Technological Supremacy Chapter 95: Self-driving tour

With the completion of the research and development of the operating system project, the software army finally started the long-awaited vacation trip.

Following in the footsteps of the Hardware Legion, they also went to Akihabara, where they would stay for three full days, buying anime and figurines.

Then, the Software Corps will go to Mount Fuji to take a look, live in the hot spring villa at the foot of the mountain, soak in the hot spring comfortably for a few days, relieve the tension and fatigue of the past few months, and then go back home.

In fact, the software army doesn’t want to go on vacation, they want to stay in the company and conduct in-depth testing of the system.

It was Luo Jia who convinced them that human beings are not machines, and they can only work without rest. In many cases, inspiration is idle.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, Luo Jia took his parents on a self-driving tour from Shanghai to West Lake.

When my parents got married, they traveled to the West Lake and burned incense in a small temple called Faxi Temple to make a wish. As a result, Luo Jia was born the next year.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years later, my mother suddenly remembered this incident, and she wanted to go to Faxi Temple to fulfill her vows again. Thanks to the blessing of the Buddha, Luo Jia grew up smoothly, and now she is quite promising.

When Luo Jia heard her mother say this, she made a joke.

Mother was talking about Faxi Temple, but what Luo Jia heard was “Fasis”, thinking how he had repaid the SS debt, what was the meaning of making a wish to Nacui before his parents gave birth to him?

Later, when his mother explained, Luo Jia suddenly realized.

It happened that Jiang Lei called and wanted to get together during the New Year, so Luo Jia took them to go together. Jiang Lei called and discussed with Lu Qiu. After Lu Qiu agreed, he happily went.

There are two cars, Luo Jia owns a Tesla, and his father’s Q7 is given to Lu Qiu to drive.

Poor classmate Jiang Lei couldn’t ride a horse better than Lu Qiu, and he didn’t have a driver’s license to drive, so he was laughed at by Lu Qiu, a big girl from Inner Mongolia.

Jiang Lei swears that he must pass the driver’s license test this summer.

Gao Feng, Nie Xiaodou, Wang Tianwen, they all went home during the holidays, so there were not many people, and the two cars were full enough.

Luo Jia was carrying his parents, and Lu Qiu was carrying his classmates. When they left the city, they encountered a traffic jam, and it took them some time to arrive at West Lake.

The hotel is located in the four seasons on the west bank, an antique building, built along the lake, not far from the Yanggong embankment.

Although it is far away from the bustling urban area, it has an elegant environment, and the surroundings are quiet after nightfall, making it a paradise-like place.

Four rooms were booked in total, one for parents, one for Jiang Lei and Lu Qiu shamelessly, one for girls Su Ping and Jiang Weilan, and one for Luo Jia herself.

After a long journey, they took a short walk along the shore of the lake after dinner.

It was cold, and the wind was very uncomfortable, so I went back to my room early to sleep. Luo Jia was thinking and making plans as usual, and went to bed until late.

The next day, Luo Jia took his parents to fulfill his wish. Lu Qiu and the others were young people who didn’t like to visit temples, so they split into two groups and acted separately.

Because it was the New Year, even a small temple like Faxi Temple was still full of people, let alone a big temple like Lingyin Temple, it was impossible to squeeze in.

Parents burn incense, Luo Jia waits in the car.

It was already noon before his parents came out of the temple. Luo Jia drove to Meijiawu, had a vegetarian meal in the teahouses on both sides of the road, and drank a pot of Longjing tea that was said to be authentic Ming Dynasty.

The dishes only ordered green beans, mushrooms, lettuce, and kelp. The soup was the usual green vegetable tofu soup, plus a pot of tea, which cost more than 600 yuan. The fat sheep was slaughtered.

Luo Jia paid the money and left without saying anything.

In recent years, more and more people are traveling abroad, largely due to the irregularity of the domestic tourism industry. Although the phenomenon of ripping off customers occurs all over the world, it is rarely as serious as our country. It is no wonder that consumers Vote with your feet.

After visiting Meijiawu, Luo Jia drove back.

Instead of going the same way, he took a detour to the Qiantang River, and accidentally found a place called Baguatian, which was quite interesting.

The fields are arranged according to the Eight Diagrams, nine palaces and eight grids, and eight different crops are planted.

Only after reading the introduction of the stele did Luo Jia know that this field was opened up in the Southern Song Dynasty. After the emperor lost Bianliang, he fled to the West Lake, where he still ate, drank and played.

The emperor was afraid that things would change over time, so he reclaimed this field under Yuhuang Mountain, cultivated it himself, and told the people all over the world that he also worked hard like them in farming. The people were satisfied when they saw this.

After reading the inscription, Luo Jia couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

As expected, agriculture has been China’s top priority since ancient times, and now the amount of soybeans imported each year has reached as much as 100 million tons.

Since the start of the trade war, imports of soybeans have been insufficient and the farming industry has been heavily burdened. If things go on like this, prices may rise.

As for seeds, pesticides, and machinery, they are even monopolized by international giants.

Not long ago, Sinochem Group spent a huge sum of 43 billion U.S. dollars to acquire Syngenta, a major Swiss pesticide manufacturer. Finally, there has been some improvement in the pesticide field.

Before this acquisition, six international giants, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow, BASF, Monsanto, and DuPont, monopolized 80% of the global pesticide market.

However, Sinochem’s acquisition of Syngenta only broke the monopoly of pesticides. When it comes to seeds and agricultural machinery, it is still dominated by the big powers.

Moreover, Sinochem’s strong entry has also aroused a strong chain reaction of international giants.

Not long after Sinochem acquired Syngenta, Dow and DuPont merged, and Bayer acquired Monsanto, forming a new and more powerful international monopoly group, pushing the competition among giants to an unprecedented level.

It is really too difficult to shake these super giant companies after the merger.

Luo Jia shook his head. Food is the most important thing for the people. If the safety of agriculture cannot be guaranteed, it is really unreasonable. In the future, this field will definitely be involved, but it is definitely not now.

Star Technology, which was established less than a year ago, is about to face off against the global technological overlord Google.

Not long ago, the photoresist price war launched by the seventeen international giants caused Luo Jia to stumble. Entrepreneurship is like climbing a mountain. just work.

Luo Jia’s parents didn’t understand why he was so emotional when he saw an ancient field. They thought he had caught a cold in the cold and urged him to return to the hotel.

Not long after going back, Jiang Lei and the others also came back.

When Luo Jia asked, it turned out that they not only visited the major attractions, but also went to the headquarters of Alibaba and took a group photo in front of the Alipay building.

As far as influence is concerned, Ma Yun is worthy of being a global entrepreneurial idol, and Luo Jia also highly respects him.

After dinner, the parents went back to rest early, and the young people were full of energy. Luo Jia took them to the bar for a Lu Qiu has been acting with his tail between his tails in front of Luo Jia’s parents for the past two days. With wine, the Inner Mongolia girl completely let go.

Everyone drank tequila first, and the rim of the bullet cup was covered with green salt. They licked it with their tongues, and then took a mouthful. The burning feeling burned the internal organs.

After three glasses of tequila, Luo Jia couldn’t bear it anymore, so he switched to beer.

Lu Qiu continued to drag Jiang Lei to drink heavily. After drinking the tequila, the two of them bet again that they would try all the cocktails here, while Su Ping and Jiang Weilan only drank one cocktail and refused to drink any more. Drink too much.

“Go ahead, I’m going back to sleep.” Luo Jia stood up unsteadily and said.

“Well, let’s go back too.” Su Ping and Jiang Weilan also stood up.

Lu Qiu was drunk and was unwilling to leave, so Luo Jia took the elevator upstairs with the two girls.

Their rooms were next to each other. Luo Jia opened the door, said good night to them both, and fell asleep in a daze after entering the room.

Luo Jia really admired Lu Qiu. After drinking so much wine last night, this Inner Mongolian girl was still full of energy when she woke up the next day. Walking along the West Lake, she was always at the forefront.

On the contrary, Jiang Lei yawned again and again, his whole body was slack, and he looked like he needed a few skewers of roasted kidneys to replenish his vitality.

Although this season is a bit cold and not suitable for traveling, my mother fulfilled her vow and donated some money in the temple.

The young people are full of firepower, they are not afraid of the chill, and they have a great time playing.

In short, everyone was satisfied during the three-day self-driving tour.

Back in Shanghai, everyone bid farewell to each other, Jiang Lei and the others went to school, while Luo Jia returned to Baoshan base and started to prepare.

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