Reverend Insanity: Verse 782: Touching Destiny

Extreme fairy tale, little southern Xinjiang.


A loud noise.

The earth trembles, and the dark spots of the dirt road cover the surrounding area.

It’s like an invisible big hand pinching the soft mud. The surrounding landscape starts to be concave, and the surrounding soil is convex, eventually forming a circular valley.

The mountain peaks are surrounded in a circle, and the concave inside is wrapped to form an isolated environment inside and outside.

And in this depression, there is no vegetation and the soil is scarce. A large amount of steel is exposed to the sky and the sky.

“This is the Valley of the White Steel Giant Bowl!” Standing outside the valley, the stone man, the immortal and the stone lion, looked up to this scene with shock.

Fang Yuan’s methods are endless, magnificent, and he has created another medium-sized resource point casually.

In these days, Shi Shicheng and other Wuxian have also had extensive exchanges, and they know more about the vastness of the Supreme Fairy, and a large number of resource points are distributed throughout the cave.

Such profound knowledge is people’s tongues, and it further increases the confidence of these gods in the future.

However, what Shishi admires sincerely is Fang Yuan’s courage!

Don’t be afraid of other Xunxian, but Fang Yuan dared to take the weak against the strong and attack the South Xinjiang in the right way.

The most important thing is: not only did he take a shot, but he also won a great victory and captured these southern Xinjiang Nuxian.

Without these captives, how could Fang Yuan extort these resources and easily build the White Steel Giant Bowl Valley?

Compared with Fang Yuan, the other Nuxian clan of the Shiren clan are old-fashioned.

“Fang Yuan is a talent worthy of my followers!” Shi Shi’s sincere tendency is more and more inclined to Fang Yuan. He is completely moved by Fang Yuan’s charm and convinced by his manner.

In the past few days, Hei Loulan and others like Xixian have been busy, and all resources have been properly arranged.

The Supreme Immortal was originally barren, but the annexed Blessed Cave Heaven concentrated a lot of resources. Now, these resources are scattered ingeniously and harmoniously, forming a balanced and harmonious ecology.

There is no chaos or interference, but mutual promotion.

This is the result of Fang Yuan’s careful calculation.

The next step is to patch some bugs.

For example, the Baigang Giant Bowl Valley is something that you want to build in the iron zone, but you have n’t started yet. With it, the iron zone can feed the blades by itself, instead of relying on the outside world.

Fang Yuan is now complete.

He did this job in the last life, and this life is more familiar.

As for the necessary resources for the construction, Fang Yuan extorted them from the south.

For the extortion of the right path in the southern Xinjiang, Fang Yuan obviously feels that this life is much easier than the last.

The sentiment of resistance to the gods in the southern Xinjiang is even weaker.

Fang Yuan’s exposure to the information in the heaven court showed that he beheaded Chen Yi and Reggae King, which should have brought a great touch to the southern Xinjiang Zhengdao!

“Even heaven is planted in the hands of the demon Fangyuan. We are planted right in the south of Xinjiang. Is there anything strange?”

Even if Nanxian Puxian doesn’t admit it, there are some in my heart.

Furthermore, the source of extortion is rich in management, and the techniques are more sophisticated. These South Xinjiang paths are only subject to submission.

Extortion and extortion in this life are different from the last.

Fang Yuan in the previous life mainly wanted to build the Nianhuachi, extorting many rare immortals. Now he doesn’t use it at all, and change other things, of course, mainly fairy.

A small part of these fairy materials is used to fill the gaps in the Supreme Fairy, such as the construction of the White Steel Giant Bowl Valley.

Most of the other is to prepare for the future refining of Xianzhu.

Fang Yuan has more fairy owls than in the last life!

The six-turn Xianxian occupies the vast majority, and for the eight-turn repair, he seems too weak.

Therefore, it is necessary for large-scale ascension of Xianzhu, and the comprehensive strength of the other source will be greatly enhanced.

He did this in the last life. This life annexed the Langya Blessed Land. With such a practiced Taoist immortal, he will be more calm.

He plans ahead and prepares these immortals in advance.

The results of swallowing are almost digested. The development level of the Supreme Sovereign has already reached 16%, and this number is close to the limit of his previous life.

But in this life, Liu Hao, Ba Shiba ’s immortal sacrifice did not annex, and there was a beast disaster cave.

The killing move continues, the true story is still being researched, and humanity is still being felt.

Fang Yuan takes time to go to the Changjiang River again.

He still misses the pure dream clone.

Although the plan of pure dream avatar was frustrated, Fang Yuan thought about the future body killing on Shilian Island.

“Perhaps, I can rely on future kills to have a pure dream clone of the Xianxian series in advance!”

Lenzi Zhongzhong monitors the movement at all times, but Fang Yuan’s traces cannot be detected at all.

Fang Yuan knows Jingu Pavilion better than them.

Successfully returned to Shilian Island. In the future, the killing blessing will be applied to the pure dream score.

However, to Fang Yuan’s disappointment, the pure dream clone has not moved at all!

“Because the pure dream avatar is transformed by dreams, so do most of the killings have no effect on him?”

“Or does the pure dream clone have no future of immortality at all?”

Fang Yuan’s pure dream avatar is already the practice of the five-turn peak.

However, this level has deadly risks, and Fang Yuan stopped wisely.

“If the future killing method is invalid, it is because the pure dream avatar has no future of immortality. This is the explanation: if pure dream avatar crosses the calamity, I have no hope to survive through the strength of today?”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly had some interest.

“It’s okay to try it.”

He was immediately on Shilian Island and urged Xiandao to kill Shidong.

This trick uses Celestial Immortal as the core, and can gain insight into the subject’s next disaster.

A blank.

Shidong Tianji has no effect on the pure dream clone.

“Is it because of the particularity of Pure Dream’s avatar, or is it because Shitong Tianji can’t deal with the dream disaster now?”

Fang Yuan is distressed.

Few roundworms that are effective against Pure Dream clones.

The relic can be effective for pure dream avatars, because it is a human asshole. The pure dream-seeking body is the human body, so the humane maggot is effective.

But in fact, many other roundworms are not effective for pure dream clones.

Because the pure dream avatar is still transformed by dreams, the characteristics of dreams remain.

Fang Yuan has relied on the superiority of the dream road many times to overcome difficulties, or call the wind and rain, but now he is stuck with this superiority.

Just like the Lord of the Heavenly Tower, Longgong, and others, they ca n’t compete with attracting souls into dreams. The ghost of the deities can fall asleep when they fall into dreams.

To be honest, there are actually many ways to deal with the disaster.

For example, to recruit a fairy tale, and to endless killings, but can these methods deal with the dream disaster?

Fang Yuan shook his head, which is almost impossible!

“The only first-line possibility is to develop the corresponding dream-trick.”

However, Fang Yuan’s dream realm is tightly stuck in his neck. Five hundred years ago, he didn’t focus on studying the dream path, but turned on the blood path.

Soon after returning from the time of Long River, there is a progress that surprises Fang Yuan.

Xiajia said that the turmoil in the treasure world of merchants in southern Xinjiang has a collection of shocking waves, and is currently in the process of trading.

“The business treasure world … is the fairy tale of the founder of the business.”

“After the ancestor of the merchant died, he left it in the negotiation mountain and could not go in and out of Xunxian. Even the Xunxian of the merchant did not know whether it was a cave or a blessed land.”

“It seems that the details of this treasure world are deeper than I originally estimated.”

Fang Yuan sighed the details of the business.

The merchants have always been at the middle and high levels in the Xianxian Realm in South Xinjiang, because of the unique geographical location and the relationship with other super powers, they maintain harmony and harmony.

“If the Xia family can trade to make the waves rise, then the obstacles for Dragon’s clone will be reduced by half.

Fang Yuan is patiently developing while at the same time.

For the five banned phosgenes, he became more and more experienced, and he was able to urge four different phosgenes at the same time.

Soul Tao Xiu has skyrocketed again and again. For the Dragon Man’s avatar, Fang Yuan separated another group of souls. Even so, his soul cultivation gradually rose to 80 million souls!

The dream trade with the Chi family has continued in secret.

Chi Qu was compromised.

He went wrong one step, only deeper and deeper.

Of course, Fang Yuan never let go of his vigilance. This eight-turned magpie is not a messy character, he is not stable, I am afraid he will go back.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has chosen to support the Chi family long ago and plan for the future.

In the transaction, the Chi family achieved dream results, which made Chi Qu feel pain and joy: Since this transaction has made a big mistake, why not continue?

Chi Quyou didn’t want to take risks, but Fang Yuan got such a hand, he had to grit his teeth and go all the way to the dark.

In his spare time, Fang Yuan searches for the souls of those immortals.

Although he did this in the last life, he still has to do it in this life because he has something else to study.

That’s the ink effect.

Compared with the previous life, Fang Yuan is deeply touched by the subtle differences in this life.

An indescribable mysterious feeling gradually haunted him.

“Is this destiny?” Fang Yuan seemed to be in contact with the traces of the net woven by the destiny.

He gradually had a strong hunch: “Continue to study in this area, and I will have a deeper understanding of fate. This is the best direction to understand fate.”

“Rebirth a few more times, collect more clues, and then calculate, I’m afraid I can conceive a fateful killing trick.”

“If you combine the mystery of the fortune … What is your fate …” Fang Yuan’s heart shook slightly, his eyes shone brightly.


Feng Jiuge stopped under the Xiu Lou.

This eight-turned fairy house is a low-rise building with flying eaves, red walls and jade bricks. It is exquisite and gorgeous, but it lacks half of the pedestal. Obvious signs of damage can be seen on the fairy house.

Three blood quilts were sewn directly into the air over the embroidery floor, still revealing a trace of ferocity and ferocity.

At that time, the savage demon attacked the heavens and was hindered by the embroidery building. In the end, the savage devil smashed the embroidery building, and today the court cannot completely repair it, but he also left three blood skins.

Feng Jiuge has been immersed in a state of enlightenment since returning from the defeat in Langya Blessing.

He does not practice change, but came here specifically from these three bloodskins to realize a sense of “change”.

This change is a mood, a change in destiny, and a trauma to the savage demon.

The savage demon is strong, the embroidery floor is weak, and the strong is left with three bloodskins by the weak, which is an unexpected change.

Like Tianting’s attack on Langya Blessing Land before failing, Nanxian Xianxian chasing Fang Yuan but being captured is a similar change.

This continuous change brings Feng Jiuge’s deep soul’s touch for a while!

Miao Wu is getting better.

Feng Jiuge’s mouth showed a smile: the next song is the song of fate. “


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