elusive. Do you think… is there any way to find it?”

The old woman thought for a moment and said: “I have not personally pursued the painting, but I have read some records. Some people say that all the paintings in the painting were composed with painstaking efforts, and they have a great relationship with it. Implicated, if you can find the paintings in the paintings and look carefully, you may be able to find them directly through their paintings!”

This is difficult…

I was dumbfounded.

Jiang Yue’s grandson was so jealous of the money that he sold all the remaining paintings. I was just watching! !

It seems that it is difficult to find the one in the painting…! !


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