Technological Supremacy Chapter 539: A flying “bus”!

During the meeting of the management authority, Luo Jia decided to use the starship team to create an intra-atmospheric transportation plan.

The starship team, code-named No. 2, is part of the entire space program of Xingchen Technology. After the space station and the space elevator are completed, the next step is the moon base. Large-scale inter-galaxy vehicles are needed to complete the round-trip between the earth and the moon, and transport personnel and minerals. , and missions such as going to more distant deep space exploration.

The starship team has been preparing for long-distance travel between galaxies. After slightly modifying this kind of galactic transportation, and putting it into operation on the earth, there is no problem, and there are even suspicions of overkill. After all, the construction standards of starships obviously require higher than that of ordinary aircraft.


The special plane with the star technology rotating galaxy badge landed against the wind. This is Bayannur, a city hanging alone on the grassland outside the Great Wall, and it is also the station of the starship team.

Helicopter sent Luo Jia to the research institute in the open area outside the city. Here and Jiuquan are the research centers with the largest area of ​​Xingchen Technology. The steel structure roof stretches for several kilometers. Known as a giant steel monster.

After getting off the plane, Luo Jia saw the person in charge, Bu Mobei, an upright man from the Northwest. Because of the frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, the neck and up became red and black, and the company’s researchers generally have deep otaku attributes, mostly with a boyish face. , Dr. Bu is very conspicuous in the crowd, and also very old.

Bu Mobei’s actual age is only twenty-nine years old. He is not married yet, but everyone thinks that Teacher Bu’s baby must already know how to herd sheep. If you tie him a white towel on his forehead and take a dry pipe , squatting in the sun in the corner, just like the image of an old farmer in northern Shaanxi in the book.

“1969 was a special year for the world’s aviation industry, because in this year, major aviation powers simultaneously launched the development of a new generation of fighter jets, including the former Soviet Union’s Su-17 and MiG-27, North America’s F14, The strong winds in Europe and so on.”

Bu Mobei adhered to the good habits of a straight man of steel, didn’t talk nonsense, didn’t even say hello to Luo Jia, and directly took Luo Jia under the huge steel ceiling, and said in a very fast tone: “Besides, The Harrier vertical take-off and landing fighter independently developed by the United Kingdom also entered service successfully in 1969.”

“Compared with other fixed-wing aircraft, the vertical take-off and landing fighter does not need an airport runway, which fundamentally changes the contradiction between high and low speed flight, and its maneuverability and combat capability are also quite good. It is an important milestone in the history of aviation development.”

“Many people have heard of the Harrier fighter, but few people know it. In fact, in August 1969, my country also started the secret research and development of the vertical take-off and landing fighter. .”

Luo Jia nodded lightly. There are quite a few people with aerospace majors in the company, but there is only one person who is completely obsessed with this career like Bu Mobei. He is the living Encyclopedia of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

“What happened next?” Luo Jia asked.

“I lost, and I lost completely.” Bu Mobei said with emotion in his heart: “After all, at that time, we didn’t even have special titanium metal that could withstand high temperatures, and we couldn’t even use the high-lift engines needed for vertical take-off and landing. Talk about it.”

“Since then, we have given up the research and development of vertical take-off and landing fighters. To this day, the number of vertical take-off and landing fighters in our country is still zero.”

Luo Jia said with a smile: “Old Bu, I didn’t say we want to build fighter jets, our goal is civilian aircraft.”

Bu Mobei nodded slightly, “I know, but I just couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. Back then, my teacher was a member of the No. 4 task force and was responsible for calculating the channel. He often recalled the past in front of me. You may I feel that his old man’s past must be very exciting, as magnificent as an epic? But it is not.”

“Teacher remembers the most things. He was very poor and had no tools. He beat the wings with a hammer. He was very hungry every day. He hoped that the cafeteria could make pork stewed vermicelli. Stomach trouble.”

“Why are you saying this all of a sudden?” Luo Jia asked.

Bu Mobei said lightly: “It’s nothing. After receiving your call, I couldn’t help thinking of what the teacher said. Vertical take-off and landing is a good thing. It can solve many problems, and it can also be used to pretend. I failed to knock out the vertical take-off and landing aircraft with the hammer head, let me, a student, complete it for him today.”

Luo Jia frowned, “What do you mean when you say you can still pretend?”

Bu Mobei rolled his eyes, “You told me on the phone that this project is an air bus, a new product of the automotive system, and the production is also in cooperation with the three major automobile manufacturers.”

“Then your old man formulated several standards, such as vertical take-off and landing, Mach 3 cruise, a ceiling of no less than 30,000 meters, and various active and passive safety systems. Is there a bus with a cruising speed of Mach 3?”

“The standard you set exceeds the world’s most advanced reconnaissance fighter, the SR-71 Blackbird, but the name is called the Star Bus. If it’s not pretentious, what could it be? Their top aircraft, what else? Not as good as our bus, which is too outrageous.”


The surrounding researchers couldn’t hold back their laughter.

Luo Jia plans to build a big guy that surpasses the Blackbird reconnaissance plane, and then declares that it is a bus, and does not apply to the European and North American Aviation Administration, and directly sells it in the name of a bus all over the world.

If Star Technology really does this, it will definitely drive the Western aviation industry crazy.

Further speaking, if Luo Jia is unhappy one day and sells this super air bus to anti-American organizations, they can directly break through the North American air defense chain and enter the inland with a little modification. Live in fear, they will hate Rodya.

“I have this plan.” Luo Jia said bluntly: “You have been in Inner Mongolia, and you don’t know much about the outside situation. It is insidious, on the one hand, it promises to issue airworthiness certificates, on the other hand, it is delaying time, forcing COMAC to do various tests.”

“Then why don’t you get rid of them!” Bu Mobei said sadly, “If we don’t agree with each other, let’s go it alone!”

Luo Jia shrugged, “It has taken so long and invested so much money and resources, the large aircraft project can’t be withdrawn casually, it is a business to sell our aircraft all over the world. The dream of flying people for many years, the West has grasped this point, which made COMAC a dilemma.”

“When I went to COMAC a few days ago, I happened to meet officials from the European and North American air traffic management bureaus. According to my observation, the future may not be optimistic, although I also think that the community of shared future for mankind is a great plan. But the facts always tell us so ruthlessly that people who are not of our race must have different hearts.”

While chatting, the two walked into the huge factory building. The main product being manufactured here was the space dock.

Due to the gravity of the earth, Star Technology will not assemble starships on the ground, but build a space dock on the zero space station, send the manufactured parts to the synchronous orbit by elevator, and then in the space dock Combine the starships together.

The space shipyard adopts a modular design, and it is still relatively scattered. It is a pile of parts. Only after all of them are combined can you appreciate its unique charm. Nearly completed, the design of the large dock has also been finalized and is waiting to be put into manufacture.

“Space docks and starships can be built, so flying buses are no problem, right?” Luo Jia asked with a smile. He thinks the name of flying buses is good. Compared with flying saucers in the atmosphere, flying buses are more attractive Forced attributes.

Bu Mobei nodded, “No problem, the starship requires the ability to enter and exit the atmosphere. After all, we have to park and leave the starship when we drive it to other planets.”

“Now the company requires vertical take-off and landing in the atmosphere is actually a simplified version of the starship, removing the space navigation part, reducing weight, increasing passenger space, replacing ion propulsion with ultrasonic turbo propulsion, etc.”

“Actually, after receiving the notice the day before yesterday, I led people to refit a regional subsonic airliner overnight, and the result went smoothly. Considering the technical capabilities of the three major automobile factories, it is not difficult for them to complete the regional airliner and short-distance The manufacturing task of passenger aircraft, but the mainline passenger aircraft with the speed of Mach 3, I am afraid that we can only build it ourselves.”

The so-called feeder airliner means a provincial airliner, which transports passengers from various prefecture-level cities to central cities, and then connects about 30 or so central cities across the country with supersonic mainline airliners, thus forming a network extending in all directions domestic transportation network.

As for short-distance passenger planes, they are used to connect districts and counties. They fly at a low altitude, and the 30-kilometer journey takes only two minutes. Short-distance passenger planes do not need to build airports and stations, as long as there is a piece of concrete ground, they can be parked. Very flexible and convenient.

Traffic is like the blood vessels of the human body. The aorta and capillaries are indispensable. After some discussion, the bosses of the three major automobile factories received a call from Luo Jia. Luo Jia warmly invited them over the phone Come to Inner Mongolia to see the new “bus” of Xingchen Technology.

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