The Desolate Era Chapter 25: Remaining life

Why can’t their attack simply be this fortress, but every time they launch an attack from outside Spacetime, ** Spacetime must be opened for a short time. This short-lived wave of vulnerabilities … let Ji Ning study it carefully.

The volatility disappears too quickly. Ji Ning has no time to catch up. It can only watch the mystery of ** Spacetime.

“Damn.” The Sithe Exalt‘s teeth in Saint Realm overlook were all tickling. I didn’t expect the fortress I gave to cause such a big trouble for myself.

“Must kill him!”

Sithe Exalt knew that opportunities were rare, and immediately gave eight more treasures dedicated to attack, which were quite restrained fortresses.

“This is the restrictive spell map of the fortress surface. The key nodes are in these 21 places and attack any eight places at the same time, and you can hope to destroy the fortress.” Sithe Exalt passed the order. He gave eight because of this. There are only eight of these kinds of dark erosion, and it is this kind of talent that can restrain the fortress.

The exiles have made a comeback again.

The Azurefiend Dharma Body/Avatar, Paragon of Pills, Lord of the Church of Annihilation, Hegemon Ti Ya, Hegemon Yan Zuo are all eager to go all out!

“Wow.” “Wow.” “Wow.” The outside suddenly came in. Dao (together) Road black spear phantom, the spear phantom fell on the fort, but the surface restrictive spell of the fort shook and broke apart. But the surface of the fortress was so thick that it was just blasted out of a small pit.

“Huh?” Ji Ning moved.

Master, restrictive spell was broken.” Azurefiend Dharma Body/Avatar said anxiously.

“It’s okay.” Ji Ning said indifferently, “This fort is made of Sithe Clan. They know the flaws of restrictive spell, so they easily broke restrictive spell. But the surface of this fort is extremely thick, and I want to force it It’s not easy to get through. “

The thickest defense depends on your own materials.

The surface of a tiger-like battleship is a layer of Sinking Fire Black Rock! It is difficult to break through naturally.

This fortress is more powerful than the Tiger Warship. The dark red Gold Stone on the surface still carries life in general, and the Ji Ning does not know how to call it. It is obviously harder to destroy than Sinking Fire Black Rock! The spear phantom with a strange erosive force can barely erode a small pit. Without this weird force of erosion, it would be nice to stay a little.



Several spears of phantom attacks successively, the surface layer restrictive spell is repeatedly excited and broken, and the pits on the surface of the fortress are also increasing.

Ji Ning glanced at the lone dark shadow shrouded in the pit outside the fort. These dark erosion forces have been entangled on the surface of the fort, and are still slowly eroding.

“The attacking weapon is a great use of Dao of Darkness.” Ji Ning can only boo, Sithe Clan has reached near-limit achievements on any one of the roads.

WJi Ning didn’t care anymore, he focused on study and understand. From the volatility loopholes around Spacetime, the mystery of Spacetime, break.

Time passes.

These Hegemon Emperor shot again and again, and the consumption of Immortal energy is too large. Fortunately, Sithe Clan has prepared a lot of pill supplements.

The attack lasted almost half an hour, and the dark red fortress was shrouded by the thick and dark erosion. The Paragon of Pills inside the fortress showed anxiety one by one, because they also felt this powerful fortress. already is about to crash.

Darknorth, I can’t handle it anymore, what should I do?” Paragon of Pills was worried, and she was also blamed for heart. Ji Ning Correct was in such danger because she came to the Sithe Clan family to rescue her.

Master, do you have a way?” Azurefiend Dharma Body/Avatar also worried about the safety of Ji Ning.

Whatever the outcome persisted for half an hour.” Ji Ning immediately said, “You don’t need to worry about it anymore.” With a wave of his hand, they accepted Paragon of Pills and several of them.

Paragon of Pills, Azurefiend Dharma Body/Avatar, Lord of the Church of Annihilation all have concerns in their eyes.

Some of them are worried about Ji Ning, some are worried about themselves! Because Ji Ning died. They are finished too.

To be exact, Paragon of Pills, Azurefiend, Yan Zou, and Tiya are not afraid of death. They are worried about Ji Ning, and Lord of the Church of Annihilation still wants to live!

“No way, life or death. I can only fight.” Ji Ning grinned. During this time, his true body and Primaltwin both wanted the Spacetime mystery of break in study and understand, and even the Primaltwin has been maintained at a hundred times faster acceleration in. But this ** Spacetime is so good break? Even if it is hundreds of thousands of times, Ji Ning may not be break.


External Hegemon Emperor are excited.

Boom ~~~

Dark Red Fort finally collapses under the power of strong dark erosion.


Dao (together) The dazzling sword lights up.

Jiangguang has Dao (together) white figure, Correct‘s eyes explode with Ji Ning. At this moment, he has put aside all his thoughts, only one thought, , to survive! Go out alive! Live on their own, Master Dan they can live!

“Break.” Ji Ning showed Three-Heads Six-Arms while holding a six-handle Northbow Swords.

It’s crazy.

Each sword casts space Dao of the Sword.

The disillusioned Void Sword Light rises at the same time, and the six Sword Lights stab madly forward.

“Break it for me.” Each shot of Ji Ning is a full shot. The Tao is space Dao of the Sword. The sword is the first killing sword of Chaosverse. The power of each shot is in Autarch. They are all in the forefront. Although Ji Ning has made many shots before, consuming power like using physical methods is very small, and the battle is generally not going all out. This all-out consumption is very amazing.

Successive sword lights are on.

** Void finally came out of a hole in shattered, revealing the faint An Tian space outside, alas, Ji Ning rushed out.

As soon as formations came out, Ji Ning arrived in front of the palace of the huge palace group, a puppet technique entered the palace, and all the real Sithe Clans were beheaded! All the Sithe Clan Descendant confiscated treasures were imprisoned first. If they were loyal to Sithe Clan, they would be executed in the future.

“Whoo, wow.” Ji Ning put away the entire palace group one by one, and his face was a little pale.

“It’s a miserable life. Only 600 chaos cycle are left.”

Ji Ning laughed at himself.

The shot just now was too fierce. All the moves were shot with full force. It took three consecutive rounds of eighteen swords in the blink of an eye to break the ** Spacetime.

This is half an hour before Ji Ning and found some key points of ** Spacetime. Although it is far from break … the key point of attack can be very effective! This is the full force of eighteen void Dao of the Sword break open.

If Autarch is trapped, it will be much easier to attack freely. Autarch power does not worry about consumption. Thousands of attacks are enough to make the entire large array unable to withstand the consumption collapse.

“Six hundred chaos cycle.” Ji Ning meditated silently.

According to his estimation, he will be killed if he is afraid to shoot a hundred times or so.

Now that his power consumption is calculated according to his full strength, I am afraid that it is only a dozen times. Life has sharply decreased from more than 10,000 chaos cycle to 600 chaos cycle!

It is because the True Soul of Dao Lord collapses, like a dam with cracks! The more hands-on, the more cracks.

For example, if you start fighting several times, the crack will double, the speed of disintegration of True Soul naturally will be doubled, and the life will be reduced by half! Sharply reduced from 12,000 chaos cycle to 6,000 chaos cycle.

The next number of battles will be more, and the life will be reduced by half again, and it will only be sharply reduced from 6,000 chaos cycle to 3,000 chaos cycle.

Half another 1,500 chaos cycle, and half another fifty chaos cycle

From twelve thousand chaos cycle to six hundred chaos cycle, the lifespan is only halved only four or five times.

And from six hundred chaos cycle continued to decrease sharply.

Even if it is halved ten times, the life span will be reduced to nearly one chaos cycle. Strictly calculating the life will reduce 600 chaos cycle. And before halving four times before, tens of thousands of chaos cycle life was lost.

Obviously the later … the less you reduce your life each time.

But as the True Soul collapses larger and larger, it will completely collapse after reaching a certain level! Like an embankment, there are more and more cracks, which will cause the overall collapse to a certain extent. Therefore, Ji Ning estimates that it is almost time to die if you give your sword a hundred times.

“Six hundred chaos cycle … enough!” Ji Ning smiled. “At least I survived, but fortunately I was buffered for half an hour before, let me escape this disaster.”

True Soul is falling apart all the time.

It’s fast, much faster than it used to be.

Ji Ning looks up towards the heavens.

“Next up is Saint Realm.”

At this moment in the whole prison world, except for Ji Ning, already has no other creatures.

****** (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated and faster!

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