Technological Supremacy Chapter 437: Genius VS genius on the eve of the war!

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, New York.

Dr. Jerryn rarely wore a suit, but a black hooded sweater and a pair of Asics sneakers. His legs were crossed, and his calves were shaking rhythmically.

When Reinhardt, the person in charge of Cold Spring Harbor, saw this scene, he couldn’t help but startled slightly, and asked Dr. Jerryn curiously, “Are you going for a run? Why are you dressed like this?”

Dr. Jay Ryan shook his head, “No, it’s just that I heard that Luo Jia of Xingchen Technology has two hobbies, one is eating cumin lamb chops, and the other is wearing hooded sweaters, so I learned his Dressing style, I hope to find some inspiration.”

Reinhardt frowned, “Then have you found inspiration?”

“No.” Jerry shrugged his shoulders, “but I understand one thing, the hooded sweater is designed for young people, twenty-five-year-old Luo Jia wears it normally, fifty-five-year-old After I put it on, my stomach looks bigger.”

Finally, Dr. Jay Ryan patted his beer belly. Even if a man of this age takes care of himself carefully, he will inevitably gain weight.

Reinhardt, who has always been unsmiling, was amused by Dr. Jereen, “Old man, you are really unusual today, can’t you be stimulated by something?”

Jerry En smiled noncommittally, “Okay, let’s be serious, I’m here to say goodbye to you today.”

“Farewell?” Reinhard was taken aback.

“Yes, I’m going back to Bell Labs.”

“If you go back, how about contacting the power of the entire Western scientific community to fight against Star Technology?” Rhine asked in confusion.

Jay Ruien spread his arms, “Although it is important to fight against the barbarians from China, the facts have proved that I don’t have the ability to fight against the ultrasonic motor of Star Technology. I lost, united Siemens and Rheinland Group to fight against Xingchen Technology’s Karman vortex power generation, and I also lost, forming a semiconductor alliance to prevent Xingchen Technology from entering the semiconductor field, the loser is me.”

“No matter how you look at it, I am a Luthor who has achieved nothing. The White House entrusted me with trust, but I have failed everyone’s trust. It is better to resign as soon as possible. Up to now, the struggle for hegemony between the East and the West has entered In the white-hot stage, the entire Western world has been pushed into a dead end, and we have no way out, so let someone more capable than me shoulder such a heavy responsibility.”

Reinhardt was silent. He sat across from Jared, rubbed his temples and said, “We’ve really lost in the semiconductor field?”

Jeruien nodded slightly, “Well, the Semiconductor Alliance has organized a large-scale expert group to study the structure of the stars, the assembly of the stars, the logic of the stars, the lithography of the stars, the reading of the stars, the CPU of the stars, the bridge of the stars, the bridge of the stars Storage, anyway, is to interpret all the technologies they have launched so far, and guess what? “

“How is it?” Reinhardt asked eagerly.

Dr. Jay Ryan said disappointedly, “Let’s not talk about learning and reverse engineering, we can’t even interpret their design concepts smoothly, it’s like a group of primitive people suddenly encountering a modern army with machine guns and artillery, the gap is huge It’s beyond imagination.”

“That’s a wild and unconstrained design. All the experts were stunned by the multi-layer core after the chip was opened. I faintly heard someone muttering. I am afraid that it is at least several centuries ahead of us.”

“Yes, we have already lost, and we have lost terribly. Although Star Technology and his partners still do not cover the full range of semiconductor products, it is only because they have only started to engage in semiconductors for a short time. With enough time, I believe that the entire semiconductor world will belong to China.”

“After all, they have the most advanced architecture design in the world, and technology that is a generation ahead of us, coupled with the determination and hard work of the Chinese people, what do we have to compete with them?”

Silence fell in the office as Jerry admitted the failure of the semiconductor field, which means Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Texas Instruments, Infineon, Applied Materials, Colin Technologies, IBM, Apple, HP , these oldest semiconductor giants in the West will go bankrupt due to strong attacks from China in the not-too-distant future.

That’s IBM!

In the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty, IBM was formally established. When IBM was established, Chinese people still wore braids!

Now, will the blue giant that once stood on top of the world face the fate of going bankrupt?

If this is the final result of the battle between East and West Semiconductor Tianwang Mountain, then this war is really too cruel! ?

Dr. Jereen saw that Reinhardt’s hands were trembling, and his eyelids were constantly beating, like a wild beast about to explode.

After all, it is Cold Spring Harbor known as the Madman’s Laboratory. This group of scientists who inherited the will of the head of state has always had a huge sense of racial superiority, but now they are facing the dilemma of being beaten to death by China. The hearts of racists should be Can’t accept it?

Thinking of this, Dr. Jereen smiled, and said to Reinhardt: “Old friend, you don’t have to be too sad. Although I can’t complete the task of stopping Star Technology, maybe someone can.”

Reinhardt shook his head, “You are the smartest person I know, and you are also a natural manager. If even you can’t complete the task, I really can’t think of anyone else who can.”

“Musk.” Dr. Jerryn said a name, “Elon Musk, he will succeed me as the White House special representative, and he will have full authority to handle the task of uniting Western scientific research forces to fight against Star Technology.”

“It’s him!” Shocked, Reinhardt said with a long breath: “Musk is indeed a very powerful character. I just heard such a joke not long ago. There are only four countries in the world who have mastered Rocket launch and recovery technology, they are North America, Russia, China, and Elon Musk.”


Dr. Jerryn laughed after hearing this, “I’ve heard this joke too. I’ve been engaged in scientific research all my life, and I’ve seen many geniuses, but Musk is undoubtedly the most talented among them. Even Google’s Larry Page It is said that if I die, I will give all the inheritance to Musk, because Musk is so talented, he will definitely make good use of the inheritance and lead mankind to a new height.”

Reinhardt nodded again and again, “That’s right, Musk, this guy, always has many unconstrained and magical ideas, and the only thing that restricts his actions is funds. Assuming we can provide Musk, enough to cooperate with Xingchen Technology With the funds and talents to contend with, maybe that guy Musk can really turn the tide!”

“At the same time, Luo Jia of Star Technology is China’s super genius, and Musk is our North American super genius. This will be a duel between geniuses and geniuses!”

“Luo Jia is known as a madman in China. He once put forward the famous five hegemony theories and the wooden barrel theory, and pointed the finger at the Western world without any ambiguity. Musk is our Western madman. This guy has only At $50,000 was already thinking about colonizing Mars, so this time it will not only be a battle of geniuses vs geniuses, but also madmen vs madmen!”

“My God! I can’t wait to see the scene where Musk and Luo Jia are crazily confronting each other across the distant Pacific Ocean! That will be the biggest and craziest war I can imagine in my life!”

Seeing Reinhardt’s excited expression, a smile gradually appeared on Dr. Jereen’s face.

“Old friend, it’s best for you to think like this. After all, I have resigned and Musk will take over my position. And you and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are so independent. I’m really afraid that when the time comes, you There will be conflicts with Musk.” Dr. Jay Ryan said with relief.

Reinhardt showed a disdainful expression, “Tch, I just admire Musk’s talent, but I didn’t say that I would accept his management. After all, our immune activation technology has been developed, so why should he insert Musk?” feet?”

After hearing this sentence, Jerry En’s face changed drastically, and he jumped up from the sofa and asked, “You… what you just said is true!?”

Reinhardt nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: “Well, when those yellow-skinned monkeys celebrate the Spring Festival, our immune activation technology has been developed!”

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