Technological Supremacy Chapter 522: The Star Fund was born!

No one thought that the robots of Xingchen Technology would adopt an employment system. Enterprises and individuals would request Xingchen Technology, and then hire a robot at a price of 20,000 yuan per month, and sign a formal labor contract.

As for the industries that robots can currently enter, they are mainly concentrated in the service industry and relatively high-risk jobs, such as high-voltage line maintenance, plateau infrastructure operations, deep-diving exploration of drilling platforms, and so on.

Perhaps the original intention was good intentions. After Luo Jia said that robots are mainly stationed in the basic service industry, the barrage immediately exploded.

“Robots are going to take the jobs of cleaners!?”

“Unreasonable! Why should the cleaners be laid off? They are the real vulnerable groups!”

“Yeah! I can’t figure it out either. If it’s not impossible, who would apply for a cleaner? It’s too bullying for Star Technology to let these disadvantaged groups be laid off first!”

“Although Luo Jia has made great contributions to Huaxia, I still have to say that what he did was really dishonest.”

The people in the venue started whispering to each other, and there were only sparse noises at the scene. Everyone wanted to know why the robot project laid off the already weak city cleaners first? This is unreasonable, and it is suspected of bullying honest people.

Standing in the center of the stage, Luo Jia’s expression remained calm as usual. He looked around the audience, then smiled and said: “Li Dan once said that ordinary people who live in a selfish way without hurting others are the It is the biggest driving force to maintain the normal operation of the world, and it is precisely those big figures with lofty aspirations who choose to sacrifice innocent people time and time again, leading the world into chaos and war.”

“I’m very pleased. When I said that robots will replace cleaners, you didn’t cheer for joy. Instead, you first thought about how to continue life once those vulnerable groups lose their jobs. This is the thinking and thinking that normal humans should have. Conscience.”

“Back to the topic just now, please believe that Star Technology is not a capital-driven enterprise. Capital only cares about returns, not conscience, and Star Technology is the largest group of idealists on earth. Our goal is not To make money, but to lead mankind to the stars and the sea.”

“Everyone don’t have to worry about the cleaners, they will be laid off because of the robots, because we have prepared the largest guarantee fund in the history of the earth, and 50% of the robot employment fees will be invested in this foundation!”

“From now on, the foundation will ensure that all laid-off workers can live with dignity, their children can receive high-quality education, and they themselves can learn new skills after being laid off and move towards a better life. Valuable jobs!”

Me! of! sky! where!

There was no sound at the scene. Everyone was shocked by Luo Jia’s madness. They were dumbfounded, opened their mouths wide, and showed extremely surprised expressions.

Fifty percent!

Fifty percent of the monthly employment fee, that is a huge sum of money, all invested in the Star Fund to ensure social stability and the laid-off workers to live with dignity?

It is completely unimaginable what kind of generosity this is!

After a short silence, crisp applause broke the silence of the scene, and the hysterical roar went straight to the sky!

“Awesome! This is the tough guy group I admire!”

“I knew that Xingchen must have a plan, they are not just white-eyed wolves!”

“As a foreigner, I want to become a Chinese citizen, right now!”

“The straight guys from Xingchen Technology, they are too cute!”

The doubts just dissipated in an instant, and many people even regretted it because they doubted Xingchen Technology.

In this world where money is paramount, it takes a lot of courage to dare to spend 50% of the income of the robot project to subsidize the security of the whole people. This move also confirms what Luo Jia said. Money-oriented businesses, what they want, is the whole world.

After a pause, Luo Jia continued: “At the beginning of the robot project design, my mood was not all excitement, but also deep melancholy, because no matter how I think about it, the launch of the robot project will bring The serious unemployment problem has caused laid-off workers to live in hardship.”

“I’m very annoyed. After all, the people of Star Technology are working so hard not to bring hardships to everyone, but to transform the world and make everyone’s lives better. The problem of laid-off and unemployment has nothing to do with our My ideals run counter to each other, and if I can’t solve this problem, my colleagues won’t let me go, and even I won’t let myself go.”

“In retrospect, it was really a difficult time. Obviously, the robot project was ready to go, and I was waiting for an order, but I just couldn’t make up my mind.”

“Fortunately, in addition to science, I also study a little economics. Modern economics tells us that the principle of pensions is to take part of the income of young people to subsidize the elderly who are unable to work, and so on.”

“Since young people can take part of their income to support the elderly, why can’t robots that replace humans and become the main laborers take part of their income to support the elderly and solve the problem of human survival?”

“This kind of thinking made me feel enlightened, and I continued to follow the train of thought, so I have the robot employment system that everyone sees today.”

Luo Jia narrated her own mental journey, and everyone was fascinated by it. It turns out that behind this genius idea is Luo Jia’s long-term thinking and deep perception of the world.

“Awesome! Star Technology is awesome, Luo Jia is awesome!”

“This is really a perfect design! The robot employment system neither destroys the current social structure, but also perfectly solves the problems of productivity and human dignity!”

“Recalling the past, most of the changes always came at the expense of some people, and thanks to Luo Jia’s efforts, this time, no one will become a victim because of the appearance of robots! This is the most important thing in the whole design. Great link!”

“I’m so proud, this is the principal of our Star University! Even though I’m a girl, I’m really looking forward to graduating as soon as possible and joining the glorious tough guy group!”

While people were cheering excitedly and discussing a lot, some doubts appeared in the barrage.

“I strongly agree with the robot employment system, and the Star Fund is also great, but over time, will it make everyone unwilling to work and cultivate more and more lazy people?”

“This is indeed a problem. If you can get money without working, many people will play games all day long, and don’t want to make progress?”

“When you say this, I am really worried. After all, we used to be sarcastic in the past. The high welfare system in Europe has raised too many lazy people. If we become like them in the future, it will be bad. “

These voices were quickly known by Luo Jia on the stage, and he immediately gave an unexpected answer.

Looking suddenly became deep, Luo Jia put away her smile, and said in a slightly heavy voice while recalling: “During the Spring Festival this year, I went back to my hometown, buried the ancestors in the family, and kowtowed , to comfort their spirits in heaven.”

“I am not a filial descendant. In the seven years since I started my business, I have only returned to my hometown twice, but this time, when I went back to look at the family tree, listen to my father telling stories about my grandfather and great-grandfather, and more ancestors. , resulting in a deep sadness.”

“Our fathers and ancestors lived a very hard life.”

“Generation after generation of Chinese people died in the flames of war and hunger. It is said that my great-grandfather was originally a big family of seven brothers and sisters, but they either died of disease or war, and were even starved in times of famine. Dead, the body was dragged away by wild dogs, and has not been found so far.”

“Why is it so bitter?”

“Life is just a few decades, like a white horse passing by, passing away in a flash, we should do everything possible to pursue happiness and happiness, but why do we Chinese people live so hard!?”

Raising his head and looking around the audience, Luo Jia said in a heavy voice: “Today is Sunday, there must be many of you who worked overtime until late last night, and many of you live in cramped rented houses and are afraid to find girls. Friends, I don’t have the energy to fall in love, let alone imagine owning a small house in this big city.”

“We Chinese people have worked hard for generations. Today, young people still need 996, work hard, and trade their health for meager income. Unscrupulous capitalists have drained the energy of young people, and I want to tell you that work is a blessing. 996 is your blessing.”

“Go to hell!”

“Whenever I hear that a young man in a company dies suddenly because of working overtime, I will have deep doubts about what I and Xingchen Technology have done. Is this what we want? !?”

“My colleagues who are talented and have ideals, work hard and work hard! I wish I could die and die. What is it for?”

“It’s for the 996 of the capitalists, for everyone to live a hard life. Don’t you have time to calm down, make a cup of tea, read a good book, and enjoy a moment of sunshine in the afternoon?”

“No, it’s definitely not like this!” Luo Jia raised his head and said in a deep voice: “In this world, we have worked hard enough, and we don’t need everyone to accompany us to work hard.”

“Star Technology is the spiritual home of idealists. It is our duty to work harder and work harder, and it is also our voluntary choice, because we always firmly believe that the happiest thing in the world is not to hold your girlfriend in the swimming pool basking in the sun, but a mouse in a laboratory, a telescope in space, a vial of dust from distant Mars.”

“Some people don’t understand. They feel that Xingchen Technology is a group of workaholics. They don’t understand life. They don’t pretend to be women, but some unrealistic stars and seas. They are just like a group of lunatics.”

“In this regard, I want to say that we are crazy!”

“Don’t be crazy, who the **** is coming to Xingchen Technology! Our working hours have never been 996, but 724! Seven days a week, 24 hours a day!”

When Luo Jia finished speaking the whole world felt astonished, only the straight men of Xingchen Technology were proud of the speech of the team leader.

“That’s right! If this is a world where only paranoids can survive, then we are the most paranoid lunatics on earth!”

“It is a great honor for me to be a member of the Star Crazy Group!”

“If there is an afterlife, I will definitely enter Xingchen Technology again, and continue to explode with my brothers!”

The employees of Xingchen Technology all said that what Luo Jia said was right, that he was a lunatic, and sometimes people want to see scenery that no one has seen before, and often they just need a lunatic.

Luo Jia smiled, and continued: “Of course, things like Star Fund supporting you and allowing you to play games will not exist. You still have to work in the end. People who don’t work , unable to get help from the fund.”

“It’s just that I think that since we are born as human beings, we should have some more advanced pursuits, such as simple tasks such as cleaning, and leave them to robots. Everyone can spend more time learning subjects that interest them, Find a job that you are interested in instead of working for the job, this is the motivation for us straight men to try to change the world!”

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