Technological Supremacy Chapter 243: This is what we believe in!

The prehistoric flood?

On such an important occasion as the opening of Xingchen University, Luo Jia actually wants to talk about the Great Flood?

This is weird, okay?

An Ran held his forehead, a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

Sure enough, Luo Jia, who didn’t play cards according to common sense, appeared again. There is a principal with leaping thinking. I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for the geniuses of Star University.

Under the incomprehensible eyes of everyone, Luo Jia smiled and continued: “In this world, there are many strange things, and the legend of the Great Flood is one of them, almost in the prehistoric legends of all civilizations There are records about the great flood.”

“Now, let’s take a look at how different civilizations recorded and responded to the disaster of the Great Flood.”

“First of all, we are most familiar with the Bible. According to the records in the Old Testament. Fortunately, there was a man named Noah, who was inspired by God, built a boat, saved his family and some small animals, and this is the famous Noah’s Ark.”

“In ancient Babylonian legends, the wind **** and the gods felt that human beings were too noisy, so they decided to kill them. Fortunately, the water **** was kind and merciful, and stepped forward to save human beings.”

“According to Plato’s dialogues, ancient Egypt also encountered a great flood. Unfortunately, the Egyptians were not as lucky as the Babylonians. There were no gods to save them, so they suffered heavy losses.”

“Looking at the Mayan civilization again, according to the records of Popol, humans were carved out of wood by the gods, but because humans were disobedient, the gods launched a flood and destroyed humans with wooden heads. To be honest, I think this legend is unreasonable, if human beings were carved out of wood, they would automatically float up when encountering a flood, so how could they be destroyed all at once?”

Luo Jia’s speeches are always so funny, and the audience laughs constantly.

Luo Jia stood on the stage, and after everyone’s laughter was over, he said lightly: “In short, almost all civilizations have legends about a great flood. People either died, or there were gods to help them escape. Only our Chinese civilization According to the legend, finally relying on the strength of human beings, the flood was cured, this is the famous Dayu’s flood control!”

When Luo Jia finished speaking, the audience was silent, and the air froze in an instant.

Every young genius seemed to be pierced by thunder, and the blood couldn’t stop rolling from top to bottom, and the blood was throbbing!

It turned out that behind Luo Jia’s seemingly insignificant speech, what he really wanted to talk about was such a deep-seated issue, faith!

After a short pause, Luo Jia continued to say in a flat tone: “In this world, our Chinese nation is different. Some people always say that you Chinese people don’t believe in gods, you don’t have faith, and you are not a group of pious people. People don’t know awe.”

“In this regard, what I want to say is that although the Chinese nation does not believe in gods, we still have faith. We believe in ancestors and heroes, and believe in the power of human beings themselves.”

“What we believe in is not gods, but Pangu who created the world, Nuwa who refined stones to mend the sky, Shennong who tasted hundreds of herbs, Fuxi who deduced the secrets of heaven, Yu who controlled the water, Jingwei who reclaimed the sea, the descendants who shot the sun, The Suiren clan who made fire, the Youchao clan who built houses, Cangjie who created characters, and Xuanyuan Huangdi who competed in the Central Plains, these are not gods who fell from the sky, but heroes who grew up in the world!”

“What we believe in is the first emperor who has the same text and the same track, and is the first emperor who is in the world; Confucius who teaches without distinction; And Mencius, who I am going to, is a sage of the ancestors, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement, the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman is carrying things with virtue!”

“We believe that the road is long and long, and I am Qu Yuan, who is searching up and down. We believe in Li Bai and Du Fu, who is full of devotion and death. We believe in Wen Tianxiang, who is upright in the world. Believe in Yue Fei, who has thirty fame and fame, and eight thousand miles of roads and moons, and believe in Chen Tang, who will be punished no matter how far away he is for committing a crime against a strong man!”

As Luo Jia’s voice became louder and louder, heroes and sages that everyone was familiar with and believed in were mentioned. Everyone stood up, cast eager eyes on him, and burst into wild applause.

Luo Jia said with a smile, “Now let’s go back to Star University, what is the belief of Star University?”


“Hawking once said that any physical theory is temporary.”

“Because science is a way of cognition that is changing with each passing day and keeps pace with the times. It is a process of constantly replacing outdated old theories with better new theories.”

“Religion is an unchanging belief, but science is always running at high speed between negation and self-denial. If we want to realize the dream of stars and seas one day, we must not stay where we are. Only moving forward is science. The only right direction.”

At this time, Luo Jia sighed deeply, “I’m sorry students, you chose Star University, you chose a path with no end for yourself, you will not become stars in this life, stand in the spotlight , witnessed countless fans crying for you.”

“You will not become financial tycoons, making money every day, wearing crisp pure wool suits, and going in and out of skyscrapers.”

“You will not become politicians, shouting slogans, pointing out the country, and being high-spirited.”

“From the moment you step into the school, your life is doomed. To be a scientific worker, you will be accompanied by laboratories and books all year round.”

“You will receive strict education here, because history has already told us that unless you come from a wealthy family, the only thing you can rely on if you want to control your destiny is education.”

“Our schedule was spread out somehow a few days ago, and the whole world is shouting that the education system of Star University is really crazy.”

“In this regard, I think so. Everything has a price. There will never be pie in the sky. What you want to get, you have to pay first. The so-called happy education is actually a trap created by the West for us. , because if the children in China grow up and make money, the children in the West will grow up to be unemployed.”

“This is a competitive world. Whether it is an Eastern child or a Western child, they all have to stand on the same stage and compete fiercely. If I were a Westerner, I would also hope that Huaxia would be happy. Education has cultivated batch after batch of waste snacks, and finally brought the Chinese nation into an abyss where although they are happy, they will never recover.”

“So, please continue to work hard. History will remember you, your choices, and the science you believe in. Science will become a weapon that will lead us to the stars and the sea. The only value for the existence of Star University.”

“Thank you all.”

Luo Jia finished his speech and walked off the stage, behind him were excited faces and warm Luo Jia used a series of names of ancestors we admired in history to point out to the geniuses the way forward.

In Chinese civilization, history is very important. The greatest achievement of a person in his life is to leave his name in history, and as time goes by, history is becoming the belief of Chinese civilization.

Luo Jia walked out the back door, stood under the afterglow of the setting sun, quietly lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

The third year of Star Technology’s establishment, September 1st.

After more than a year, the last of Luo Jia’s three arrows was finally shot.

However, the far-reaching impact of this plan on the world has only just begun.

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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