Technological Supremacy Chapter 577: Space Age and Dark Forest

Luo Jia, together with the first batch of resident scientific research workers, started the journey from the earth to the zero space station. After twelve hours of continuous ascent, the elevator finally reached the geosynchronous orbit.

Luo Jia looked up and found that the No. 0 space station has been fully presented in front of his eyes. It is so majestic and shocking. The cylindrical central axis connects the front and rear parking areas. The huge ring structure is like a silver-white super Ferris wheel, slowly rotating non-stop.

The structure of the ferris wheel has three floors, which are the living area, the scientific research area, and the logistics support area. In the future, as the number of people stationed in the space station increases, the No. 0 space station will continue to expand, and the large space dock will also be in the near future. After that, it will be put into operation, and the starship modules shipped from the base in Inner Mongolia will be assembled.

In short, it is the most incredible miracle in the history of human beings. No words can describe the beauty of space station zero. From then on, human beings will build a real home in space. more closely linked together.

“Please note that Elevator No. 1 is about to connect to Space Station No. 0. Air pressure changes and mechanical collisions will inevitably occur during the connection process. All passengers are requested to return to their respective positions and fasten their seat belts…” the synthetic female voice broadcast again.

Luo Jia had no choice but to apologize to the audience, end the live video broadcast, return to his seat, straighten the seat, fasten the seat belt, and the staff of the elevator operation department will check one by one. The process is a bit like the stage of an airplane taking off and landing. But the stability is unmatched by aircraft.

The elevator followed the graphene cableway and quickly entered the No. 0 space station. It was like driving into a cave. First, the mechanical device was docked and fixed, and then the safety gate and airtight door were closed one after another. The space station released air to the docking cabin to adjust the air pressure. Until it is similar to the earth’s atmosphere.


Under the guidance of the staff, Luo Jia unbuckled his seat belt, and then his body floated up, feeling very strange.

This is a weightless experience deliberately arranged for this trip. Although there is no gravity generated by rotation in the central axis area of ​​the zero-number space station, there is also an electromagnetic analog gravity device.

Shortly after, the weightlessness experience ended and the electromagnetic gravity device was turned on. Luo Jia felt that the weightlessness gradually disappeared, and her whole body fell to the ground. Because of the magnetic device in the space boots, her feet landed first.

Since you are in space, it would be too boring not to experience the feeling of weightlessness. This time it is just a taste. If you want to try it in the future, you can find a room in the central axis area and turn off the magneto-gravity simulator. You can enter a state of weightlessness.


When the airtight door was opened, Luo Jia saw that the robot engineering team was lined up like a group of soldiers waiting for inspection, and the electronic eyes were staring at the group of humans curiously.

“Everyone has worked hard, the No. 0 space station and the No. 1 space elevator have been successfully completed, and you are the number one contributor!” Luo Jia said with a smile.

He praised the robot as kindly as a friend, and then let them disband and return to their jobs. Don’t care too much about his arrival. In Luo Jia’s mind, robots are not slaves, but partners. In the future, they will be with humans. Hand in hand hand in hand, towards the sea of ​​stars.

Under the leadership of Luo Jia, Star Technology and even the whole world’s concept of robots is slowly changing. The established interracial friendship will play an unimaginably important role in the entry of human beings on earth into the crisis-ridden cosmic society. It is no exaggeration to say that it was Luo Jia’s decision that saved everyone.

The live broadcast channel is still going on. After Luo Jia and others came to the zero space station, they added a sense of immersion to the live broadcast. Watching the big boys excitedly drinking Coke, jumping into the swimming pool to play, or in the gym While riding a bicycle, facing the blue and beautiful earth, it is as if you are on the scene.

“I’ll go, this is too cool! You can swim in Space Station Zero!”

“My God, when they are exercising, they actually face the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the slowly rotating earth, distant Jupiter and Mars, and bright stars!”

“Hmph! I’m not happy. Compared with Space Station Zero, our invincible sea view room is not delicious at all.”

“Your home faces the sea, and Space Station Zero faces the sea of ​​stars, so there’s nothing better than that.”

“I don’t know if Space Station Zero is open for viewing? If you can stay at Station Zero for one night in this life, it will be worth dying!”

“It should be possible. Luo Jia said that he wants to develop space tourism, but according to his habit of turning his elbows inward, I’m afraid you have to get Chinese nationality first…”

“God, I’m so envious! I really want to be a Chinese citizen!”

The bullet screen is refreshed crazily, as if all the human beings in the world turned into lemon essence in an instant, not to mention the sourness. The people who eat melons in the west seem to have witnessed a historical reincarnation. There was nothing he could do but stare helplessly.

Today, Huaxia has returned to the stage of history and has become one of the biggest players on the stage. At the same time, the protagonists of the past are gradually becoming spectators. The most unacceptable bar.

“What you are seeing now is the design drawing of the fourth ring of the No. At that time, we will welcome the first batch of tourists from the space station, outstanding student representatives from Star University, meritorious employees from the company, elites from all walks of life, etc.”

“They will have the opportunity to spend an unforgettable three days and three nights in the zero space station. Due to space constraints, there are not many opportunities to travel in space, but as the space station continues to expand, with the moon base and Mars base One day, we will enter a real space society, and everyone can start space travel as easily and conveniently as going home.”

Luo Jia, in the way he is good at, has drawn a big picture for all audiences. Facing such a wonderful and beautiful future, people don’t know how to describe it except Zhenxiang.

“Long live! Long live Star Technology!”

“The era of the big universe has finally arrived!”

“We will conquer Mars, the solar system, and the galaxy!”

“Little broken ball, go and go!”

The bullet screen is refreshed crazily, full of optimism and arrogance. It seems that because of the encouragement of Xingchen technology, everyone now thinks that the road to the stars and the sea is not difficult…

In the dark interstellar space somewhere far away, a small, ancient, and dilapidated aircraft is heading towards the center of the Milky Way at a speed of 17 kilometers per second.

Loneliness is its destiny. Since Voyager 1 was launched on September 5, 1977 in the Earth calendar, it has always existed alone, day after day, year after year.

From today’s perspective, Voyager 1’s technical equipment is already very backward. For many years, it has relied on a high-gain antenna with a diameter of 3.7 meters to barely maintain contact with the earth.

The strength of radio signals will continue to attenuate with the increase of transmission distance. In order to receive negligible signals, NASA has built a deep space network, DeepSpaceNetwork, or DSN for short.

DSN consists of three deep-space communication facilities distributed at 120 degrees, located in California in North America, Madrid in Spain, and Canberra in Australia, so as to realize signal transmission with Voyager 1 and not be affected by the rotation of the earth.

The communication frequency of Voyager 1 is as high as 8GHz. In this frequency band, there is almost no interference, and the signal-to-noise ratio is very high.

Voyager 1 is equipped with a high-precision gyroscope to ensure that it can always point the antenna towards the direction of the earth even in deep space.

All in all, scientists have tried their best to maintain the weak connection between the earth and Voyager 1, and Voyager 1 is the greatest explorer in human history, and there has never been any probe , can go as far as it does.

Although Voyager 1 is definitely qualified to be remembered in history, voices against it are still emerging. The biggest fear people have about Voyager 1 comes from the golden record.

NASA’s naive scientists were very eager to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations, so they placed a golden record in the cabin of Voyager 1. The record not only contains detailed location marks of the earth, but also about Huge amount of history and information on humanity.

I believe that everyone who has seen Liu Cixin’s three-body problem will be very impressed by the law of the dark forest, especially the Chinese people, because we are the oldest civilization on earth, we are more than anyone, any country, any Group organizations understand better that it is not easy for a civilization to continue, and it is really difficult to live!

All the civilizations that used to be on par with China were counted as one, and they all perished, because in this world, the continuation of civilization has never been the norm, but the destruction of civilization is!

Liu Cixin said that the universe is like a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let the footsteps make a sound, even Breathing has to be done carefully.

He must be very careful, because there are hunters like him everywhere in the forest, if he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do, shoot and destroy it.

In this forest, other people are **** and an eternal threat. Any life that exposes its own existence will be wiped out soon.

In the eighth year of Star Technology’s founding, on January 1, the No. 0 space station and the No. 1 space elevator were officially put into operation. For a while, firecrackers blared and gongs and drums blared. Every person on earth was deeply encouraged and felt that they were about to Become the master of the solar system, and even the entire galaxy.

Everyone was so happy that no one noticed that another “little thing” happened on this day. The farthest probe ever traveled by mankind, Voyager 1, has lost contact with the earth. over seventy-two hours.

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