Technological Supremacy Chapter 596: Everything is for war!

In any case, history has come to a crucial crossroads.

In Shanghai, Luo Jia’s parents looked confused, watching a large number of robots coming from all directions. These most loyal mechanical warriors, like javelins, stood around the villa, surrounding the house of Luo Jia’s parents. .

All the colleagues of Xingchen Technology put down their work and waited in front of the big screen. They were also full of confusion in their hearts. They didn’t know what happened to Mr. Luo.

And the general who was far away in the capital came to the grape trellis where he had played against Luo Jia, recalling the fierce killing power contained in Luo Jia’s chess.

“Maybe it’s because of Luo Jia’s character that things have come to this point.” Secretary Lu Junlin muttered beside the general, “He has offended the whole world this time. Very angry, with Luo Jia’s intelligence, he must be aware of the consequences, but since he knows that he will be betrayed, why do he do it?”

The general pondered, and after a while, his eyes suddenly became sharper, “Although Luo Jia offended the whole world this time, if he succeeds, it will completely end the current chaotic situation on the earth. Wait until the fleet of the Galen Empire arrives.” , it will be all the people on earth, not the United Nations in bulk.”

Lu Junlin thought for a while and nodded slightly.

The term bulk comes from Jiangsu, China, and it is a joke about the thirteen prefectures and cities. Now it is used by generals to describe the United Nations, but it is actually inappropriate, because compared with the internal struggles of the United Nations, Jiangsu The thirteen cities are just the daily frolics between brothers. When something happens, the unity of the Jiangsu Brotherhood impresses everyone.

“In short, although it happened suddenly, I seem to have seen an old adage from Luo Jia.” The general said.

“An old proverb?” Lu Junlin asked in confusion, “Which one?”

“Throughout the ages, those who achieve great things must not stick to small details. Although there are tens of millions of people, I will do it.” The general said in a deep voice.


New York, United Nations Headquarters.

Under the invasion and control of artificial intelligence, all video signals in the world are now pointing to the conference room where Luo Jia is. People have no choice. As long as you are watching your mobile phone or TV, you will always see Luo Jia.

With the usual smile on his face, Luo Jia walked towards the front of the camera and said softly: “Hello everyone, I am Luo Jia.”

“You may be confused at this moment, what happened? Why am I here? What’s wrong with the network and system?”

“Now let me give a unified answer. There is nothing wrong with the system. I seized the control of the global network through a pre-implanted program. The reason why you see me is because I have important things to report to you. Announced to the world.”

“As we all know, we found a starship in outer space half a million kilometers away from the earth. After investigation, we confirmed that this starship came from a distant place called the Galen Empire…”

When Luo Jia started to tell the story, the noise all over the world stopped abruptly. Luo Jia, who doesn’t like to talk nonsense, said all dry stuff. Based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, he talked about the Galen Empire, about The upcoming expedition fleet told every citizen of the earth.

After listening to Luo Jia’s narration, people were all stunned. It turned out that the Worker Ant was not a separate incident. Behind it, there was an entire fleet and a fate-determining crisis on the earth.


At this time, Rebaton, the North American representative to the United Nations, jumped up and roared at Luo Jia, “Even if a fleet of extraterrestrial civilization approaches, so what? You control the global network, take over our and NATO’s military command, control robots to maintain law and order, can doing so help defend the earth?”

“Stupid! At this moment, what we need is international cooperation, not an earth dictator! Stop making excuses, Luo Jia, you are the biggest cancer on earth! The greatest threat to human existence!”

In the conference room at this moment, there are dozens of representatives from more than a dozen other countries. Most of them disapprove of Luo Jia’s actions, and they all glared at Luo Jia.


Luo Jia chuckled, quickly glanced around, and said calmly: “Huo Qubing once said that he should wake up and take power in the world, and lie drunk on the knees of beauties. Dr. Kissinger also said that power is the best spring glory.”

“It seems that all men in the world regard power and beauty as the highest pursuit in their lives. When a man of seven feet sees a beautiful woman, his knees immediately become weak and he can’t walk. He smells the smell of power. , and immediately became disrespectful.”

“But have you ever thought that in this world, there are other people who are not interested in rights, and they don’t even take the initiative to pursue women. If there is one thing they pursue all their lives, it is The stars, the sea, and the exploration of those unknown worlds.”

Having said that, Luo Jia turned his attention to Rebaton, “There are some things that you don’t understand at all. The problem of the Galen Empire should seek international cooperation? On the contrary, if you want to solve this crisis, you must first kill the international. “

“Maybe you will curse and don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter, because I am ready to face all the slander and abuse, until this crisis is resolved, I will leave the earth and put the so-called power , return it to you.”

“Open your at this boundless universe. It is obviously just a small broken ball, but it is arrogant, thinking that you are the whole world. In this universe, just to survive, you need to do your best. Do your best, but your eyes are still staring at the so-called rights.”

“It’s like a person raising a group of ducks, all of which are ready to go into the oven. Does it matter which duck is selected as the boss of the group?”

Luo Jia talked about his own truth, his honest words were harsh, and the truth was hard to hear. He was straightforward and merciless, pointing out the essence of the five dregs of the earth war, which made all the citizens of the earth feel ashamed. There is no way to refute.

“I declare that from this moment on, the earth will be managed by Xingchen Technology until the crisis of survival is resolved.” Luo Jia said firmly: “It is also from this moment that the world enters a state of war, and all actions are War gives way.”

“We will not recognize all existing laws and rules on the planet.”

“We will mobilize all existing resources and productive forces on the planet, whether they belong to countries or individuals.”

“We hope that every citizen of the earth can contribute to the coming war. You can refuse to serve the war, but you have no right to destroy or oppose it. punish.”.

Luo Jia talked about her own decisions one by one. In fact, these decisions were jointly drawn up by the seven-member group of the administration, and it was also because of this shocking event of seizing power on the earth. nickname.

In any case, in the spring of the ninth year since the founding of Xingchen Technology, a general mobilization for the survival of the earth began unstoppably.

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