Technological Supremacy Chapter 235: Genius and East Asian Monster Camp

Early in the morning, Luo Jia and An Ran came to the temporary campus of Star University.

A welcome sign was hung outside the school gate, and there were many staff members who helped the new students register and assign them. They braved the scorching heat and waited under the awning.

Once there are parents dragging their luggage and bringing their children to the school, they will warmly welcome them, ask their classmates’ identity information, and then take them to the dormitory that has been allocated, put down their luggage, visit the living environment, and then Take a walk on campus, take a look at classrooms and cafeterias, and eat a campus buffet in the cafeteria.

Luo Jia walked on the campus, greeted everyone she met, and asked the young geniuses in detail about their impressions of the school, and if there was any room for improvement.

“Principal Luo, can we take a photo together?”

A pair of parents from Guangdong asked Luo Jia that their son, Zhou Tong, is a math prodigy with outstanding talents.

Luo Jia nodded in agreement, and they handed over the mobile phone to An Ran. Then the husband and wife stood beside Luo Jia for a group photo, and the young mother even made a V letter.

According to the personnel arrangement, Star University will implement a dual-principal system, that is to say, this gifted university has two principals at the same time, one is the former president of MIT and a world-renowned electrical expert Raphael, and the other is , of course it is Luo Jia.

It’s just that Luo Jia, the principal, is not specifically responsible for the management work. The specific teaching arrangements are still in the hands of Rafael.

An Ran returned the phone to the parents. Luo Jia is now a well-known figure in the world. Unexpectedly, he didn’t even have any airs. He was very approachable and approachable, which made the parents very happy.

“Are you satisfied with the school environment?” Luo Jia asked casually.

“Satisfied, so satisfied! I never thought that this is just a temporary campus, even with an indoor swimming pool, luxurious dormitories, bright classrooms, tennis courts that have caught up with high-end clubs, and the food in the cafeteria is so exquisite , no worse than a five-star hotel.” The young mother said excitedly.

Luo Jia nodded lightly. Star University has spent a lot of money. Even if it is only a temporary campus, the conditions have reached a very high level.

“When school starts, the cafeteria will not provide such exquisite food every day.” Luo Jia said.

“Why?” The young parents expressed doubts.

“Because the highest standard of Star University is science, our dietitian will prepare individual recipes for each student, and make nutritional combinations according to the students’ physical needs.” Luo Jia said with a smile, “Although ice cream Well, eating too much will also cause the problem of excessive sugar intake, the diet system of Star University is a scientific diet system, not a gourmet system.”

“Of course, there will be delicious food. Every weekend, we will let the students appetize. We even have food appreciation classes, but most of the time, science is the eternal law on campus, and in August Survival training will start on the 10th, and during the 15-day training process, students must be prepared to endure hardships, after all, our ancestors said it well, to endure hardships is the only way to become a master.”

“So that’s how it is!”

The young parents showed suddenly realized expressions, and said excitedly, “Principal Luo, the school is really considerate. You are right. If you want to become a man like the tough guys in the future, you can’t be pampered. Our family Zhou Tong will leave it to you in the future, if he is disobedient, you will beat him.”

Luo Jia can’t laugh or cry, it is illegal to beat a child, and with the determination and resources of Xingchen Technology, if you still rely on sticks to educate, it is really a failure.

The parents bid farewell to Luo Jia. They heard that swimming and diving are compulsory courses after school starts, so they plan to take Zhou Tong to the city to buy him a swimsuit and goggles. In addition, the military training is tough, and they need to prepare sunscreen for their children.

Luo Jia told them that there was no need to bother, the school had already prepared everything the students needed, and there were swimsuits in the huge school uniform box, but they didn’t check carefully.

Watching the parents leave, An Ran said with a smile, “It seems that many people still can’t understand our educational philosophy. The first lesson at the beginning of school is not so much military training, but survival training. I remember when I went to college I was only twelve years old when I was a child. From the meticulous care of my parents to the environment where I need to take care of myself, it really made me uncomfortable. Every morning, I picked out a pair of clean socks from a pile of smelly socks. Think about it. It’s really sloppy, if only I could take a survival lesson at that time.”

Luo Jia said lightly, “I have researched about the junior class of your University of Science and Technology of China. None of the students who gave up halfway because of IQ problems, all because of incompatibility in life. It is really a pity. So our Students must live independently, have independent personality, and learn to face the world bravely from an early age.”

A day passed quickly, and both Luo Jia and An Ran felt exhausted. They communicated with the staff, classmates, and parents of the students on campus, earnestly understanding even the smallest details.

Luo Jia has put in so much effort, it is actually selfish. After all, this is his own private university. Of course, he hopes that the talents cultivated at a huge cost can be used by him in the future.

Since ancient times, those who achieve great things need to gather people’s hearts and recruit students to expand their influence. It would be really great if this group of geniuses could follow Luo Jia after graduation and stay in Xingchen Technology up.

The two returned to the company, had dinner in the cafeteria, and then they had to work in their respective offices until the wee hours of the morning.

An Ran said, “Did you notice that most of the young students from abroad are of East Asian descent? There are 17 students from Brazil, including six Chinese, five Japanese, and one Korean. There are only five of their local geniuses.”

“In addition, we have recruited a lot of students in places like Neon, South Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam. Although they have a bad relationship with China at the government level, the people are very enthusiastic about signing up. It’s really strange. I thought the recruitment of neon and Korea was useless.”

Luo Jia wiped her mouth with a tissue, “Because the areas you mentioned just now happen to be within the range of the East Asian monster room.”

“I’m ashamed to say that this area of ​​East Asia has been the most powerful and most populous area on the earth since ancient times, and the ancestors of our Chinese people are especially good at playing cards. In fact, our opponents have changed crop after crop, and all civilizations are dead, only the Chinese civilization has survived to this day.”

“Being able to survive in such a dangerous and barbaric environment is very self-explanatory. It proves that Chinese civilization actually has monster attributes, and around us, all countries that have absorbed the connotation of Chinese civilization , was also injected with the monster’s gene.”

“When we mention South Korea and Neon, we always say that they are small countries. This kind of statement is very unscientific and unfair, because there is no real big country in this world except us and North America. Already.”

“Don’t talk about neon, just take South Korea as an example. If South Korea is thrown into Europe, what will happen?”

An Ran laughed, “Then Europe is interesting. South Korea has a population of more than 50 million and is the seventh largest industrial country in the world. If they teleport to Europe, they probably won’t be able to defeat Germany, but they will be able to compete with Germany.” France wrestled its wrists and beat Italy, Spain and other pseudo-powers.”

Luo Jia nodded, “That’s it, and you have to know that South Korea is not a complete country. Their brother North Korea can produce nuclear weapons without food, and its combat effectiveness is also leveraged.”

“As for Neon, if Neon is thrown into Europe, the proper European overlord, the largest European power, if Vietnam does not have our country to suppress it, with their combat effectiveness, I am afraid that Southeast Asia will have been unified long ago. “

“There is also Singapore, such a small city-type country, with 62 F16s, 40 F15s, and 100 F35s ordered. Let alone Southeast Asia, the total number of military aircraft in Singapore is only three less than Australia. Little monster, what could it be?”

“So you see, Huaxia is the biggest monster in East Asia, and those existences that surround us and absorb the genes of Huaxia monsters are all small monsters in the world. This is the origin of the East Asia monster room .”

“In terms of culture, since East Asian monster houses have inherited part of Chinese genes, everyone attaches great importance to education, and their living habits are very similar, and they all eat with chopsticks.”

“Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that East Asia, which has a similar culture, has a particularly high degree of acceptance of Star University, because parents in East Asian countries will feel that this This kind of education is very good, it is the kind they want, everyone doesn’t believe in happy education, and they all think that children should work hard when they study.”

“So when we enroll students in East Asia, although the government may not welcome them, it has caused a huge sensation among the people. East Asian countries that have accepted the infusion of Chinese civilization all think that our Star University is an ideal university. So actively sign up.”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, An Ran showed a sudden realization expression.

“So that’s it. I remembered that when I was studying in North America, my best friends were indeed descendants of East Asia. You met Hiraha Sakura. In addition, I also have a very good friend named Ruan Zhongling. We are Vietnamese, so we get along better when eating or chatting than Europeans and Americans.”

Luo Jia stood up and said with a smile, “This is the power of cultural convergence. Although we have had many wars with East Asian countries in history, and we are not in harmony with each other, if we look at it from the perspective of stars and seas , these little monsters in East Asia are indeed more suitable to be younger brothers than Europe and the United States, of course, that should be a long time later.”

“It’s getting late, I’m going back to read, how about you?”

“It’s time for me to go to the research’ve been in school all day today, I’m going back to see everyone’s progress report.”

The two of them left the restaurant and walked to their respective offices.

In the hot summer, the earth is like a steamer. Even after nightfall, there is not much cooling feeling, and the heat is boring.

However, Luo Jia’s mood is unprecedentedly excited, because Shen Lang is coming tomorrow.

Gu Beiyin, Chen Qingyue, Bai Yutian, Li Jiechang, Zhu Xinhong, Liao Dong, Zheng Qiukai, Du Zhilin, Ge Quan, Yinghui, Wang Junheng, Zhang Qidou, a total of thirteen people will come to Star University with him.

History is about to turn a magnificent page. In the first phase of Star University, a total of 1,562 geniuses and thirteen super geniuses were recruited.

Especially the thirteen super geniuses headed by Shen Lang, who are about to erect an immortal monument in human history with their outstanding wisdom and abilities.

It is said in history that the Thirteen Stars are the Taibao.

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