Technological Supremacy Chapter 651: Deadly clown circus

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The highest authority of the Holy Light Civilization, the House of Elders.

Suddenly there was a sigh from the empty and beautiful hall, and then an old man with a white beard had a headache and said with a heartbroken heart, “Elders, I have something to tell you. The quality is not as good as the previous batch, and if it is distributed on a large scale, it will cause the combat effectiveness of our fleet to drop by a whole level.”


“It turned out to be a low-quality crystal again?”

“Seiko civilization is too deceitful! Three batches of goods in a row, all of which are of poor quality.”

The elders complained one after another. As we all know, most of the starships of the Holy Light Civilization use powerful laser cannons.

However, laser weapons require two key auxiliary technologies, one is a high-power energy supply, and the other is a radio frequency crystal used to generate laser beams.

In Qunxing, there are very few civilizations or forces that can produce radio frequency crystals. For a long time, Shengguang Civilization has been cooperating with Jinggong Civilization in Oolong Haixing County, but recently, for some reason, the quality of Jinggong Civilization’s supply has dropped seriously. , causing the Holy Light civilization to complain endlessly.

After all, radio frequency crystals are consumables for laser weapons. After continuous firing, the crystals will be damaged and must be replaced with new ones. This is like a high-end cannon but only low-quality shells are available, and its combat effectiveness will inevitably drop sharply.

After complaining, there were bursts of sighs from the elders’ courtyard.

In fact, the recent troubles that Shengguang civilization has encountered are far more than this. As long as people get unlucky and drink cold water, their teeth will be stuffed. Overnight, the reputation of Shengguang civilization has plummeted everywhere. Fierce forces will take the opportunity to take advantage of them.

Although the matter is not big, Luo Jia’s goal has been achieved. Putting Xingchen Technology on the weak side and helping Shengguang Civilization get a wave of bad reviews. Light Civilization exerted untold pressure, making them dare not think about Star Technology anymore.

In short, it is good that Xingchen Technology can continue to keep a low profile. Otherwise, if the Holy Light Civilization really comes, Luo Jia has only two choices, fight back or run away. The former will inevitably expose the mechanical army, while the latter will face the risk of losing control of the wormhole.

What Luo Jia needs is to be in the Yinlun Star County, while doing business with the stars, secretly cultivating forces, while guarding the wormhole, preventing the forces of the stars from running into the Milky Way through the wormhole, and causing the Earth fleet to be completely exposed.

Seeing that a turmoil was invisible, Luo Jia used Ola to beat the Holy Light Alliance, causing them not to dare to do anything about Star Technology, but as time went by, Luo Jia had a deeper understanding of the intelligence system of the Shadow Civilization , He also gradually discovered more secrets.

Luo Jia, who had planned to find Lan Yu long ago, has not left the Shadow Civilization for a month. He constantly studies the intelligence database, often to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. The advanced artificial intelligence Colin also uses his powerful logic calculations Ability, gave Luo Jia a lot of help.

Of course, all of this is due to the strong support of Auntie Duoer. It is this strong woman who trusts and overcomes all opinions, so that Luo Jia and Ke Lin have the permission to read the Shadow Civilization Information Database.

“Luo Jia, take a look at this.” Colin suddenly opened his eyes, and said to Luo Jia, “These two messages are also about the ugly circus, and the time just coincides with the date when the magnificent civilization was massacred.”

As a high-level artificial intelligence, when Colin closes his eyes, he is actually searching and analyzing massive data, while the job of Luo Jia and Aunt Duoer is to summarize the information collected by Colin.

“It’s an ugly circus again? These mysterious uglies are really everywhere.” Aunt Duo’er frowned, and quickly abbreviated the information on a piece of paper, pinned it to the huge whiteboard with a thumbtack, and finally used a tape Colored ink pens connect the pieces of paper with information in series, just like the kind of evidence wall commonly used by the police to solve cases.

Luo Jia stood up, with his hands behind his back, and stared solemnly at the densely packed pieces of paper and lines on the whiteboard, as if he saw a big web, a web of man-eating spiders, and any civilization or force that fell into the web would soon will suffer bad luck.

Holding a red ink pen, Aunt Duo’er paced back and forth in front of Luo Jia. The two white **** of evil on her chest trembled with her steps, which attracted Luo Jia’s attention and made him a little embarrassed.

“Uh, auntie, let’s sit down.” Luo Jia said.

People in the Shadow Civilization are used to calling Aunt Duo’er, so Luo Jia and Colin can be regarded as doing as the Romans do, and then shouted, Duo’er did not object to this.


Duo’er nodded, and sat down on the chair next to Luo Jia. The weapon fell heavily, and almost hit her thigh due to inertia. In the movie, it seems that there is no giant that can match it. This chest device is really an extraordinary existence.

“The matter is very clear.” Aunt Duo’er poked her chin lightly with an ink pen, showing a foxy look and said, “In Yinlunxing County, on the eve of the collapse of the Galen Empire, the ugly circus once visited. On the eve of the destruction of the Flamingo Alliance in the county, the ugly circus also visited…”

Luo Jia listened quietly, nodding lightly from time to time. For more than a month, he has fully understood Auntie Duo’er’s ability, and has a certain appreciation for it.

Generally speaking, Auntie Duo’er is not a girly woman, Luo Jia has the habit of sleeping for two or three hours each, and Auntie Duo’er, who refuses to admit defeat, has very dark circles under her eyes at the moment, but she is still trying her best to support her. Never complain of suffering or tiredness.

Luo Jia has seen her more than once, secretly swallowing refreshing pills, and these pills are actually prepared for soldiers, so that they can stay focused for a long time during the war and fight the enemy.

Although she has a figure that is envied by all women, Aunt Duo’er doesn’t like to dress up. Her long hair is simply tied into a ponytail and she wears a pair of flat sneakers.

Duoer is not picky when eating, and often eats barbecue with Luo Jia, dipped in red chili sauce…

Anyway, in Luo Jia’s opinion, this Aunt Duo’er is not like a woman, but more like a brother…

As for the discovery of the Ugly Circus, it may be a complete accident. From the information collected by the Shadow Civilization, Luo Jia discovered that the Holy Light Civilization Elderly House once sent an email to the Ugly Circus, asking if they planned to come to the Holy Light Civilization to perform .

This is a dignified Presbyterian Church, why would they care about an unknown circus?

What’s even more strange is that the circus quickly replied that this time they did not plan to go to the Holy Light Civilization, but to the Galen Empire, which is also in Yinlun Star County.

Subsequently, the Ugly Circus really went on a tour to the Galen Empire. After their tour ended and they left for a week, the Galen Empire was completely destroyed, and tens of billions of people turned into dust in the universe. It is said that King Galen survived by chance. But so far there is no news.

Follow the clues and continue to track Luo Jia was surprised to find that every star county that the ugly circus has visited, either before their arrival or after they left, there has been a tragic extermination of forces case.

Not only empires, alliances, freeman bases, pirate groups, commercial companies, and even large civilizations with hundreds of billions of people are involved.

At this moment, Aunt Duo’er’s analysis ended. She felt that if this was a coincidence, it would be too bizarre and deadly. No matter how you look at it, this ugly circus deserves special attention.

Luo Jia nodded lightly and said, “Where is the ugly circus now?”

Colin said in a deep voice, “According to the announcement on their official website, the circus is currently on tour at the Water-Shaped Civilization in Azure Star County.”

Water-shaped civilization! ?

Luo Jia was startled suddenly, the hairs on his back stood on end.

The blue star cluster is Lan Yu’s hometown, and the water-shaped civilization is Lan Yu’s neighbor…(Science and technology hegemony..134134308)–(Technology hegemony)

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