Reverend Insanity: Sixty-seventh: melee

“In terms of combat experience, I can’t reach the ghost of the demon statue!” During the three-party melee, Fang Yuan clearly noticed the gap between the enemy and me. Although Fang Yuan has been reborn many times, he is certainly not as good as His Holiness’s character in terms of overall combat details.

“But the main reason is that the youth has no reason. Although the offensive is fierce and crazy, regardless of himself, most of them are used by the ghost of the demon. If you are sober and rational, you will not be like this.

Fang Yuan feels sorry. Although the hatred rampant continues to advance to the level of nine transitions, the youth’s hatred is becoming stronger and stronger, but it lacks wisdom, and its strength can only be used by the ghost of the monster.

Fang Yuan still feels weak when he dispatched Dragon Palace and Wannian Douji. This is something that has never happened before.

Fang Yuan still retreats, and fights while retreating.

Although he fell into the downwind, Fang Yuan is free as long as he can’t trap Fang Yuan with a battlefield killing trick.

Longgong took the lead to break through the air wall of Tianya and fell towards Zhongzhou. The Wannian Douji is trying to cover.

The ghost of the demon lord is like a black smoke, and it cannot follow it.

At the end is the huge body of Qing Qiu, who smashed into the air wall, came out of Taigu day, and came to Zhongzhou.

The ancestors of Qi Hai, Qin Dingling, and others all chased after leaving Tianting.

When they found that Fang Yuan and others fell on Zhongzhou, the Celestial Celestials suddenly became agitated.

“The thief, Fang Yuan, didn’t run away during the day, but he wanted to go down to Zhongzhou. He is not good and wants to drag other innocent people, it is a sin!”

The ancestor of Qihai also snorted: “Fang Yuan has really been in trouble for too long. If he can kill him this time, it will be a blessing to the world.”

Speaking, he secretly used his means to report to the source Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan knew immediately, and soon Tiantian’s chase would also catch up. But he couldn’t help it, his speed was severely dragged down by the ghost of the monster.

When the courts and horses caught up on that day, they found that the spirit of the demon statue overpowered Fang Yuan and Qing Qiu.

Qin Dingling frowned, hesitated a little, and then said to the ancestors of Qihai: “Our ancestor, please start with Fang Yuan first, and try to kill this cricket.”

How could the ancestors of Qihai start to act on the body, groaning indeterminately: “In the current situation, Fang Yuan is weak and the ghost is strong. Both are magical giants. If we deal with Fang Yuan, we will suffer a mortal counterattack. Will be succeeded by the ghost. “

Qin Dingling shook his head: “Old ancestor, you still don’t know Fang Yuan very much. He is too cunning and insidious, he must have hidden hands. Maybe this situation is just a layer of camouflage. We must kill him. , Don’t give him a chance. “

The ancestor of Qihai: “…”

Tian Ting has suffered too many losses in Fang Yuan’s hands. Qin Dingling’s counterparty hates so deeply that he directly surpasses the ghost of the monster!

But think about it. When Ghost Demon was invincible, the damage to heaven was definitely not as much as Fang Yuan’s. The ideas of Qin Dingling and others are easy to understand.

The ancestor of Qihai had to ask the body secretly, what should we do next?

If forced to do so, only the ancestor of Qihai jumped out, besieged the ghost of the monster, and helped Fang Yuan’s body escape from difficulties.

Fang Yuan responded: “Don’t be busy, let me try it first.”

The gate of the Dragon Palace suddenly opened a gap, and a pure dream-seeking body flew out of it.

Pure dreams flew to the demon ghost, whose eyes narrowed and immediately backed away.


Pure dream real body suddenly exploded, turning into a large group of dreams floating in the air, forming a temporary barrier.

Dragon Palace and Wannian Douji are taking the opportunity to distance themselves.

The ghost of the demon statue bypasses the dream and hunts down again.

Qing Qiu, however, lost his mind and plunged into a dream.


The hatred of Qing Qiu suddenly exploded, letting him break through the dream and kill him.

“This is?!”

“Qing Qiu went straight into the dream, not trapped?”

“It’s a hate! There is a vague description of hatred and no dreams in” Ancestors “!

Fang Yuan was also surprised by this scene.

Qing Qiu obviously did not have the means of dreaming, but he broke out with hatred. Dream Road leads the whole era. It can be described as a fresh trick, but can’t restrain the hatred?

“Hate without dreams … or, in the face of the nine-turns of hatred, the dream was just not big enough?” Fang Yuan’s mind flashed.

It’s like a light smoke killing trick in a dream. If you hit the ghost of the monster, you can only temporarily trap him, and then you will be broken by the ghost of the monster and the dragon palace will collapse.

The level of light smoke in the dream is still weaker than the ghost of the demon. If it is increased to the level of nine turns, that is another scenario.

Even so, Mozun Ghost always dodges calmly when he encounters light smoke in his dreams.

His speed is very fast, just like ghosts drifting, and it is almost teleported in a short distance. It’s hard to beat him if you want to hit him in a dream.

However, to Fang Yuan’s delight, Mozun ghost cannot deal with dreams.

“I obtained the true dream from the Shadow Sect, and the ghost of the demon must be in control. However, he should be lacking the corresponding immortal, resulting in no killing tricks.”

Fang Yuan noticed this and immediately condensed a large number of pure dreams and then released the explosion.

Bang, bang, bang.

In the blink of an eye, around the Dragon Palace and the Wannian Douji, they are surrounded by the dreams of the group, leaving no gap.

The ghost of Mozun hummed and stopped the offensive.

“This Fangyuan …” Qin Dingling gritted his teeth. Fang Yuan’s self-protection method was too lazy, and the heavenly courts could not deal with it.

“Be careful of the ghost of the demon!” Qi Hai ancestor reminded.

Fang Yuan suddenly looked on from the wall, and the situation of the heavenly party was a little awkward.

The ghost of the demon lord gave them a cold glance, and the ancestor of the sea stood in front of him.

Qing Qiu roared and roared again and perseveredly to kill the ghost of Mozun.

The spirit of Mozun’s ghost is unpleasant: “Negative beast! Since you are desperate for death, it is okay to kill you first.”

His body suddenly disappeared and he appeared on Qing Qiu’s back the next moment. However, just when the ghost of the deities respected Qing Qiu, he suddenly attacked him with an airway kill.

The ghost of the demon lord had to make a move to resist, Qing Qiu took the opportunity to turn around violently, and the blue and black thunder ball on the face spit out again to escape the danger.

The ghost of Mozun looks to the ancestor of Qihai, his eyes are cold. It was the ancestor of Qihai who just disturbed him.

The ancestor of Qihai looked at the ghost of the monster, with a look of vigilance, and at the same time he explained to Qin Dingling: “You can’t let the ghost succeed again. He seems to be able to draw the power of the ancient soul beast to gain himself. Qing Chou captures slavery? “

Qin Dingling sighed: “We have lost the best opportunity. Youth hatred has skyrocketed. If you want to strengthen your hatred, you can only wait for good opportunities.”

The celestial beings in Tianting did not blame the sea ancestors for random shots. In fact, Qi Hai’s ancestors are very reasonable. In the heavens, Fang Yuan was trapped in a dream. The ancestors of Qihai helped Qing Qiu, and did not want to make the ghost grow, it was for heaven’s sake.

The next moment, the ghost of the demon statue kills the heavenly fairies.

Qing Qiu followed.

It’s a three-party melee, but this time the court has banned Fang Yuan’s role.

Fang Yuan is temporarily safe. The only thing to take care of is that the dream is constantly flowing. To form a tight line of defense, it is often necessary to self-explode pure dreams to fill the flaws that will appear in the line of defense of dreams.

Xiandao kills Yin and Yang assassins!


In the blast, two giant hands, one black and one white, one left and one right out of the air.

Two giant hands cover the sky, the flight path is mysterious, and one grasps the ghost of the ghost.

The ghost of Mozun suddenly screamed. When it appeared again, it was already approaching the ancestor of Qihai. In the palms of the yin and yang hands, the place where the ghost of the demon was originally treated has been replaced by an ancient soul beast.

The ghost of Mozun spit out a black smoke, hitting the Qihai ancestor.

Xiandao kills the tentacles!

The ancestors of Qihai flew back, and the tentacle suit melted away quickly in the black smoke, but it finally blocked the weird blow.

Although the ancestor of Qihai was an airway clone just created by Fang Yuan, but his strength is extraordinary, it is the result of heaven court qigong. There is also a matching Xianyu, which has not been degraded in comparison to its combat strength before.

But even so, the ancestor of Qihai was also crushed by the ghost of Mozun and became more passive.

Qin Dingling, while leading the Celestial Celestial Sects to help the ancestors of Qihai, gave Ling Yuanzhai an order to summon Feng Jinhuang to join the battle.

Feng Jinhuang has a dream Tao Xianxuan in her hands, which can be a pure dream for real change and a relaxed dream source of defense.

Qin Dingling always regards Fang Yuan as the first target of elimination!

Fang Yuan’s body is shrunk in the dragon palace. While watching the battle, he is racing against time to refine the Taoist marks.

“Lord, here we are!” In the scuffle, the Ziwei fairy and Zhengyuan elderly led the team to join the battlefield.

Not waiting for the Celestial Puppets to react, another person flew from the distance.

“Let’s come here for fun.”

It’s awesome.

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