Technological Supremacy Chapter 91: Siege of the city

On December 8th, according to the scheduled plan, the battle of photoresists started in full swing.

Xinyang, Boyue, Ruihong, Kechuang, and the four major domestic manufacturers took the lead in distributing goods, and the first wave of offensives hit the domestic market.

As a semiconductor consumable, the war in the photoresist industry is completely different from the rhythm of the mobile phone industry.

After all, photoresist has no way of advertising and marketing, let alone a new product launch conference. Ordinary consumers will never know the existence of this war.

However, within the technology circle, the news that the four major domestic manufacturers began to release goods was like a depth bomb, quickly attracting everyone’s attention.

After all, this is photoresist, a typical high-tech product. Without photoresist, no chip can be made. It is the lifeblood of the semiconductor industry and the display industry.

Moreover, this is the first time in history that Chinese manufacturers have entered the upstream of semiconductors in a large scale.

All of a sudden, the number of people online in major professional forums skyrocketed, and everyone was nervously waiting for news.

“SMIC has officially received the supply from the four major manufacturers and is testing it!”

“BOE also received it, and the lab is working overtime tonight!”

Netizens working in major semiconductor factories or panel factories began to report the situation to the onlookers. Whenever there was a new news, there would be a frenzy of comments on the forum.

For products that have really reached the peak level of the technology industry, there has never been a second way other than relying on performance and price.

It is useless to use the brand of domestic products. If the performance is not up to standard, SMIC will not buy even a ton of products. In this field, it is all about strength!

“China Star Optoelectronics has received the goods!”

“Yangtze River Storage has started testing!”

“Minnan Jinhua starts testing!”

As more and more latest news came, the major forums were completely blown up.

Although Star Technology, which everyone is most concerned about, has not officially entered the market, the four major photoresist factories have already taken the lead. In just one day, all domestic factories that use photoresist have all arrived.

After the arrival of the goods, it is the on-line inspection, which is the key part. If the test performance meets the standard, domestic manufacturers are happy to make domestic replacements.

The four major domestic manufacturers are different from Xingchen Technology. They have mature production lines and labor, and there is no cost problem. They are even lower than foreign manufacturers and have an advantage in price.

In the next week, domestic semiconductor people feel as happy as Chinese New Year.

The test results show that the performance of the six grades of photoresist produced by the four major factories is not weaker than that of imported products, and even in some technical indicators, the price is better than imported products.

According to business logic, even if the test passes, it is impossible to replace the imported goods on the production line with domestic ones in such a short period of time.

But there are exceptions to everything. Domestic manufacturers can’t find a reason not to support domestic products, so they have signed supply contracts with the four major photoresist manufacturers.

The timing is also a coincidence. Usually, the supply of such high-precision raw materials requires a contract to be signed in advance. The validity period of the contract is as long as one or two years, and as short as one quarter.

The delivery time of the four major factories is just at the end of the year, the old contract is coming to an end, and the new contract has not yet been signed.

More and more good news is coming. Led by SMIC and BOE, domestic customers who use photoresist have signed supply contracts for the next year with the four major domestic manufacturers headed by Xinyang.

Although it has been expected for a long time that domestic manufacturers will definitely support domestic photoresists, such good news has come one after another, which still makes the domestic technology circle crazy excited.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. The four major manufacturers tried to enter the international market after completing the domestic distribution of goods, but in the international market, they all suffered disastrous failures.

Even if the price is slightly lower than that of the international giants, foreign manufacturers are still unwilling to replace the neon products they are using with products from China.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Taiwan United Microelectronics, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, etc., all of which are major manufacturers in the Gulf Province, all said that they should be more cautious when changing suppliers, follow the process, and conduct small-batch trials first.

Their prudence is understandable. After all, domestic manufacturers have no experience in global supply before, and they didn’t say it dead.

The Korean manufacturers who responded most violently, such as Samsung, LG, and Hynix, said that even if they died, they would not use photoresist produced in China. In the field of photoresist, they only use Products of Don Jin Chemical and LG Chem.

Although the attempt to enter the international market has been thwarted, in any case, the country has at least fully blossomed, and colleagues in the technology circle are still very proud.

The only thing that puzzled them was, where did they go, Xingchen Technology, the instigator of this war?

Santa Clara, California, USA.

When An Ran and Zhang Dongning came here, it was already December 20th, western time in the United States, and Christmas would be a few days away. The streets were decorated with lights, and the entrances of major technology companies were lit up one after another. up Christmas tree.

The only downside to the festive atmosphere is that there is no snow or reindeer pulling sleighs in California.

An Ran and Zhang Dongning rented a Lincoln car at the airport. They didn’t even go to the hotel to store their luggage, and they came directly to Silicon Valley.

For this place, An Ran is revisiting his hometown. He had been an intern in Silicon Valley for a period of time, and he also received invitations from many world-renowned companies. However, in the end, he chose to return to China.

Thinking about it now, that may have been the wisest decision in An Ran’s life. He met Sha Zhan and Gu two deans introduced him to Luo Jia as soon as he returned to China.

With the mentality of giving it a try, An Ran started to do it. Today, he is already Luo Jia’s right-hand man, a number one figure in the domestic and global technology circles.

The car stopped in the parking lot, An Ran pointed to a white building several hundred meters away, and said to Zhang Dongning, “Look, that’s AMD’s headquarters, the building on the right is Nvidia, and the parking lot under our feet, Belongs to Intel Corporation.”

Zhang Dongning was slightly stunned, “These three companies are deadly rivals. They are so close that they can see each other in the office!”

An Ran smiled, “This is Silicon Valley, the flagship of the global high-tech industry. Where we stand, there are more than 40,000 high-tech companies. The GDP created by Santa Clara alone accounts for the entire 4.7 percent of the United States.”

“The average age of the people living here is only 29 years old, but it is the place with the most millionaires in the world, and every square kilometer of land here can create an output value of 80.5 billion!”

Zhang Dongning was surprised at first, and then he became excited, “According to what you said, today is a memorable day. After all, this is the first time since our company was founded, from the eastern part of China to the headquarters of the technology industry. !”

An Ran laughed loudly, he and Zhang Dongning walked side by side, and came outside Intel’s global headquarters, but were stopped by two fat black guards.

Perhaps because Christmas is approaching, they are wearing blue police uniforms, with Colt pistols in their waists, but red Santa hats on their heads.

“Gentlemen, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?” The guard stopped An Ran and Zhang Dongning.

“Please inform Mr. Seg Horton that Huaxia Xingchen Technology is visiting.” An Ran replied in proficient English.

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