Technological Supremacy Chapter 491: Tough guys enter Sichuan! Blue Feather’s Search! (4800 words)

Luo Jia suddenly proposed to engage in controllable fusion, which surprised everyone. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Luo Jia pull out a whiteboard from behind, and immediately smiled knowingly.

“As expected of a teacher, he does not fight unprepared battles. When he proposed the controllable fusion project, he must have done a lot of research behind the scenes.” Shen Lang thought to himself when he saw Luo Jia quickly writing on the whiteboard.

Not long after, the whiteboard was covered with dense text and data. Luo Jia turned around, tapped the whiteboard with an ink pen and said: “As we all know, there are currently two routes to achieve controllable fusion, magnetic confinement and inertial confinement.”

“In terms of magnetic confinement, stellarator and tomacak have always been the focus of the scientific community, and our particle physics laboratory, nuclear physics laboratory, has also been conducting research on these two technologies. Everyone knows everyone, Dr. Xie Tian.”

Everyone nodded. Dr. Xie Tian, ​​who is in charge of the controllable fusion project and in charge of the particle physics and nuclear physics laboratories alone, is not an ordinary person.

Before returning to China, Xie Tian served as the chief scientist of the Gadarache Fusion Research Center under the French Atomic Energy Commission. got first place.

After all, that is the Gadarache Center, the world’s top five fusion research existence, with a radius of 2.25 meters, a magnet strength of 4.5, and a partially superconducting ture-supra fusion research device. The proud work of the Dalache Center.

Being able to serve as the chief scientist in this kind of place is a testament to Xie Tian’s status in the field of fusion. In order to let Dr. Xie Tian return to China, Xingchen Technology spent a lot of money, and the national team also made great efforts in it. With twists and turns and shady scenes, it can almost write a thriller novel.

Fortunately, in France, this country is domineering at best, and likes to control and enslave the younger brothers in North Africa, but there is still some distance from hegemony, and the authorities are relatively loose, which gives Star Technology the opportunity to introduce high-end talents.

If Dr. Xie Tian is in North America and presides over a super-strategic project like controllable fusion, unless he dies in North America and the urn comes back, there is absolutely no chance of returning to China. After all, the dispute between China and North America has long been over. It’s so hot that people’s brains are almost out of dog’s brains.

An Ran nodded lightly and said: “Dr. Xie Tian is not capable. In fact, the most powerful research on controllable fusion is the national team, the famous Institute of Plasma Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. But we are an enterprise after all, it is impossible to go there The national team poached people, and it is really a blessing for the company to invite Dr. Xie Tian back from France to preside over the controllable fusion project.”

“Before Chinese New Year, I went to see Dr. Xie Tian, ​​and the progress was very fast. Several of the assistants were top geniuses in the field, the kind who could preside over the core laboratory alone, but they heard that we have Xie Tian here. Dr. Tian came here without saying a word, this is the idol effect, in this world, not only fans worship idols, but we also have a star effect in scientific research.”

“To be honest, our conditions are still a bit poor to accelerate the implementation of controllable fusion. After all, Dr. Xie Tian’s team mainly focuses on theoretical construction.”

Luo Jia nodded slightly and said: “I understand all these situations. After we developed a distributed supercomputing network, the ability to use supercomputing simulation experiments has been greatly enhanced, so now a large part of our scientific research work will Use supercomputing to solve.”

“However, supercomputing is like a double-edged sword. While speeding up scientific research, it also makes us lack practical experience. After all, the problems faced by simulating a nuclear fusion device are completely different from building a nuclear fusion device by ourselves. In reality Even a single screw may cause unimaginable consequences.”

“To put it simply, our research on nuclear fusion is still on the blueprint and lacks practical operations. In order to solve this problem, I have thought of a solution. You see, this is currently the main nuclear fusion research facility in the world. “

“JET Research Institute in the UK, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Germany, Neon Institute of Atomic Energy, French Atomic Energy Commission, etc., they are the main opponents of our country, and there are more fusion research institutions in North America, General Group The Fusion Research Department, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory responsible for the North American National Ignition Facility, our old rival Loos Laboratory, and the Oak Ridge Laboratory.”

“As the old saying goes, if you have food in your hands, don’t panic. With the launch of the Karman vortex street power generation array, my country’s research on nuclear fusion has become slack, because in the eyes of the national team, fusion is to solve The energy problem, since the Karman vortex street power generation can also solve the energy problem, the sense of urgency to attack nuclear fusion will be much reduced.”

“The Chinese Academy of Sciences adopts the partially superconducting HT-7 and the fully superconducting EAST, keeping pace with the North American ignition device, and the world’s only second most advanced inertial restraint device, the third generation of Shenguang. These are the main projects that our country is promoting .”

“As a big country, it is impossible for the national team to hand over these super projects to us. However, in the Southwest Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is a D-type non-superconductor fusion research device code-named HL-2A. This device was established earlier. Relatively backward, the maximum diameter is only 1.64 meters, and the magnetic field strength is 2.8.”

“In short, this is a non-key project in the hands of the national team, but because it has been in operation for many years, the personnel experience, and the completion rate of facilities are relatively high. In the past few years, although we have hired Dr. Xie Tian at all costs, but All the supercomputing simulation experiments were carried out, and we lacked field experience. If we acquire the HL-2A project of the Southwest Institute, we will be able to make up for our shortcomings.”

Luo Jia revealed his plan, Li Moran, who has always been cautious, frowned and asked, “Have the national team agreed?”

Luo Jia shrugged and said with a smile: “I called the general. His only request is that the military also send personnel to the project. Once successful, we will share the research results with the military, and I agree Already.”

Everyone nodded, it is not a key project of the national team, and there are generals coming forward, so it should not be a big problem. Over the past few years, the number of projects that Xingchen Technology and the military have jointly engaged in has long been beyond count. The military has long been deeply tied up, and everyone flirts with each other, cherishes each other, and has a very good relationship, but it has never been made public.

“In that case, I wish Dr. Xie can get used to our Sichuan red oil hot pot.” An Ran said with a smile.

Luo Jia nodded, and said firmly: “From now on, order the particle physics laboratory, nuclear physics laboratory, condensed matter physics laboratory, high-energy physics laboratory to enter Sichuan!”

After the meeting of the management bureau, as the head of the hardware department, An Ran called Xie Tian, ​​the person in charge of particle physics and nuclear physics, Zhang Cheng, the person in charge of condensed matter physics, and Xu Guangling, the person in charge of high-energy physics, and held a meeting.

An Ran told them that the company decided to take over the Southwest Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, code-named HL-2A project, they need to enter Sichuan immediately, set up a branch in the Southwest, and start the reconstruction of the original fusion facilities. Chao Anbang, the person in charge of the project, asked him to fully cooperate with the four major fusion research laboratories.

Everyone is very excited. It was not easy to get involved in the national team’s projects before, so Xie Tian had to lead people to do it silently. Starting from the theory, doing supercomputing simulation experiments, now we have to roll up our sleeves with great fanfare and start working. Dr. Xie He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and he immediately said that although he is a Cantonese who never eats spicy food, for the sake of science, red oil hot pot and so on are trivial.

With the swift and resolute action of Xingchen Technology, the relocation operation started immediately. Although it is not possible for all employees to enter, all relevant laboratories have to transfer elites to Sichuan. This has caused quite a stir within the company. Controlled fusion will be built The pile of news made the straight men sleepless at night and their blood boiled.

Luo Jia didn’t take part in all this because he had more important work to do.

Putting on the virtual reality helmet, Luo Jia logged into the secret net, only to see the ruins everywhere, except that the figure of the blue feather and the black sword were missing beside the fountain, representing the huge silver eye of truth that rebelled against the civilization, as if in the Staring at him, trying to find out the truth from Luo Jia.

It’s a pity that no matter the Eye of Truth or Lan Yu and Hei Jian, they will not know that Luo Jia is not a big man from some hidden civilization, but from a distant solar system, a small place called Earth.

Come to the message wall below the Eye of Truth, Luo Jia stopped to watch, because in the virtual reality, all the rules are different from reality, this flat wall is empty, but when you use When the eyes look at it, the vision seems to have suddenly entered a huge and ancient forum. Countless posts are classified into categories, transactions, people tracing, knowledge exchange, gossip news, everything in the world, everything is in it.

“I can understand it!” Luo Jiaxin thought happily: “The text and language implanted in my brain by the golden dome should be the common language of stars, and this is a place similar to a public forum, no matter which civilization it comes from , everyone uses the lingua franca, which is like speaking Mandarin in China.”

Observed for a while, Luo Jia was disappointed to find that the most important sections of science and technology, military, and ships were empty. should have administrators in the past, just like those websites that specialize in special small movies, every time you are full of interest, and then when you are gearing up to watch, they suddenly pour a basin of cold water , a dialog box pops up, reminding you that this content is only available for paid members.

Or with the demise of the rebellious civilization, the secret network, as an integral part of this civilization, is also facing the pursuit of powerful hostile forces. The administrator is forced to transfer and destroys key information before leaving, just in case.

Anyway, many years later, when Luo Jia came to Miwang, there was no valuable information left here. The largest number were daily life messages, such as “Have you eaten?” ” “If you haven’t eaten, go home and eat.” Such.

Adhering to the spirit that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, Luo Jia read it hungrily, and soon entered a state of ecstasy, dimensional civilization, chaotic civilization, liquid civilization, the types and quantities of civilization are beyond imagination, He was shocked.

In addition, Luo Jia also discovered an embarrassing thing. The mechanical system is among the stars, which seems to be a bit notorious…

Plant civilizations, garbage disposal galaxies.


The dilapidated small cargo ship took off and carried Lan Yu to Garbage Star No. 7. In the past month, an average of one ship of garbage was sent here every two days. There are many new goods. Come try your luck in the trash.

It is very dangerous to walk on this kind of planet that is specially used to pile up garbage. If you are unlucky, you may step on a thermal weapon that has not been detonated, or the garbage mountain that is thousands of meters high suddenly collapses. Of course, There are also terrifying rodent creatures lurking in the dark.

Wearing protective clothing and a helmet, Lan Yu put his heavy backpack on his back, took a few steps forward, closed the door of the cargo ship with a remote control, and then took a long breath, looking at the endless garbage, and the pollution caused by pollution. of gray fog.

The business of disposing of garbage in plant civilization is like a thermal power plant to generate electricity. It needs to store enough raw materials. After all, if the coal is used up, the power plant will shut down and the whole city will be cut off.

The main purpose of the garbage galaxy is to store garbage to be decomposed, and the decomposition work is carried out in the factory galaxy next door, which has a higher level of confidentiality, and idlers are prohibited from entering.

The Lan Yu family has been garbage guards for generations, so going to the factory galaxy is naturally unlimited, and in the factory area, the Lan family still has several old friends who have been friends for generations.

According to the rules of the plant family, once one becomes a garbage watcher, this person and his descendants, his family, will guard the garbage for generations. The garbage disposal workers in the factory galaxy are also in the same situation as Blue Rain, the only difference The difference is that they are not as rich as Lan Yu, and they have not risked being hanged to quietly hide an elite frigate that can sail the endless stars.

“In the past, the business of garbage disposal was exclusively controlled by the mechanical civilization. After all, even if we manipulate plants, our work efficiency and cost are far lower than those of robots. Now that there are no robots among the stars, we can fight for garbage disposal This lucrative business.”

“Perhaps as those ancient fables say, any civilization can exist, but the mechanical civilization must die, because if the mechanical civilization lives, no one else can survive.”

Lan Yu sighed in a low voice, he had no interest in the mechanical department at first, until the navigator Luo Jia suddenly appeared and claimed that he was a mechanical department, Lan Yu began to understand it deeply.

There are many books in the junkyard. Lan Yu read some books and found that the mechanical department is really rogue, really domineering and crazy. Or die.

“Luo Jia can’t be from the mechanical department.” Lan Yu muttered: “Because the real mechanical department will never reveal its identity unless it is stupid. Mr. Navigator must be joking. Anyway, he has a high status. No matter how exaggerated the joke is, no one else dares to do anything to him and do whatever he wants, this is the privilege of a top professional.”

“Looking for Dragon Vine!”

Lan Yu suddenly made a sound, and then out of the backpack behind him, black vines suddenly emerged. The vines were long and narrow, soft like snakes, fast and powerful like lightning, and tied around Lan Yu’s waist. Lift it up completely, and then, like an octopus, it runs wildly in the world of garbage with its blue feathers, like a big monster born!

“I order you, look for this thing!”

Lan Yu issued an order, and he took out a photo of the three-way catalytic converter to show Xunlongteng, and the black vine seemed to have wisdom, and immediately understood.


The vines went deep into the ground like javelins, quickly rummaged through the endless garbage dumps, and set off a huge aura that was overwhelming. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that a single vine actually contained amazing and strange powers. energy.

While searching, but failed to find the required parts, Xunlongteng led Lan Yu to run wildly, and went to the next location.

According to the rules of plant civilization, an obviously mutated plant like the dragon-seeking vine, which already has its own wisdom, should be handed over to the high-level, and then be sealed or destroyed.

But there are exceptions to everything, this is the garbage galaxy, the most desolate place in the plant civilization the most distant, the most neglected, and the lowest place, no matter the Lanyu family guarding the garbage star or manipulating plants The workers who dispose of garbage more or less have their own secrets.

Looking for the dragon vine, a mutated plant, was a birthday gift given to Lan Yu by Uncle Luo Sen, a repairman at the garbage disposal plant. Fearing that he would be lonely and in danger, he violated the prohibition and gave the mutated plant Dragon-seeking Vine to Lan Yu.

“Thank you, Uncle Luo Sen.” Lan Yu was rummaging through the garbage while thinking in his heart, “I am an adult now, and I was lucky enough to meet a navigator named Luo Jia, maybe with his help Now, in the future, I can have a life different from my father, my grandfather, and everyone in the family.”

“I don’t want my child to be like me, living in a garbage dump since childhood. For this reason, I have prepared a frigate. Maybe the family and my own collection can be sold for some money, and I can buy one in a place far away from garbage. A small house and a piece of land, if the money is not enough, just a small piece of land is enough, I am a plant department, and planting is my specialty, so I should not be hungry.” Like a bumpkin who has never seen the world, Lan Feather murmured in his heart.

Lan Yu, who has no concept of money, doesn’t know that if he really uses the collection that is full of caves to buy land, he will buy the whole country.

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