Technological Supremacy Chapter 315: Star Technology’s revenge!

Shanghai, the headquarters of Xingchen Technology.

Luo Jia walked into the software center building and greeted colleagues on the road.

After a long struggle, the Software Corps finally won the difficult industrial software battle. In order to repay the brothers for their hard work, Luo Jia gave them a large bonus and a one-month paid vacation.

With the increasingly powerful role of Xingchen Dating, the number of single dogs in the company has dropped sharply. Many steel straight men who were born alone have successfully found their significant other, and many of them are even married and have children.

Under such circumstances, Luo Jia ordered the administrative department to expand the travel fund to a wider range. Not only can you bring your wife or girlfriend, but you can also bring your children and parents. All the expenses incurred will be borne by the company. .

As the saying goes, when one person joins the company, the whole family enjoys the blessings. Originally, the salary of Xingchen Technology was the top on the planet, but now it distributes the house for free, takes you on a trip, and helps you find a girlfriend. It is really enviable.

In short, the treatment of Xingchen Technology is becoming a global benchmark. The only thing that has been criticized is probably that it is too hardworking. Once there is a big project, the straight men of steel will rush on it like a group of mad dogs.

Walking into Li Moran’s office, he is standing at the window with a teacup in his hand, looking at the gate of the software center.

Looking back at Luo Jia, Li Moran sighed softly, “There used to be more than 20,000 people in this building and the surrounding development bases, but now the industrial software department has become independent, and it suddenly became calmer. There are many, and I am somewhat uncomfortable.”

Luo Jia smiled, “That’s right, more than 15,000 people have been lost, and three quarters of the brothers have gone to Xingchen Gongruan. Since the establishment of the company, this is the first time that so many people have been diverted. , when Star Search was established, Guo Guangmao and Tang Jie took away 3,000 people.”

Diverting employees to subsidiaries is actually a kind of survival of the fittest. Luo Jia does not want Xingchen Technology to suffer from the disease of large companies, and has always maintained a high degree of competition and turnover of employees.

Although there are only 5,000 people left in the software center, a large part of the 5,000 people are super elites who have undergone strict screening, and the human resources department is not idle. Strength will be replenished quickly.

An enterprise is like a person, it must always have the ability to produce fresh blood in order to grow healthily.

Li Moran glanced at the time, and said to Luo Jia, “The vacation is over. According to the usual practice, it’s time for you to assign new tasks. Everyone is waiting. I’m afraid this time there will be a hard nut to crack, right?”

Luo Jia was noncommittal, and asked Li Moran with a smile, “What? You don’t want to play **** anymore?”

“Cut.” Li Moran waved his hand lightly and said, “When it comes to hard core, what is harder than industrial software? We have already gnawed down the **** of industrial software, you, don’t try to scare us. “

After listening to Li Moran’s words, Luo Jia muttered, “Actually, there are things harder than industrial software in this world.”

Li Moran was taken aback and became very curious. He was just about to ask for details when Luo Jia’s phone rang suddenly.

“It’s Lao Wang from the European branch.” Luo Jia glanced at the screen and said, “The things over there are also very urgent. I want to borrow your lounge.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Jia opened the door and entered the inner room of Li Moran’s office. Since Li Moran often worked overtime in the company, there were camp beds, quilts, and some changes of clothes in the room, and a lot of snacks on the table. It’s sour, like hawthorn slices, hawthorn rolls and the like.

It’s no secret that Li Moran likes to eat sour food, the whole company knows it.

Listening to Wang Liguo’s report on the other end of the phone, Luo Jia’s eyes gradually became sharper. He sneered and said, “I’m not usually good at doing good deeds. Sometimes I want to show kindness, but I’m still scolded by others.” Now, how can this make me feel so embarrassed.”

Wang Liguo said a bit dumbfounded, “We had a pleasant conversation with the Indians, but the board of directors of the Novartis Group suddenly intervened. The Indians are not to blame for this matter, but the Swiss are too greedy.”

“Although the piranhas have entered Lake Constance, they have not caused too much harm after all, so the Swiss are still thinking about the research value of mutated creatures. The helpers they are looking for this time are also engaged in life sciences. It seems that they are going to roll up their sleeves and do a big job.”

Luo Jia said coldly, “I don’t care who they are looking for, and I don’t care who is responsible. In a word, if anyone makes me unhappy, then he will not want to be happy in the future. Turn on the video and let me see them face.”

Wang Liguo was taken aback for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows. He knew that although Luo Jia was a young boss, he had a temper.

The remote video channel was quickly established, and Luo Jia saw everyone in that office through the camera.

It can’t be seen that Luo Jia is angry. To be precise, he has an expressionless face at the moment. In the past few years in the mall, Luo Jia is now used to the storm, and he has been able to hide his emotions Yu color.

“What’s the matter with you? I told you that Novartis Group respects your company very much, but now the matter is of great importance, and your strategy is too radical, so let Professor Pierre’s team try it out first. Try it, we also have our own difficulties, can’t you understand it?”

Graf complained to Wang Liguo, thinking that Wang Liguo had spoken ill of the Novartis Group to Luo Jia, that’s why Luo Jia would open the video in person and wanted to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

This is really unfair to Wang Liguo. He didn’t make a small report, but just stated the facts objectively.

At this time, Luo Jia in the screen finally spoke, and he said in a cold tone: “First, our Star Technology Group does not need anyone’s respect, and we don’t care whether you respect it or not. Those who come out are not respected by anyone.”

“Second, I understand your company’s difficulties, but we also have our own principles. In my hometown, there is an old saying that is good, repeat and repeat.”

“Your commercial espionage stole our samples, this is the first time, we sent good intentions, but you turned back, this is the second time, as for the third time, I’m sorry, there will never be This is the third time.”

“From this moment on, you are you, we are us, everyone goes their own way, even if you conquer the world in the future, we will never see each other again.”

“Third, Lao Wang, you have been wronged, if you want to express your anger, do it now.”

After saying this, Luo Jia ended the video call.

“If you don’t see it, you will see it!” Unexpectedly, Mr. Graf’s temper also came up, and he yelled loudly: “Young people have no sense of propriety when speaking. In front of a well-known social figure like Professor Pierre, you must speak Clearly, who stole your samples? Is there evidence?”

“This is Europe! It’s a society ruled by law! It’s not your barbaric China!”

“Based on what President Luo Jia said just now, I can sue you for slander, believe it or not!?”


Bite back, Cheng Yu was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot, his face turned green. He was about to explode, but was stopped by Wang Liguo.

With a light snap of the fingers, the sensor light inside the aquarium was turned on, and everyone saw that there was a partition in the middle of the aquarium, dividing it into two.

On the right side of the partition is a group of flat-bodied piranhas, a total of twelve. Their sharp fangs are like metal barbs, and their huge bite force can easily tear apart aluminum alloy beverage cans.

And on the left side of the partition, there is a **** guy, the group of piranhas are swimming anxiously, while the **** fish is extremely calm, with burning eyes, staring at the enemy on the other side of the partition, the muscles of the whole body are tense, Like a longbow ready to go.

“It’s a piranha!”

“One hits a group, is that black fish crazy?”

The people in the office exclaimed, they didn’t recognize Hei Yu, they just vaguely felt that this black guy seemed unusual.

Right at this moment, an incredible scene happened, Wang Liguo suddenly stretched out his arm straight into the aquarium.

“This fish bites!”

“God, get your hands out! They’ll be torn apart!”

“Doctor, call the doctor immediately!”

The people in the Novartis Group panicked for a while, and everyone could see that the black fish was hiding its ferociousness. Kindness.

Wang Liguo must be insane, he even inserted his arm into the aquarium, is this the rhythm of self-mutilation?

It’s a pity that the people from Novartis Group were wrong.

How wrong!

The tragedy they expected didn’t happen. The black fish turned a blind eye to Wang Liguo’s arm and let Wang Liguo’s hand caress its smooth scales three times in a row.

“My God, this black fish has been modified, it is not aggressive to humans at all!”

“Is it neural modification?”

“It’s not like, it should be a cognitive transformation of the brain!”

“I can’t believe that there are masters in the world who can modify the brain cognition of fish!”

At this moment, Professor Pierre and the two researchers were astonished. It is difficult to change biological cognition. Many researchers in the field of life sciences cannot find the correct path throughout their lives. .

Although Professor Pierre doesn’t know who transformed the black fish’s brain cognition and what kind of technology was used, the person who can do this is definitely worthy of a Nobel Prize.

Just when everyone was shocked by Wang Liguo’s crazy actions, their whole bodies trembled.


A strange smile appeared on Wang Liguo’s face, he used all his strength to grab the partition in the middle of the aquarium, and then pulled the partition out!

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