Technological Supremacy Chapter 409: Send them on their way!

The semiconductor project of Xingchen Technology was born like a thunderbolt, and quickly shocked the whole world.

For decades, the world has been using the X86 architecture, which has become the habit of everyone. When talking about computers, everyone will naturally think of the X86 architecture and WINDOWS.

However, the insane Xingchen Technology didn’t like the X86 and wanted to kill it. In order to achieve this crazy goal, they also gathered a group of equally crazy accomplices, known as the first army of Huaxia Semiconductor in history.

Sure enough, after the incident, the Western media was full of ridicule and hostility. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, AMC, and all walks of life were dispatched to accuse Star Technology of launching a war that they could not bear. , trying to destroy the inherent order of this world.

The media claims that there is a division of labor in the world. The West is responsible for high-end things such as finance and scientific research, while countries headed by China are responsible for processing and manufacturing such low-end things. Any behavior that tries to break class and division of labor, They are all shamelessly infringing on global interests.

Luo Jia didn’t bother to deal with the trick of deceiving children. After the announcement of the huge semiconductor plan, Xingchen Technology suddenly became the busiest company in the world, and was responsible for helping partners to solve various problems.

“It feels like overnight, I became everyone’s nanny.” During the regular meeting, An Ran complained to Luo Jia: “Our scientists have become customer service representatives. It never stopped and had to be divided into three shifts to deal with more and more calls.”

“How can this go on like this? We are a scientific research company, but now we are entangled in trivial matters. Half of the laboratories have shut down.”

Luo Jia nodded slightly and said, “I know everyone has worked hard recently, but there is no better way at this stage. The semiconductor project is too huge. We can’t handle it by ourselves. We need the participation of the whole society.”

“The difficulty is only present. After all, none of you have been exposed to the star architecture in the past. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. When jumping from the X86 system to the new star system, there must be many problems. As a star architecture Developers, if you don’t answer everyone’s questions, who can explain it.”

Li Moran said: “Actually, the situation is gradually improving. The administrative department is collecting all the questions and forming a collection of questions and answers. Many questions can be answered in the collection, which can reduce our consultation pressure.”

In general, Star Technology’s semiconductor plan has been fully rolled out, and the action is very large, which can be called shocking, and there are many partners. In the first phase alone, 11,000 companies joined, basically including Covering more than half of China’s technology industry, Huawei, Ali, DJI, Tencent, these technology giants are all listed.

The first phase of the plan is divided into two categories, CPU and OEM. Xingchen Technology has developed and put into production a series of CPUs based on the Xingchen architecture. Now they want to sell the Xingchen CPU to Huawei, let Huawei use it to manufacture computers, and sell it to Ali, let Ali set up a domestic cloud server and sell it to Sifang Locomotive, so that the domestic high-speed rail can be replaced with a star-based driving computing unit.

As we all know, CPU is the basis of all computing systems, not only for laptops, but also for machine tools, drones, ships, automobiles, and almost all mechanical and electronic products. , from basic single-chip microcomputers to ultra-complex real-time computing arrays required by aviation.

The significance of the semiconductor foundry plan is even more significant. Everyone says that Huawei is awesome, but have you ever thought about who made Huawei’s awesome Kirin series CPU?

The answer is that the world’s largest semiconductor foundry company is TSMC.

If someone thinks that Wan Wansheng must be one of his own and must be trustworthy, it can only be said that he has a naive and simple way of thinking, and I hope he can remain naive forever.

In any case, history has repeatedly told us that key technologies are most reliable only if we hold them in our own hands.

After the advent of Xingchen Technology’s lithography machine and graphene wafer, Huawei’s Kirin CPU no longer needs to ask TSMC, just go to Xingchen Technology, and Luo Jia will build it for them!

“The construction of the base needs to be accelerated.” Luo Jia muttered, “SMIC is, after all, a company listed in the Hong Kong government and is held by some foreign forces, and things like semiconductor foundry can be called the lifeblood of the country. Try to keep outsiders involved as little as possible.”

Everyone nodded after listening to Luo Jia’s words. Zhang Dongning from the Chemical Department said: “Thinking of the lack of technology back then, SMIC was forced to take the international route in order to absorb foreign technologies and processes. The banner of the national team, not to mention the introduction of technology, I am afraid that even the lithography machine of ASML cannot be bought.”

Dr. Ling Feng nodded and said: “SMIC is also a tough guy. At the beginning, it desperately supported us and Huawei. This is obvious to all. As for the few foreign shareholders, they didn’t have much say in the first place. I believe it won’t take long. The team will start to clean up.”

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided to add factories in Xi’an, Zhengzhou, Changsha, and Nanning on the basis of Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Beijing to continue to expand production capacity and prepare for the upcoming explosion of the semiconductor industry.

At this stage, all major partners are doing their best to design. Once the chip design is completed, it will be handed over to Xingchen Technology for manufacturing. If Xingchen Technology does not have enough factories and production capacity, it will not be able to complete the partner’s order.

An Ran frowned and said, “It’s easy to build a factory. The key is people. Where can we find so many skilled engineers? The largest semiconductor foundry in China is our old friend SMIC. We won’t go to SMIC Gouging people? Isn’t that a white-eyed wolf?”

Li Moran shook his head and said: “Of course not. When we built the factory before, Mr. Tang offered us a group of engineers without saying a word, to support our construction. Now SMIC is still short of people.”

After discussing for a long time, everyone couldn’t think of a solution, so they all turned their attention to Di Wuchang, the Minister of Human Resources.

Outsiders often think that the most powerful part of Xingchen Technology is research and development, but in fact, there is an even more powerful department in the company, which is the human resources department.

Can you imagine that the total number of returnees of Xingchen Technology has reached as much as 50%. The craziest thing that was dug back was tens of thousands of people from the West at one time during the two years when Industrial Software was launched.

Talent is also a war!

Five years ago, at the beginning of Star Technology’s establishment, the first rallying call was sounded for the Chinese elites living all over the world, and that was the beginning of this battle without gunpowder.

Although even those who talk about cross talk know that talents in the 21st century are the most precious, you may not have realized that from the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, China has been sucked blood by the whole world.

Young talents with outstanding talents went to North America and Europe, or Neon and South Korea. Most of them stayed there after finishing their studies and used their wisdom to contribute to the construction of the West.

The decades-long brain drain has caused too much damage to our country. After all, talent is always scarce. Back then, if North America hadn’t snatched Einstein and Oppenheimer from Germany The two great gods may be the first to develop the atomic bomb in Germany, and the whole world has long spoken German.

In history, there has never been any truly powerful country that could not even retain its own talents. Our Indian neighbors often boast that the presidents of Microsoft and Google are Indians, and there are tens of thousands of elites in Silicon Valley.

However, Indian elites build North America and strive for the welfare of the North American people. Does it have anything to do with India?

Could it be that they send the elite to North America, so they can fix toilets themselves? Ah San’s brain circuit is also very strange to talk about such an embarrassing thing so gloriously.

Di Wu often sees everyone looking at himself, shrugged helplessly and said: “I can’t do anything this time. The fab is the world’s top technology. Take Samsung as an example. They have always been able to use Koreans, but they will never use them.” Chinese people, Wanwan, Neon, North America, all of them are like this.”

Everyone can’t help but feel that the number of Chinese engineers in the field of cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing is limited. More importantly, because the scale of the semiconductor project is at the level of a behemoth, there is a huge talent gap suddenly, and there is not much buffer time to train enough. Semiconductor talents are too late.

Luo Jia smiled slightly, “As the old saying goes, if you rob money, food and land, you have an opportunity right now, a chance to rob talent.”

Di Wuchang was slightly taken aback, and asked curiously, “How do you say that?”

Luo Jia said lightly: “Everyone should know that the situation in our old neighbor South Korea has not been very good in recent years. Whether it is foreign talents or domestic talents, as long as they can be owned by us, they are good talents.”

Hong Tao laughed, isn’t it because of us that South Korea has become what it is today? If it weren’t for us, Bangzi wouldn’t know how arrogant he would be. Anyway, as a fan, I’ve always been black in Korea. Those grandchildren don’t know what sportsmanship is, and their character is extremely poor. “

After listening to Hong Tao’s words, the atmosphere suddenly became intense. All fans will never forget the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, because it was the most shameless World Cup in the history of the World Cup, especially the quarter-finals. The one that eliminated Italy can be called the Guinness Book of Shameless World Records.

Luo Jia said with a smile: “South Korea in its heyday was not a good neighbor, but the dead South Korea is different. No matter what happened to this neighbor in the past, we should work hard to make it a good neighbor in the future. “

“To tell you the truth, this summer, we will go all out to launch a summer offensive, give our old neighbors South Korea a ride, and send them on their way!”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, everyone was shocked.

What is the situation?

A company wants to declare war on a country?

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