Technological Supremacy Chapter 587: Brother 3’s brain circuit is really strange

When the West tried to use the rules they made back then to suppress Huaxia in accordance with the usual practice, it never expected that Huaxia would react very hard-core. To withdraw from the United Nations.

From Wei Dong’s calm face, no expression could be seen. On the contrary, the members of the United Nations present opened their mouths wide, showing extremely incredulous expressions.

“No! Don’t do this!”

“Please keep calm and don’t be impulsive!”

The representatives of Russia and France blocked it at the same time. They all said that China is one of the most important powers on earth. If you withdraw from the United Nations, why not join forces? .

The speeches made by the representatives of Russia and France were highly endorsed by all countries. Regardless of the fact that everyone has a bad impression of Huaxia, if the United Nations does not have Huaxia, it will undoubtedly become a monopoly in North America, and that will be even worse. result.

History has repeatedly told us that the **** nature of the North American authorities is quite unreasonable and arrogant.

On January 28, 2020, North America united with Israel to formulate a new Middle East peace plan. After seeing the plan, people with discerning eyes said that this thing, rather than a peace plan, might as well be called a nuclear peace plan. It’s just Palestine, and it has nothing to do with peace. It’s too **** dark. To put it bluntly, the devil’s gangster circle back then was more sincere than this thing.

The plan must have been proposed by Israel. North America, as the boss, supported his younger brothers. It is not difficult to see from this that Israel has spent thousands of years making itself an object that the whole world hates. It is not without reason.

A nation that only knows how to take advantage of it is fortunate to have encountered a relatively civilized modern society. Everyone no longer engages in massacres, otherwise they would have been swept into the garbage dump of history.

In short, the United Nations can be without Israel, but it must not be without China, otherwise the meaning of unity will be lost. All the countries present are well aware of this.

So here comes the question, is Huaxia threatening to withdraw from the United Nations because it has nothing to fear? Is it to retreat and threaten the world?

Not really.

It’s like many people will live more and more lonely as they grow older, and they no longer like to attend those incomprehensible parties. You are not interested in the topics that others talk about, but you go out and come back , I found that it is better to stay at home, and I can’t get anything except tiredness.

In this case, it’s better to quit the group altogether. In this world, the sun will rise as usual without anyone, and with China’s current strength, there is no need to look at anyone’s face.

Although Huaxia’s withdrawal from the group was of great significance and shocked the audience, not everyone was self-aware.

In the chaos, a dark-skinned, curly-haired third brother stood up. His belly was fat and he was tall, but he didn’t give the impression of being strong, but rather bloated. This man was Dirham, the representative of India.

Unlike those who gain weight due to eating a lot of meat and having enough oil and water, the third brother is generally a vegetarian. The reason why he is obese is not because he eats too much meat, but because he loves sugar too much. Their puffiness, from the fact that they are a huge country, but their sports are in a mess, is the best proof of their poor physical fitness.

When everyone was full of worries, Dirham was extremely excited, “Since Huaxia is going to withdraw, I propose that we, India, replace Huaxia’s permanent council seat! As a superpower with a population of more than one billion , we are fully capable of replacing it!”


After Dirham finished speaking, the tense atmosphere immediately became joyful. Many people couldn’t help laughing out loud, and more people looked at this scene with eyes of caring for the mentally retarded. An obese Mr. Dirham is like watching a clown.

In fact, India has been dreaming of becoming a permanent member for many years, but it is a pity that they have never understood one thing. There has never been a five permanent members of the United Nations in the world, only a United Nations with five permanent members.

The reason why the five hooligans are able to sit where they are today is because they were shot down with one shot at a time, at the cost of countless sacrifices. India, a country that even established itself independently, relies on non-violence and non-cooperation. If you can never understand what the Great Wall was built with blood, you will naturally not be qualified to be one of the five permanent members.

The whole world understands this issue, only the Indians themselves do not understand it.

Speaking of it, the Indian people are quite pitiful. They drank too much poisonous milk from the West and have already been limped. Western politicians and media are concerned about India’s hunger, women’s status, hygiene issues, environmental issues, etc. Ignore all of them, but tout India every day.

It is said that they are the world’s largest democratic country, a nuclear power, a space power, a country with the fastest GDP growth, a software power, a model of multi-ethnic harmony, and an ancient civilization. The joy blossomed, and the sense of happiness burst.

At the same time, Western politicians and the media are slandering China all day long, belittling China in a mess, so the Indians slapped their heads, yo ho, China is so bad next door, and they are still in the position of Wuchang, I am a big India is highly sought after by the whole world, there is no reason for its status to be lower than that of China.

So, they believed in the poisonous milk of the West, and wholeheartedly wanted to replace it.

The Indian representative Dirham was very angry. Faced with everyone’s ridicule, he turned livid and roared loudly: “I just made the most reasonable request. What do you mean by this attitude!? Don’t forget, At the beginning, China was able to become the five permanent members because Nehru-sama rejected the five permanent seats and gave up the position to Huaxia! It was because we in India saw that Huaxia was pitiful, so you became the five permanent members!”


As soon as this remark came out, the venue was full of laughter. If everyone was quite restrained just now, then they really couldn’t laugh at the moment. Well, the third brother made it possible for Emotional Huaxia to become Wuchang, out of pity The reason…

This is obviously a nonsensical lie, but I don’t know why. You can ask Indians casually, and 99% of them believe it. This may be due to their national characteristics that never pay attention to seeking truth from facts. It’s related, anyway, normal people will never understand Ah San’s magical brain circuit.

The great man once said back then, I thought about it for ten days and ten nights, but I never figured out what is wrong with Nehru, and why did he want to mess with us?

It can be seen that even a great man can’t understand the brain circuit of the third brother. We are qualified to live, and through our contacts with India, we have learned another fact. In this world, there are some people that you will never understand.

At this moment, Wei Dong with a poker face suddenly spoke, and said in his usual hard-core attitude: “First, the reason why we are sitting here is because we killed the puppet regime of the Republic of China, your country If you also want to be side by side with us, you can choose to kill any of us, although you don’t understand, you are welcome to do it, you are welcome.”

“Secondly, when the United Nations was established, there was no country called India in the world, and you were still just a British colony. Taking a step back, even if you were given the position of Wuchang, would you be able to afford it? ?”


If everyone was laughing just now, then when Wei Dong finished his speech, the audience was already laughing like crazy. Everyone likes the representative of Huaxia so much. They think he is very powerful, well-organized and tough enough when he speaks. , enough ruthless, a disagreement, the angry Ah San is looking for teeth all over the place.

“Awesome! Are even Chinese diplomats so tough now?”

“There was a group of tough guys before, and then there were **** diplomats. Huaxia is really domineering now!”

“It makes India was a British colony in the past, I suggest you kill Britain and replace it.”

“Come on India, we support you.”

People ridicule unscrupulously, the real world is always like this, assuming that India is strong enough, there is no need to complain and quarrel, Wuchang will naturally pull him to join, even if the UN Charter is amended for this.

And the reason why India has become a joke is because they have never understood that face is earned by themselves, not given by others. A nation that has not shed blood for survival will never be in this world. Have the right to speak.

However, the third brother has also done a good deed, playing the role of a clown, and found a way for North America and the West. Don’t you see, after India jumped out, the representatives of North America stopped speaking, because they knew very well, China is not joking. If the third contact is forced to start, it will mean the beginning of war, and that is a price that North America and the West cannot bear.

Now that North America no longer insists, Huaxia will no longer mention the matter of withdrawing from the United Nations. The ancients said that everything should be kept on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future.

In this world, unsheathed weapons are the most powerful. Huaxia clearly conveyed his attitude, and that was enough. .

The only remaining question is whether the starship of Star Technology can be completed on time and capture and occupy the reconnaissance ship from the Galen Empire, the Worker Ant.

So after the Huaxia diplomats leaked their domineering arrogance and made a big fuss at the United Nations, everyone turned their attention to the No. 0 space station. Wei Dong had already let out his hard words, and hoped that Xingchen Technology could live up to the expectations.

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