Technological Supremacy Chapter 241: A 12-year-old personal assistant, the start of a learning frenzy

After a whole day of discussions, the business proposals made by the geniuses finally became commercial contracts for Great Wall, BYD and Geely.

Intellectual property rights also need to be paid. The three automobile factories will pay a large amount of money to obtain the right to use the project. In addition, Star Optics has also received a huge order to purchase primary laser projection equipment.

“I really didn’t expect it.”

An Ran watched Boss Li and his vehicles go away, and said to Luo Jia with a smile, “Star University has already begun to generate profits for the company before it officially started. This is probably the power of genius.”

Luo Jia nodded, “Yes, at first I thought that the laser projection technology of the optical department would not have any commercial future, but I didn’t expect that this technology would create hundreds of millions of profits in a blink of an eye, so It can be seen that technology is always valuable, and the key is to find the right use.”

The two walked back side by side, and Shen Lang followed behind them.

This time, Shen Lang benefited a lot from discussing the global business plan with the elites of the three major automobile factories. Reasons, some ideas are still taken for granted.

Three people came to Luo Jia’s office, Luo Jia asked Shen Lang to sit down, then rummaged through the bookshelves, and finally found a book about Detroit’s auto industry, Motor City, written by Arthur Haley. Pass it to Shen Lang.

“For you.” Luo Jia said to Shen Lang, “There is an interesting case in this book. General Motors once designed a car called Mercury. The car has the risk of rear axle instability, and in extreme cases, the rear axle may break, and the risk factor is about one in ten thousand.”

“To solve this problem, it will cost fifteen dollars to install the rear stabilizer bracket. Based on the estimated annual output of Mercury cars of 400,000, the increased cost will be 6 million dollars per year.”

“Guess, how did they decide in the end?”

Shen Lang flipped through the pages of the book, frowned and thought for a few minutes, “If it was yesterday, I would have said that a stabilizer must be installed, after all, a broken rear axle may cause passengers to be disabled.”

“But after listening to the experts in the auto industry today, I think they may block the news and hide the fault.”

Luo Jia and An Ran were startled, they were surprised that this was the answer?

Shen Lang swallowed a mouthful of spit, “This book was written in the 1970s. In that era, the price of a human life should not be too expensive. I guess it is about 300,000 US dollars. Risk, but if the saved six million dollars is used to file a lawsuit with the broken shaft customer and pay compensation for human life, the result may be cheaper than installing a stabilizer. According to the thinking mode of capitalists, if three million or four hundred Why spend six million dollars on something that can be done with $10,000? And it will take more man-hours to install the bracket.”

Luo Jia and An Ran looked at each other, and they both frowned. An Ran asked him, “Why do you think so? Human life should not be priced in dollars.”

Shen Lang corrected An Ran’s mistake. He said, “It doesn’t matter what I think. I just follow President Luo’s prompt and think from the perspective of capital. In today’s meeting, the three major automakers mentioned the most The key word is cost, and they raised it 279 times during the six-hour closed-door meeting, and they emphasized cost every 1.3 minutes on average.”

“So I think this should be the biggest difference between my classmates and me and real entrepreneurs. Although my classmates and I also thought about the cost issue, we don’t think that the profit is the whole of a company.”

After listening to Shen Lang’s words, Luo Jia and An Ran were extremely surprised. They couldn’t believe that such a calm and cruel analysis came from the thinking of a twelve-year-old boy.

Shen Lang counted the number of times the three major automakers mentioned the cost issue during the six-hour meeting, and defined the price for human life. This kind of absolutely rational thinking made Luo Jia and An Ran feel horrified.

However, if you think about it carefully, since Shen Lang is a military genius, he must have a rationality that ordinary people do not possess. The ancients said that kindness does not control soldiers. .

Luo Jia nodded, “You’re right, they did hide the fault, and then used the saved six million dollars to pay for their lives.”

“Before you, I also gave this book to the bosses of the three major car manufacturers, warning them that if similar things happen, they are not worthy of being partners of Star Technology.”

Shen Lang is not surprised. After getting along for a short time, Shen Lang has already discovered that Principal Luo is an idealist. He does not do everything for money. What he wants may not be what money can get. bought.

Luo Jia said lightly, “I have not had a personal assistant for a long time. It is colleagues in the administrative department who take turns handling my affairs. I wonder if you are interested in this job? Speaking of which, this job is actually It’s nothing difficult, just help me with some official duties, and I will also guide you in your studies when I have time.”

Shen Lang was stunned, thinking about Luo Jia’s meaning. At this moment, An Ran patted him lightly on the head, “What are you still doing in a daze? Call the teacher quickly, you are the number one recruited by Mr. Luo in this life.” students.”

Shen Lang suddenly realized, with surprise in his eyes, he nodded heavily, and then called out to the teacher.

Luo Jia smiled and said to Shen Lang, “Very good, you go back first, the first task I give you is to finish this book as soon as possible, although the book is a bit old, there is cruelty in it.” The law of business competition, business competition is never good, darkness and blood are the main colors of business.”

Shen Lang left Luo Jia’s office happily, An Ran looked at his back, shook his head and sighed, “This kid is only twelve years old, he knows how to look at problems from different angles, his personality is so calm that it’s almost cruel , that is, you only like it, I don’t want such a vigorous student.”

Luo Jia didn’t say anything. If a military genius wants to grow up, he must step on the bones of countless enemies. He is destined not to be liked by most people.

Conversely, if there is a person that everyone likes very much, then he must not be a general, but a cross talk talker.


In the blink of an eye, it was September 1st. During the 15-day special training, the geniuses learned many things that cannot be learned in textbooks, such as courage, unity, tenacity and so on.

Luo Jia has fulfilled his promise. What he wants to train is by no means princes and princesses who live on the top of ivory towers, but a group of human elites with outstanding talents and strong combat effectiveness. Courage leads mankind to an unpredictable future.

On this day, the eyes of the whole world are attracted to Shanghai. The Star University is about to officially open. Everyone wants to know how this unique talent university in the world will train these talents. .

Before school started, Star University’s schedule was first circulated, which caused a huge sensation around the world.

“No way! Besides physical education, they still have to take five classes a day? Study for ten hours!”

“Crazy, absolutely crazy, Star University only has half a day off every week? The remaining six and a half days are in class!”

“People are more popular than people, those geniuses are smarter than us, and study harder than us!”

“At the end of September, they are going to climb the Kunlun Mountains to hone their will…”

“In October they have opera classes to cultivate aesthetics…”

“Learning so much, is this a group of supermen?”

Student groups generally feel deep despair. When a group of people with higher talents than you study harder than you, it will really drive people crazy.

The parents finally had the most ideal benchmark. They compared their children’s academic performance with Star University, and immediately concluded that the intensity of study and extracurricular activities were seriously insufficient.

As the old saying goes, stupid birds fly first, and if your IQ is not as high as others, if you don’t study hard, it’s okay.

“Look at Star University and look at my child, as a mother, I am so sad that I want to cry now!”

“We must not let children lose at the starting line! Star University has ten hours of classes every day, and our children have to study twelve hours!”

Overnight, Huaxia’s parents turned into education madmen, forcing their children to hang their heads from the beams and stab their buttocks.

And Luo Jia quickly became the most hated figure among the students in the world, and was viciously cursed by the young people.

Luo Jia didn’t care about this. Under the influence of Star University, a rare study frenzy in Chinese history was rapidly kicking off.

Under the influence of this wave, the homework and grades of Huaxia students have improved by leaps and bounds. In a few years, they will leave the world far behind and lay a solid foundation for the revival of the entire Chinese nation.

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