Technological Supremacy Chapter 293: In the deep rainforest! (4000 large

Technological Hegemony Text Volume Chapter 293 In the deep rainforest! Manaus is a dilapidated city. The air is hot and humid. It has just rained, and the waterlogged roads are full of potholes. The shops on both sides of the road sell outdated clothing and goods, as if returning to a certain county in China in the last century.

The driver is a local aborigine with dark skin and a thin body. Brazil is the only country in the world that bans chewing gum. The driver chews a local wild fruit similar to betel nuts and drives a Toyota aggressively. .

When the car drove through the puddle at high speed, splashing water more than one meter high and pouring it on several women with big butts on the side of the road, the driver laughed disapprovingly and blew at the women. Whistling, followed by vicious curses from several women behind him.

Di Wuchang’s eyes widened. The excellent doctoral student of Fudan Computer Department felt very sorry and embarrassed, but Wei Chen shrugged helplessly at Di Wuchang and said, “Hehe, welcome to Brazil.”

After about forty minutes of thrilling drive, Wei Chen and Di Wuchang came to a huge manor.

Compared with the dilapidated city, this place is as beautiful as the American manor in the movie. Pass through the big iron gate with security guards carrying rifles, enter the road surrounded by flowers, and finally the car stops here It is a four-storey large villa with an area of ​​several thousand square meters.

It was already dark, and the lights were turned on in the villa. Looking around, there were dots of stars in a radius of several kilometers, and all the places with lights were the private territory of the owner of the villa.

Wei Chen and Di Wuchang got out of the car and saw hundreds of Chinese representatives who had been waiting here early. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, who would believe it? There are so many Chinese living here.

“Don’t worry, these are all trustworthy friends.” Wei Chen said to Di Wuchang, “Without these overseas Chinese, there would be no branch company today. His son, Xiong Ningyuan, is at Xingchen University, majoring in particle physics and nuclear physics.”

Di Wuchang nodded slightly, and immediately they received the warmest welcome from the local overseas Chinese, and everyone surrounded them, showing great respect.

And their titles are also very special, teacher.

Wei Chen said with a smile, “Overseas Chinese have their own schools, but unfortunately due to the lack of foreign aid, the quality of education is relatively poor. It is nothing more than teaching children to read and write in Chinese, lacking real higher education.”

“So, the branch company took education as the starting point. The colleagues you met in Sao Paulo, all of them have positions in the Overseas Chinese School. In Manaus, everyone will take turns to give lectures.”

“This is us Chinese. If you do business with them, you may not be the opponent of these shrewd businessmen. You don’t have to blink to kill you, but if you help them educate the next generation, then you are everyone’s teacher. Earn the highest respect.”

A large piece of Brazilian barbecue was brought up, and the topic of everyone’s discussion was indeed related to education.

Wei Chen graduated from Fudan Business School, belongs to the Ministry of Commerce, and is Hong Tao’s subordinate.

The business courses he teaches are not only listened to by overseas Chinese children, but even these elderly overseas Chinese often go to study, so they are very popular, and even those old men with gray beards humbly call him Mr. Wei .

After this trip, Wei Chen will stay in Manaus to give a two-week business course, which everyone is looking forward to.

During the second half of the welcome reception, Boss Xiong called Wei Chen and Di Wuchang to the side hall.

In the side hall, Di Wuchang met the pilot who will accompany them to the depths of the rainforest tomorrow, and two guides, both of whom are local aborigines.

Among them, the guides are a father and son. They have high cheekbones, but they are very thin, with sharp eyes, and they look shrewd and capable.

After the meeting, Boss Xiong asked them to go home and gather at the villa tomorrow morning.

After they left, Boss Xiong said to Di Wuchang and Wei Chen, “It’s all arranged. Don’t worry, these people’s wives and children are in my hands. They don’t dare to play tricks, otherwise their family of dozens You are going to see God.”

Di Wuchang was taken aback suddenly, feeling his heart beating faster, but Wei Chen signaled him not to take it too seriously.

Boss Xiong said with a smile, “In this barbaric place, you can’t get along without any means. My great-grandfather’s bones are in an unknown place deep in the rainforest, and they haven’t been found until today.” When he was discovered, he was deceived by the indigenous tribe, saying that he had a piece of good wood.”

“So since my grandfather’s generation, I have had the habit of keeping my hand in everything. This is a lesson paid for in blood. If Mr. Di doesn’t believe it, you can ask those people outside. Almost all Chinese family members were buried in the rainforest by the aborigines.”

Di Wuchang didn’t say anything else, and accepted Boss Xiong’s arrangement, but he was unavoidably worried. Although he had made enough psychological preparations when he set off, it seemed that Di Wuchang still underestimated the complicated situation in this barren land.

After getting up early the next morning, Di Wuchang was invited to the living room for breakfast. The guide and pilot had already arrived. They didn’t have much luggage, and each brought a medium-sized waterproof military bag.

Di Wuchang was polite and invited them to have breakfast together, but they refused. The servants took them to an open-air dining table in the yard, where they ate sandwiches made from last night’s leftover meat.

On the road in the middle of the manor, a single-engine amphibious light aircraft produced by the North American Senus Company was parked. It looked dilapidated, and many parts of the fuselage were painted.

Boss Xiong told Di Wuchang that they will take this plane to go deep in the rainforest later.

Soon after, they set off. Wei Chen and the driver were in the front row, and Di Wuchang sat in the back row next to two guides who smelled very bad.

When the rickety little plane finally passed the end of the road and pulled up, Di Wuchang touched his back with his hand, and it was all soaked.


The guide’s son smiled, and handed him two blue wild berries, similar to the one the driver chewed yesterday, and pointed to his head, indicating that these things can relieve tension.

“The taste is okay, but a little sour.” Di Wuchang took it and chewed it in his mouth, and asked Wei Chen curiously, “What kind of fruit is this? South American betel nut?”

Wei Chen said, “The locals call this guarana, and its effect is similar to that of poppy. If you eat too much, you will become addicted.”


Di Wuchang’s face was livid, and he vomited it out on the spot. The guide’s son thought he had choked, and slapped Di Wuchang on the back hard.

Guarana really has a miraculous effect. Di Wuchang no longer feels pain, as if his whole body is floating in the clouds. Three hours and more than 1,000 kilometers of flight passed without knowing it. Finally landed in a narrow river.

Surrounded by an endless rainforest, you can occasionally hear the wailing of some unknown beast.

The river level was gentle, and the locals built a simple pier with wood. At this moment, there was another seaplane moored on the pier, and there was also a cargo ship that seemed to be transporting goods to the town, which also looked dilapidated.

A group of aborigines were unloading barrels of gasoline, corn in sacks, crates of local low-quality beer and whiskey from the ship.

The engine of the Senas roared, guiding the boat into the pier, the guide’s son opened the hatch, stood on the floating water board of the plane, and threw a rope to the people on the pier.

After the man caught the rope, he pulled the plane closer to the pier, then skillfully tied it to the fixed pile, and tied a sailor’s knot.

A group of people got off the plane to the pier. The pilot gave five reais to the person who helped tie the cables, equivalent to nine yuan. The person happily took the banknotes and ran to the bar by the pier.

Wei Chen understood Portuguese, so he asked the people on the pier.

“This plane belongs to three North American tourists. They came here yesterday to see the piranhas.” Wei Chen said, “As for the ship, it’s a local supply ship that comes every half a month. All local supplies are transported by that ship.”

It was already noon, and they came to the bar by the pier.

It’s a bar, but it’s more like a few dilapidated wooden houses. There is an arbor outside the house, and four sets of dirty plastic tables and chairs are placed under the arbor. The bartender is a fat black woman. Apron, responsible for cooking.

“Only black bean rice and fried chicken, let’s eat some.” Wei Chen asked the fat woman and said to Di Wuchang, “At least it’s still hot. When we enter the rainforest, we can only eat canned food.”

Di Wuchang nodded lightly. He felt a tingling pain in his calf. When he slapped it hard, the black mosquito was killed, and at the same time, blood flowed out.

Wei Chen chatted with the proprietress in Portuguese. Not long after, the proprietress brought a few sticks of bristlegrass and lit them around the dining table to drive away mosquitoes. Delicate, not resistant to mosquito bites or something.

Di Wuchang took a sip of the coffee brought by the fat woman, and found that the guide and his son each brought a black woman and walked into the cabin behind the bar.

The woman next to the guide has huge breasts, trembling when walking, while the woman next to the guide’s son is relatively thin and looks like a minor.

Then came the pilot, he brought back two women from nowhere, sat at the table next to Wei Chen and Di Wuchang, ordered beer and fried chicken, plus a large bowl of red sauce, dipped the fried chicken in the sauce drink beer.

The pilot lit a cigarette, and the handsome Chong Di Wuchang and Wei Chen snapped their fingers, and then the two black women stood up, shaking their elastic buttocks.

Wei Chen explained with a smile, “He will not go into the rainforest with us, but stay here to wait for us. If you drink too much, it will be a little bit full, but if you don’t drink it, it will look weird.”

“The income of a pilot is considered a gold-collar class in Brazil. They can earn more than 10,000 reais a month, and women in the rainforest are cheaper than mineral water, so you understand.”

When Di Wuchang and Wei Chen were about to finish their meal of black bean rice, the guide and his son came out of the cabin, and two black women kissed them goodbye, and they gave some money, two yellow notes, Each should be twenty reais.

Back at the dining table, the guide and his son gnawed on the fried chicken as if nothing had happened. They tore it up with their hands without any utensils.

Di Wuchang felt a little nauseous, because he clearly saw that the guide and his son hadn’t washed their hands when they came out of the cabin.

“Look.” Wei Chen pointed in the direction of the pier.

Di Wuchang looked over and saw the three North American tourists appearing on the pier, two muscular men, and a thin, chestless blonde woman.

A group of natives surrounded them and pushed a pig with a cart.

The black-haired pig screamed, and the natives ignored the screams, hung the pig on a wooden pole, and then stabbed the pig’s abdomen severely with a sharp knife.

The white intestines were exposed at that time, and blood spattered at the same time.

Under the command of three North Americans, the aborigines used pulleys to put ropes and put the screaming pigs into the river.

Before the pig got close to the river, a small flat fish jumped out, opened its sharp teeth, and rushed to bite.

The river seemed to be boiling. Thousands of piranhas were gathering. They smelled blood, and they were all longing for a sumptuous meal.

The thin blond woman raised her camera and shot wildly. At this time, the pig’s head had already submerged in the river, and the screams of the pig disappeared immediately, replaced by the crazy surge of the river. Thousands of piranhas were jumping up and down. He even jumped onto the pier and was kicked back into the river by the The pig’s body quickly sank into the river, and it took less than a minute before and after. When the natives pulled the pig up again, it had already become Become a white skeleton.

The hind legs were tied to the rope, and the flesh was still attached, and the part submerged in the river disappeared completely.

Numerous piranhas surfaced with the pig being pulled up. Even though they had left the river they depended on for survival, they were still biting.


Someone cut the rope.

The last half of the pig and its bones sank, and white waves rose from the water surface. You can clearly see that tens of thousands of small fish with white fangs jumped on it in an instant

The three North Americans roared wildly and took photos with those ferocious little fish. One of them even made a dangerous move of jumping into the river, straddling the river with half his legs, luring the piranhas to jump up. It seemed that they were playing Very happy.

After watching this scene, Di Wuchang felt a little difficult to breathe, and his heart was beating wildly.

He swallowed a mouthful of spit, “This is the river when we came? Why didn’t you tell me in advance that this river is the territory of piranhas.”

Wei Chen shrugged, “Is there a difference?”

Di Wuchang didn’t speak. At this moment, the fat proprietress came over and spoke a few words with Wei Chen in Portuguese.

Afterwards, Wei Chen threw a stack of blue hundred real bills to the proprietress, and the proprietress left a car key on the table, grabbed the bills, and stuffed them into her bra.

“The car is ready, let’s go.” Wei Chen shook the car key to Di Wuchang.

The guide father and son wiped their mouths and picked up the backpacks of Wei Chen and Di Wuchang without anyone telling them, while the pilot took a hand from the black woman’s skirt, bid them farewell, and then put his hand back into the woman’s skirt .

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