Meeting You Again Chapter 52: Infected with venom

Lin Wei didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, and it was very vague when she thought about it.

“Is Lu Mo’s family there?”


The two stood up at the same time, and the doctor walked towards them with the case, “Sorry, Lu Mo is infected with CRA7 virus.”

“What C what 7?” Lin Wei was stunned, she had never heard of the name of this virus, a cold virus?

“The virus fluid extracted from the Australian redback spider is injected into the blood. Currently, there is no serum that can treat it.”

“What did you say! Say it again!”

Lu Fan roared angrily, grabbed the doctor’s white coat, and said grimly, “My son is fine, how could he have contracted the virus!”

The redback spider is the most venomous spider in the world. If the person bitten does not receive treatment, he will die from the poison within two hours!

He has been on a business trip to Australia and has heard a little about this kind of reading material.

“Sir… Please calm down, we found a needle hole in Lu Mo’s arm, someone injected it directly into the vein. The poison has already integrated into the blood, and your son has respiratory failure… We are trying our best to rescue…”

The doctor was strangled, his face was red and his neck was thick, and he told him one after another that Lin Wei was already slumped on a chair, her eyes lost.

Respiratory failure?

Will Momo die?

“Doctor, I beg you, save my son! He is still so young, I beg you!” She knelt down suddenly, pleading unceasingly, her eyes blurred by tears.

Momo was fine just now, but in the blink of an eye, she wants to leave her.

“We try our best. The best way now is to exchange blood. The toxin spreads to the heart and requires a heart transplant. If the condition worsens, a bone marrow transplant may be required.”

“No matter what method is used, my son can’t die!” Lu Fan let go of his hand and gritted his teeth.

“How could this be?”

Lin Wei had tears in her eyes, and she murmured to herself, Xiao Momo is only two years old, who has he provoked, and she wants to use such a cruel method to deal with him!

“Wei Wei, don’t be afraid.” Lu Fan looked at her trembling hands distressedly, helped her stand up, and settled on the chair, “You wait here for me, I’ll check.”

Lin Wei seemed to have never heard of it, and her eyes were full of Momo sleeping lightly in her arms.

The footsteps gradually moved away, she was uneasy, and followed the doctor into the ICU.

Momo’s small body is covered by a thick quilt, wearing an oxygen mask, and her heart rate is getting lower and lower.

“Mrs. Lu, please go outside, Master Ling needs to be replaced outside!” The nurse drove her away, her eyes fixed on Momo’s face for a moment.

On Momo’s white and tender face, his eyes were closed tightly, and his brows seemed to be frowning in pain.

“Momo, don’t leave mom, Momo…”

Why is it her son, why do you want to hurt his Momo…

“Da da da…”

The high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the empty floor, like nails being driven into the bone.

Lin Wei raised her eyes, and in her tears-blurred vision, a pair of red high-heeled shoes were fixed in front of her, as if clotted with blood.

“Sister, look at you crying again.”

The woman bent down slightly, holding a tissue between her fingertips and handing it out.

“You, what are you doing here?” Lin Wei looked at Lin Xue in a daze.

She is laughing, this devil incarnate woman smiles like a flower!

“Of course I’m here to see if my little nephew is dead, the poison of the redback spider! There’s no cure, haha…”

“It’s you!”

A ruthless light flashed in Lin Wei’s eyes, she stood up abruptly, grabbed Lin Xue’s clothes, and pushed her into the corridor wall, “You are killing my son! Lin Xue, I will strangle you to death!”

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