Technological Supremacy Chapter 195: The genius storm swept the world!

? As if a ray of sunlight shone into his heart, Luo Jia immediately fully understood that the golden dome is an incredible cosmic civilization, which is far beyond the comprehension of earthlings, so their criteria for judging geniuses must also be extraordinary.

Taking Shen Lang as an example, he has a far superior understanding and cognition of space and dimensions!

This point also coincides with the continuous evolution of military civilization.

If you are familiar with history, you will find that those famous generals in ancient times were usually good at feints, outflanking, and quick assaults.

In the era of Napoleon, the French military **** was best at washing the ground with cannons first, and then one of the three ranks marched in a horizontal formation, and the two sides advanced in a column formation. After receiving the enemy’s fire, the cavalry launched an assault , This is the famous Napoleon column tactic.

As for modern warfare, it is already the trinity of sea, land and air, and the era of all-dimensional three-dimensional layout. It is possible to add spy satellites for reconnaissance, and even attack directly from space.

It can be seen that with the improvement of the level of civilization, the requirements for the sense of space and orientation of military geniuses are getting higher and higher. In today’s complex battlefield environment, I’m afraid the fate will be more miserable.

Luo Jia rubbed his chin and stood up. He was very happy, because he suddenly thought that Shen Lang, a genius with scientific background and the ability to find fighters in a vast space, might not only be limited to military field.

Business wars are equally cruel, and require a lot of planning ahead, as well as rigorous judgments about the future and market changes. Maybe a genius like Shen Lang can help companies fight business wars.

“It’s really clean.”

Luo Jia was thinking about Shen Lang’s question when Xu Chunbiao suddenly muttered next to Luo Jia.

Luo Jia was stunned, followed Xu Chunbiao’s line of sight, and was immediately taken aback.

In the corner where Shen Lang had eaten, the clean chicken bones and ribs were placed neatly on the plate, the used napkins were neatly folded and pressed under the plate, and the two chopsticks were also placed neatly. There was no water stain on the drinking glass, obviously Shen Lang wiped it clean before leaving.

The place where the other seven teenagers ate was somewhat messy, drinks were spilled on the table, chopsticks were thrown randomly, but here in Shen Lang, everything was clean and orderly, a bit like an army. style.

Seeing this scene, Luo Jia couldn’t help but gasp, you know, Shen Lang is only eleven years old this year.

His strict self-discipline has reached the level of obsessive-compulsive disorder!


As the investigation continued in the afternoon, the huge mystery surrounding Shen Lang gradually became clear.

After the lunch break, the children were chatting in the garden behind the hotel. Although Shen Lang was the youngest, all the children seemed to trust him very much, and surrounded him involuntarily.

Shen Lang doesn’t talk much, which is normal. I haven’t heard of any famous general who is talkative.

Although Shen Lang doesn’t talk much, as long as he speaks, every word has weight.

Children with high talents often have a bit of arrogance on their bodies. Because of their different views, the two children pouted their mouths in anger. The topic Shen Lang designated for them.

To put it simply, Shen Lang easily controlled the situation. You must know that the other seven teenagers are all geniuses with high IQs. It is definitely not an easy task to convince these geniuses to surround themselves matter.

Besides, Shen Lang is very sensitive. While chatting with his parents, Luo Jia observed Shen Lang’s every move. Whenever he turned his head to look at Shen Lang, he would always make eye contact with Shen Lang.

He definitely did it on purpose. Shen Lang must have understood that Luo Jia was paying attention to him. He seemed a little puzzled, but he didn’t show obvious displeasure. He hid everything he saw in his heart and didn’t say it out. From his young age, he has a deep city.

“Our family, Shen Lang, has been the class monitor since kindergarten.”

Shen Lang’s mother told Luo Jia very proudly, while Shen Lang’s father puffed up his chest, thinking that his son had inherited his excellent genes. .

Shen Lang’s family conditions are quite good, he has no worries about food and clothing, and his mother is a little doting on him. As the old saying goes, a loving mother often loses children, but this is obviously not the case for Shen Lang. Environmental nuanced insight.

Luo Jia is really happy, because the facts have proved that Shen Lang is a rare genius.

At the beginning, Luo Jia thought things a little bit wrongly, thinking of those famous generals in history, but with the progress of the times, future military geniuses must be highly intelligent, well-educated, strict and self-disciplined, and at the same time amazing sensitivity and judgment.

Eleven-year-old Shen Lang has all the necessary qualities of a future general. These qualities alone may not be shocking to the world. What is truly shocking is that all the qualities are concentrated in one person at the same time, which is really rare. up.

That night, Luo Jia held a banquet again to entertain parents, teachers, and classmates, and made an agreement with them that this summer, Shanghai will get together again.

After finishing these things, Luo Jia returned to the company contentedly.

He now has 100% confidence in the talent screening mechanism of the Golden Vault,

As the selection progressed, more and more young geniuses lurking in middle schools and even elementary schools gradually surfaced and became known to the world, triggering a violent storm of geniuses around the world!

The cause of this storm is very simple, because of the media attention.

Whenever a teenager is selected for Star University, those newspapers and websites will eagerly interview him.

As the in-depth interviews were published, everyone was surprised to find that these teenagers are so powerful!

They are all smart and talented. When facing the camera lens, they may be a little nervous, but in general, their high IQ makes them look far more mature than their peers, polite and decent. freely.

The average age is only twelve or thirteen years old, but their reading volume has already surpassed that of many college students. They cover a wide range of topics and study deeply on issues that interest them. Take the words of the teenagers, because the reporter is a little old, but his knowledge is not their opponent.

This kind of strong contrast makes the audience watching the video feel strong and comfortable. People like to watch the reporter stunned in front of the little genius, which feels very dramatic.

“Look at this reporter, his face is so ugly.”

“Then who can be blamed, he himself wanted to talk about inorganic chemistry, and it turned out that he was no match for the little classmates.”

“As expected of a genius who can enter Star University, if it wasn’t for Star Technology, we would never know that there are so many extremely gifted children around us.”

“They are amazing! They are the future pillars of the nation!”

“Hey, it’s really more popular than others. In the same nine years, how beautiful are you!?”

Suddenly, public opinion boiled over. Watching these videos and articles interviewing young geniuses every day has become an important leisure activity for Chinese people after dinner. Everyone hopes that these young geniuses can grow up quickly and become the pillars of the nation.

The students who couldn’t be selected into Star University, and their parents, felt a little depressed. They felt that their own children didn’t lack arms or legs, so why couldn’t they compare with other people’s children?

After much deliberation, they were not reconciled, so some parents began to attack the talent helmet of Xingchen Technology on the Internet, which is a pseudoscience.

Luo Jia turned a deaf ear to these complaints, because as a typical man of science and engineering, Luo Jia uprightly insisted that everything must be realistic.

Throughout the ages, the human group has always been led and promoted by a small number of elites, and most people just follow the times. More people do not necessarily mean greater power, or more people make chaos.

If there were no great scientists in history, there would be no modern life today.

Those who make computers are worthy of admiration, but those who invent computers can be called truly great.


In late March, when the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, several electric commercial vehicles produced by Geely Company took Luo Jia and company executives to the beach.

Today is an important day. Star Technology’s Karman Vortex Street power generation experiment will lay the first fixed pile in the East China Sea.

An Ran watched the news on her mobile phone, then said with a smile, “Now those foreigners treat us with envy, envy and hatred, and they are going crazy.”

Hong Tao didn’t eat breakfast, he was eating a deep-fried dough stick in the car, he raised his head, and asked puzzledly: “Our power generation experiment hasn’t started yet, are they in a hurry?”

“It’s not a power generation experiment, but Star University.” An Ran said, “Foreigners are not fools. Our technology can discover talents in time and cultivate them. They know how important this kind of thing is to the future. Translate a few messages for you, and you will understand their current mood.”

Everyone smiled, then pricked up their ears to listen.

“Look at those young geniuses in Huaxia, and look at my son, I really want to kill him with a gun, **** it, I found him secretly smoking marijuana in the toilet yesterday!”

“It’s so sad, why don’t we have a talent screening mechanism?”

“My son is very smart, but his classmates laugh at him as an idiot. I don’t want him to stay in the public school anymore. He should receive a better education. Otherwise, I’m afraid he will follow the school. The **** are going to block the road!”

“The story in The Big Bang Theory is repeated in reality. Huaxia’s geniuses are specially cultivated, but our geniuses are ridiculed as nerds!”

“We will be finished if this continues! Although North America is the strongest country in the world, it may not be certain in the future.”

“As a university professor, I have to admit that Huaxia’s genius training program this time has left us far In the future, Harvard and Yale may not be the place where geniuses all over the world go. I am looking forward to the school.”

“I want to know, how can I go to Star University to study? Will they recruit students in North America?”

An Ran casually read a few messages in the North American forums, then shrugged her shoulders, “It’s probably like this, it doesn’t matter which country you put in such things as looking forward to a child’s success.”

“And educators are actually the most aware that there is a huge gap between students and students, but because of the political correctness in North America, they dare not speak out.”

“Now our advanced education has clearly panicked North American elite schools. The issue they were discussing before was restricting Chinese students from studying in North America. Now, they are more worried that outstanding students will give up North America. Come to our Huaxia.”

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