Technological Supremacy Chapter 141: The plan to reproduce human civilization will be launched soon

? Unlike the main motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, the best-selling product in China is currently the light electric bicycle.

From ladies underbone, to vintage beam, to road bikes, off-road bikes, station wagons.

After all these bicycles are equipped with electric systems, they become a kind of transportation that can rely on electric power and can also be ridden lightly.

Compared with the battery cars in the past, electric bicycles are lighter. Although the speed and horsepower are reduced, they are very safe to ride. They take up less space when parked on the side of the road. They are cheap and have wireless charging functions.

Phoenix, Feige, Forever, Fujitec, these domestic bicycle manufacturers have finally turned around now.

Relying on the help of Xingchen Technology, their products sell well all over the country, overwhelming Giant and Merida.

In the foreseeable future, it is only a matter of time before the Wanwan brand will completely withdraw from the mainland.

Luo Jia does not discriminate against the Wanwan Province. When they really come back one day, Luo Jia will take care of them like taking care of mainland manufacturers, but before that, let’s wait.

As for the main battlefield of domestic electric motorcycles, it is in vast towns.

Traffic police departments set up temporary offices in various villages and towns to help villagers who bought electric motorcycles get their licenses and organize them to learn safety regulations.

All in all, this time the national team really spent their money, not only to promote the all-electric plan, but also to regulate the traffic order and move towards a more civilized big country.

Luo Jia and the members of the tough guy group are still very busy, both in the software and hardware department, they have heavy scientific research tasks.

At the same time, they also need to assist their partners to upgrade their technologies, assist relevant departments, and develop supporting transportation solutions.

But everyone didn’t complain because of their hard work. They were very proud. Who didn’t have the dream of changing the world when they were young, and who could not be proud of seeing their scientific research achievements gradually become a part of people’s daily life? .

At the beginning of July, a small event happened to Xingchen Technology.

The Star Battleship, a residential complex invested and built by the company, has officially been handed over.

The location of Baoshan District is relatively remote. The first phase of the futuristic Star Warship project has straight and sharp lines like a space elevator, large-scale greening at no cost, and advanced security management system. After completion, it will immediately become Baoshan District. , and even the benchmark building in Shanghai.

As for the supporting facilities, the local area has already considered it.

Kindergarten, primary school, middle school, supermarket, everything is available, and there are buses leading to the city in terms of transportation. In another year, the subway will also lead here.

When the Xingchen Battleship Community was handed over, it brought a full set of decoration and furniture, so soon, the company’s first batch of more than 600 employees with families moved in.

Then, there is no after.

Currently, there are more than 4,000 people in Xingchen Technology, of which only 600 are married, and the rest are all singles.

The house has been prepared for them. If anyone intends to get married, the registration is completed. With the marriage certificate, they can go directly to the administration department to claim the house.

The smallest house also has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. If you have a leadership position in Star Technology or have made special contributions, you can also apply for a three-bedroom or four-bedroom house.

As for the price, Luo Jia did not publicize it to the outside world, because compared to the current housing prices in Shanghai, the Star Warship is unbelievably cheap.

As we all know, the construction cost of a house is actually very low, and the bulk is the land price and taxes.

Xingchen Technology is a super key enterprise in Baoshan District. The land acquisition is completely at the price of cabbage, plus tax and fee reductions. The cost is not the same as the commercial housing on the market.

And if you can’t afford enough money at one time, the company can also lend it to you, which will be deducted slowly from your salary in the future.

It didn’t take long for the shrewd mothers-in-law in Shanghai to quickly sense opportunities from these things.

Star Technology’s salary level is top-notch in China, and it also provides cheap houses.

The most tough guys in China’s scientific and technological circles have a reputation. A falling brick can hit three doctors. This group is definitely the most competitive existence in the marriage market.

In the beginning, it was just the canteen aunts who worked in Xingchen Technology. They had nothing to do in their free time, and they helped the steel straight men introduce their partners, and recommended girls who could not get married in the families of seven aunts and eight aunts to them.

Who knows that in Shanghai, there has always been a tradition of blind dates on behalf of parents, and the blind date corner in People’s Park is famous all over the country.

Parents who are worried about their children put up their children’s resumes and photos, like selling Chinese cabbage, selling their children and looking for a well-matched in-law.

Gradually, such a group of people began to gather in the small park diagonally opposite Star Technology.

They hung up the photos of their daughters and yelled like selling vegetables, hoping that all the straight men in the tough guy group would come and take a look.

With the completion of the star battleship, the number of parents who sell their girls in the small park suddenly increased dramatically.

After all, in Shanghai, housing prices are so expensive. Men with houses and men without houses belong to two completely different classes.

Although the location of Xingchen Technology is remote, you can walk to Taicang, Suzhou in two steps, but the prospect is really good. Supporting schools have been completed one after another, and bus lines have been opened one after another.

The subway will even be connected next year. Line 7 and Line 1 are both extending towards the headquarters of Xingchen Technology. Once the subway is completed, the land price here will inevitably soar several times.

The shrewd mother-in-law in Shanghai can’t let go of such a good opportunity.

They are not afraid of the hot weather, and they don’t complain about the long distance. They ran across most of Shanghai to the gate of Xingchen Technology, hung up photos of their daughters, and solicited business like selling goods.

The security office did not allow them to enter the company, so they made large photos and hung them along the road.

The police came to take care of it a few times, but there was nothing they could do about it. When the police came, they closed the stalls. When the police left, they closed the stalls again.

After Luo Jia heard about it, he ran to see it, and was immediately chased and intercepted by the uncles and aunts, so he didn’t escape.

Furthermore, the quality of those girls who are sold to straight men of steel is, to be honest, very worrying.

The reason is very simple, boys are not blind, if they really want to be so good, how can they be left behind, reduced to the point where they are sold by their parents all over the world.

There are probably several situations.

I smoke, I drink, I have tattoos, I’m promiscuous, but I’m a good girl, now I’ve had enough fun, I’m old, and I want to find an honest guy to take over.

I don’t drink or have promiscuous sex, but I just want to find a domineering CEO, at least an executive from a foreign company, with an annual salary of one million, Doctor 211, no matter what I look like, he will love me and love me, pamper me.

These two categories are the easiest to leave.

As for those girls who really blush when they talk to boys because they are too busy at work and don’t have time to fall in love, or they are introverted.

Luo Jia agrees with this kind of girl, but the first two want to hook up with the steel straight man under him, it is impossible, there is no way!

Luo Jia managed to escape from the small park, and immediately called Guo Guangmao and Tang Jie from Xingchen Search. He couldn’t wait any longer, and immediately started the civilization reproduction plan.

Yes, the Civilization Reproduction Project.

Just by listening to the name, one can tell how much Luo Jia attaches great importance to this plan. In Luo Jia’s opinion, these steel straight men under him not only need to get married and have children, but also have special children.

The reason why this plan was not launched before was because the company was so busy that it was hard to breathe.

The second reason is that once it is launched, it may cause huge disturbances.

According to the company’s structural adjustment, Sky Eye has been assigned to a subsidiary, Xingchen Search.

The Eye of the Sky actually has two functions. The obvious function is entertainment rankings, but on those secret servers, the real killer feature of the Eye of the Sky is hidden, big data screening.

Through big data screening, Luo Jia will pick out the really high-quality girls and match them with the straight men of the tough guy group.

This project has great scientific significance. Good girls no longer have to be afraid of finding scumbags, and high-quality men no longer have to worry about their girlfriends being green tea whores.

Scientific screening algorithms will solve the most important problems in the process of human reproduction and avoid many social tragedies.

It’s just that if the civilized reproduction plan is really promoted, it will inevitably involve serious privacy issues. Luo Jia must handle it very carefully to avoid becoming a target of public criticism.

After receiving Luo Jia’s order, Tang Jie fully agreed.

Star Search has experienced continuous fierce battles with Google, and now it has stabilized. It is no longer as busy as it was before, and has the ability to free up its hands to get this matter done.

He and Luo Jia agreed that the dating site will be officially launched on August 1st, and then wait until the day of the seventh day of the Chinese lunar calendar to conduct a big network-wide promotion.

After arranging this matter, Luo Jia held the company’s general meeting with great fanfare, and even the team not in the company had to participate in the video.

At the meeting, Luo Jia officially announced that starting from next month, Xingchen Dating will be online. During this time, please be patient and don’t go to the small park opposite.

“Mr. Luo, the company not only wants to divide the house, but also the rhythm of the girlfriend?”

“Blind dates always feel a little weird. When I go home during the Chinese New Year, my mother still has to introduce me to someone. It’s so annoying. She doesn’t know what kind of girl I like.”

“Let’s forget it, it’s such a time, and we still engage in blind dates.”

After listening to everyone’s feedback, Luo Jia smiled, “Actually, like you, I don’t like blind dates, but we must understand that the world is very big, and everyone’s social network is limited. .”

“The project of making friends with stars will not only benefit you and expand your social scope, but also help everyone in the world find their own other half.”

“Don’t rush to refuse Give others a chance, but also give yourself a chance. Whether science can help us solve social problems, let time test it.”

“In the past, the world was really unfriendly to honest people, and what we have to do is to use algorithms to make scumbags and green tea whores pay the price they should pay, and classify the unmarried group. .”

“Scumbags and green tea whores will be ruthlessly eliminated, and the world should become a little better. As for whether lovers will get married in the end, I can’t guarantee it, but I believe that a scientific algorithm can Let those outstanding boys and girls get the social status they deserve.”

The straight men of steel nodded one after another. Since it is a project strongly promoted by the company, it is not impossible to try it.

According to past experience, the algorithms of matchmaking and dating websites in the past were really bad, and they couldn’t really meet people’s needs. Maybe it’s time for a change.

A few days after the meeting, the time finally came to July 16th, the day when electric vehicles and intelligent personal vehicles will be officially unveiled.

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