Half-Yokai Cultivating the Path of Immortality: Chapter 116 Flame Swallowing Shrimp

Hook Valley.

The rocks are covered with black water plants.

The water plants are like long and thin strips of black cloth, floating with the current.

A group of people got into the water plants.

After walking out for a moment, one of the strange monks led someone away.

After walking for a while, Baokui waved to follow, and then turned to the left.

A bare reef.

Baokui opened a stone slab and went down first.

Xiangzhou followed closely behind.

Lu Tong hesitated for a moment and jumped into the pit.

Entering Hook Valley, he planned to act alone.

However, Baokui seems to be in trouble.

The pit is round in all directions, half a foot in diameter and one and a half feet deep.

Baokui still sacrificed the jade talisman to block the lake.

The three of them stood against the wall.

“Senior brother, who are those two people?”

“One of them is from the Lingxuan Chamber of Commerce, and they found me.”

Xiangzhou asked again: “Where is Du Yingxing?”

Baokui shook his head.

“I have searched in the places where I ate and slept, and there was no trace of the Soul-Releasing Water. Du Yingxing has never been here.”

Lu Tong frowned slightly.

It’s normal for Du Yingxing not to be here, but he’s never been here before?

The broker I contacted at that time clearly introduced the Liuling Chamber of Commerce’s treasure hunting team.

But this matter has nothing to do with him.

Lu Tong looked at Baokui and said, “Thank you, fellow Taoist, for bringing me in. If there is nothing else, please allow me to leave first.”

“Wait a minute.”

Baokui cupped his hands and said, “Brother Lu, I have something to ask of you.”

Lu Tong had already anticipated this, and said without changing his expression: “Please speak.”

“It is very dangerous in Hook Valley. I would like to invite fellow Taoists to take action together.”

He shook his head and declined: “Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your kindness.”

It’s normal to be in danger.

The cave itself is dangerous. Coupled with the competition for natural materials and treasures, and even killing people to seize treasures, danger can be seen almost everywhere.

But it’s not too dangerous.

The chamber of commerce is most afraid of losing money.

The monks of the Chamber of Commerce are paid workers, and it is impossible for them to work hard for wages or rewards.

They continue to stay here, even if they don’t hesitate to offend the monks outside. It is obvious that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Baokui was a little disappointed and continued: “Fellow Taoist, I don’t know something. The Liuling Chamber of Commerce sent four groups of monks in, but none of them came out.”

Not only was Lu Tong not afraid, but he was even more excited.

Three batches went in, and the fourth batch still dared to go in. It must be because the people in front were not dead, and they found valuable treasures.

No one came out. There was probably a formation inside and they were trapped by the formation.

Now that the big demon is dead, the formation will be broken sooner or later.

He asked: “Fellow Taoist, if Du Yingxing is not here, why did you go into the cave?”

“Looking for someone. The man introduced by the broker to Du Yingxing was named Ge Hai. Ge Hai led a group of people into the cave. Underwater undercurrents washed away the traces of the soul-relieving water, and Du Yingxing lost him. Only by finding Ge Hai and asking location.”

The man was lost and Baokui fell into the quagmire.

Lu Tong was not interested in accompanying him to find someone. He shook his head and said, “Sorry, this opportunity is rare. I have other plans.”

Baokui didn’t bother, and finally said: “Friend Lu, Ge Hai is in his early thirties, short, round, and has a scar on his forehead. He is very easy to recognize. If you encounter him, please ask where Du Yingxing is. Afterwards, I will definitely thank you very much.”


Baokui takes Xiangzhou away.

Lu Tong also left the stone pit and got into the water plants.


Flame-eating shrimp.

The mouth is extremely large, nearly half the body length.

There is a flame in the belly, and the carapace is extremely hard.

It usually hides in the sand, using its mouth as a trap and its beard as bait to lure prey.

The Jindan Demon’s cave is located in the center of Gouzi Valley, at the bottom of a deep ravine.

There are many large and small holes scattered on both sides of the gully. They are the entrance and exit of the Flame Swallowing Shrimp, leading directly into the cave.

Near the gully.

Many monks and carp demons patrolled.

Lu Tong crawled among the water plants, staring at the cave entrance not far away, waiting for the opportunity.

If there is more than one person sneaking in, someone else must have been able to resist it first.

An undercurrent rushed through, and large aquatic plants fell.

A figure in the distance was too late to avoid and leaked out.


Without waiting for the monks from the Chamber of Commerce to take action, the figure immediately rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

“Bell! Bell!”

Two sharp bells rang, and a large group of green carp demons and red carp demons nearby moved towards the human figure.

The opportunity has come.

Lu Tong suddenly burst out, his tiger claws stepped on a splash of water one after another, and shot out like an arrow.

Swiped past a green carp demon and got into the hole.

“One more!”

A monk chased him to the entrance of the cave, got in and ducked out.

The next moment, two **** of flame flew out of the hole, crashed into the water plants and disappeared.


Inside the cave, there is darkness and no light.

Lu Tong sacrificed three qi spiritual smoke and took out six golden scales.

The golden scales swim in the spiritual smoke, protecting the front and back, left and right, and up and down.

Proceed carefully along the way.

After a long time, a red light lit up in front of his eyes.

In a spacious cave, the six rock walls are covered with small red flowers.

The small flower is as big as a palm, with a cluster of red stamens in the center, emitting red light and scattered red dots.

A wooden sign was inserted among the flowers——

Liuling Chamber of Commerce, Dong Ke.

Lu Tong shook his head, went over and kicked the sign off.

The mana rolled through the red flowers, and he quickly collected two full bags.

Although I don’t know what it is, it is definitely not a weed that is worthy of the card called “Dong Ke”.

But it’s just a sign and it’s not taken away, so it’s probably not very valuable.

The more people grab it, the better the stuff will be.

The more afraid you are of people robbing you, the more precious your things are.

There is still darkness ahead.

Lu Tong hid behind the golden scales, occasionally throwing out a few small glowing red flowers to explore the way.

After a long time, there were many twists and turns.

He could no longer tell the direction and could only follow the current.

A few red flowers fluttered along the water.

At the top of the rock wall, a scimitar-like jaw suddenly protruded.

The big jaw flashed past, hooked the red flower, and immediately retracted it.

Lu Tong was startled, and the next moment he rushed over, stretching out his fingers and claws.

The big jaw protruded out again, and after touching the claws, they were broken at the first touch.

A scream, mixed with the sound of carapace collision.

“Ah, da, spare my life! Da da! Spare my life!”

Lu Tong threw out several glowing red flowers.

Grab the remaining half of the jaw, pull it down hard, and pull out a three-foot-long flame-swallowing shrimp.

While begging for mercy~IndoMTL.com~, the Flame Swallowing Shrimp wrapped its red beard around the red flower and stuffed it into its mouth.

The flame-swallowing shrimp in the Qi training realm.

Lu Tong stretched out his tiger claws, stepped on the flame-swallowing shrimp, and flicked away the red flowers on his beard.

Took out a handful of red flowers and held them in his hand.

“What is this?”

“Eat, da da, flames, flowers.”

When the Flame Swallowing Shrimp speaks, the small jaws on the outside of its mouth shake and collide, making a “click-click” sound.

Lu Tong dropped a fire flower.

I grabbed the Flame Swallowing Shrimp immediately and stuffed it into my mouth.

“Why are you hiding up there?”

“Danger, danger! People!”

He threw another one and asked via voice transmission: “How many people have you seen?”

“A lot!”

Lu Tong took out one and crushed it in his hand.

A small ball of red juice spreads along the water flow.

The beard of the Flame Swallowing Shrimp was fished in the water a few times, but nothing was caught.

He took out another one, held it in his hand and said, “Think about it, how many people have passed by?”

“One, two…ta da, one, two…”

After a long time, the Flame Swallowing Shrimp said: “Eight.”

Lu Tong threw down the fire flower and had some thoughts in his heart.

At least eight monks nearby will not all gather together, and it is not enough to seal all the cave entrances.

You can give it a try.

He grabbed the Flame Swallowing Shrimp and asked, “Do you want to live?”


The Flame Swallowing Shrimp answered neatly and neatly.

Lu Tong took out a handful of fire flowers, handed it to him and said: “Take me to the place where the treasure is.”

The Flame Swallowing Shrimp immediately stretched out another large jaw and hooked it towards the Flame Flower.

He raised his hand, avoiding the jaws, and repeated: “Take me to a place where there are treasures. There are plenty of fire flowers, and I will take you out.”


Lu Tong released his palm.

The red flowers spread out.

The flame swallowing shrimp quickly swung its jaws and beard, grabbed the red flowers one by one, and stuffed them into its mouth.

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