Before His Eyes: 152 your girlfriend

The atmosphere was a bit tense, but Lou San’s aura remained undiminished. This was the first time I saw someone confront Lu Junyan so directly, which made me admire.

Lu Junyan walked in front of us and sat down, with his long legs slightly apart, his eyes fell on Lou San and me, his voice was inexplicably deeper than before.

“Shen Qing, come here.”

It’s rare for him to come to me on his own initiative, so I naturally accept him as soon as I see him. I just got up and prepared to go, but Lou San pulled back hard, and his hand pulled my wound. I took a breath of air, and Lou San was shocked , Let go of your hand immediately.

“Qingmei, are you okay, how are you doing?”

Before I had time to answer him, Lu Junyan inserted between us, pushed Lou San away forcefully, then pulled me up, hugged me in his arms, and said in a domineering tone, “Mr. Lou, my own I will watch it myself, so you don’t need to meddle in your own business.”

My lips turned white from the pain. Seeing this, Lou San stopped talking to Lu Jun, but before leaving, he took a deep look at me and left a sentence.

“Okay, then Qingmei will trouble you for the time being, Mr. Hardworking Lu.”

Lu Junyan didn’t answer, but because I was close to him, I could clearly feel the chill emanating from his body, which really made people shiver.

After Lou San left, Lu Junyan ignored my resistance and directly lifted up my sleeves. When he saw the new scar on my wrist, his brows and eyes moved slightly, and his cold eyes deepened.

He glanced at it casually, and seeing that there was no gap in the wound, he pushed my hand away, took out a tissue and wiped himself carefully.

I curled my lips, do you feel so disgusted?

“How did that injury come about?” He pretended to be casual and asked me.

I observed his expression, and then said in a tone that seemed to be joking, but not joking: “Is the one who hurt himself for you very touched?”

His eyes darkened, then he threw the paper on the table and stood up: “You must be sick!”

I followed him: “Yes, do you have any medicine?”

He walked to the side, trying to distance himself from me: “Crazy has nothing to do with me.”

I just followed him stubbornly. With the experience of last time, I will not leave this time: “I became crazy because of it, you have to be responsible.”

He stopped suddenly. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and stopped the car in time.

“Shen Qing, it’s a pity you don’t touch porcelain.” He complained coldly.

But I feel very happy, at least compared to not saying a word just now, I would rather he hurt me so often, at least compared to zero communication, this is much better.

“Lu Junyan, I only touch you.”

He was silent for a moment, and then choked out a sentence: “…don’t be ashamed.”

I just followed Lu Junyan so not far away, and Lu Junyan didn’t say anything about the moderate distance between me. Instead, when clinking glasses with others, he would quietly raise his eyes to see if I was still there Yes, and at this time, I would always shake my head and smile happily, and then Lu Junyan turned his head away…

“Come here.” After drinking with a certain boss, Lu Junyan raised his jaw at me.

I walked over in surprise, he handed me the wine glass, and I followed obediently.

“Stand by my side, the protagonist is coming soon.”

I was still puzzled, until a woman came up on the stage not far away, and the surrounding gradually became quiet.

I frowned and looked at that person. After seeing that person clearly, I froze immediately. I felt the fear of backflow of blood in my whole body, which was spreading all over my body.

Because I saw that the woman standing on the stage was actually Zhou Yun!

My former mother-in-law is now one of the enemies in my heart.

My brain was running fast, and it suddenly dawned on me.

“Could this be…” I looked at Lu Junyan in disbelief.

Lu Junyan curled his lips into a cold smile.

I’m planning to leave here immediately. If this is Zhou Yun’s banquet, then Lu Mingfeng and Qiao Ying will be there too, so I can’t stay here!

I looked around vigilantly, but Lu Junyan grabbed me with his long arms and brought me into his arms. He said in a low voice with chills, “Didn’t you say you’re not afraid?”

I desperately resisted, but because I was held in his arms, I couldn’t use my strength, “I admit that I am cowardly, let me go!”

“It’s late.”

As soon as the words fell, I heard Zhou Yun’s voice from the stage. Although the tone became a little slower, I could still hear it. After all, only four years have passed, and the appearance of the voice will not change much. .

What Zhou Yun said was a bunch of polite words, I almost didn’t listen to them, I just thought about what to do, what should I do, but Lu Junyan hugged me tightly, kind of wanting to follow The thought of me dying together shocked me, and I felt an unprecedented fear.

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, she was led down by someone, and her goal was very clear, which was our direction.

I was so anxious that I almost stomped my feet, turned around, and pressed against Lu Junyan’s chest, asking him to let go of me, but Lu Junyan just sneered and hugged me tighter, turning a deaf ear to my words.

“Jun Yan.”

Zhou Yun’s voice suddenly appeared behind him, scaring me to cling to him. This is how I hugged someone so hard in my life.

“Happy birthday, sister-in-law.” He said in a low voice with a flat voice.

“This is?”

Obviously she spotted me, but it’s no wonder that a woman hugged Lu Junyan so unscrupulously in public, but he didn’t push her away, which inevitably aroused curiosity.

Lu Junyan patted me on the back, his voice was low and cold: “Don’t be shy, let my sister-in-law see.”

I hugged me even tighter, but Lu Junyan didn’t force me, but said helplessly, “She’s too shy.”

“Little girl, I can understand, but you still have to pay attention to the occasion.”

Lu Junyan: “Okay, I know my sister-in-law.”

“Here.” Zhou Yun seemed to greet someone.

I subconsciously felt very nervous, Lu Junyan said: “Here it is, your ex.”

“Mom, Uncle.”

It’s Lu Mingfeng!

I clenched my hands tightly, my nails were embedded in the flesh, I closed my eyes, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

Lu Junyan seemed to sense my uneasiness, and the strength surrounding me gradually tightened.

“This is?”

Lu Junyan introduced: “My girlfriend, come on, turn around and show everyone.”

I shook my head, unwilling to die.

Lu Mingfeng teased: “Uncle, your girlfriend is too timid.”

Lu Junyan said: “Turn around.”

I bit my lip and didn’t let go.

Nobody knows how desperate I am right now.

“Be obedient.” Lu Junyan was still pushing me.

I actually can’t figure out why he pushed me to this point, but no matter what the reason is, the result can’t be what he thought.

If I meet them at this time, then everything I have done will be in vain, no, this is absolutely not possible!

Fear, panic, bewilderment, all kinds of emotions weave into a net, and this net wraps my heart inside and out, making me breathless.

This is the first time that I sincerely and had no choice but to cry in front of Lu Junyan.

Because I can’t help it, I really can’t, this man dares to do anything, I dare not bet on Jing Yi’s future, I dare not.

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