Technological Supremacy Chapter 489: Eye of Truth and Richest Garbageman of All Stars (4400…

Luo Jia didn’t know what the navigator meant, but judging from the shocked expressions on Hei Jian and Lan Yu’s faces at the moment, it should be a more important role.

“My God, a legendary leader who can lead the fleet out of the dark fog!”

“He is actually in the secret network, right beside us!?”

“Sure enough, the secret net left by the rebellious civilization is a real place where dragons and tigers are hidden! Only the most powerful and those who have mastered the oldest mysterious inheritance are eligible to log in here!”

Many thoughts emerged in Lan Yu’s mind. Seeing that Luo Jia did not admit or deny it, he thought that his guess was established, and that Luo Jia was a real leader.

As the most mysterious and unpredictable top professional among the stars, the value of the navigator is difficult to measure by wealth. After all, the navigator controls the route. The establishment of trade channels between counties, and the general commanding the fleet to attack the enemy’s lair, all need pilots.

All in all, as long as you are navigating among the dangerous stars, it is best to have navigation routes and landmarks. Traveling without navigation routes is like venturing into a rainforest full of wild beasts. You may lose your life at some point up.

Through the navigator, obtaining the correct course and position marks, and avoiding the shadow of death, is what all captains look forward to, and they are willing to pay a sufficient price for this.

In terms of social status, the navigator is the **** of luck and the lighthouse to those who sail the stars. In order to get help from the navigator in times of danger in the future.

“Even a top professional like Navigator can’t understand the entire group of stars. Luo Jia still looks very young. He should just happen to have information about the Star County of Stranglethorn Valley. Fern and Venal star counties.”

“However, Luo Jia took the initiative to tell Hei Jian the location of the full moon galaxy without asking for reward. Why?”

“Understood, it must be because Luo Jia guessed Hei Jian’s status and potential, so he took the initiative to show his favor to Hei Jian and gain Hei Jian’s trust, which will bring Luo Jia greater rewards in the long time to come , he is indeed a very smart leader, as a top professional, but not too arrogant.”

Lan Yu made up a lot in his mind, and the image of Luo Jia as a tall, intelligent and leading person quickly became popular among the people.

On the other side, Hei Jian thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, “I will lead the fleet there immediately. If I can really find a way to pass through the rubble belt of the full moon galaxy, what kind of reward do you want?”


Luo Jia fell into deep thought, not considering the pros and cons, but that he wanted too many things. He wanted to know whether the way Lan Yu and Hei Jian logged into the secret net was the same as his own, and wanted to know what Lan Yu repeatedly emphasized. How the stars exist, want to know where the golden dome is, want to know everything.

However, in an unfamiliar environment, Luo Jia still maintained due caution, and based on their expressions and language, Luo Jia judged that the leader should be a very high-level existence, assuming that he spoke too casually , On the contrary, it will arouse suspicion from others. You need to find an excuse, that is, to get what you want without showing your flaws.

At this time, Hei Jian added another sentence, “There is no physical exchange on the secret network, and the scope of remuneration is limited to data flow, intelligence, materials, blueprints, etc.”

Luo Jia suddenly realized that although the virtual reality is very real, everything he sees is data in the final analysis. Thinking about it carefully, it is not bad to help Hei Jian navigate in exchange for information and data. In addition, we must pay attention, no matter what Never reveal the location of the earth, as well as your true identity!

In a flash of thought, Luo Jia made a decision. Having read many books about the third type of contact, he deeply understood that self-protection is the most important thing in foreign contact.

Thinking of this, Luo Jia said in a deep voice: “I don’t know much about energy civilization and your situation, and I don’t know the scope of your ability.”

Hei Jian was slightly stunned, frowned and said, “If you make a request, but I can’t satisfy it, it is indeed an embarrassing thing.”

“The energy civilization I live in is famous for its lasers and giant cannons, as well as its bravery and skill in combat. In addition, we are also proficient in deep space bomb technology, concentrated energy transformation technology, light speed propulsion technology, etc. In short, the best rewards come from and energy-related technology system.”

“As for the level of technology I can currently access, unfortunately, I am not a high-ranking person with limited abilities. If you want advanced core technology as a reward, I need to apply to my superiors, and in that way , I am afraid that the secret network and your personal information will be exposed…”

Hei Jian explained to Luo Jia very tactfully that the reward he could offer was limited, and Luo Jia certainly didn’t want to expose himself, so he gave the answer after a little thought.

“I want to get books about the history of energy civilization, as well as the knowledge and data you know about controllable fusion.” Luo Jia said.

Hei Jian was speechless, and seemed a little embarrassed.

At this time, Luo Jia said again: “I don’t intend to peep into the core secrets of energy civilization, but I am more interested in the development history of major civilizations. You can choose historical documents that you think are not important Me, as for fusion technology, I want to make a comparison.”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, Hei Jian nodded, relaxed his whole body and said, “Understood, I will try my best to collect them, and then bring them to the secret net for you.”

Lan Yu also very much agrees with Luo Jia’s arrangement, to avoid touching the core secrets of other people’s homes, so that everyone can play happily together in the future.

As for Luo Jia’s request for controllable fusion information, Lan Yu thinks that he wants to compare it with the information he has. In other words, Lan Yu thinks that Luo Jia already has controllable fusion technology, but wants to understand the fusion of energy civilization Technology, is it different from your own.

“Now that everything is settled, I’m ready to return to the fleet.”

Heijian finished speaking and led Luo Jia to the back of the fountain. There is a small white bridge on the back, and you can walk into the center of the pool. The base under the Silver Eye sculpture is a place similar to an information wall. message.

There are so many messages, like a forum that has existed for tens of millions of years. Countless posts and replies left by predecessors have been accumulated. The information of the stars and the secret network!

The surface is still calm, but Luo Jia secretly decides in his heart that he will take time to come back here in the future and read carefully when there is no one around.

Lan Yu sighed and said: “It’s a pity that they are all unimportant messages. Really important information is rarely kept publicly on the secret network. I have spent a lot of time reading, but in the end the harvest is extremely limited.”

This sentence seems to be said deliberately to Luo Jia, so as not to waste the precious time of this top professional, and at the same time, it can be heard that Lan Yu is showing his favor to Luo Jia.

Hei Jian told Luo Jia that in the future, he can use the message wall of the secret network to contact each other. If Luo Jia wants to find Hei Jian, he only needs to leave an encrypted message that only Hei Jian can read. Once Hei Jian lands on the secret network, See you soon.

And once Hei Jian prepares the information Luo Jia needs, he will also leave a message on the message wall, and pack and encrypt the data, so that Luo Jia can take the data away at any time.

“Don’t worry, the secret network is the most successful masterpiece of the rebellious civilization. Although their rebellion failed, they left the stars with this virtual reality network that is not monitored by anyone. No one else will know.” Hei Jian explained the security of data exchange.

Treason against civilization?

Luo Jia was shocked again. Hearing the name, it looked like an organization like the Rebel Army. However, according to Hei Jian’s meaning, the rebellious civilization should have been suppressed. After they disappeared, they left behind a secret network.

From this information, it can also be vaguely inferred that the secret net is probably not established by the golden dome, and the design style here is completely different from the golden dome. The golden dome worships light and gold, and the creator of the secret net Worship the eye, silver, the eye of truth.

“Getting together is actually just a coincidence.” Lan Yu said with emotion: “After all, in the real world, we all have different lives and goals. Leave a message, agree on a time to meet, and then everyone will go to the appointment together.”

Hei Jian immediately agreed. After meeting the leader Luo Jia, he felt very lucky. He wished to have a closer relationship with Luo Jia. Luo Jia also wanted to obtain information from other people, so he readily nodded and agreed.


After returning to the meditation center, Luo Jia stood up in a very excited mood, took off his helmet, slumped on the sofa, took the water glass handed by the robot, raised his neck, and drank wildly, feeling uncontrollable exhaustion pouring out , his whole body was almost limp, but at the same time he felt extremely excited, his heart was beating wildly, as if it was going to jump out of his chest.

“Extraterrestrial civilizations really exist!”

“The amount of information is too much, I feel more tired than staying up late to read online novels.”

“Nani? It’s been more than an hour? It feels like at least a whole day.”

“Logging in to the secret network is really exhausting. The fatigue should not come from the body and muscles, but a kind of nervous fatigue.”

Luo Jia muttered in his heart, and at the same time he also realized that this might be the beginning of a great era. From today, the world is completely different, and he has a new identity among the stars outside the earth, the leader!

On a planet full of green and full of vitality, Lan Yu walked out of the virtual warehouse and rubbed her temples. She couldn’t believe that she had met a mysterious navigator during the process of logging into the secret net. He was extremely excited.

Going outside, Lan Yu used a wooden water cup to grab a glass of clear water from the stream flowing slowly in front of the door. For millions of years, people of plant civilization lived in harmony with nature, eating natural fruits and grains, When you are thirsty, drink the clear water in the stream.

Putting down the water glass, Lan Yu turned a corner and came to the open space behind the wooden house to start today’s work. He picked up a self-made detector like a silver cane, and rummaged through the ocean-like garbage dump. Hope to find something interesting.

Garbage man…

Who would have thought that Lan Yu, who is gentle and elegant in the secret network, actually works as a garbage man in reality, and spends many years with those garbage that emits a stench and has a rotten and broken surface.

A few hours later, the garbage worker Lan Yu finished today’s work. He found a ring from the garbage mountain that he believed to be from the quantum civilization before the dark era. In the world, on every grain of rice, there are a million universes.”

Lan Yu carefully wiped the ancient dark golden ring clean, then lifted the floor of the wooden house, walked along the wooden stairs into the underground cave, and arranged it on the stone wall, one after another, the mutated creeper that would glow , illuminating the underground caves brightly.

The countless wooden shelves are all Lan Yu’s collections. To be precise, they are the collections of their entire family. I remember when I was twelve years old, I took over the underground cave from my deceased grandfather. The number reached two hundred and eighty-four rows.

Time flies, eight years have passed in the blink of an eye, Lan Yu has also changed from an ignorant boy to a young dick, and the number of shelves has changed from 284 rows to 292 rows, with one row per year The speed increases steadily.

In addition, in the open space deep in the cave, there is an unfinished starship made up of discarded parts. Yu, a sword soars into the sky.

Lan Yu put the ancient Quantum Civilization Ring engraved with inscriptions on the wooden frame, and recorded the date and detailed information of its discovery with white paper, and then he walked through a row of wooden frames lined with priceless items to come Go to the unfinished frigate.

Actually, with these collections, Lan Yu, a young garbage worker, has long been a wealthy existence among the stars. However, plant civilization has no concept of wealth, and they don’t even have their own currency. Everyone lives in poverty. Tranquil life, like a group of hermits without desires.

Except for the Ministry of Trade, which deals with the outside world all the year round, most of the residents of the plant civilization have never seen guests from other civilizations in their entire lives. They are one of the most conservative and restrained civilizations among the stars.

“A navigator who knows all the waterways is a magical existence that can help others reach the other side of the star.” Lan Yu looked at the unfinished starship with a long name, and said to himself, “Maybe, It’s time to speed up the progress of this ship, let’s go to Junkstar tomorrow to see if we can find useful accessories.”

Turning around, Lan Yu returned along the same path.

In addition to cultivating plants, plant civilization is also good at disposing of all kinds of garbage. They collect waste from the stars, transport it back to the parent galaxy with a huge ark-class transport ship, and then use plants to degrade and process it to extract valuable precious metals. , cast into metal ingots, and sent to major trade markets for sale.

The technology of plant civilization to deal with garbage is so polluted toxic waste, they can clean it very well, and the huge value is hidden in the garbage in the boat after boat. The virtual warehouse that Lan Yu used to log into the secret network was also found from the trash.

Lan Yu walked out of the wooden house, sat on the steps covered with fallen leaves at the door, bathed in the dusk, and looked at a few gray planets in the distant starry sky, those planets were the garbage dump of plant civilization.

The planet under Lan Yu’s feet is the residence of the garbage watcher. It was originally green, but because more and more garbage was brought in from the stars, it was too much to hold, so the leader decided to turn this planet into a green space. It is also used to hold garbage. After all, there are many garbage, but there is only one guard.

This is why there is a garbage mountain in the backyard of Lan Yu’s family. As time goes by, this planet where the Lan Yu family has lived for generations will also turn into a gray color.

The sun finally set. Lan Yu, the richest garbage worker among the stars, cooked a pot of mushroom soup and ate it deliciously with rice and pickles.

“I don’t know if Hei Jian and his fleet have walked out of the gravel belt?” Lan Yu took a sip of the mushroom soup, thinking with some worry in his heart.

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