I am God Chapter 555: : What is a big lantern?

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Moonlight Temple.

This organization has not been recognized for a long time. It was once rejected and suppressed by Su Yinhor, but with the signing of the righteous **** contract, it has now turned into the most powerful belief and force in almost the entire Moonlight Province. .

The temple headquarters they are in is different from other ordinary temples.

At a glance.

Like a botanical garden, full of all kinds of plants.

The trees are shady, the corners are covered with ferns, the vines climb the walls, and the buildings and plants are perfectly integrated.

And the core temple is actually open-air.

In the center of the fountain pool stands the statue of the God of Moonlight, and on the surrounding tall walls are symbols and silhouettes representing other Ruhe giant gods.

The believers of the Ruhe giant believe that the world is Ruhe, and everyone lives in Ruhe’s body.

The master of life is an existence that transcends and surpasses the world, and is an untouchable great shadow above the head.

A group of people dressed like knights came in, kowtowed and prayed to the **** statue.

“The great Ruhe giant moon demon!”

“The shadow of the moon covering the world!”

Although the new Moon Witch has not yet appeared, they, like the previous Starlight Penance Order, have also figured out a way to borrow the power of the giant god.

Therefore, all members of the Moonlight Temple will come here.

Come to pray for the blessing of the gods and obtain the power “given” by the gods.

Don’t know when.

A dragonfly suddenly appeared and lay on top of the statue.

As they continued to pray, they suddenly discovered that there was a strong fluorescent light emitting from the pool in front of them.

The fluorescent light even floated out of the water and surrounded the entire temple.

Look under the surface of the water.

It seems that there are countless fluorescent vines extending from the depths of the earth, waving in the water.

When the praying Moonlight Temple believers found out, they became very excited.


“It’s a miracle.”

“It’s God’s revelation.”

“It is the gods who are responding to us, the great **** Ruhe is watching us.”

The crowd became more devout, more and more people gathered by the fountain pool, and even invited dancers who served the gods to perform sacrificial dances and lit a huge bonfire.

The musicians played vocal music, and the dancers danced towards the statue around the bonfire and the pool.

Plants are everywhere, giant trees stand in forests, the water is shining brightly, and there are bright spots one after another floating in the air.

This scene has a feeling of Oz Wonderland.

It was a noisy day, from afternoon to midnight.

It’s not over until the fluorescence gradually fades away.

It’s just that everyone present didn’t know that it wasn’t the Moon God who was responding to them, but their Moon God was flattering the “big-headed dragonfly” at the moment.

But this show is good, at least “Big-headed Dragonfly” was very happy to watch, and happily accepted the dances and offerings from mortals to her.

The night is too late.

When the sacrificial dance was over, the “big-headed dragonfly” suddenly looked to the other side.

A figure sits in a pavilion covered with vines, leaning against a cold pillar.

She seemed to be thinking about something, and a circular image floated in her palm.

Looking carefully, they found that it was the earth under their feet.

There are many things floating on the earth, one after another, the kingdom of gods, and finally the moon of gods.

Earth, Kingdom of God, and Moon of God.

The world seems to be divided into three layers, and they are connected with each other, and there is a certain connection.

Her eyes watched the changes between the planet and the Kingdom of God, watching its transformation layer by layer.

The big-headed dragonfly raised its head: “God, isn’t it boring to play with me?”

Before Yin Shen responded, she laughed and said, “Of course not, because you are usually more boring.”

God said: “Has your letter been written?”

He lowered his head, and the big-headed dragonfly made trouble.


How should a big-headed dragonfly write?

This seems like an interesting question.

Sally looked around, and immediately thought about it for a long time.


Sally looked at the fluorescent vines wriggling in the pool, and seemed to have a bad idea.

Soon, her reply letter will be completed.

I only saw the letter An Li sent her, which was cut into sections with tiny roots and pasted on it to form a sentence.

After Sally finished arranging the dishes, she showed off to God loudly.

“God, look!”

“This word will still shine!”

In the pool, the fluorescent vines that were originally waving were waving their roots, and one of them was missing a section.


“I don’t need you anymore.”

The vines protruding from the depths of the earth retracted little by little, and retracted to the deepest part of the earth.

If anyone could see through the earth, he would find that the tiny roots that emerged were but ends.

The further you go down, you can see the unimaginably thick and terrifying giant vines.

A terrifying thing that fills the depths of the earth.

What people can see is just the tip of the iceberg.

“Big-headed Dragonfly” has been busy for a long time, and finally “written” the letter, so it’s time to send the letter.

“I’m done.”

“What about the tree?”

She thumped twice.

It turned out that there was no rainbow tree outside the Moonlight Temple.

These old-fashioned guys think that their gods have bestowed plants such as curly **** and brown ball vines on earth, and they are gods with plant authority among the authorities.

The existence of the rainbow tree naturally cannot appear outside the Moonlight Temple.

Sally, who was in a good mood just now, immediately became irritable, writing letters was troublesome, and sending letters was even more troublesome.

If I had known it earlier, I would not have looked at the rainbow tree hole.


“So annoying!”

Sally suddenly thought, why use a letter?

She threw the letter aside and decided to send it to the other party in her own way.

“Don’t believe it, these friends of Sheila are too troublesome to do things.”

“Letters still have to be written, and letters have to be sent.”

“Isn’t it okay to shout with your mouth?”


Her method is to shout directly.

And the fluorescent vines that retracted to the ground suddenly froze, and the roots that were cut off from her just now were useless in a blink of an eye?

Sally vibrated her wings, and an invisible voice came out.


The sound echoes and overlaps the whole world



An invisible wind spread throughout the entire Ruhe Giant Island, transmitting the voice of the Lord of Life to the mind of the person she wanted to convey.

“Go to the big lantern.”


The kingdom of blood in the deep sea.

An Li, who had already decided to leave the country of blood and go to the human world, was lying in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers gathered by the cup of blood mist.

There is no starry sky above your head, but the deep sea.

The light of the lighthouse illuminates the city of the Kingdom of God, and the palaces.

This is where she grew up in this life, and she has hardly left here, nor has she left her sister’s side.

She was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, thinking about her sister’s words.

“Genius is not lucky.”

“Every piece of luck has a price, and every piece of something you think you get through luck has its price tag written behind it.”

She opened her hand and looked at the lighthouse light through her fingers.

“So I was born, I appeared in this world, so I was destined to do something?”

“I got what I should take, and I should do what I should do.”

An Li closed her eyes, but the goblet of blood mist beside her changed.

These flowers of life power suddenly sway without wind, and then bloom together.

An Li, who closed her eyes, was startled, and she got up quickly.

To his horror, he discovered that he was no longer in the Kingdom of Blood.

She appeared on a piece of land, a place she had never been before.

Head up.

She saw a huge shadow appearing above the sky.

The shadow is higher than the stratus clouds, higher than the sky.

Looking down at this world like a demon god, the planet and the earth under his feet are like playthings in his palm.

An Li looked at the sky in shock, but didn’t react at all for a moment.

An Li turned her body and wandered back in place.

Looking around blankly.

I saw other shadows on the earth, one after another terrible shadows stood on the earth, forming and surrounding this world.

At this moment, the demon **** who looked down on the whole world from outside the sky opened his mouth and said a word.


“Go to the big lantern.”

In the sea of ​​red flowers.

The lying blue-haired girl suddenly opened her eyes, rolled over and let out a long breath.


The scene she saw just now made her even stop breathing.

An Li looked up at the sky, where was there any demon **** overlooking the world, and no one spoke to her.


“No, how could I easily dream?”

“That shadow, how could there be such a terrifying existence, what kind of **** is that?”

The blue-haired girl suddenly understood something.

“Is it my letter?”

“Yes, it’s my letter.”

The more An Li spoke, the more excited she became, she said loudly.

“My letter was received by the Supreme God, she is giving me guidance, it must be like this.”

Her letter was sent to the master of life, and the supreme **** also responded to her.

The oracle is short, but it seems to contain deep meaning and infinite secrets.

Like this big lantern.

“Could it be a key clue?”

An Li excitedly ran to the Temple of Truth, and said loudly when she saw the Scarlet Goddess.


“The master **** wrote back to me, and really wrote back to me.”

Although Vivien was a little surprised, she didn’t express her surprise too much.

She listened quietly to what An Li said, and she was indeed facing the scene seen by the Supreme God. She had also been lucky enough to witness a corner of the Demon God’s shadow overlooking the world.

It’s just that the oracle is a little unclear, and the two sisters didn’t guess the meaning for a while.

“Big lantern?”

“What does this mean?”

Vivien thought, is there a lantern to guide the way, or is the lantern the key to enter the Moonlight Forest?

“Maybe there is some deep meaning?”

Vivien is one of the lucky ones who have come into contact with the Master of Life, but even she doesn’t understand what the Master of Life is like when he chooses his name, let alone what the Master of Life calls God Ruhe.

Vivien didn’t dare to speculate, the more she existed, the more careful she was when interpreting the will of the Supreme God.

In particular, this oracle was not for her, but for her younger sister An Li, which made Vivien afraid to say more, fearing that it would lead An Li astray.

However, one thing is certain: “It seems that God has not refused you to enter the Moonlight Forest.”

An Li nodded: “As long as I find out the meaning of this big lantern and interpret this oracle, I will definitely be able to enter the Moonlight Forest.”

Vivien asked An Li: “What are you going to do?”

An Li said: “I don’t know for the time being, but I am going to go to the world first, to the Moonlight Province.”

“If the oracle of the master of life is the response to my letter, it must be related to Anjo City and the Ice Temple.”

When An Li turned to leave, Vivien stopped her.

“Magic Wheel House, bring it with you too!”

Although Vivien did not agree with An Li before going to the terrible forbidden place of death like the Moonlight Forest, because the giant **** Ruhe is also a terrible existence for the gods in the world.

But it finally made preparations for it.

An Li nodded: “Yeah!”

An Li walked out from the Temple of Truth, and many people came to see her off.

People call her Lord An Li and wish her well on her trip.

At this time, a figure stepped out from the crowd.

Osis came to An Li and stopped her: “Master An Li!”

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she wants to ask her some questions.

An Li also felt it, and turned around: “Osis, what’s the matter?”

Osis asked An Li: “I heard that the place you went this time is the Moonlight Forest.”

Osis hesitated for a moment, and then asked: “That is the forbidden area of ​​death, can we really go in?”

An Li shook her head: “I don’t know the specific situation, but the ruler **** gave me guidance, I want to go over and have a look.”

An Li looked at Osis and suddenly understood something.

“Do you want to return to the city where the gods descended?”

Osis didn’t say anything, but just expressed his gratitude to An Li for her answer.

After An Li left, Osis looked in the direction of Thunder Swamp.

He said: “Maybe I should go back to the world.”

As the former king of Heinsay, his body was buried in the City of God’s Descend, which is also the lost kingdom in today’s snake population.

And the other side.

Sally came to the end of the country of blood, where there is a miracle tool, the magic wheel house.

In the house, there are all kinds of things prepared for her.

She glanced back at the Temple of Truth, and then boarded the magic wheel house.

A colored light flowed past, and it disappeared at the bottom of the deep sea.


Moonlight City.

After Matafuss and Yin completed the second transformation experiment of the Zhan planet, they took the money they got and squandered it in the city.

The two bought a lot of things, beautiful clothes, hats, and jewelry.

The two ate all the delicious places in the city and saw all the beautiful sights in the city.

Finally, the two made a pilgrimage to the Moonlight Temple.

Under the statue.

Silver saluted meticulously, knelt on the ground to pray, and muttered something silently.

When Matafus was kneeling on the ground, she secretly tilted her head to look at the statue of the Moon God.

At the same time, whisper this in Yin’s ear.

“I heard that the real Moonlight Temple is their headquarters.”

“It is a very secret place built in the moonlight forest, where it is as beautiful as a fairyland.”

“The strange moonlight knight they cultivated must go there to receive the blessing of the gods.”

Matafus has heard people talk about the beauty of the Moonlight Forest, and the headquarters of the Moonlight Temple is one of the few places where you can safely enjoy the beauty of the Forbidden Land.

“Unfortunately, no one is allowed in.”

Matafus doesn’t know where she got the gossip, maybe it was told to her by the doctors of Green Vine Medical Fort.

Although she came to Green Vine Medical Fort not long ago, she has a very high prestige among the doctors.

Thinking of the beautiful scene described by others, Matafus looked forward to it.

“Silver, you are the Witch of the Stars. If you show your identity, they might let us in.”

Silver ignored her, she didn’t want to cause trouble for such a trivial matter.

Revealing her identity is also a kind of trouble for her, she doesn’t want others to know that she is the Witch of the Stars.

She said: “Matafuss, seriously pray to the gods.”

After a while.

Matafus couldn’t bear it again, and said in a low voice: “The craftsmanship of this temple is so poor. The gods are carved so that they seem to grow together with the lanterns.”

The God of Moonlight has been mimicked into a human form, but it also has a very obvious feature, a huge lantern-like plant extending from behind.

But ordinary people shouldn’t guess like this, even if they think of it, they dare not say it.

Silver: “You are blasphemy.”

Matafuss: “I speak so softly that the gods can’t hear you.”

Silver said with a blank face: “I have already told the gods in prayer.”

Matafus looked flustered: “Ah, Yin, you are too bad.”

She became really devout now, and she kept praying under the statue, begging for forgiveness from the Moon God.

After all, after coming to this giant island of Ruhe, she had heard more than once about how powerful and terrifying the power of the giant Ruhe is, and what kind of disasters his anger would cause.

Although they were bickering, Yin suddenly remembered what he saw on the last floor of the underground world.

The capital of volume.

There, a child of the Moonlight God revealed its full form.

It looks like moons hanging in the sky, illuminating the entire capital city. If you change the perspective, it’s just “big lanterns”.

Perhaps the real Moon God also has a similar form.

After visiting Moonlight City, I enjoyed all the attractions.

After buying, buying, eating and drinking.

The two finally left here and embarked on a journey to the next stop.

However, the two of them don’t know where to find the Red and Blue Goddess. I heard that the Kingdom of Blood is in the sea to the east, so let’s go to the east.

Just in time, Gamel gave the two of them a flying magic carpet.

The two of them flew all the way on the flying magic carpet, but after flying for a long time, the power of the flying magic carpet was exhausted and they had to stop.

However, the two of them did not move forward, and stopped wherever they flew.

In this way, the two walked around slowly all the way.

After all, flying with wings, or flying by yourself, is very tiring.

This day.

The two people on the main road fell from the sky, and the magic carpet lost its energy again, but it did not reach the target point.

Matafus held the astrology planet, and she looked at the map on it.

After reading it several times, she couldn’t even tell the difference between up, down, left, and right.

There is nothing wrong with collecting map information by Zhan Planet, but if you want to use it well, you must be able to understand the map.



In the end, she could only look at Yin beside her.

“Did we fly wrong?”

Silver said: “Well, I flew wrong.”

Matafus opened her mouth wide and spread her hands: “Why didn’t you remind me?”

Silver said: “You didn’t ask me!”


“I didn’t ask, you can say it!”

Matafus looked at Yin and complained that she was going to be **** off by this cold-faced and reticent girl.

“We first ran to Haku City in the north, and then ran to Roman City in the south. We kept going in circles all the way. We set off for seven or eight days, but we didn’t fly very far.” Matafus hugged Zhan Xingxing squatted on the side of the road.

“Didn’t you have a good time, and you ate several bowls of noodles yesterday, saying that Roman City’s animal meat noodles are really delicious.” Yin’s sentence exposed the truth.

“I just knew I was playing, but I didn’t do any real work!” Matafus looked up at the sky and stamped her feet anxiously.

At this moment, Matafus is like a student with procrastination.

Obviously set a plan to complete the task within a certain period of time, but looking up, this thing is fun.

Looking over there, it’s also quite interesting.

Obviously my heart is extremely anxious, but I can’t stop everything around me from tempting me!

Matavus, who couldn’t tell the difference between up, down, left, and right, zoomed in on the map, and after turning around a few times, she seemed to have confirmed her position.

“So, next we should go this way.”

“This way…”

“No, you should go this way.”

The finger points to the other side of the road.

At this time, something appeared in the distance of the avenue that Matafus pointed at, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

It seems to be dragging a ray of colored light, it looks like it is running wildly on the ground, but in fact it is running in the air above the jungle and the road, and there is always a short distance from the ground.

Matafus stood up and looked into the distance with Yin.


“What is that?”

Matafus looked at it, and vaguely saw its outline, and seemed to understand what it was.

“It’s a magic vehicle!”

“The magic car of the demon family, the two of us can hitch a ride.”

After Matafus finished speaking, she immediately shouted loudly.

“Stop it, stop it.”

“Mr. Demon Spirit, take us with you.”

She also took out the badge Ray gave them and waved it in her hand.

And the other party really stopped.

The weird prop stopped suddenly on the road and landed in front of the two of them.

The blowing wind made their hair dance wildly.

Matafus looked at the “magic vehicle” in front of her, a little strange: “This magic vehicle is very special!”

Because this thing doesn’t look like a car, but more like a house.

It is painted in bright colors, and there is a wheel spinning on the top and the back.

However, there are all kinds of magic tools in the demon clan, so it’s not surprising that there is one like this.

Yin seems to have discovered something: “This is not a magic vehicle.”

At this time, the person on the “magic cart” issued an invitation: “Please come in!”

The door opens.

The two of them took a look inside, it seemed very spacious and the furnishings were very luxurious.

Matafus and Yin exchanged glances, then walked up cautiously.

I saw a blue-haired woman in the shape of a **** sitting in the room, who was sitting on a thick red leather seat with armrests, and looked up at the two of them.

Although I don’t know who it is, it should not be a demon.

After Matafus found out that this is not the magic vehicle of the demon family, and the person inside is a god-like existence, who seems to be an apostle of a certain god, she immediately said: “I’m very sorry, we thought this It’s a magic tool of the demon family, so I called to stop, I’m sorry to bother you.”

After speaking, she was ready to go down.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to recognize the two of them: “Matafus, the scroller of the witch doctor god, and Yin, the star witch, welcome to Suinhall.”

When the other party said her name, Matafus was surprised: “You know us?”

The other party nodded, glanced at Yin first, and then said to Matafus: “You are very famous on Ruhe Giant Island now, in fact, I have always wanted to see you.”

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