Technological Supremacy Chapter 453: Historical Nanyang Hot Pot

Luo Jia saw that Zhou Rui’s eyes were slightly bloodshot, and some kind of crystal liquid was flowing. His hands couldn’t help shaking, as if recalling painful memories.

Seeing Luo Jia and Lu Junlin looking at him, Zhou Rui turned his head, faced the vast night, and took several deep breaths in a row. When he turned his head back again, his expression had returned to normal. Still shrewd and deep.

“It’s recovered! The emotions are hidden so deeply. It seems that the Chinese community made the young Zhou Rui their agent because of his qualities.” Luo Jia thought to himself.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Rui took out the envelope he had already prepared, handed it to Luo Jia and said, “There are people inside that the authorities can win over, and their list includes President Jibuto’s cronies and relatives. Everyone’s personality, hobbies, and even their black material.”

“I believe that with these materials, coupled with the mediation of the Chinese community, it will help to reach an agreement with the authorities. We overseas Chinese have limited capabilities, and there is only so much we can do.”

Luo Jia was startled for a moment, opened the envelope, and saw a black memory card with a capacity of 512GB.

At the same time, Zhou Rui’s bitter voice came from Luo Jia’s ear, “To be honest, I really envy you, because behind you stands a giant named Huaxia.”

Luo Jia smiled, put the memory card into the inner pocket of the suit, and said in a deep voice: “From the perspective of the country, you and I come from different countries, but from the perspective of civilization, you and I are both from the Chinese civilization. Descendants, with the same blood.”

“From 1937 to 1939, the total number of anti-war military supplies raised by overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia reached more than 3,000 batches, and an average of 100 batches of materials per month arrived at China’s coastal ports.”

“In the spring and summer of 1939, the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Association raised 500,000 sets of cotton clothes, 217 planes, 23 tanks and 1,000 ambulances at one time.”

“Knowing that there would be no profit return, and that they might even go bankrupt, the overseas Chinese invested heavily in the country during the Anti-Japanese War. Without these investments, even bullets during the Anti-Japanese War would have been difficult to produce.”

“Li Guoqin, Tan Kah Kee, Li Qingquan, Hu Wenhu, there are too many names among overseas Chinese that should be remembered by history. At that time, Mr. Liu Changying, the richest overseas Chinese in Indonesia, donated a huge sum of money, and at the same time sent his son back to China to join the war. In the winter of 1939, his son Liu Shengfang died in battle.”

When Luo Jia introduced details that had long been forgotten in history, Zhou Rui and Lu Junlin were stunned and looked at Luo Jia in surprise.

“Do you think we have forgotten everything that overseas Chinese in Nanyang have done? No, we haven’t.” Luo Jia said with a slightly hoarse voice.

Weigu Island is a relatively desolate place. There are only a few resorts facing tourists on the island. The airport is going to the larger Papua Island in the east.

When the plane took off and returned to Huaxia, Lu Junlin stared at Luo Jia sitting opposite him for a long time. He wore an eye mask and noise-canceling headphones, immersed himself in the darkness and silence, and began to think for a long time. No one knew him. What are you thinking.

After returning to the capital, Lu Junlin saw the general, and immediately reported everything that happened, and said with emotion: “Sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish between Luo Jia and me, who is the soldier?”

“When Luo Jia reported the donations raised by overseas Chinese in Nanyang during the Anti-Japanese War, and told the names of overseas Chinese, where their ancestral home was, and what they did, I was stunned. He spent so much time remembering Live in all the history and details.”

The general pondered for a while, then his smile stretched out, and he sighed softly and said: “There is a reason for everything. It was indeed I who led him into the circle back then, but being able to become brothers with a group of half-grown old men is his personality charm.” Already.”

“Not only Luo Jia, but the entire Xingchen Technology is very compatible with our temperament. Every time we gather, when we talk about the young guys from Xingchen Technology, the old guys are full of praise. They are practical, unpretentious, and have feelings. .”

“It’s a pity that there are too few businessmen like Luo Jia, most of them are **** who are full of benevolence and morality, full of male thieves and female prostitutes!”

Lu Junlin looked at his words and saw that the general looked wrong today. Although the old man came from the army and had a bit of a temper, he has rarely slapped the table and cursed people these years. What happened today?

“Haidilao, do you know?” The general said under pressure, “Since Luo Jia instilled the concept of hegemony in me, I have been thinking about which companies are particularly capable of fighting in all walks of life in our country. Establish industry hegemony in the world.”

“Haidilao was once considered by me to be a model of the catering industry that is particularly capable of fighting. Branches have opened to Tokyo and London, and the queues are still crowded with people, beautiful scenery, and domineering!”

“I’m very happy for this. I have invited old friends to dinner several times, and I ordered Haidilao. I think they are a national catering industry, so I have to support them no matter what.”

“As a result, I only found out after reading the news recently that the owner of Haidilao turned out to be the richest man in Singapore! I’m so pitiful at my age, but I’ve been scammed around and help them promote everywhere. How can you tell me not to Angry?”

After listening to the general’s words, Lu Junlin couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile. The reality is indeed more exciting than the novel. My vast China is worthy of being a big foodie country. How ironic it is to actually eat the richest man in Singapore.

China is a country ruled by law. As long as you abide by the law, anyone can do what they want.

In July 2011, Boss Zhang, the founder of Haidilao, made it clear in an exclusive interview with Entrepreneur Magazine that our strategic goal is to continuously improve customer satisfaction. Haidilao has been built into a “national brand”.

Since then, Haidilao has long regarded itself as the leader in the national catering industry, and has continuously instilled the image of a national brand in the media and publicized it.

Lu Junlin felt worthless for the general. With his status as an old man, it was a great honor to be able to promote a company hard, but in the end he was slapped in the face.

The strange thing is that after the general scolded him, there was nothing to say.

Lu Junlin took advantage of the opportunity of pouring tea for the general, and made indirect remarks, wanting to know how the general planned to make such a fuss, but the old man was unpredictable, no matter what Lu Junlin asked, he just didn’t say anything, and used the army as an excuse that he only cares about civilian affairs .

This doesn’t look like a general at all.

Lu Junlin can’t figure it out. The general always has a clear distinction between what he likes and what he hates. For Luo Jia and Xingchen Technology, the general likes it, so he will support it with all his strength. As for the scum, the general will usually give a strict education.

The puzzle was not solved until two days later. Lu Junlin accidentally saw the general laughing while reading the newspaper. When people get old, their personality will change like a child. The general now even watches cartoons. Lu Junlin didn’t Feel something is wrong.

However, when the general went to take a nap, Lu Junlin picked up the newspaper and read it carefully, and suddenly gasped, and saw that the news was probably like this:

The Haidilao Joy City store was forced to close due to unqualified fire inspections and potential safety hazards. This is the seventh Haidilao store in Beijing that has been strictly inspected by the fire department within this month…

In one month…

The capital…

Sealed down seven…

“I’m going! I thought you were going to teach them a lesson, but it turns out that you are going to kill them…” Lu Junlin was stunned. He looked at the bedroom where the general was taking a nap, swallowed, and muttered softly.


Luo Jia heard Lu Junlin talk about Haidilao on the phone, and immediately laughed and said: “As expected of a general, the attack is really ruthless, but to be honest, even if the general doesn’t take action, the surname Zhang It won’t be a few days to jump around.”

“Why do you know that?” Lu Junlin asked in confusion.

Luo Jia said: “Young people are the main force of consumption now. Unlike the older generation, they are smooth and like to be different from muddy people. The young people in China have character and responsibility. Not long ago, the young people in Australia made troubles, and our young people acted spontaneously. Surrounding those **** three floors inside and three floors outside, it’s a joy to scold them.”

“Even if the general doesn’t take action, young people will take the initiative to reduce consumption in Haiti. After the tragic trade war with North America, after repeated reneging on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, our young people are growing rapidly and becoming more and more sensible. .”

“Carrying the destiny of the whole nation, not afraid of wind and rain, forging ahead, young people can do it, I am very optimistic about them.”

On the other end of the phone, Lu Junlin showed a strange expression on his face, “I said Mr. Luo, you are a young man. If I remember correctly, you don’t seem to be twenty-six years old, right? You are a young man People.”

Luo Jia chuckled, and said a little embarrassedly, “I’ll be twenty-six next month.”

Lu Junlin was speechless for a while, Luo Jia is not yet twenty-six years old, but he was already the world’s richest man four years ago, and now he has created an unprecedented foundation, leading the most powerful scientific research group in the history of the earth .

“Don’t mention this Let’s talk about it seriously.”

Lu Junlin informed Luo Jia of the progress of the military. For such a big project as the space elevator, even if Xingchen Technology is awesome, it is impossible to get rid of the national team and do it alone.

After all, this is no longer a commercial activity, but is related to the future of the entire Chinese nation.

The earth is too small and its resources are limited. As long as human beings still have an enterprising heart and are unwilling to eat and wait for death, they must go to the stars and the sea.

However, historical experience tells us that North America or any other country is not trustworthy to realize the goal of achieving the goal of stars and seas. The fate is only in the hands of the Chinese people.

The situation reported by Lu Junlin is mainly that the national team has done work to the Indonesian high-level through secret channels.

Money must be given. In addition, the life science project of Star Technology is a sharp weapon that many high-level executives are rushing to, and it has a fatal attraction for them.

Hung up the phone, Luo Jia thought for a few minutes, then called the administrative department to send a car, left the rocket laboratory, and went to the life science department on Chongming Island.

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