Technological Supremacy Chapter 215: Grab your money! Grab food! Grab the site!

Luo Jia’s words caused an uproar at the scene. It is not elegant at all to grab such a word. It seems that it should not be said from the mouth of a scientific and technological worker like Luo Jia. It is a bit barbaric and does not fit Luo Jia’s high-end personality .

Looking around, Luo Jia smiled, “You are all sensible people. In front of you, I will not pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. The word “grab” is actually not new to us Chinese people.”

“From being poor and blank decades ago, to now, we have robbed a lot from all over the world, from the earliest clothing, shoes and hats, to the mid-term electromechanical products, and now to high-tech products such as mobile phones and computers, which one? Didn’t we **** it back from the powers?”

“It’s just that everyone is a civilized person, saying that this is normal market competition, but I think there is no difference. If we rob the things of the great powers, we will rob them. There is no need to be embarrassed. Back then, the Eight-Power Allied Forces They were much more considerate than us when they burned the Old Summer Palace.”

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter. One of the characteristics of Luo Jia’s speech is that it is simple and funny. He doesn’t know any official words or polite words, and based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, he narrates the truth in a funny language. I always feel very comfortable listening to him talk about something.

Even boring skills, listening to Luo Jia, will not make people drowsy, but often make people laugh. This kind of speech ability is one of Luo Jia’s characteristics.

Luo Jia said with a smile, “Come back to business, grabbing money, food, and land is not a problem, the problem is how to grab it?”

“As you may know, last year we established a ship design department and produced a semi-submersible comprehensive installation engineering ship. After finishing the ship installation project, our ship design department was not idle. They built another Something new, a very interesting thing.”

Luo Jia pressed the laptop, and then the screen on the big screen changed, and a design prototype of a 10,000-ton giant ship appeared.

This ship was just unveiled, and the scene was full of exclamations, because it was very special, and it was dragging something similar to a power generation array at the rear of the familiar hull.

Luo Jia took out the retractable teaching stick, unfolded it, and pointed to the rear of the freighter.

“This thing may look familiar to you, yes, it is our Karman vortex street power generation array.”

“The Karman vortex street power generation array needs to operate on an offshore platform, and isn’t a big guy like a 10,000-ton ship a natural offshore platform?”

“So we designed this self-generating ultra-long-range freighter. Simply put, this kind of ship can generate electricity while sailing. Its cruising range is unlimited. It can depart from any port along the coast of our country. Non-stop voyage around the world.”

“Please note that the power generation array at the rear of the freighter can be stowed at any time, and I will show you a dynamic simulation of the operation of the array below.”

Luo Jia pressed the play button, and a demonstration animation began to play immediately. Everyone stared at the screen intently. The national team bosses from all over the country also saw this game developed by Xingchen Technology through live cameras. brand new ships.

Under the control of the motor, the power generation array at the rear slowly rises, and finally leaves the water, returns to the top of the ship, and becomes a part of the entire freighter.

Elevation measures are very important for ships to enter and leave the port. The giant ship is huge and difficult to turn around. It is not too bulky to drag a set of power generation arrays. It will cause huge troubles for ships to berth in the port.

However, this power generation array can be moved and raised and lowered. When it is necessary to replenish power, the array will be deployed, and when it encounters port operations or particularly huge wind and waves, the array will be put away, so that the ship has Considerable strength of flexibility.

There are a lot of bigwigs and experts watching the scene through the video. Many of them came here with the mentality of finding fault. After all, the new energy project threatens the iron rice bowl of many people.

Don’t the national team understand the significance of the super power generation array?

Of course they do.

But why didn’t this major scientific and technological invention be fully promoted immediately?

Because the interests are complicated, there are really too many people and forces involved, and the national team cannot completely unify their opinions. There are many people who support Xingchen Technology, and there are also many people who oppose Xingchen Technology.

However, when Luo Jia introduced the company’s latest electric ship, those who opposed Xingchen Technology suddenly found that it was really too difficult to oppose such a super technology company. Luo Jia won’t talk to you about anything else , he will show you shocking technologies and draw you a huge blueprint for the future.

You can oppose Star Technology, but how can you oppose the future?


The screen flickered again, and the technical parameters of the electric ship appeared.

After installing the battery and electronic control system also developed by Xingchen Technology, the ship’s own battery life can reach three days. This is a very powerful indicator and solves the problem of short-distance shipping.

In the long-distance shipping, due to the addition of the liftable power generation array, the endurance of the ship has reached a theoretical unlimited endurance.

The reason why it is theoretically unlimited battery life is because there are extremely special circumstances to be considered, such as a continuous month of hurricanes, the power generation array cannot be put into the sea for operation, or a meteorite hits the earth, causing a large-scale tsunami, etc. .

The screen changed suddenly, and the distribution of forces in the global shipbuilding and shipping industries appeared on the screen.

Luo Jia started the industry analysis he is good at. It is not difficult to see from the charts he made that the current global shipbuilding industry has entered the era of the three powerhouses, China, South Korea, Neon, and East Asia. More than 90% of the world’s large civil ships!

East Asian nations are indeed the most industrious and intelligent beings on the planet. The top three in China, Japan and South Korea have formed a global monopoly in the shipbuilding industry. The traditional shipbuilding industry powerhouses, North America, Italy, Germany, Britain, and Greece, can’t even be found in the north. arrive!

And our country’s shipbuilding industry has surpassed Neon and is approaching South Korea. Such a brutal development trend makes everyone present feel very proud.

But Luo Jia’s next words directly made everyone’s mood drop to the bottom.

Luo Jia said lightly: “From the chart, our country’s shipbuilding industry is still very good, but I don’t know if everyone has noticed a serious problem.”

“In 2018, there were 65 orders for LNG ships in the world. What is an LNG ship?”

“To put it simply, it is one of the largest and most technologically advanced super ships in the world. It is specially used to transport liquefied natural gas. Each LNG ship can transport up to 170,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas. More than two hundred million U.S. dollars.”

“LNG is one of the most technologically advanced civil ships. Whoever can get an order for this kind of ship means that their shipbuilding industry is very good.”

“So, who got the order for the sixty-five ships in 2018?”

“All of them were taken by South Korean companies. Daewoo, Samsung, and Hyundai shared all the LNG ship orders in 2018! They completely crushed our country and the neon shipbuilding industry, and achieved a historic victory!”

After listening to Luo Jia’s words, everyone at the scene looked very unhappy. In 2018, they were beaten to nothing. In terms of high-performance and high-cost super ships, Huaxia Shipbuilding was defeated and achieved a historic fiasco.

So why does the data of my country’s shipbuilding industry look good?

Because the big ships were taken away by South Korea, we took some small boats with relatively low technical content, so from the data, we can’t see too many problems, but the real status quo can be used to see these four. word description.

Luo Jia paused, and then said: “Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.”

“I don’t know if you know about container ships. In the field of container ships, the most powerful product is 14000TEU.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means a giant ship that can hold 14,000 containers. This thing is an absolute sea giant, with high technical content and higher cost. All shipbuilding companies in the world, whoever can build this Fuck, whoever is absolutely awesome.”

“In 2018, there were thirty-five orders for 14,000 TEU ships in the world, and these orders were all won by Korean companies, Samsung, Hyundai, and Daewoo, and they were the three of them.”

At this moment, no one can laugh anymore. From the perspective of Luo Jia, who is good at data analysis, what is the future of my country’s shipbuilding industry in 2018? It’s so bad, I lost to my grandma’s house!

In the past, although our country did not build many of these two types of super large ships, we could always grab some orders. However, the annihilation of the entire army in 2018 has sounded the alarm for the shipbuilding industry, and the Koreans are rising The counterattack started a new round of war to dominate the global shipbuilding industry.

Who is a real shipbuilding power depends on the big ships in the end. This is like a navy. A navy without an aircraft carrier makes people laugh when they say they are a naval power.

Luo Jia shrugged his shoulders, “From this matter, it is not difficult to see that international competition is just an elegant term, and its essence is to grab money, food, and territory.”

“Now South Korea has robbed our shipbuilding industry, and there is nothing left, so all we can do is to give it back to him!”

“As I have repeatedly emphasized before, in addition to competing in a straight line, we must also learn to overtake on curves.”

“What is overtaking on a curve?”

“Take our electric giant ship as an example. Although our construction cost is high, the operating cost is less than one-twentieth of that of traditional ships! The speed is at least twice that of traditional ships! Ships like this Once it is put into the market, there is no rival on this earth!”

“Mr. He asked me just now, tens of millions of workers are about to be laid off, how should I arrange them?”

“My answer is very simple, if there is no job, then grab it!”

“Oil fuel ships can’t compete with South Korea, so let’s take electric ships!”

“And everyone should understand another fact, in addition to shipbuilding, there is also shipping.”

“Once there is a big killer like an electric ship, we can not only rob the global shipbuilding industry, but also the ocean shipping industry! Eat clean!”

“When we control global shipbuilding and shipping, won’t the laid-off workers in the power sector have new jobs?”

“So, we can’t just look at the past, but also aim at the future. As long as the economic scale continues to expand, there will be more and more jobs. Jobs in the power industry will decrease, and jobs in other fields will increase.”

At this point in the meeting, everyone was stunned by the blueprint for the future drawn by Luo Jia.

Dominate the global shipbuilding and shipping industries? It is equivalent to controlling the blood of the global material flow, which not only has economic benefits, but also has huge strategic significance.

In the future, the products made by Neon will need to be shipped to the world for sale. Who can I ask for the shipment?

Of course, look for the Huaxia shipping company with the lowest freight rate and the fastest speed.

Luo Jia glanced at the he couldn’t see the faces of bigwigs from all over the country, but thinking about it, it should be similar to everyone present.

Drawing blueprints is Luo Jia’s main job in Xingchen Technology, so when he starts to draw the blueprints for the future, the shocking force is still very strong, and it is also his specialty.

Paused for a while, Luo Jia said again, “Do you think this is the end?”

“No, what I’m going to say next is a million times more important than shipping and shipbuilding!”

“The Karman vortex street power generation array has incredible military significance!”

“Excuse me, do you know about electromagnetic guns?”

Damn it!

This is really a word that awakens the dreamer.

When Luo Jia mentioned the three words electromagnetic gun, the scene immediately exploded!

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