The Desolate Era Chapter 15: Kill!

“Come here … see the latest and most complete novel” Emperor Waveshift suddenly said.

Ji Ning also saw a trace of ripples on the dark edge in the distance. Following the dark space there, the huge Spacetime gap of Dao (together) was completely opened, and a Realmship flew out of it.

“Hmm!” A rumbling noise suddenly came out of the Realmship, a terrible coercion pervaded, making Ji Ning, Azurefiend, Whitethaw some of them discolored, that is, Emperor Waveshift, Flamewing God still as usual.

Although the strength of Emperor Waveshift is not high, he has experienced too much. The really terrible existence he has seen, and some mysterious places he has visited, I am afraid that there are more than Lonely King, Realmslord Windgrace. It is truly ‘informed’ and a ‘Golden Emperor’ he can certainly calm down.

As for Flamewing, I am afraid that Sithe Exalt and cultivator Autarch can make it afraid.

“I’m so brave that I dared to appear in front of me.”

Dao (together) Dao figure flew out, headed by a humanoid body full of gold, and behind him were nine black humanoid lifeforms, all Aura.

A Golden Emperor rivals Otherverse Lord! Nine Black Emperor is equivalent to nine Hegemon! The sense of oppression they stood there was amazing.

Waveshift?” Golden Emperor Lord Wulf‘s eyes fell on the Emperor Waveshift, revealing a hint of surprise, coldly snort said, “No wonder this Dao Lord Darknorth will wait here so coincidentally. It turned out that there was Emperor Waveshift behind it. I have heard of the Emperor Waveshift name. The first time I met, why did you want to stop me? “

Emperor Waveshift laughed: “Did I let you back? You back?”

“Of course it is impossible.” Lord Wulf The intensity of the domineering spirit is Ji Ning The scariest one he saw, he simply No Emperor Waveshift Put it in your eyes, “I deserve you Emperor Waveshift , Touted you a few words. Look down on you … you’re a fart again! “

Lord Wulf is extremely proud.

He did not ask for Emperor Waveshift, this is the first time that he has seen Waveshift in endless years. For a Emperor that does not even have the strength of Hegemon, naturally is not in sight.

Waveshift has extraordinary strength and only knows some deduction skills. It is touted by some friends. In those who do not ask for me, I am really just a fart.” Emperor Waveshift is still calm.

Lord Wulf On the surface, indifferent and arrogant, but some thoughts passed by: Emperor Waveshift Is there any calculation here? But in terms of survivability, I Golden Emperor Body ratio Otherverse Lord Still strong to me and subordinate Nine Black Emperor Strength. I’m afraid Realmslord Windgrace Kill me personally to threaten me! despite Emperor Waveshift Any calculation, I’m afraid I can’t help it. “

using force to overcome the principle, strong enough, all calculations are a joke.” Lord Wulf is confident enough in his own strength.

Dao Lord Darknorth.” Lord Wulf looked at the white boy in the distance carrying black Divine Sword.

Ji Ning and Lord Wulf look far away.

“General Lord Wulf.” Ji Ning also spoke.

“A good Dao Lord, it’s amazing, it’s amazing.” Lord Wulf said, “You’re the one I’ve lived for so long. The only thing I can count is Dao Lord.”

“The general is too famous,” Ji Ning said.

“Don’t be modest, Dao Lord can have Hegemon strength. It is amazing that Hegemon can be a follower.” Lord Wulf glanced at Azurefiend next to Ji Ning. I committed suicide. “

Azurefiend‘s eyes flashed cold light.

“What I despise most is suicide.” Ji Ning said.

“Huh?” Lord Wulf frowned and looked at the boy in white, coldly snort said, “I really don’t know the height of the sky. No wonder dare to be against me Icepeak Army! Dao Lord Darknorth, you have a Dao Lord, life expectancy is 10,000 chaos cycle. How much? Short-lived? Once your life span limit is over, you will die. At that time, Realmship will still have to flow into his hands, and even cause some competition. For me, such as life Eternal Emperor, having Realmship can drift and explore, see more , But Realmship is in your hands, simply is a waste! “

“Let’s surrender Realmship early, there is still a way to live,” Lord Wulf said.

originally he intends to do it directly, but seeing ‘Emperor Waveshift’, although he is confident enough, he is still cautious about naturally.


Ji Ning shook his head, “Why should my treasure be given to you?”

“Really?” The evil spirit on Lord Wulf began to surging, and a hint of caution began to dissipate because of the appearance of Emperor Waveshift, and the rage in his nature began to be exposed.

“Don’t pay.” Ji Ning shook his head.

“Look for the way to death.” Lord Wulf stared at the cold, immediately waved angrily and pointed at Ji Ning, the sound rang loudly through the surrounding void, “kill them! Eliminate Vastheaven Palace! Let all parties know the consequences of being Icepeak Army with me.”


Nine black humanoid lifeforms are also respectful.



These nine Black Emperor all showed their intentions of killing. The mighty powerful energy all broke out, and the nine magnificent black flowing lights tore the void … their already were used to battle and used to slaughter! Some powerful forces were uprooted by them, and now there is only one Dao Lord force, and their simply is not in their eyes.

Ji Ning heard the sound reverberating in the void, and his eyes also revealed the intention of killing. This Icepeak Army is really overbearing, but unfortunately, this time it is the one who really has the advantage.

Flamewing! Kill them!” Ji Ning also pointed forward and issued a command.

“I’ve been waiting for this time.” The Flamewing who had been holding his temperament by the side twisted his big **** and made an exclamation cry, meanwhile, the fat man who seemed to be ordinary Tong suddenly turned into a dazzling The flame, the bizarre creature like a flying bear with a pair of huge fiery red wings in the hot flame.

Nine of the Black Emperors who were killed by Zhengfei showed suspicion and doubt. They felt a terrible threat, but simply didn’t know what it was.

“Huh?” Lord Wulf in the distance also changed his face.

“Roar ~~~”

Flamewing God shouted a loud roar, and at the same time, a raging dark red flame spewed from his mouth, covering the surrounding void almost instantaneously, and also covering the nine Black Emperors who were being killed.

“What is this?”

“Ah, no, this flame is too strong, run away.”

Nine Black Emperors were shrouded in dark red flames, all of them felt severe pain, and their black skin began to melt gradually. Although their strength is better than that of the guard Whitethaw, ‘Black Emperor’ is the one that inherits sacrifice ritual from life, while the guard Whitethaw is pure Golem and is dedicated to guarding. They are surpassed in their survivability by much stronger.

“It’s a terrible flame. It’s better than Hegemon-class occult skills.” Emperor Waveshift exclaimed.

“The common Hegemon will be directly burned to death.” Azurefiend on the side said, “These Black Emperor bodies are so amazing that they only melted gradually.”

Flamewing God spurts a terrible flame in the mouth, and at the same time the wings tremble, turning into Dao (together) terrible flowing light.

“So fast.”

Ji Ning is startled.

This speed is much faster than the extreme speed of Realmship.

“It’s too fast.” The Hegemon Thunderstar hiding in the Realmship in the distance was also surprised. He was the Hegemon of Dao of Lightning, and it was the top speed in Hegemon. Too much too fast, how could it be so fast? “

Flamewing God, it’s called Flamewing God.

It ’s considered to be a bird because it flies too fast and too fast, and is best at flying. Second is the means of attack.

“Tear and tear ~~~”

Flamewing God turned into flowing light, and rushed to a Black Emperor in an instant. One chubby claw grabbed it in the past, directly twisting the arm of the Black Emperor, tearing a big hole in the chest, there were countless holes inside the chest In the rock passage, one of the stars was directly crushed. The body of the Black Emperor suffered a fatal loss and died instantly.


The one-claw child directly grabbed the head of a Black Emperor head. Although the head of Black Emperor was extremely tough, it still burst directly. The Black Emperor also died.

“Retreat.” General Lord Wulf in the distance looked sullen. When he saw the dark red flame, he knew that already was not good, and immediately rushed to rescue his subordinate‘s subordinates, but his flight speed and Flamewing God flight The speed is … it’s simply too bad, simply is not a level.

****** (To be continued …)

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