The Desolate Era Chapter 15: Autarch E Kong


The door of the wooden house was opened, Ji Ning and Autarch E Kong came out side by side, and the Autarch Titanos, Autarch Skyfeeder, Autarch Bolin, Autarch Stonerule in the house also stood up to give away.

The eight major Region Lords on the outside are paying respectfully to the side.

Master.” Flamewing God was also very well behaved at this time, and five-digit Autarch put a lot of pressure on it.

“Let’s go.” Ji Ning laughed.

“So fast?” Flamewing God couldn’t help it, Major Power talked together and said that it is normal for millions of years,

“How long do you think it will be?” Ji Ning smiled and looked at the eight big Region Lords next to him, “May I leave Dao (together)?”

“We are not in a hurry.”

Dao Lord you please.”

Bad Region Lord have a rare reason to come here, how can they walk freely? Of course you have to take advantage of Autarch Skyfeeder to take advantage of this.

Darknorth, please let me know if you have anything.” Autarch Titanos said.

“If you can do it, you will do your best.” Autarch Stonerule also said.

Under the attention of the four Autarchs and those Region Lords, Autarch E Kong released the mighty powerful energy, covering Ji Ning and Flamewing God, and proceeding directly in the Primordial Chaos Universe Source ocean fast. The whistling disappeared at the end of the vision in the distance.

“I’m afraid to say goodbye to Dao Lord Darknorth this time.” Autarch Bolin sighed, Ji Ning didn’t have a long life, and with the strength of Ji Ning, I’m afraid it wouldn’t bother them anymore, and naturally would rarely meet again.

“Although I only met him once, he has made great contributions to our entire civilization.” Autarch Stonerule also said.

“Shelter his hometown, this is what we can do for him.”

The mood of these Autarchs is also somewhat complicated.

In their view, Dao Lord Darknorth is like a shooting star, once dazzling enough to rival them, but will eventually die. But this meteor also illuminated the direction of the entire civilization. What they can do is to satisfy the many ideas of Ji Ning as far as possible, but at the level of Ji Ning, in fact, many of him can do it himself.

It’s too easy to grab a Otherverse with his strength. Takes up a bit of time.

Autarch E Kong can release powerful energy to the fullest, and with Ji Ning and Flamewing God, it travels in the ocean of Primordial Chaos essence core (source) at an incredible speed. In fact, Ji Ning can do it if it goes all out, but I am afraid that even if the entire essence core (source) ocean is worn, the True Soul will completely collapse. Autarch E Kong certainly does not have such concerns, and can display as much as possible.

Soon, I left Primordial Chaos Universe Source and passed through a distant space to Burning Sun Region.

There is a Realmship, Nuwa, Su Youji, Patriarch Treewind, Azurefiend, Hegemon Goodsong, Great Emperor Yu Hong, etc. all talking about each other in a void, very leisurely. Waiting for Ji Ning.

Master is here.” Azurefiend, who is in charge of Realmship, was the first to discover the three figures outside.


The three outside figures immediately entered the flying boat. When they saw the burly majestic green robe curve horn beside Ji Ning, they were all quiet in Nuwa.

Ji Ning laughed: “This is Autarch E Kong.”

Autarch of Destruction?” Patriarch Treewind is slightly changed,

“Meet the Lord of Destruction.” As Patriarch Treewind and Great Emperor Yu Hong took the lead in speaking, the others even saluted respectfully. Ji Ning directly refers to the name E Kong. Generally, cultivator will call Autarch of Destruction in awe. Autarch of Destruction‘s fame is still very great. After all, it was only after the Primordial war that it broke through the rise. Patriarch Treewind and these well-informed people also know the name of E Kong.

Autarch E Kong said indifferently: “You’re welcome, I will be with you for a while. It’s better to relax.”

That said, except Ji Ning, who can be here easily? Even Flamewing God shrank.

Autarch E Kong, let’s go to the Otherverse first.” Ji Ning said.

“OK. Let’s go.”

Autarch E Kong changed his mind, a large powerful energy wrapped around the entire Realmship, directly tearing Spacetime, only one breathing effort. Then already came out of Burning Sun Region and came to a dark place. Followed by tearing Spacetime again … I came to a void in the “Xiaoxiangyu”, one of the eight domains.

The speed is so fast that Patriarch Treewind and Nuwa are talking secretly.

Many complex Spacetimes in eight domains are in front of Autarch. It’s like a smooth ride!

“That’s Otherverse? Otherverse without a master?” Patriarch Treewind, Hegemon Azurefiend exclaimed one by one, they clearly saw that there was a huge sphere with a diameter of only 100 billion miles, The surface of the sphere is vast, and the time is distorted, and the fluctuations are strange and unpredictable.

Otherverse, the interior is indeed vast, no less than One Realmverse.

If you look from the outside, Otherverse is not big! When Autarch was created, it was just a big slap, without Master control, it would turn into a diameter of hundreds of billions of miles, and Aura was so wanton. if has Master bind, which is completely different.


“This time we found that Otherverse is also a great event. Why should we fight like this and kill it like this? I’m afraid you won’t get your lives. This time, this Otherverse will be given to me. Wait. Next time, I must give it to you! And almost all my treasures can be given to you. Why are you so persistent? “The distant void fair and honest has five figures fighting.

“You are so shameless! Let me give you the next time? Who knows when the next time is, we cultivation have been here for so long, and I have encountered such a good opportunity. How can I give way? Or, this Otherverse gives me Or, give me enough treasures. The treasure you brought out is a joke compared with Otherverse! “

Crazy to kill.

However, the difference in strength between the two parties is not large. When the difference in strength is not large, it is difficult to kill the other party. Therefore, neither party will easily give up and admit defeat. Generally, it is the killing divine power Immortal energy that will exhaust its moment before it will give up. Even to the end, it was normal for a few Hegemon to die.

Flamewing, let them stop.” Ji Ning instructed with a smile, Autarch E Kong came forward to prevent some lost points, and other cultivator shots could not be scared for a while.

“Yes, Master.” Flamewing God responded immediately.

“Five of you, stop me!” With a roar sweeping over Spacetime, a huge winged bear bathed in flames appeared, and Flamewing God stared at those Hegemons with arrogance and horror. The five Hegemons were startled, and their faces changed: “Chaos Primordial?”

Chaos Primordial is too easy to kill Hegemon.


Followed by a group of cultivator from Realmship, led by Ji Ning, Autarch E Kong, behind them are Nuwa, Patriarch Treewind, Great Emperor Yu Hong, Hegemon Goodsong.

“This, this …”

“Not Patriarch Treewind them?”

Eight universes are close to Primordial Chaos Universe Source. These five Hegemons also recognized the famous Patriarch Treewind and Great Emperor Yu Hong at once, both of them are Otherverse Lord series. Hegemon Goodsong next to it is Golden Emperor, the same Otherverse Lord series. Can easily kill them.

Flamewing God, can kill them too.

None of these are headed. The headed two … a white boy with a black Divine Sword, it seems that True Soul is breaking up? Is an Daomerge failed Dao Lord? The other is a majestic green robe curve horn man. Although Aura distributes not much, they make them have the trembling from heart. They have never been so scared.

Autarch!” Although they have never seen it before, there is a moment of enlightenment. I am afraid that Autarch will be so scary.

“The Dao Lord that failed alongside Autarch and Daomerge? It must be the legendary Dao Lord Darknorth.”

The five Hegemon stood there, all trembling in their hearts. At this time, they still had the idea of ​​snatching the Otherverse. They were also shocking. What kind of team are they? It’s terrible.

Ji Ning is secretly lamenting. Autarchs also behave differently. Like Autarch Titanos, it generally converges to Aura, while Autarch E Kong is relatively overbearing.

Skyfeeder is really, the one that has no choice of Otherverse, and there are other cultivator found.” Autarch E Kong frowned and shook his head, because he was unwilling to take the Otherverse name, and immediately commanded, “Darknorth Let your fellow go to bind to get this Otherverse. “

Nuwa, go,” Ji Ning said.

“Yes.” Nuwa did not refuse, and flew towards the Otherverse.

“Five of you.” Autarch E Kong frowned. “This Otherverse should not be yours. Don’t even think about this Otherverse, but since you find that it is also a fate, I will send you a Opportunity, go. “With a wave of his hand, a stream of powerful energy wrapped around the five Hegemon and sent it to an Spacetime channel to a treasure house known to Autarch E Kong.


A chapter is published first, and the second is a bit slower. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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